Popular Post ghost911 Posted March 6, 2019 Popular Post Posted March 6, 2019 (edited) I create purebasic language functions similar to autolt I let the members of the furom improve the concept with a beginning of idea I included some functions it works very well for the moment I let you modify and give your ideas thank add in your purebasic source code (IncludeFile "AutoitCoding.PB") and program as on autolt it remains full of function to program the concept is to improve the languages remain similar AutoIt Code : 415 kb with UPX Interpreted Language expandcollapse popup$Time=TimerInit() MsgBox (16,"Autoit",StringIsDigit ("123a")) MsgBox (16,"Autoit",StringIsDigit ("123")) $VarBin=StringToBinary("Hello") MsgBox (64,"Autoit",@Hour) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",@TempDir) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",$VarBin) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",BinaryToString($VarBin)) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringLen ("bonjour")) MsgBox (1,"Autoit",@DesktopCommonDir) MsgBox (2,"Autoit",@ProgramFilesDir) Sleep (1000) MsgBox (3,"Autoit",FileGetSize("test.pb")) MsgBox (4,"Autoit",Random (1,10,1)) $Variable=FileGetSize("test.pb") MsgBox (0,"Autoit",$Variable) ;InetGet ("https://jardinage.lemonde.fr/images/dossiers/2018-07/language-chat-170054.jpg","image.jpg") MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringReplace ("Hella","a","o")) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringTrimLeft ("Hello",1)) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringTrimRight("Hello",1)) If FileExists ("test.pb") Then MsgBox(0,"Title","the file exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Title","the file does not exist") EndIf MsgBox(0,"Autoit",FileGetTime ("UPX.exe",1,1)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",FileGetTime ("UPX.exe",1,1)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",FileGetVersion("UPX.exe")) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",TimerDiff($Time)) If IsAdmin() Then MsgBox(0,"Autoit", "IsAdmin You are administrator !.") Else MsgBox(0,"Autoit", "IsAdmin You are not administrator !.") EndIf MsgBox(0,"Autoit",String (10)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",Ping ("google.fr")) ;################## StringSplit $Split = StringSplit("ABC*DEFG*JKL","*") MsgBox(0,"Autoit",$Split[1]) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",$Split[2]) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",$Split[3]) ;################## StringSplit IniWrite("setup3.ini", "General", "Title", "AutoIt") $inivar= IniRead("setup3.ini", "General", "Title",Default) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",$inivar) PureBasic Code : Executable Size : 12 kb with UPX Real Compiler ( Your source code is secure ) expandcollapse popupIncludeFile "AutoitCoding.PB" ;MsgBox (16,"Autoit",StringIsDigit ("123a")) ;StringIs.PB be sure to activate it in AutoitCoding.PB this increases the size of the executable ;MsgBox (16,"Autoit",StringIsDigit ("123")) ;StringIs.PB be sure to activate it in AutoitCoding.PB this increases the size of the executable ;InetGet ("https://jardinage.lemonde.fr/images/dossiers/2018-07/language-chat-170054.jpg","image.jpg") ; InetFonctions be sure to activate it in AutoitCoding.PB this increases the size of the executable ;##################Mouse Dim xy (1) MouseGetPos (xy()) Debug "Pos : X : "+xy(0)+" Y : "+xy(1) Debug WinGetHandle ("Notepad") ;################## ProcessList Dim ProcessName.s(1) ; Create array Dim PID.s(1) ; Create array ProcessList (ProcessName (),PID ()) MsgBox(0,"Autoit","ProcessName: "+ProcessName(10)+" YourPID: "+PID (10)) ;################## ProcessList For i = 0 To ArraySize (ProcessName ()) Debug ProcessName (i)+" PID : "+ PID (i) Next MsgBox (0,"Autoit",ProcessorArch ()) Time$=TimerInit() VarBin$=StringToBinary("Hello") MsgBox (0,"Autoit",ComSpec ()) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",GetCPUName ()) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",CpuSerialNumber ()) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",AutoItVersion ()) MsgBox (64,"Autoit","Hello"+CRLF ()+"Hello") MsgBox (64,"Autoit",Hours ()) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",TempDir ()) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",VarBin$) MsgBox (64,"Autoit",BinaryToString(VarBin$)) MsgBox (48,"Autoit",StringLenS ("bonjour")) MsgBox (1,"Autoit",DesktopCommonDir ()) MsgBox (2,"Autoit",ProgramFilesDir ()) Sleep (1000) MsgBox (3,"Autoit",FileGetSize("test.pb")) MsgBox (4,"Autoit",Randoms (1,10)) Variable$=FileGetSize("test.pb") MsgBox (0,"Autoit",Variable$) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringReplace ("Hella","a","o")) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringTrimLeft ("Hello",1)) MsgBox (0,"Autoit",StringTrimRight("Hello",1)) If FileExists ("test.pb") MsgBox(0,"Autoit","the file exist") Else MsgBox(0,"Autoit","the file does not exist") EndIf MsgBox(0,"Autoit",FileGetTime ("UPX.exe",1,"%mm/%dd/%yyyy %hh:%ii:%ss")) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",FileGetTime ("UPX.exe",1,"%hh:%ii:%ss")) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",FileGetVersion("UPX.exe",#FV_FileVersion)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",TimerDiff(Time$)) If IsAdmin() MsgBox(0,"Autoit", "IsAdmin You are administrator !.") Else MsgBox(0,"Autoit", "IsAdmin You are not administrator !.") EndIf MsgBox(0,"Autoit",String(10)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",Ping ("google.fr")) iLife = 42 If IsNumber(iLife) MsgBox(0, "", "Is Number") Else MsgBox(0, "", "Is not Number") EndIf ;################## StringSplit Dim Split.s(1) ; Create array StringSplit (split(), "ABC*DEFG*JKL", "*") MsgBox(0,"Autoit",Split(0)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",Split(1)) MsgBox(0,"Autoit",Split(2)) ;################## StringSplit IniWrite("setup3.ini", "General", "Title", "AutoIt") inivar$= IniRead("setup3.ini", "General", "Title") MsgBox (0,"Autoit",inivar$) ;Bonus Function MsgBox(0,"Autoit",HostNameToIp ("google.fr")) there is a slight difference but nothing important I am counting on you to improve the project and add functions ! ( Disadvantage purebasic is paying you can not have all ) Functions compatible : Msgbox Sleep FileGetSize ClipPut ClipGet Randoms DirCopy DirCreate DirRemove StringReplace StringLen Add Fonctions : (11/03/2019) StringTrimLeft StringTrimRight FileCopy FileMove StringUpper StringLower Add Fonctions : (12/03/2019) StringIsFloat StringIsAlpha StringIsDigit StringReverse BinaryToString StringToBinary FileExists Msgbox ADD : MB_ICONERROR = 16 MB_ICONQUESTION = 32 MB_ICONWARNING = 48 MB_ICONINFORMATION=64 You can control the size of the executable Division of executable size by 10 ( 119 kb to 12 kb) ( I separated the functions in several file activated if necessary ) ;IncludeFile "FonctionsIncludes\StringIs.PB" I separated the functions into several activated files If necessary remove ;IncludeFile "FonctionsIncludes\InetFonctions.PB" ; I separated the functions into several activated files If necessary remove Add Functions: (20/03/2019) String IsAdmin TimerDiff (thank @JiBe) TimerInit (thank @JiBe) Ping FileGetVersion add : #FV_FileVersion #FV_FileDescription #FV_LegalCopyright #FV_InternalName #FV_OriginalFilename #FV_ProductName #FV_ProductVersion #FV_CompanyName #FV_LegalTrademarks #FV_SpecialBuild #FV_PrivateBuild #FV_Comments #FV_Language FileGetTime Flag : 0 Last modified (default) 1 Created 2 Last accessed Msgbox ADD : MB_DEFBUTTON2 = 256 Flag MB_DEFBUTTON3 = 512 Flag MB_DEFBUTTON4 = 768 Flag MB_SYSTEMMODAL = 4096 Flag MB_TASKMODAL = 8192 Flag MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY = 131072 Flag MB_RIGHT = 524288 Flag MB_RTLREADING = 1048576 Flag MB_SETFOREGROUND = 65536 Flag MB_TOPMOST = 262144 Flag MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION = 2097152 