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Posted (edited)

The original UDF is Metro UDF v5.1

Recently, I have added new function to handle similar like SplashTextOn

Func _Metro_SplashTextScreen($Flag, $Title = "", $Text = "", $mWidth = 600, $Fontsize = 11, $ParentGUI = "")
    Local $msgbDPI = _HighDPICheck()
    Local $SplashScreen_Form
    $iMsg = $Text

    If $Flag = 1 Then
        If $HIGHDPI_SUPPORT Then
            $mWidth = Round($mWidth * $gDPI)
            $Fontsize = ($Fontsize / $Font_DPI_Ratio)

        Local $LabelSize = _StringSize($Text, $Fontsize, 400, 0, "Arial", $mWidth - (30 * $msgbDPI))
        Local $mHeight = 120 + ($LabelSize[3] / $msgbDPI)
        $SplashScreen_Form = _Metro_CreateGUI($Title, $mWidth / $msgbDPI, $mHeight, -1, -1, False, $ParentGUI)

        GUICtrlCreateLabel(" " & $Title, 2 * $msgbDPI, 2 * $msgbDPI, $mWidth - (4 * $msgbDPI), 30 * $msgbDPI, 0x0200, 0x00100000)
        GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, _AlterBrightness($GUIThemeColor, 30))
        GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $FontThemeColor)
        _GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 600, 0, "Arial", 5)
        $iLableID = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Text, 15 * $msgbDPI, 50 * $msgbDPI, "", $LabelSize[3], -1, 0x00100000)
        GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUIThemeColor)
        GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $FontThemeColor)
        GUICtrlSetFont(-1, $Fontsize, 400, 0, "Arial", 5)

        Return SetError(1, 0, "")
    ElseIf $Flag = 0 Then
        Return SetError(1, 0, "")
        Return SetError(0, "", "Error: Invalid flag value")
EndFunc   ;==>_Metro_SplashTextScreen

Then I call it from my main application I got error display when exited. It didn't got any impact to the result, but just wondering why it show this error.
This error only appear when my main application trigger this function, but not from my test application to trigger this function.

Test application at here: Test Application


This is the function code where trigger the error.


Func _iMExit()
    For $i_HR = 0 To UBound($iGUI_LIST) - 1 Step +1
EndFunc   ;==>_iMExit


Func _Metro_GUIDelete($GUI)
    GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI) ;To prevent visible delay when the gui is being deleted
    _WinAPI_RemoveWindowSubclass($GUI, $m_pDll, 1010)

    ;Remove from Global GUI List
    Local $CLEANED_GUI_LIST[0]
    For $i_HR = 0 To UBound($iGUI_LIST) - 1 Step +1
        If $iGUI_LIST[$i_HR][0] <> $GUI Then
            ReDim $CLEANED_GUI_LIST[UBound($CLEANED_GUI_LIST) + 1][16]
            For $i_Hx = 0 To 11 Step +1
                $CLEANED_GUI_LIST[UBound($CLEANED_GUI_LIST) - 1][$i_Hx] = $iGUI_LIST[$i_HR][$i_Hx]

;~  _ReduceMemory()
EndFunc   ;==>_Metro_GUIDelete

Any idea what is going on?

Because before this, I also got create another input function just for password purpose. (Duplicate & similar to _Metro_InputBox)
But it didn't got any error display on console when exited.

Edited by gahhon
Posted (edited)

Probably the problem is in the first code that you posted. You're declaring the LOCAL var "$SplashScreen_Form", so you enter in a if-condition, if the flag is "1" you create the GUI, elseif you're deleting it!?! why? you didin't created anything, why are you deleting? You maybe thought use this function more than once, but when you declare a local variable you lose the id value of the _Metro_CreateGUI, you should store it in a global var.

Edited by x_bennY
5 minutes ago, x_bennY said:

Probably the problem is in the first code that you posted. You're declaring the LOCAL var "$SplashScreen_Form", so you enter in a if-condition, if the flag is "1" you create the GUI, elseif you're deleting it!?! why? you didin't created anything, why are you deleting?

You got the point. I should declare the $SplashScreen_Form as GLOBAL instead.
Now the issue is fixed. Thanks.

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