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I forgot an important and needed aspect of my code. I need to be able to check for people who work every other week. Is it possible to write the dates that they work (every other week) between two date ranges? 

Example:  Bob Smith has a Start date of 8-26-2018 (that is the date he is hired) And He stops working on 12-12-18 (that's the day he goes on vacation or whatever) However his work shift is every other Saturday from 7:30 AM to 6:00 Pm.  I need to calculate every other Saturday between 8-26-18 and 12-12-18 (is this clear?)


here is the code I have so far. I am just missing this last part:

; Step 7
Func SendData()

    ; Sends all collected data to the Excel file in correct order for Upload
    MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Scheduler_Bot", "Sending Data", 2)

    ; Loop Counters
    $LoopCount   = 0
    $Array_Index = 0
    $DayIndex    = 0
    $dataIndex   = 0

    ; Counter for the day of the week
    Local $dCount = 2

    ; Counter for the numbers of Ys
    Local $yesCount = 0

    ; Excel Write Counter (VERY IMPORTANT!)
    Local $EWriteCount = 2

    ; Declare the global shift arrays (Sunday - Saturday)
    Global $ShiftDaySU[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayM[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayT[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayW[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayR[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayF[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayS[100][600]
    Global $sDates[400]

    While $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex] <> $Formatted_Names[$IndexRows] ; $LoopCount < $IndexRows

        $ACounter = 0 ; Array counter

        ; Gets the Start date from the array
        $Temp = $StartDate[$Array_Index]
        $TempStart = StringLeft($Temp, 8)
        $StartTempYear  = StringLeft($TempStart, 4)
        $StartTempMonth = StringMid($TempStart, 5, 2)
        $StartTempDay   = StringRight($TempStart, 2)

        ; Gets the End date from the array
        $Temp = $EndDate[$Array_Index]
        $TempEnd = StringLeft($Temp, 8)
        $EndTempYear  = StringLeft($TempEnd, 4)
        $EndTempMonth = StringMid($TempEnd, 5, 2)
        $EndTempDay   = StringRight($TempEnd, 2)

        ; The starting date (in value form)
        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($StartTempYear, $StartTempMonth, $StartTempDay)    ;_DateToDayValue(2019,1,9)
        ;ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "$start date  " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

        ; The ending date (in value form)
        $edate = _DateToDayValue($EndTempYear, $EndTempMonth, $EndTempDay)          ;_DateToDayValue(2019,4,9)
        ;ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "$end date  " & $edate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

        ; Variables for readability
        Local $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay

        ;Stores what day of the week that shift lands on
        Local $tSU = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "I" & $dCount)
            If $tSU = "Y" Then
                $yesCount = 1
        Local $tM  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "J" & $dCount)
            If $tM = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tT  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "K" & $dCount)
            If $tT = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tW  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "L" & $dCount)
            If $tW = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tR  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "M" & $dCount)
            If $tR = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tF  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "N" & $dCount)
            If $tF = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tS  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "O" & $dCount)
            If $tS = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1

        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tSU & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tM & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tT & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tW & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tR & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tF & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tS & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF)

        ; Check to see if they work every other week
        Local $rotationWeek  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "U" & $dCount)
            If $rotationWeek = "0" Then
                ; Do nothing
                If $rotationWeek = 1
                    ; Do something
                Else ; $rotationWeek = 2
                    ; Do something

        Local $repeatWeek  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "V" & $dCount)
            If $rotationWeek = "0" Then
                ; Do nothing
                If $rotationWeek = 1
                    ; Do something
                Else ; $rotationWeek = 2
                    ; Do something

        While $yesCount > 0

            If $tSU = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 1 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDaySU[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDaySU[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "SU " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Sunday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tSU = "N"

            ElseIf $tM = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 2 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDayM[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayM[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "M " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Monday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tM = "N"

            ElseIf $tT = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 3 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDayT[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayT[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "T " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Tuesday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tT = "N"

            ElseIf $tW = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 4 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDayW[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayW[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "W " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Wednesday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tW = "N"

            ElseIf $tR = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 5 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDayR[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayR[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "R " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Thursday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tR = "N"

            ElseIf $tF = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 6 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDayF[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayF[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "F " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Friday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tF = "N"

            ElseIf $tS = "Y" Then
                For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                    _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                    ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                    If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 7 Then
                        $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                        $ShiftDayS[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayS[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Name
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Start Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send End Time
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Hours
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Work Group
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Department
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Supervisor
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                        ; Send Notes
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                        ; Send Shift Number
                        $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                        _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "S " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                        $ACounter    += 1
                        $EWriteCount += 1

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Saturday  " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                $yesCount -= 1
                $tS = "N"

                ;Error Nothing equals "Y"
                ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Error Nothing equals 'Y'" & @CRLF)

