BigDaddyO Posted January 3, 2019 Posted January 3, 2019 I have had a need for quite a while to redact sensitive information in screenshots before sending them off to 3rd party auditors. Previously I have done this by using HP UFT which has built in ocr to find the text, and then pass that to my AutoIt script to redact that information and take the screenshot. Using Tesseract and the UDF provided by seangriffin as a great starting point I was able to finally incorporate all of this into just AutoIt. This requires the Tesseract v3.0.5+ as it uses the tsv option. I wrote this using v4.0.0 which is available here I’ve never needed to use OCR to find text to click on but if you just want to use this for that, then the array returned by _TesseractFindCoords() will provide that. For some reason ScITE refreshes the screen a lot while running which can delete the redaction so it’s best to have ScITE on a different screen than what Explorer will open on when running this example. Run Script, Pick 1 or more files in a single folder then click Open. The script will then ShellExecute to open that selected folder and a screenshot will be taken. OCR will be performed and the selected files will be redacted, then a screenshot will be taken of that redacted screen. The redacted screenshot will then be displayed. The main functions that I’d love some feedback on are the _TesseractCaptureText() and _TesseractFindCoords(). Also, If you know of a way to prevent refreshes from deleting the _WinAPI_DrawLine in the Redaction I’d love to hear it, though it doesn’t seem to be a problem when I run as compiled. expandcollapse popup#include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> ;Required to create a unique ~temp file #include <ScreenCapture.au3> ;Required to capture image Global $aOCR_IMG_ORI ;Global Var that will store the location of the image that was taken to perform OCR on Global $tesseract_temp_path = @TempDir & "\" ;Location of the image that is taken, and the .tsv file that is generated from that Global $tesseract_path = @ScriptDir & "\Tesseract-OCR\" ;Need to have the Tesseract-OCR folder in the sub-folder of the script thats running Global $sPath, $aFileName ;For this example, you will browse to a folder and select a file. that files name will be the text to search for ; That files location will then be opened in Windows Explorer and OCR will be performed on that to find the file within that folder ; Note: file name must be visible to find so pick a folder without too many files or file names that are longer than can be displayed ;Pick file(s) to OCR find within Explorer $sFile = FileOpenDialog("Pick a file", @ScriptDir, "All (*.*)", 4) $aFiles = StringSplit($sFile, "|") If $aFiles[0] > 1 Then ;Multiple files were selected. ;[1] will contain the folder ;[2]+ will contain the individual files Global $aFileName[$aFiles[0] - 1] $sPath = $aFiles[1] & "\" For $i = 2 to $aFiles[0] $aFileName[$i - 2] = $aFiles[$i] Next Else ;Only 1 file was selected, split it up into parts so the array will be setup same as if multiple files were selected Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension $aPathSplit = _PathSplit($sFile, $sDrive, $sDir, $sFileName, $sExtension) $sPath = $sDrive & $sDir Global $aFileName[1] = [$sFileName & $sExtension] EndIf SplashTextOn("MyOCR_Example", "This can take a few minutes..." & @CRLF & "Opening Location", 500, 40, 0, 0) ShellExecute($sPath, "open") WinWaitActive("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", StringLeft($sPath, StringLen($sPath) - 1), 15) ;Wait until WinExplorer is opened ControlSetText("MyOCR_Example", "", "Static1", "Found WinExplorer") ;Capture all text from the main area of Windows Explorer ControlSetText("MyOCR_Example", "", "Static1", "Getting all text") $aTSV = _TesseractCaptureText("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", "", "[CLASS:DirectUIHWND; INSTANCE:3]", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) ;Capture text from the explorer item within windows explorer ;From the captured text, find what we are looking for ;Must not do anything that would cause screen refreshes in the loop or before taking screenshot as that can erase redaction, ControlSetText in SplashText can break it too... For $i = 0 to UBound($aFileName) - 1 $sFileName = StringLeft($aFileName[$i], StringInStr($aFileName[$i], ".", 0, -1) - 1) ;Strip off the Extension since some systems hide extensions ConsoleWrite("Looking for " & $sFileName) $aCoords = _TesseractFindCoords($aTSV, $sFileName, 0, 1, 2) ;Returns x,y,w,h of requested text ConsoleWrite(@TAB & "Drawing a black line from " & $aOCR_IMG_ORI[0] + $aCoords[0] & "," & $aOCR_IMG_ORI[1] + $aCoords[1] & " to " & $aCoords[2] & "," & $aCoords[3] & @CRLF) _Redact($aOCR_IMG_ORI[0] + $aCoords[0], $aOCR_IMG_ORI[1] + $aCoords[1], $aCoords[2], $aCoords[3], 0x000000) ;Black out/Redact the selected text Next ;Now that everything is redacted, take the screenshot $hwnd2 = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", "", "[CLASS:DirectUIHWND; INSTANCE:3]") _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd(@ScriptDir & "\Redacted.jpg", $hwnd2) MsgBox(0, "", "Redacted" & @CRLF & "Click OK to display screenshot") ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\Redacted.jpg") ;=============================================================================== ; Name...........: _TesseractFindCoords() ; Description ...: Retreives the Coordinates for specific text from the text returned by a Tesseract OCR TSV function ; Syntax.........: _TesseractFindCoords($aTSV, $sFind, $iFindType = 0, $iMatch = 1) ; Parameters ....: $aTSV - Array returned from one of the _Tesseract-CapturePOS() functions ; $sFind - String value of the text to find, spacing will be ignored as Tesseract seperates array by words ignoring spaces. ; $iFindType - How to search for the text ; 0 = Contains anywhere (StringInStr) (default) ; 1 = Starts with (StringLeft) ; 2 = Ends with (StringRight) ; 3 = Exact Match (=) ; $iMatch - If multiple matches may exist, which of them do we want to return ; 1 = Return the first one we find (default) ; -1 = Return the last one we find ; # = Return the # item that we find ; $scale - This must be the same scale as used in the _TesseractCaptureText() function as it will be used to adjust the coordinates ; ; 2nd to last Column = conf. Confidence % that it's actually the word, may want to incorporate this as an additional option ; ; Return values .: On Success - Returns an array of coordinates for the matched text. ; On Failure - Sets @error, returns empty array ; ; Author ........: BigDaddyO ; Modified.......: ; ; Remarks .......: Array returned from the _TesseractCaptureText() functions contains the text and their location ; This function finds the $sFind text within that array. ; Note: All text from the image is broken down into individual words, so if the $sFind contains any spaces then it will ; be split up into an array itself and will be matched as concurrent items in the array. ; The Coordinates of each word are then added together to make coords for a single box including calculated space width ; ; Related .......: Requires Tesseract 3.05+ to use TSV commandline option ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ;========================================================================================== Func _TesseractFindCoords($aTSV, $sTextToFind, $iFindType = 0, $iMatch = 1, $scale = 2) If $iMatch = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("Error, $iMatch 0 is not valid" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1) EndIf local $aCoords[4] ;Create the array that will store the coordinates Local $iFoundCount = 0 $sTextToFind = StringStripWS($sTextToFind, 7) ;Remove any Trailing, leading, or double spaces so it will split and match up properly If $sTextToFind = "" Then ConsoleWrite("Error, the $sTextToFind is empty" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, $aCoords) EndIf If IsArray($aTSV) = 0 Then ConsoleWrite("Error, $aTSV is not an array" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, $aCoords) EndIf If UBound($aTSV, 2) <> 12 Then ConsoleWrite("OCR Text array size = ([" & UBound($aTSV) & "][" & UBound($aTSV, 2) & "]), does not match the expected [#][12]. Ensure you have the $tsv flag set to 1 in the _TesseractCaptureText() Function" & @CRLF) Return SetError(2, 0, $aCoords) EndIf $aSearchText = StringSplit($sTextToFind, " ") ;Split up the $sTextToFind into individual words as Tesseract stores them Switch $iFindType Case 0 ;Looks anywhere for the word/sentence to start and end, words within a sentence must be exact For $i = 1 to UBound($aTSV) - 1 ;Search the contents of the OCR text array If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then ;This is a sentence, not just a word, so ensure this ends with the first word, not just InStr If StringRight($aTSV[$i][11], StringLen($aSearchText[1])) <> $aSearchText[1] Then ContinueLoop ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf Else ;Looking for just a single word, so it could be anywhere If StringInStr($aTSV[$i][11], $aSearchText[1]) = 0 Then ContinueLoop ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf EndIf Local $aTmpCoords[4] ;Create array to store the coords until we are sure it's a full match Local $iFoundAt = $i ;Save the # we found the first word at, incase this isn't the whole sentence Local $iCount = 0 ;Used to count the current word in the search text array we are on For $t = $i to $i + ($aSearchText[0] - 1) ;Looks like this is what we want, verify everything matches. $iCount += 1 Select Case $iCount = $aSearchText[0] ;This is the last word in the text we are looking for If $iCount = 1 Then ;If this is actually the first & last then we need to save the Coords directly If StringInStr($aTSV[$t][11], $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1]) Then ;This is the first & Last word to find, so do an InStr $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the Top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the Width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the Height value into the Temp Coords array Else ContinueLoop(2) ;not found, so continue looking for full match EndIf Else ;This is