Flag Bonus Functions : HostNameToIp Add Functions: (22/03/2019) ----------------------- ADD Macros : (thank @AZJIO) DesktopCommonDir () MyDocumentsDir () ProgramFilesDir () ScriptFullPath () ScriptName () ScriptDir () ----------------------- OSVersions () Add Functions: (26/03/2019) ----------------------- ADD Macros : TempDir () Hours () Min () Sec () MDAY () MON () Years () LF () CR () CRLF () ----------------------- Functions: Floor Ceiling Stringlen ( Update :Return Number) StringlenS (Temporary function asks for reflection) Add Functions: 06/04/2019 Macro : AutoItVersion () ; it's for fun haha SystemDir () UserProfileDir () AppDataDir () ComSpec () ; Bug fixed UserName () LogonServer () HomeShare () HomeDrive () HomePath () HomeDrive () LocalAppDataDir () UserProfilDir () Bonus Macro : ProcessorsThreadNumber () Functions : Change of procedure in macro (optimization) Optimization of msgbox Fix a constant messagebox Beep StringSplit ( thank @AZJIO ) FileGetAttrib Bonus features : CpuSerialNumber() GetCPUName() Add Functions: 16/04/2019 Optimization UserName () Optimization CpuName () change of the name of the function GetCpuName () ProcessList () : Return PID Return ProcessName ProcessClose (); PID or ProcessName IniWrite () IniRead () Macro : ProcessorArch () DesktopHeights () DesktopWidths () DesktopRefresh () DesktopDepths () AutoItX64 () Add Functions: 19/04/2019 Functions: ( THANK @AZJIO ) IniDelete () DriveGetType() DriveGetLabel() DriveGetSerial() DriveSpaceFree() DriveSpaceTotal() DriveGetFileSystem() Add Functions: 30/04/2019 Minor bug fixes : DriveGetLabel() fixed function thank AZJIO DriveGetFileSystem() fixed function thank AZJIO ADD Functions : BlockInput () thank AZJIO FileGetShortName() FileGetLongName() MouseGetPos () WinGetHandle () Sqrt () Add Functions: 23/05/2019 ProcessExists () ClosePID () IniReadSectionNames() WinWait ();2 in 1 finds the same handle with a title or a partial text WinExists ();2 in 1 finds the same handle with a title or a partial text WinWaitClose ();2 in 1 finds the same handle with a title or a partial text WinWaitActive ();2 in 1 finds the same handle with a title or a partial text WinGetProcess ();2 in 1 finds the same handle with a title or a partial text HandleToHex ();x86 management Imitate autoit HexToHandle () ADD Macro : ScriptDir () Complete rewrite of functions with optimization : ProcessList () ProcessClose () WinGetHandle () Delete function : CountProcess () FileGetSize () ;Old function All the old function are put in the OldFonctions.pb file Add Fonctions : (18/07/2019) WinMinimizeAll() Winkill ();title or a partial text SearchHandle ();Bonus function to simplify your life look for the handle of a window with a title or a text patiel WinSetStade ();title or a partial text or Handle #SW_HIDE = 0 #SW_SHOW = 5 #SW_MINIMIZE = 6 #SW_MAXIMIZE = 3 #SW_RESTORE = 9 #SW_DISABLE = 4 #SW_ENABLE = 1 WinActive () Title or Handle WinList (); With the zero flag you can see the invisible windows and the flag 1 for visible windows more simplify than the original Default option : VisibleWindow = 1 WinSetTitle () Title or Handle Update : WinExists () Handle Management WinGetProcess () Handle Management Add Fonctions : (09/04/2020) IsHWnd (Return 0 or 1) PixelGetColor (x,y) WinSetTrans ;title or a partial text 0 To 255 Optimization of the msgbox function smaller and faster code (old msgbox function put in oldfunction.pb) Msgbox Fix minors bug MouseMoveSpeed Function under construction MouseClick Function under construction HibernateAllowed() Suspend() ShutdownPrivilege() Shutdown (Flag) #SD_LOGOFF=0 #SD_SHUTDOWN=1 #SD_REBOOT=2 #SD_FORCE=4 #SD_POWERDOWN=8 #SD_FORCEHUNG=16 #SD_STANDBY=32 #SD_HIBERNATE=64 ProcessSetPriority (Process.s, priority) #PROCESS_LOW =0 #PROCESS_BELOWNORMAL =1 #PROCESS_NORMAL =2 #PROCESS_ABOVENORMAL =3 #PROCESS_HIGH =4 #PROCESS_REALTIME =5 EnvSet () EnvGet () FileRecycleEmpty() add file in GuiExampleAutoitCoding (Hybrid Code) example