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Posted (edited)

I am trying to wait for a pop up in IE with the title of "filed". I believe it is in a IE-frame.  I am not having any luck attaching to it. The best thing I have been able to do is find the title using the below code. 

Is there a way I can just make AutoIt wait until it finds the  "Filed" value from the below code?

Thank you for any help, I am probably making this harder then it really is. 

$oIE = _IEAttach("Meditech")

$oInputs1 = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "div")
   For  $oInput1 in $oInputs1
   If StringStripWS($oInput1.innertext,1) = "Filed" Then
     $target = $oInput1
      $target = "NOT FOUND"

I have tried different variations of


WinWaitActive("MEDITECH", "Filed")

Here is what the popup looks like.


Edited by SkysLastChance
adding more detail

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott


Hey Subz,

Thank you for the response, I know it is not from the page behind. When the popup is not there and I run the script I get the "NOT FOUND." prompt. 


This seems to be working for the time being. However, I know it is not ideal. 

   $oIE = _IEAttach("Meditech")

   Sleep (5000)

   $oInputs1 = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "div")
   For  $oInput1 in $oInputs1
   If StringStripWS($oInput1.innertext,1) = "Reinstate selected accounts?" Then
     $target = $oInput1
      $target = "NOT FOUND"

Until $target <> "NOT FOUND"


You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. -Wayne Gretzky -Michael Scott

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