the last but not the first, so we need to do a StringLeft instead of InStr to ensure the sentence is continues. If StringLeft($aTSV[$t][11], StringLen($aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1])) = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height Else ContinueLoop(2) EndIf EndIf $iFoundCount += 1 ;This is a full match, so Increase the successful match by 1 $aCoords[0] = $aTmpCoords[0] ;Save the Temp Coordinates $aCoords[1] = $aTmpCoords[1] $aCoords[2] = $aTmpCoords[2] $aCoords[3] = $aTmpCoords[3] If $iMatch = $iFoundCount Then ;See if this is the match we want, defaults to the first match found ;If there are multiple words, need to identify how many pixels to include where the spaces should have been If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then $iSpace = $aTSV[$t][8] / StringLen($aTSV[$t][11]) ;Get width of this word, then divide by the character length to get pixels per character $sTxtOnly = StringStripWS($sTextToFind, 8) $iSpace = $aCoords[2] / StringLen($sTxtOnly) ;Divide the total width by the number of characters to get Pixels per character $aCoords[2] += ($iSpace * ($aSearchText[0] - 1)) EndIf ;Convert the coordinates to onscreen coords according to the scale $aCoords[0] = $aCoords[0] / $scale $aCoords[1] = $aCoords[1] / $scale $aCoords[2] = $aCoords[2] / $scale $aCoords[3] = $aCoords[3] / $scale Return $aCoords Else ContinueLoop(2) ;We found the full search text, but we don't want this one. EndIf Case $iCount = 1 If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then ;This is a sentence, not just a word, so ensure this ends with the first word, not just InStr If StringRight($aTSV[$t][11], StringLen($aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1])) <> $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then ContinueLoop(2) ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf Else If StringInStr($aTSV[$t][11], $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1]) = 0 Then ContinueLoop(2) ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf EndIf $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the height value into the Temp Coords array ContinueLoop ;Look for the next word Case Else ;This is a middle word in the search text, so do an = If $aTSV[$t][11] = $aSearchText[$t - $iFoundAt + 1] Then ;Leave the [0] coord as-is If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height ContinueLoop ;Possible that there is only 1 search word, so need to continue loop so the Start and End don't get triggered Else $i = $iFoundAt ContinueLoop(2) ;if we didn't find the last word in the search text, start the search over EndIf EndSelect Next Next Case 1 ;The word/sentence starts with the specified text For $i = 1 to UBound($aTSV) - 1 ;Search the contents of the OCR text array If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then ;This is a sentence, not just a word, so ensure the entire first word matches If $aTSV[$i][11] <> $aSearchText[1] Then ContinueLoop EndIf Else ;Looking for just a single word, so ensure it starts with this If StringLeft($aTSV[$i][11], StringLen($aSearchText[1])) <> $aSearchText[1] Then ContinueLoop ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf EndIf Local $aTmpCoords[4] ;Create array to store the coords until we are sure it's a full match Local $iFoundAt = $i ;Save the # we found the first word at, incase this isn't the whole sentence Local $iCount = 0 ;Used to count the current word in the search text array we are on For $t = $i to $i + ($aSearchText[0] - 1) ;Looks like this is what we want, verify everything matches. $iCount += 1 Select Case $iCount = $aSearchText[0] ;This is the last word in the text we are looking for If $iCount = 1 Then ;If this is actually the first & last then we need to save the Coords directly If StringLeft($aTSV[$i][11], StringLen($aSearchText[1])) = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then ;This is the first & Last word to find, so ensure it starts with $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the Top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the Width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the Height value into the Temp Coords array Else ContinueLoop(2) ;not found, so continue looking for full match EndIf Else ;This is the last but not the first, so we need to do a StringLeft to ensure the sentence is continues. If StringLeft($aTSV[$t][11], StringLen($aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1])) = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height Else ContinueLoop(2) EndIf EndIf $iFoundCount += 1 ;This is a full match, so Increase the successful match by 1 $aCoords[0] = $aTmpCoords[0] ;Save the Temp Coordinates $aCoords[1] = $aTmpCoords[1] $aCoords[2] = $aTmpCoords[2] $aCoords[3] = $aTmpCoords[3] If $iMatch = $iFoundCount Then ;See if this is the match we want, defaults to the first match found ;If there are multiple words, need to identify how many pixels to include where the spaces should have been If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then $iSpace = $aTSV[$t][8] / StringLen($aTSV[$t][11]) ;Get width of this