method for window GuiExampleAutoitCoding (Hybrid Code) update files start of code to convert autoit to pb in construction Add Fonctions : (01/12/2022) #PB_OS_Windows_11 code upgrade OSVersion() WinActivate(hWnd) adding a new function thank @AZJIO #MB_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION1 I changed the name not compatible with purebasic 6 I added a 1 (msgbox) DriveGetLabel bugfix for version 6 of purebasic DriveGetFileSystem bugfix for version 6 of purebasic ProcessorArch () optimization of the function and addition of flag for Purebasic 6 ARM64 ARM ProcessorArch () the old function is moved to the file Old Functions.pb ProcessorArch () bug fixed stack has been corrupted ProcessorArch () add to file Example.pb InitNetwork remove Deprecated function HostNameToIp optimization of the function and addition of flag 0 HostNameToIp the old function is moved to the file Old Functions.pb Ping () optimization of the function and addition of flag and timeout Ping () fix minor bug flag 0 return ping flag 1 return PingStatus also returns errors 1 = Host disconnected 2 = Host unreachable 3 = Wrong destination 4 = Other errors flag 2 return DataSize timeout = 4000 like the original the setting support written web address and ip address (www.google.com or Ping () the old function is moved to the file Old Functions.pb remove ExampleGui I moved the files in the same folder it is more manageable Add Fonctions : (05/09/2024) New Functions Added: DllOpen Implemented a new function DllCall Implemented a new function DllClose Implemented a new function iniWrite: Implemented a new function for writing to INI files. iniRead: Introduced a revised version of the basic function for reading INI files. CpuIdentifier() Combine some values to create a pseudo-unique identifier Function Rewrite: iniDelete: Updated the iniDelete function to enhance management of sections and keys. Ping improve performance Compatibility improved PureBasic 6.11 LTS Legacy Code Management: Moved obsolete functions to Oldfunctions.pb to streamline current codebase. Moved Macro Username to Oldfunctions.pb Moved Macro Blockinput to Oldfunctions.pb Bug fix : (05/09/2024) Bug fix : corrected IniRead procedure to return string instead of numeric value Update : (05/12/2024) FileGetVersion: bug fix pointer IniReadSection:Implemented a new function ExempleGui bug fix FileRecycleEmptyDrive : rewriting the function with return of flag 1 or 0 like autoit ;Code size optimization Reorganization and bug fix Example.pb ;added comment ;added example FileRecycleEmptyDrive Update Fonctions : (10/12/2024) WinGetClassList () ;thanks to @AZJIO I optimized and rewrote the function ;this remains an experience not yet stable and requires a lot of research because I remain an amateur developer ;added example WinGetClassList () ;IniReadSection translation of comments ;thanks to @AZJIO ;StringIsDigit new function with identical return values (fully written); ;StringIsXDigit new function with identical return values (fully written); ;added example StringIsDigit ;added example StringIsXDigit ;added MyGUICreate.pb ;Imitation of experimental windows of autoit functions with Windows API UPX official website to compress the executable : https://upx.github.io/ PureAutoitInclude.7z Edited December 10, 2024 by ghost911 Jos: Removed attachment since it contains a compiled script. Mobius, Gianni, Belini and 3 others 1 5
Earthshine Posted March 7, 2019 Posted March 7, 2019 Cool idea My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions
