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I've used PowerPro for years and it had a feature that let you turn an array into a menu.  It also let you know if it got a right click. I liked the right click feature because it doubled the menu item usage ie left/right on the same menu item.  I tried recreate that usage with a context menu.
With _ArrayToMenu you can pass menu items for 1 and 2 dimensional arrays. Note you can indicate sub-menu but using a -> at the end of the item.  Use a - to make a separater.
Optionally you can pass Tooltips by passing a second array. This array must have the same dimensions as the items array even if not all the elements contain tips.
The UDF returns an array with this index of row (and if submenus column), the third element is 1 if right clicked otherwise 0 and the fourth element of the array is the label of the menu item.
If the user escapes without choosing an item the the first element returns a -1.  Same thing if the user clicks on another window.
@error returns 1 if there was no array passed, 2 if the second array has different dimensions than the first.
If you use the same label in two parts of your menu you will have to distinguish them.  You can do that by additionally making sure that the selection matches the index number(s).  Note that you'll have to match the index number plus label before you match just the label because Switch will use the first match it can find.  In the example below I am using a check on which column the data is in.  If it's not in the first column then it must be the other "Beef".
Col2 > Beef
$aR = _ArrayToMenu($aM)
Switch $aR[3]
Case "Beef" and $aR[2] = 0
 Case "Beef"

On a technical note I attached the context menu to the window itself not a dummy control and I didn't use _GUICtrlMenu_TrackPopupMenu.  Instead I launched the context menu with "send shift-F10" and waited for GuiGetMsg() to give me the selection. Right click is picked up by GUIRegisterMsg WM_RBUTTONUP and Tooltips are done with GUIRegisterMsg WM_MENUSELECT. The whole thing is done with 3 functions. 

I won't tell you how long it took me to figure this out but I'll say that on one of my early attempts it had two windows running at once and one was just to recieve the right click an tell the other it got it.  Suffice it to say I'm no wiz at Autoit but I really appreciate the support the community offers and I hope someone finds this useful. BTW I wrote a script to produce 1d and 2d auotit array code from excel in case you want to model your menu in excel. Here is the link.

_ArrayToMenu() UDF

;ArrayToMenu with submenus, tooltips, rightclick and esc to close.
; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================
; Title .........: _ArrayToMenu
; AutoIt Version :
; Description ...: Show an array as a popup menu optionally with tooltips and right click.
; Author(s) .....: Rick Sharp
; ===============================================================================================================================

; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name..........: _ArrayToMenu($aArray_menu[,$aArray_tooltips])
; Description...: Display an array as a menu and return the users choice, display tooltips(optional), return right click.
; Syntax........: _ArrayToMenu($aArray_menu[,$aArray_tooltips])
; Parameters....:
; Required......: A 1d or 2d array of menu items
;                 Use a minus sign in the item to indicate a menu separator.
;                 Use -> at the end of an item to indicate a sub-menu.
; Optional......: A 1d or 2d array of tooltips. The array must use the same dimensions as the menu items array.
; Return values.: An Array
;                 $aArray[0] is index of the row (-1 if exited with no choice)
;                 $aArray[1] is index of the column
;                 $aArray[2] is 1 if right clicked
;                 $aArray[3] is the selected item (if any)
; Notes.........: If the user clicks on another window the ArrayToMenu returns as if esc were pressed.
;                 Sub-Menus are limited to 10 levels if you need more change $ahM[10]
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #VARIABLES# ===================================================================================================================
; Global $__g_iRT = 0, $__g_aTT1, $__g_ahi
; "$__g_iRT" for right click flag, "$__g_aTT1" for tips, "$__g_ahi" for index of id's in menu and tips
; ===============================================================================================================================
; #@error# ======================================================================================================================
; 1 - First parameter is Not an array
; 2 - The Menu/Items array and the Tips array are not the same number of dimensions
; ===============================================================================================================================

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GuiMenu.au3>
#include <array.au3>
#include <misc.au3>

Func _ArrayToMenu($aMenu, $att = "")
    If Not IsArray($aMenu) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1)
    Global $__g_iRT = 0
    Local $ahM[10], $iCcnt = UBound($aMenu, 2), $iRcnt = UBound($aMenu), $iRow, $iCol, $b_Esc
    If UBound($aMenu, 2) = 0 Then
        _ArrayColInsert($aMenu, 1) ;if 1d array make it 2d
    ;Prep Loop to make Menus and Sub-Menus
    $iRcnt = UBound($aMenu) ;Count of Rows/Items
    $iCcnt = UBound($aMenu, 2) ;Count of Cols/Menus

    GUIRegisterMsg($WM_RBUTTONUP, "WM_RBUTTONUP") ;handles Right Click
    If IsArray($att) Then
        If UBound($att, 2) = 0 Then _ArrayColInsert($att, 1)
        If UBound($att, 2) <> $iCcnt Or UBound($att) <> $iRcnt Then Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ;$amenu and $att not same dimensions
        Global $__g_aTT1 = $att ;added $__g_aTT1 because $att was not seen by WM_MenuSelect for tooltips
        GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MENUSELECT, "WM_MENUSELECT") ;handles tooltips

    Local $mPos = MouseGetPos()

    #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
    $hMenu = GUICreate("C_menu", 10, 10, $mPos[0], $mPos[1], $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_TOPMOST)
    #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

    ;Build Menus
    Global $__g_ahi[$iRcnt + 1][$iCcnt + 1] ;array to hold Menu Item id's
    $iMcnt = 0 ;Menu count
    $ahM[$iMcnt] = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu()