word, then divide by the character length to get pixels per character $sTxtOnly = StringStripWS($sTextToFind, 8) $iSpace = $aCoords[2] / StringLen($sTxtOnly) ;Divide the total width by the number of characters to get Pixels per character $aCoords[2] += ($iSpace * ($aSearchText[0] - 1)) EndIf ;Convert the coordinates to onscreen coords according to the scale $aCoords[0] = $aCoords[0] / $scale $aCoords[1] = $aCoords[1] / $scale $aCoords[2] = $aCoords[2] / $scale $aCoords[3] = $aCoords[3] / $scale Return $aCoords Else ContinueLoop(2) ;We found the full search text, but we don't want this one. EndIf Case $iCount = 1 If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then ;This is a sentence, not just a word, so ensure this matches the first word exactly If $aTSV[$t][11] <> $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then ContinueLoop(2) ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf Else If StringLeft($aTSV[$t][11], StringLen($aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1])) <> $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then ContinueLoop(2) ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf EndIf $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the height value into the Temp Coords array ContinueLoop ;Look for the next word Case Else ;This is a middle word in the search text, so do an = If $aTSV[$t][11] = $aSearchText[$t - $iFoundAt + 1] Then ;Leave the [0] coord as-is If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height ContinueLoop ;Possible that there is only 1 search word, so need to continue loop so the Start and End don't get triggered Else $i = $iFoundAt ContinueLoop(2) ;if we didn't find the last word in the search text, start the search over EndIf EndSelect Next Next Case 2 ;The word/sentence ends with the specified text For $i = 1 to UBound($aTSV) - 1 ;Search the contents of the OCR text array If StringRight($aTSV[$i][11], StringLen($aSearchText[1])) <> $aSearchText[1] Then ;Ensure the first word is the last part ContinueLoop ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf Local $aTmpCoords[4] ;Create array to store the coords until we are sure it's a full match Local $iFoundAt = $i ;Save the # we found the first word at, incase this isn't the whole sentence Local $iCount = 0 ;Used to count the current word in the search text array we are on For $t = $i to $i + ($aSearchText[0] - 1) ;Looks like this is what we want, verify everything matches. $iCount += 1 Select Case $iCount = $aSearchText[0] ;This is the last word in the text we are looking for If $iCount = 1 Then ;If this is actually the first & last then we need to save the Coords directly If StringRight($aTSV[$i][11], StringLen($aSearchText[1])) = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then ;This is the first & Last word to find, so ensure it Ends with $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the Top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the Width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the Height value into the Temp Coords array Else ContinueLoop(2) ;not found, so continue looking for full match EndIf Else ;This is the last but not the first, so we need to match exact since nothing should be before or after. If $aTSV[$t][11] = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height Else ContinueLoop(2) EndIf EndIf $iFoundCount += 1 ;This is a full match, so Increase the successful match by 1 $aCoords[0] = $aTmpCoords[0] ;Save the Temp Coordinates $aCoords[1] = $aTmpCoords[1] $aCoords[2] = $aTmpCoords[2] $aCoords[3] = $aTmpCoords[3] If $iMatch = $iFoundCount Then ;See if this is the match we want, defaults to the first match found ;If there are multiple words, need to identify how many pixels to include where the spaces should have been If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then $iSpace = $aTSV[$t][8] / StringLen($aTSV[$t][11]) ;Get width of this word, then divide by the character length to get pixels per character $sTxtOnly = StringStripWS($sTextToFind, 8) $iSpace = $aCoords[2] / StringLen($sTxtOnly) ;Divide the total width by the number of characters to get Pixels per character $aCoords[2] += ($iSpace * ($aSearchText[0] - 1)) EndIf ;Convert the coordinates to onscreen coords according to the scale $aCoords[0] = $aCoords[0] / $scale $aCoords[1] = $aCoords[1] / $scale $aCoords[2] = $aCoords[2] / $scale $aCoords[3] = $aCoords[3] / $scale Return $aCoords Else ContinueLoop(2) ;We found the full search text, but we don't want this one. EndIf Case $iCount = 1 If StringRight($aTSV[$i][11], StringLen($aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1])) = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the height value into the Temp Coords array ContinueLoop ;Look for the next word Else ContinueLoop(2) EndIf Case Else ;This is a middle word in the search text, so do an = If $aTSV[$t][11] = $aSearchText[$t - $iFoundAt + 1] Then ;Leave the [0] coord as-is If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height ContinueLoop ;Possible that there is only 1 search word, so need to continue loop so the Start and End don't get