AZJIO Posted March 9, 2019 Posted March 9, 2019 (edited) StringSplit ( "string", "" ) If you use an empty string "" for the delimiters, each character will be returned as an element. Procedure StrToArrLetter(Array Arr.s{1}(1), String$) Protected LenStr, i LenStr = Len(String$) If LenStr ReDim Arr(LenStr - 1) PokeS(Arr(), String$, -1, #PB_String_NoZero) EndIf EndProcedure StringSplit ( "string", " " ) Procedure StrToArr(Array Arr.s(1), String$, Sep$ = " ") Protected CountSep, n CountSep = CountString(String$ , Sep$) If CountSep = 0 ReDim Arr(1) Arr(1) = String$ Else ReDim Arr(CountSep+1) For n = 1 To CountSep+1 Arr(n) = StringField(String$, n, Sep$) Next EndIf EndProcedure StringFormat ImportC "msvcrt.lib" swprintf(*s, Format.s, Param1=0, Param2=0, Param3=0, Param4=0) EndImport num1.l = 16049884 Buff.s{100} swprintf(@Buff, "%06X", num1) Debug Buff StringTrimLeft Procedure.s TrimLeft(String$, n) ;ProcedureReturn Right(String$, Len(String$) - n) ProcedureReturn Mid(String$, n+1) EndProcedure StringTrimRight Procedure.s TrimRight(String$, n) ProcedureReturn Left(String$, Len(String$) - n) EndProcedure @ScriptDir =analog= GetPathPart(ProgramFilename()) @ScriptName =analog= GetFilePart(ProgramFilename()) @ScriptFullPath =analog= ProgramFilename() @MyDocumentsDir =analog= GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Documents) @ProgramFilesDir =analog= GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Programs) @DesktopCommonDir =analog= GetUserDirectory(#PB_Directory_Desktop) Edited March 10, 2019 by AZJIO ghost911 and Trong 1 1 My other projects or all
Gianni Posted March 10, 2019 Posted March 10, 2019 On 3/6/2019 at 7:33 PM, ghost911 said: ( Disadvantage purebasic is paying you can not have all ) why did not you opt for FreeBasic instead? (https://www.freebasic.net/) Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
AZJIO Posted March 10, 2019 Posted March 10, 2019 On 3/6/2019 at 11:33 PM, ghost911 said: PureBasic Code : Executable Size : 119 kb with UPX Real Compiler ( Your source code is secure ) I think the code is not a hash sum, so it is always possible to study. He also gives commands to the OS, which means that he acts according to a scenario that the system recognizes. If you look at the functions for working with ListView, then in PureBasic there are only 15 functions, and in AutoIt3 - 150. In PureBasic, you have to write all the functions yourself. I can not write an analogue of the function _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromVar. Although there is a curve example for the old version, but I can not adapt it. Therefore, in AutoIt3 you can program, and in PureBasic, watch how other people write programs. My other projects or all
ghost911 Posted March 11, 2019 Author Posted March 11, 2019 (edited) @AZJIO thank you i will add the fonctions to the code if other members can participate @Chimp purebasic is even more complete for interfaces and richer in function Edited March 11, 2019 by ghost911
ghost911 Posted March 12, 2019 Author Posted March 12, 2019 (edited) Hello if everybody wants a real compiler we have to find solutions after most people use basic functions this could be an alternative solution after nothing is perfect ! Edited March 12, 2019 by ghost911
Mobius Posted March 13, 2019 Posted March 13, 2019 On 3/10/2019 at 9:14 AM, Chimp said: why did not you opt for FreeBasic instead? (https://www.freebasic.net/) When I last used FB I found even the most basic of compiled binaries to be pretty chunky but it was some time ago, have they optimized the compiler these days? @ghost911 Sterling work keep it up
ghost911 Posted March 13, 2019 Author Posted March 13, 2019 if the members add functions or optimize the code I would add it to several we will be more efficient
Gianni Posted March 13, 2019 Posted March 13, 2019 10 hours ago, Mobius said: When I last used FB I found even the most basic of compiled binaries to be pretty chunky but it was some time ago, have they optimized the compiler these days? .... I don't know, never done comparisons between the two (apart from the fact that one is free and the other is not), I have only seen some very speedy examples posted on this forum by @UEZ https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/185024-freebasic-graphical-examples-build-2018-07-10/ https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/190642-ascii-art-kaleidoscope/?do=findComment&comment=1368827 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