    ;if the array element is null then it falls through and nothing happens
    For $j = 0 To $iCcnt - 1 ;for each Column/Menu
        For $i = 0 To $iRcnt - 1 ;for each Row/Item
            If StringRight($aMenu[$i][$j], 2) = "->" Then ;Sub-Menu
                $aMenu[$i][$j] = StringTrimRight($aMenu[$i][$j], 2) ;remove ->
                $iMcnt += 1
                $ahM[$iMcnt] = GUICtrlCreateMenu($aMenu[$i][$j], $ahM[$j]) ;
                $__g_ahi[$i][$j] = $ahM[$iMcnt]
            ElseIf $aMenu[$i][$j] > "" Then ;Normal item
                If StringLeft($aMenu[$i][$j], 1) = "-" Then $aMenu[$i][$j] = ""
                $__g_ahi[$i][$j] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem($aMenu[$i][$j], $ahM[$j])
    Send("+{F10}") ;sends right click to open context menu

    While 1
        $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
        If $nMsg > 0 Then
            ;ConsoleWrite("nMsg= " & $nMsg & @CRLF)
            $iRow = _ArraySearch($__g_ahi, $nMsg)
            $iCol = _ArraySearch($__g_ahi, $nMsg, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $iRow, True)
        If _IsPressed("1B") = 1 Or WinActive("C_menu") = 0 Then
            $b_Esc = -1
    ;*** Done ***

    Local $aAr1[4]
    $aAr1[0] = $iRow
    $aAr1[1] = $iCol
    $aAr1[2] = $__g_iRT
    If Not $b_Esc = -1 Then
        $aAr1[3] = $aMenu[$aAr1[0]][$aAr1[1]]
        $aAr1[0] = -1
    Return $aAr1
EndFunc   ;==>_ArrayToMenu

;Check for Right Click
Func WM_RBUTTONUP($hMenu, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam)
    $__g_iRT = 1 ;Mark as rclicked
    Send("{Enter}") ;choose the item
EndFunc   ;==>WM_RBUTTONUP

Func WM_MENUSELECT($hMenu, $iMsg, $iwParam, $ilParam)
    Local $idMenu = BitAND($iwParam, 0xFFFF)
    Local $iRow, $iCol
    If $idMenu > 0 Then
        $iRow = _ArraySearch($__g_ahi, $idMenu)
        If $iRow > -1 Then
            $iCol = _ArraySearch($__g_ahi, $idMenu, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $iRow, True)
        If $iCol > -1 And $iRow > -1 And $__g_aTT1[$iRow][$iCol] > " " Then

Example 1 Simple 1d array with tooltips, item separator and right click.

#include "ArrayToMenu.au3"
;Simple 1d array with tooltips item separator and right click.

$aM = StringSplit("Zero,One,-,Two/Two_R", ",", 3) ;make an array for the menu items
$aT = StringSplit("Zero,One,-,", ",", 3) ;make an array for the menu Tooltips

$aR = _ArrayToMenu($aM,$aT)

if @error then
    ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("R: " & $aR[0] & " " & "C: " & $aR[1] & " " & "Rclick: " & $aR[2] & " " & "Item: " & $aR[3]   & @CRLF)

If $aR[0] = -1 Then ;either hit escape or clicked on another window
    ConsoleWrite("Esc" & @CRLF)
Switch $aR[3]
    Case "Zero"
    Case "One"
    Case "Two/Two_R" And $aR[2] = 0 ;No Rclick
    Case "Two/Two_R" And $aR[2] = 1 ;Rclick

Func Zero()
    ConsoleWrite("You chose: Zero" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Zero

Func One()
    ConsoleWrite("You chose: One" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>One

Func Two()
    ConsoleWrite("You chose: Two" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Two

Func Two_R()
    ConsoleWrite("You chose: Two_R" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Two_R

Example 2 2d array with sub-menu

#include "ArrayToMenu.au3"
;2d array with a sub-menu
dim $aM[4][2] = [["Beef", "Orange"], ["Pork", "Apple"], ["Chicken", "Grape"], ["Fruit->", ""]]
;Note you don't need a tooltip for every item but you at least need a place holder in the array
dim $aT[4][2] = [["Red Meat", "Fruit"], ["Other white meat", "Fruit"], ["White meat", "Fruit"], ["", ""]]

$aR = _ArrayToMenu($aM,$aT)

if @error Then
    ConsoleWrite(@error & @CRLF)

If $aR[0] = -1 Then
    ConsoleWrite("Esc" & @CRLF)

ConsoleWrite("R: " & $aR[0] & " " & "C: " & $aR[1] & " " & "Rclick: " & $aR[2] & " " & "Item: " & $aR[3]   & @CRLF)

Switch $aR[3]
    Case "Beef"
    Case "Pork"
    Case "Chicken"
    Case "Orange"
        ConsoleWrite("Oranges are good for you!" & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite("Oranges" & " $aR[0] = " & $aR[0] & " $aR[1] = " & $aR[1]  & @CRLF)
    Case "Apple"
        ConsoleWrite("Apples are good for you!" & @CRLF)
    Case "Grape"
        ConsoleWrite("Grapes are good for you!" & @CRLF)

Func Beef()
    ConsoleWrite("Beef" & " $aR[0] = " & $aR[0] & " $aR[1] = " & $aR[1]  & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Beef

Func Pork()
    ConsoleWrite("Pork" & " $aR[0] = " & $aR[0] & " $aR[1] = " & $aR[1] & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Pork

Func Chicken()
    ConsoleWrite("Chicken" & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>Chicken


Edited by wolflake

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