triggered Else ContinueLoop(2) ;if we didn't find the last word in the search text, start the search over EndIf EndSelect Next Next Case 3 ;The word/sentence match exactly with what is specified For $i = 1 to UBound($aTSV) - 1 ;Search the contents of the OCR text array If $aTSV[$i][11] <> $aSearchText[1] Then ;Ensure the first word matches ContinueLoop ;This is not the text we are looking for EndIf Local $aTmpCoords[4] ;Create array to store the coords until we are sure it's a full match Local $iFoundAt = $i ;Save the # we found the first word at, incase this isn't the whole sentence Local $iCount = 0 ;Used to count the current word in the search text array we are on For $t = $i to $i + ($aSearchText[0] - 1) ;Looks like this is what we want, verify everything matches. $iCount += 1 Select Case $iCount = $aSearchText[0] ;This is the last word in the text we are looking for If $iCount = 1 Then ;If this is actually the first & last then we need to save the Coords directly If $aTSV[$i][11] = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then ;This is the first & Last word to find, so ensure it matches exact $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the Top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the Width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the Height value into the Temp Coords array Else ContinueLoop(2) ;not found, so continue looking for full match EndIf Else ;This is the last but not the first, so we need to match exact since nothing should be before or after. If $aTSV[$t][11] = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height Else ContinueLoop(2) EndIf EndIf $iFoundCount += 1 ;This is a full match, so Increase the successful match by 1 $aCoords[0] = $aTmpCoords[0] ;Save the Temp Coordinates $aCoords[1] = $aTmpCoords[1] $aCoords[2] = $aTmpCoords[2] $aCoords[3] = $aTmpCoords[3] If $iMatch = $iFoundCount Then ;See if this is the match we want, defaults to the first match found ;If there are multiple words, need to identify how many pixels to include where the spaces should have been If $aSearchText[0] > 1 Then $iSpace = $aTSV[$t][8] / StringLen($aTSV[$t][11]) ;Get width of this word, then divide by the character length to get pixels per character $sTxtOnly = StringStripWS($sTextToFind, 8) $iSpace = $aCoords[2] / StringLen($sTxtOnly) ;Divide the total width by the number of characters to get Pixels per character $aCoords[2] += ($iSpace * ($aSearchText[0] - 1)) EndIf ;Convert the coordinates to onscreen coords according to the scale $aCoords[0] = $aCoords[0] / $scale $aCoords[1] = $aCoords[1] / $scale $aCoords[2] = $aCoords[2] / $scale $aCoords[3] = $aCoords[3] / $scale Return $aCoords Else ContinueLoop(2) ;We found the full search text, but we don't want this one. EndIf Case $iCount = 1 If $aTSV[$i][11] = $aSearchText[($t - $iFoundAt) + 1] Then $aTmpCoords[0] = $aTSV[$t][6] ;Save the left value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Save the top value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[2] = $aTSV[$t][8] ;Save the width value into the Temp Coords array $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Save the height value into the Temp Coords array ContinueLoop ;Look for the next word Else ContinueLoop(2) EndIf Case Else ;This is a middle word in the search text, so do an = If $aTSV[$t][11] = $aSearchText[$t - $iFoundAt + 1] Then ;Leave the [0] coord as-is If $aTmpCoords[1] > $aTSV[$t][7] Then $aTmpCoords[1] = $aTSV[$t][7] ;Use the top most coord avail $aTmpCoords[2] += $aTSV[$t][8] ;Add this words width to what we already have If $aTmpCoords[3] < $aTSV[$t][9] Then $aTmpCoords[3] = $aTSV[$t][9] ;Use the value with the greatest height ContinueLoop ;Possible that there is only 1 search word, so need to continue loop so the Start and End don't get triggered Else ContinueLoop(2) ;if we didn't find the last word in the search text, start the search over EndIf EndSelect Next Next Case Else ConsoleWrite("Invalid $iFindType value" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, $aCoords) EndSwitch If $iMatch = -1 Then ;If the $iMatch = -1 then we want the last match found which should now be set to the $aCoords array, so return that $aCoords[0] = $aCoords[0] / $scale $aCoords[1] = $aCoords[1] / $scale $aCoords[2] = $aCoords[2] / $scale $aCoords[3] = $aCoords[3] / $scale Return $aCoords EndIf Return SetError(1, 0, $aCoords) ;If we got this far, then text was not found EndFunc ;_TesseractFindCoords() ; #FUNCTION# =============================================================================== ; ; Name...........: _TesseractCaptureText() ; Description ...: Captures text from a control or Window ; Syntax.........: _TesseractCaptureText($win_title, $win_text = "", $ctrl_id = "", $scale = 2, $left_indent = 0, $top_indent = 0, $right_indent = 0, $bottom_indent = 0, $tsv = 0) ; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the window to capture text from. ; $win_text - Optional: The text of the window to capture text from. ; $ctrl_id - Optional: The ID of the control to capture text from. ; The text of the window will be returned if one isn't