            $DayIndex    += 1
            $LoopCount   += 1


        $Array_Index += 1
        $dataIndex   += 1
        $dCount      += 1


    MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Scheduler_Bot", "Finished Sending Data", 2)



Edited by nooneclose

I figured it out here is a good chunk of the finished code:

#include <Array.au3>                                ; Allows arrays
#include <date.au3>                                 ; Allows Date functions
#include <Misc.au3>                                 ; Allows the "is pressed" function to be used
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>                      ; Allows message box to be used
#include <Excel.au3>                                ; Allows Excel functions
#include <File.au3>                                 ; Allows file manipulation
#include <Word.au3>                                 ; Allows certain word functions
#include <Constants.au3>                            ; Allows constants to be used
#include <StaticConstants.au3>                      ; Allows static constants
#include "ExtMsgBox.au3"                            ; Allows custom MsgBoxs

Global $WeekASunday                                 ; First Sunday of the Semester always week A
Global $WeekAMonday                                 ; First Monday of the Semester always week A
Global $WeekATuesday                                ; First Tuesday of the Semester always week A
Global $WeekAWednesday                              ; First Wednesday of the Semester always week A
Global $WeekAThursday                               ; First Thursday of the Semester always week A
Global $WeekAFriday                                 ; First Friday of the Semester always week A
Global $WeekASaturday                               ; First Saturday of the Semester always week A
Global $modResult = 9999999                         ; Is what the name suggests / Given crazy numbr for a reason - see line 1027-1833

Global $today = _NowDate()                          ; Gets todays (current) date

; Step 7
Func SendData()

    ; Sends all collected data to the Excel file in correct order for Upload
    MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Scheduler_Bot", "Sending Data", 2)

    ; Loop Counters
    $LoopCount   = 0
    $Array_Index = 0
    $DayIndex    = 0
    $dataIndex   = 0

    ; Counter for the day of the week
    Local $dCount = 2

    ; Counter for the numbers of Ys
    Local $yesCount = 0

    ; Excel Write Counter (VERY IMPORTANT!)
    Local $EWriteCount = 2

    ; Declare the global shift arrays (Sunday - Saturday)
    Global $ShiftDaySU[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayM[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayT[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayW[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayR[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayF[100][600]
    Global $ShiftDayS[100][600]
    Global $sDates[400]

    While $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex] <> $Formatted_Names[$IndexRows] ; $LoopCount < $IndexRows

        $ACounter = 0 ; Array counter

        ; Gets the Start date from the array
        $Temp = $StartDate[$Array_Index]
        $TempStart = StringLeft($Temp, 8)
        $StartTempYear  = StringLeft($TempStart, 4)
        $StartTempMonth = StringMid($TempStart, 5, 2)
        $StartTempDay   = StringRight($TempStart, 2)

        ; Gets the End date from the array
        $Temp = $EndDate[$Array_Index]
        $TempEnd = StringLeft($Temp, 8)
        $EndTempYear  = StringLeft($TempEnd, 4)
        $EndTempMonth = StringMid($TempEnd, 5, 2)
        $EndTempDay   = StringRight($TempEnd, 2)

        ; The starting date (in value form)
        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($StartTempYear, $StartTempMonth, $StartTempDay)    ;_DateToDayValue(2019,1,9)
        ;ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "$start date  " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

        ; The ending date (in value form)
        $edate = _DateToDayValue($EndTempYear, $EndTempMonth, $EndTempDay)          ;_DateToDayValue(2019,4,9)
        ;ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "$end date  " & $edate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

        ; Variables for readability
        Local $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay

        ;Stores what day of the week that shift lands on
        Local $tSU = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "I" & $dCount)
            If $tSU = "Y" Then
                $yesCount = 1
        Local $tM  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "J" & $dCount)
            If $tM = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tT  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "K" & $dCount)
            If $tT = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tW  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "L" & $dCount)
            If $tW = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tR  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "M" & $dCount)
            If $tR = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tF  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "N" & $dCount)
            If $tF = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1
        Local $tS  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "O" & $dCount)
            If $tS = "Y" Then
                $yesCount += 1

        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tSU & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tM & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tT & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tW & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tR & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tF & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite($tS & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF)

        ; Check to see if they work every other week
        Local $rotationWeek  = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "U" & $dCount)
        Local $repeatWeek    = _Excel_RangeRead($OpenWorkbook, Default, "V" & $dCount)

        While $yesCount > 0

            If $tSU = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 1 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDaySU[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDaySU[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "SU " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Sunday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tSU = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 1 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Sunday " & $WeekASunday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekASunday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1

            ElseIf $tM = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 2 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDayM[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayM[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "M " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Monday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tM = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 2 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Monday " & $WeekAMonday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekAMonday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1

            ElseIf $tT = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 3 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDayT[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayT[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "T " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Tuesday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tT = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 3 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Tuesday " & $WeekATuesday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekATuesday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1

