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I am writing some GUI and i need to use images as buttons, but with text on them (text is from INI file).

Part with button looks like this:

$ankieta1 = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtAnk1, 100,350,765,164)
        GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 22, 800, -1, "Arial")
        $hImageBtn_1 = _GUIImageList_Create(765, 164)
        _GUIImageList_AddBitmap($hImageBtn_1, "c:\path\to\ankieta_clean.bmp")
        _GUICtrlButton_SetImageList($ankieta1, $hImageBtn_1, 4)
        GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "On_Ankieta1")

The problem - if i uncomment GUICtrlSetColor, color of text changes, but button is just plain gray (no image). How i can change text color not touching image on a button here?


It's been a while but I don't think you can change the text of buttons that use a bitmap. You can add text to the bitmap before you set it to the button, like UEZ does in this topic


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