provided. ; $scale - Optional: The scaling factor of the screenshot prior to text recognition. ; Increase this number to improve accuracy. ; The default is 2. ; $left_indent - A number of pixels to indent the capture from the ; left of the control. ; $top_indent - A number of pixels to indent the capture from the ; top of the control. ; $right_indent - A number of pixels to indent the capture from the ; right of the control. ; $bottom_indent - A number of pixels to indent the capture from the ; bottom of the control. ; $tsv - What type of return you want ; 0 = Return text in a 1D array ; 1 = Returns 2D array showing text and the exact position found within the control ; ; Return values .: On Success - Returns an array of text that was captured. Global Var ($aOCR_IMG_ORI) is the starting coord the OCR image was captured from ; On Failure - Returns an empty array. ; Author ........: seangriffin - Was origionally _TesseractControlCapture() function ; ; Modified.......: BigDaddyO - Included new ability to capture coords using $tsv (requires 3.05+) ; - Removed the dropdown and listbox stuff as they should allow their text to be pulled directly without OCR ; - Removed the Cleanup option as that wasn't compatible with the new tsv options. ; - Removed the scrolling option as it added a lot of complications and could just call this function +1 times to do the same if text not found ; ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; ;========================================================================================== Func _TesseractCaptureText($win_title, $win_text = "", $ctrl_id = "", $scale = 2, $left_indent = 0, $top_indent = 0, $right_indent = 0, $bottom_indent = 0, $tsv = 0, $Debug = 0) if Not IsDeclared($aOCR_IMG_ORI) Then Global $aOCR_IMG_ORI Local $aArray, $hwnd ; if a control ID is specified, then get it's HWND if StringCompare($ctrl_id, "") <> 0 Then $hwnd = ControlGetHandle($win_title, $win_text, $ctrl_id) EndIf ; Perform the text recognition WinActivate($win_title) $capture_filename = _TempFile($tesseract_temp_path, "~", ".tif") $ocr_filename = StringLeft($capture_filename, StringLen($capture_filename) - 4) $Capture = CaptureToTIFF($win_title, $win_text, $hwnd, $capture_filename, $scale, $left_indent, $top_indent, $right_indent, $bottom_indent) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error Capturing TIFF for OCR (" & $Capture & ")" & @CRLF) EndIf $aOCR_IMG_ORI = $Capture ConsoleWrite("Area that will be scanned for OCR: " & $Capture[0] & "," & $Capture[1] & "," & $Capture[2] & "," & $Capture[3] & @CRLF) If $tsv = 1 Then $ocr_filename_and_ext = $ocr_filename & ".tsv" ShellExecuteWait($tesseract_path & "tesseract.exe", $capture_filename & " " & $ocr_filename & " tsv", $tesseract_path, "open", @SW_HIDE) ;This will return a tab seperated file Else $ocr_filename_and_ext = $ocr_filename & ".txt" ShellExecuteWait($tesseract_path & "tesseract.exe", $capture_filename & " " & $ocr_filename, $tesseract_path, "open", @SW_HIDE) EndIf If $tsv = 1 Then _FileReadToArray($ocr_filename_and_ext, $aArray, 0, @TAB) ;Build a 2D array Else _FileReadToArray($ocr_filename_and_ext, $aArray, 0) ;This will return each line of text in a 1D array EndIf FileDelete($ocr_filename & ".*") Return $aArray EndFunc ;Draw the black line over the text we found prior to taking a screenshot ; Note, if running from ScITE consolewrites and some other things within the script can refresh the screen and delete the redactions ; Best if you can move ScITE to a different screen than the redaction is running on, or just run as compiled. Func _Redact($iX, $iY, $iWidth, $iHeight, $iColor) Local $hDC = _WinAPI_GetWindowDC(0) ;DC of entire screen (desktop) Local $hPen = _WinAPI_CreatePen($PS_SOLID, $iHeight, $iColor) ;Create a solid pen object with the color provided Local $oSelect = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hPen) ;Select the $hDC and use the $hPen for this line _WinAPI_DrawLine($hDC, $iX, $iY + ($iHeight / 2), $iX + $iWidth, $iY + ($iHeight / 2)) ;Draw the line in the middle, Pen size should cover everything _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPen) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $oSelect) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC(0, $hDC) EndFunc ;==>_WinAPI_DrawRect ; #FUNCTION# ;=============================================================================== ; ; Name...........: CaptureToTIFF() ; Description ...: Captures an image of the screen, a window or a control, and saves it to a TIFF file. ; Syntax.........: CaptureToTIFF($win_title = "", $win_text = "", $ctrl_id = "", $sOutImage = "", $scale = 1, $left_indent = 0, $top_indent = 0, $right_indent = 0, $bottom_indent = 0) ; Parameters ....: $win_title - The title of the window to capture an image of. ; $win_text - Optional: The text of the window to capture an image of. ; $ctrl_id - Optional: The ID of the control to capture an image of. ; An image of the window will be returned if one isn't provided. ; $sOutImage - The filename to store the image in. ; $scale - Optional: The scaling factor of the capture. ; $left_indent - A number of pixels to indent the screen capture from the ; left of the window or control. ; $top_indent - A number of pixels to indent the screen capture from the ; top of the window or control. ; $right_indent - A number of pixels to indent the screen capture from the ; right of the window or control. ; $bottom_indent - A number of pixels to indent the screen capture from the ; bottom of the window or control. ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: seangriffin ; Modified.......: BigDaddyO - Returns the Position of the object we are scanning for text ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; ; ;========================================================================================== Func CaptureToTIFF($win_title = "", $win_text = "", $ctrl_id = "", $sOutImage = "", $scale = 1, $left_indent = 0, $top_indent = 0, $right_indent = 0, $bottom_indent = 0) Local $hWnd, $hwnd2, $hDC, $hBMP, $hImage1, $hGraphic, $CLSID, $tParams, $pParams, $tData, $i = 0, $hImage2, $pos[4], $screenpos[4] Local $Ext = StringUpper(StringMid($sOutImage, StringInStr($sOutImage, ".", 0, -1) + 1)) Local $giTIFColorDepth = 24 Local $giTIFCompression = $GDIP_EVTCOMPRESSIONNONE ; If capturing a control if StringCompare($ctrl_id, "") <> 0 Then $hwnd2 = ControlGetHandle($win_title, $win_text, $ctrl_id) $pos = WinGetPos($hwnd2) ;WinGetPos works for controls as well if you pass the handle as the window title Else ; If capturing a window if StringCompare($win_title, "") <> 0 Then $hwnd2 = WinGetHandle($win_title, $win_text) $pos = WinGetPos($win_title, $win_text) Else ; If capturing the desktop $hwnd2 = "" $pos[0] = 0 $pos[1] = 0 $pos[2] = @DesktopWidth $pos[3] = @DesktopHeight EndIf EndIf If $pos[2] < 1 or $pos[3] < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "No Width or Height found for specified item") ; Capture an image of the window / control if IsHWnd($hwnd2) Then WinActivate($win_title, $win_text) $hBitmap2 = _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd("", $hwnd2, 0, 0, -1, -1, False) Else $hBitmap2 = _ScreenCapture_Capture("", 0, 0, -1, -1, False) EndIf _GDIPlus_Startup () ; Convert the image to a bitmap $hImage2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP ($hBitmap2) $hWnd = _WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow() $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hWnd) $hBMP = _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap($hDC, ($pos[2] * $scale) - ($right_indent * $scale), ($pos[3] * $scale) - ($bottom_indent * $scale)) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hWnd, $hDC) $hImage1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP ($hBMP) $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hImage1) _GDIPLus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hImage2, 0 - ($left_indent * $scale), 0 - ($top_indent * $scale), ($pos[2] * $scale) + $left_indent, ($pos[3] * $scale) + $top_indent) $CLSID = _GDIPlus_EncodersGetCLSID($Ext) ; Set TIFF parameters $tParams = _GDIPlus_ParamInit(2) $tData = DllStructCreate("int ColorDepth;int Compression") DllStructSetData($tData, "ColorDepth", $giTIFColorDepth) DllStructSetData($tData, "Compression", $giTIFCompression) _GDIPlus_ParamAdd($tParams, $GDIP_EPGCOLORDEPTH, 1, $GDIP_EPTLONG, DllStructGetPtr($tData, "ColorDepth")) _GDIPlus_ParamAdd($tParams, $GDIP_EPGCOMPRESSION, 1, $GDIP_EPTLONG, DllStructGetPtr($tData, "Compression")) If IsDllStruct($tParams) Then $pParams = DllStructGetPtr($tParams) ; Save TIFF and cleanup _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx($hImage1, $sOutImage, $CLSID, $pParams) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage1) _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage2) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose ($hGraphic) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hBMP) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() $pos[0] += $left_indent $pos[1] += $top_indent $pos[2] -= $left_indent - $right_indent ;Subtract the left and right indent from the overall width $pos[3] -= $top_indent - $bottom_indent ;Subtract the top and bottom indent from the overall height Return $pos ;Return the expected size of the control/window that was captured EndFunc Lion66, hendrikhe and Letraindusoir 2 1
Miliardsto Posted March 20, 2019 Posted March 20, 2019 Could it read x and y of text - Jacus ? If yes how
BigDaddyO Posted March 20, 2019 Author Posted March 20, 2019 the array returned by _TesseractFindCoords() will provide that From the sample above this line: $aCoords = _TesseractFindCoords($aTSV, $sFileName, 0, 1, 2) ;Returns x,y,w,h of requested text
Miliardsto Posted March 22, 2019 Posted March 22, 2019 On 3/20/2019 at 8:22 PM, BigDaddyO said: the array returned by _TesseractFindCoords() will provide that From the sample above this line: $aCoords = _TesseractFindCoords($aTSV, $sFileName, 0, 1, 2) ;Returns x,y,w,h of requested text Oo thank you so much I adapt process for my expectations. My windows where text is searching are only white area and black text(like in my screen above). Is there any possibilties to make it script perform faster?