            ElseIf $tW = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 4 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDayW[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayW[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "W " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Wednesday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tW = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 4 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Wednesday " & $WeekAWednesday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekAWednesday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1

            ElseIf $tR = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 5 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDayR[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayR[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "R " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Thursday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tR = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 5 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Thursday " & $WeekAThursday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekAThursday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1

            ElseIf $tF = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 6 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDayF[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayF[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "F " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Friday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tF = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 6 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Friday " & $WeekAFriday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekAFriday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1

            ElseIf $tS = "Y" Then
                If $repeatWeek = 1 Then
                    Local $MainLoopCount = 0
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        ; Send appropriate Work Shift dates $rotationWeek
                        ; Week A Shift
                        If $modResult = 0 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 1
                        ; Week B Shift
                        ElseIf $modResult <> 0 And $modResult <> 9999999 And $MainLoopCount >= 1 Then
                            $Index += 2

                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)
                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 7 Then
                            $Temp = $iYear & "-" & $iMonth & "-" & $iDay & "T" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "000"
                            $ShiftDayS[$ACounter][$DayIndex] = $Temp
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $ShiftDayS[$ACounter][$DayIndex], "AI" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Name
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Formatted_Names[$dataIndex], "AA" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Start Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $StartTimes[$dataIndex], "AB" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send End Time
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $EndTimes[$dataIndex], "AC" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Hours
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $HoursWorked[$dataIndex], "AD" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Work Group
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkGroup[$dataIndex], "AE" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Department
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkDepartment, "AF" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Supervisor
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $Supervisors[$dataIndex], "AG" & $EWriteCount)
                            ; Send Notes
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, $WorkNotes[$dataIndex], "AH" & $EWriteCount)

                            ; Send Shift Number
                            $tempStime = StringReplace($StartTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            $tempEtime = StringReplace($EndTimes[$dataIndex], ":", "")
                            _Excel_RangeWrite($OpenWorkbook, $OpenWorkbook.ActiveSheet, "S " & $tempStime & "-" & $tempEtime, "AJ" & $EWriteCount)

                            $ACounter    += 1
                            $EWriteCount += 1

                            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "In Main loop: Saturday " & $Temp & @CRLF)


                        $MainLoopCount += 1


                    $yesCount -= 1
                    $tS = "N"
                    $modResult = 9999999
                    Local $LoopCount = 0
                    ; Get first potential work day
                    For $Index = $sdate To $edate
                        _DayValueToDate($Index, $iYear, $iMonth, $iDay)
                        ; Finds the day based on its numerical value (1 = Sunday)

                        If _DateToDayOfWeek($iYear, $iMonth, $iDay) = 7 Then
                            $TempFirstShift = $iYear & "/" & $iMonth & "/" & $iDay & " " & "00" & ":" & "00" & ":" & "00"

                        ; Makes sure the For loop only loops once
                        If $LoopCount = 7 Then ExitLoop
                        $LoopCount += 1

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Week A Saturday " & $WeekASaturday & @CRLF)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Potential first shift " & $TempFirstShift & @CRLF)

                    ; Use _Datediff
                    Local $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('D', $WeekASaturday, $TempFirstShift)

                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Difference in days is " & $iDateCalc & @CRLF)

                    ; Use Mod
                    $modResult = Mod($iDateCalc, 14)
                    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Mod Result " & $modResult & @CRLF)

                    ; check to see if it is suppose to be week a or week b
                    If $rotationWeek = 1 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Keep going as planned
                    ElseIf $rotationWeek = 2 And $modResult = 0 Then
                        ; Something strange is in the neighborhood
                        $TempDateHolder = _DateAdd('d', 7, $TempFirstShift)

                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Correct First Shift " & $TempDateHolder & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Start date " & $sdate & @CRLF)

                        $tempStartDate = StringReplace($TempDateHolder, "/", "")

                        ; Gets the Start date from the array
                        $TempSD = $tempStartDate
                        $Temp_Start = StringLeft($TempSD, 8)
                        $Start_TempYear  = StringLeft($Temp_Start, 4)
                        $Start_TempMonth = StringMid($Temp_Start, 5, 2)
                        $Start_TempDay   = StringRight($Temp_Start, 2)

                        $sdate = _DateToDayValue($Start_TempYear, $Start_TempMonth, $Start_TempDay)
                        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & @CRLF & "Start date After change " & $sdate & @CRLF & @CRLF)

                    ; Set repeat week = 1 so the main loop will send the new dates
                    $repeatWeek = 1
                ;Error Nothing equals "Y"
                ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Error Nothing equals 'Y'" & @CRLF)

            $DayIndex    += 1
            $LoopCount   += 1


        $Array_Index += 1
        $dataIndex   += 1
        $dCount      += 1


    MsgBox($MB_ICONINFORMATION, "Scheduler_Bot", "Finished Sending Data", 2)



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