Mobius Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 16 hours ago, Chimp said: .... I don't know, never done comparisons between the two (apart from the fact that one is free and the other is not), I have only seen some very speedy examples posted on this forum by @UEZ https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/185024-freebasic-graphical-examples-build-2018-07-10/ https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/190642-ascii-art-kaleidoscope/?do=findComment&comment=1368827 ... So you are asking why the op didn't use a language for their project that you don't really use yourself, ok. No denying that both are perfectly capable languages but to eschew one over another purely based on one having a price tag and another not ... your choice I guess.
Gianni Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 2 hours ago, Mobius said: ... So you are asking why the op didn't use a language for their project that you don't really use yourself, ok. No denying that both are perfectly capable languages but to eschew one over another purely based on one having a price tag and another not ... your choice I guess. Yes, since I don't know, I've asked. I have no claims to proselytize for FreeBasic vs PureBasic. Since OP stated "( Disadvantage purebasic is paying you can not have all )" I've just asked "why did not you opt for FreeBasic instead?" I've not say "You have to use FreeBasic instead!" OP answered "purebasic is even more complete for interfaces and richer in function". That's all (sorry for the misunderstanding and the hijacking) Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt....
AZJIO Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 Time spent on learning the language and further use is hundreds of times more expensive. It takes me 3 days to work to buy PureBasic, but studying and addictive will take several months. It is more difficult to pay, as it is necessary to register on PayPal. I do not think that it is necessary to make an AutoIt3 shell for PureBasic. It is better to make a table of function analogs in order to understand with the help of which function you can do the same things. I for example know the name of the function "Sleep", but I can not find its equivalent in the PureBasic help file, because the name is different. Earthshine, Xandy, Skysnake and 1 other 4 My other projects or all
Earthshine Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 dude, we need to find you a better job.... it's probably a very nice optimized compiler/linker My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions
argumentum Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 52 minutes ago, Earthshine said: dude, we need to find you a better job nope. I agree with @AZJIO 99.9% 100%. A correlation list would be a great jump start to another language. Follow the link to my code contribution ( and other things too ). FAQ - Please Read Before Posting.
Earthshine Posted March 14, 2019 Posted March 14, 2019 i just meant we needed to get him a better paying job, lol but yeah, the list would be nice. for me, it's not hard to pick up another language when you already know a few really well. but i did cut my teeth on Color Basic that shipped with my Tandy coco, then onto C, Java, and on from there. It's a lot of the same stuff really. argumentum 1 My resources are limited. You must ask the right questions
AZJIO Posted March 15, 2019 Posted March 15, 2019 ChkDskGui (autoit + purebasic) Plugin for Notepad++ Here is what I managed to do. My other projects or all
JiBe Posted March 17, 2019 Posted March 17, 2019 TimerInit() and TimerDiff() Procedure.f TimerInit() ProcedureReturn ElapsedMilliseconds() EndProcedure Procedure.f TimerDiff(StartTime.f) ProcedureReturn (ElapsedMilliseconds() - StartTime)/1000 EndProcedure ghost911 1
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