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At work we have some proprietary website, users have to login to.
I have "made" an autoit executable to start IE, go the website, login, so the user do not have input their credentials every time.
By NDA I am not allowed disclosed the URL of the website nor the login credentials;)

So I made a fake website and an autoitscript to illustrate my question.

#include <ie.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate ("about:blank", 0, 1, 1, 1)
$HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
WinActivate  ($HWND,"")
WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)

_IENavigate ($oIE, "http://demo.rkilinc.nl",1)

The above start my demo website. The actual website has some links in the footer that I do not want most people click on.
I contacted the developers of the website and they are thinking of making an option to configure what links to show in the footer, but they said it's not a high priority for them.


I discovered, that by click F12 and deleting the <footer> element the footer is delete from the live page view (until the page is reloaded off course)
I want to automate the removal of the footer, without using things like send().

I tried getting the footer with _IEGetObjById and deleting it with _IEAction, but that didn't work.

Does any one has an idea how I could delete the footer directly from view with an autoit script?

TIA, Jem.



2019-01-10 23_43_42-Boxus - Html Responsive One Page Template - Internet Explorer.png


deleting with IEAction should be the way to do it, or maybe try setting invisible with IEAction.

sometimes if the final webpage was a redirect from what you put in IENavigate then you have to call IEAttach before you can change interact with it.

If @error Then
    MsgBox(262192, "", @ComputerName & " slaps " & @UserName & " around a bit with a large trout!")

"Yeah yeah yeah patience, how long will that take?"  -Ed Gruberman

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