BigDaddyO Posted March 22, 2019 Author Posted March 22, 2019 only way to speed it up is by reducing the size of the screenshot you are scanning. If your screen really is white with black text, perhaps you could try the pixel search first to narrow down the location of the black text. then take a smaller screenshot. Just a guess though as I've never worked with pixelsearch.
hendrikhe Posted May 10, 2019 Posted May 10, 2019 Nice thank you! Is is possible to get the text from a specific location? providing the coordinates like PixelChecksum( left, top, right, bottom ) ?
BigDaddyO Posted May 13, 2019 Author Posted May 13, 2019 you could use the indent options on CaptureToTIFF(). Left indent would be x, top indent would by Y.
viv1 Posted May 29, 2019 Posted May 29, 2019 How can it capture the text from the image in a running application (not from saved image)?
Swariwaza Posted July 15, 2019 Posted July 15, 2019 Can you write basic example script? $file, $files, $filename etc... too many parameters Earthshine and JLogan3o13 2
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted July 16, 2019 Moderators Posted July 16, 2019 (edited) @Swariwaza Have you tried running it? As it stands in the example given, you literally would just choose the file you want to do the OCR on, that's it... If you are trying to do something different with it, and running into issues, you need to explain in detail so people can help you. Edited July 16, 2019 by JLogan3o13 "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum!
Swariwaza Posted July 16, 2019 Posted July 16, 2019 3 hours ago, JLogan3o13 said: @Swariwaza Have you tried running it? As it stands in the example given, you literally would just choose the file you want to do the OCR on, that's it... If you are trying to do something different with it, and running into issues, you need to explain in detail so people can help you. when i try to run the script, it gives me this error >"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\Users\swari\Desktop\Games\Nebula UO Msi Autoit Scriptler\Diğer Scriptler\Tesseract\Test Text Location4.au3" Area that will be scanned for OCR: 218,230,902,475 Looking for BirinciSayfaError, $aTSV is not an array Drawing a black line from 218,230 to , >Exit code: 0 Time: 14.82 I think this code is the basis of the script $aTSV = _TesseractCaptureText("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", "", "[CLASS:DirectUIHWND; INSTANCE:3]", 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1) and not to be found please write a basic simple working code like this $aCoords = _TesseractFindCoords($aTSV, $sFileName, 0, 1, 2) ;Returns x,y,w,h of requested text
Developers Jos Posted July 16, 2019 Developers Posted July 16, 2019 10 minutes ago, Swariwaza said: Games\Nebula UO Msi Autoit Scriptler @Swariwaza();, Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. (there is also a link in my signature) Please read them now particularly the bit about not discussing game automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Lion66 Posted December 26, 2020 Posted December 26, 2020 I liked this work. Here I first got acquainted with the tsv option and after some changes, I was able to use it to find the position of the text for the purpose of the mouse click. Thank you.
drrehak Posted February 3, 2022 Posted February 3, 2022 I tried the code given and received this error. Any ideas? did it not find the opened explorer window? "C:\Users\drreh\Desktop\autoit\tess_find_coord.au3" (738) : ==> Subscript used on non-accessible variable.: If $pos[2] < 1 or $pos[3] < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 0, "No Width or Height found for specified item") If $pos^ ERROR >Exit code: 1 Time: 6.939
Developers Jos Posted February 3, 2022 Developers Posted February 3, 2022 The code is missing testing for success of the WInGetPos() function in this line: $pos = WinGetPos($hwnd2) So whenever it fails you get this error, SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
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