junkew Posted December 31, 2018 Posted December 31, 2018 (edited) Working on a new version of iuiautomation and uia wrappers I needed a better way of getting my interface's Concept version 0.6 to generate based on idl file an au3 file with the definitions. As allways its more complicated then I thought ;-) due to small differences in the idl files on closing braces, separating inheritance colon inconsistencies in the idl tool that generates them so most likely its better to write a lexer/parser then the search/replace I do now Alternatives typelibinspector but could not generate them all at once aiowrappergenerator was generating for aio and not for objcreateinterface based on tli interfaces / xml but seemed incomplete Known issues Enums without given constant values to be filled in manually Enum adding fix first parameter to have a $ Empty interfaces fail on _ to be replaced with "" propput and propget deal with methods with same name Must be wrapped in main function $i counting to be done differently Working on the typedef's and replacements of identifiers in the string (some are replaced) enum automatically is a long typedefs are automatically assumed an int (which is not perfect but a start) struct like POINT pt is now generated as int Testing/debugging Choices done get_ and put_ prefixing only for put_ as that will have less impact on existing scripts that do not use get_ like ControlViewWalker, Current.. properties etc. So instead of Global Const $sIID_IUIAutomationCacheRequest = "{B32A92B5-BC25-4078-9C08-D7EE95C48E03}" Global $dtagIUIAutomationCacheRequest = _ "AddProperty hresult(int);" & _ "AddPattern hresult(int);" & _ "Clone hresult(ptr*);" & _ "get_TreeScope hresult(long*);" & _ "put_TreeScope hresult(long);" & _ "get_TreeFilter hresult(ptr*);" & _ "put_TreeFilter hresult(ptr);" & _ "get_AutomationElementMode hresult(long*);" & _ "put_AutomationElementMode hresult(long);" it will be like (see for example TreeScope and put_TreeScope) Global Const $sIID_IUIAutomationCacheRequest = "{b32a92b5-bc25-4078-9c08-d7ee95c48e03}" Global $dtagIUIAutomationCacheRequest= _ "AddProperty hresult(struct);" & _ "AddPattern hresult(int);" & _ "Clone hresult(ptr*);" & _ "TreeScope hresult(long*);" & _ "put_TreeScope hresult(long);" & _ "TreeFilter hresult(ptr*);" & _ "put_TreeFilter hresult(ptr);" & _ "AutomationElementMode hresult(long*);" & _ "put_AutomationElementMode hresult(long);" Prerequisites Win 10 SDK installed at location as given in constants to have IDL file Output File with same name as idl in scriptdir with extension au3 having the definitions for OBJCreateInterface Example output expandcollapse popup;~ // ;~ // IUIAutomation ;~ // ;~[object, uuid(30cbe57d-d9d0-452a-ab13-7ac5ac4825ee), pointer_default(unique)] ;~interface IUIAutomation : IUnknown Global Const $sIID_IUIAutomation = "{30cbe57d-d9d0-452a-ab13-7ac5ac4825ee}" Global $dtag_IUIAutomation= _ "CompareElements hresult(IUIAutomationElement*el1,IUIAutomationElement*el2,int*);" & _ "CompareRuntimeIds hresult(SAFEARRAY(int)runtimeId1,SAFEARRAY(int)runtimeId2,intareSame);" & _ "GetRootElement hresult(IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "ElementFromHandle hresult(UIA_inthwnd,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "ElementFromPoint hresult(intpt,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "GetFocusedElement hresult(IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "GetRootElementBuildCache hresult(IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "ElementFromHandleBuildCache hresult(UIA_inthwnd,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "ElementFromPointBuildCache hresult(intpt,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "GetFocusedElementBuildCache hresult(IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "CreateTreeWalker hresult(IUIAutomationCondition*pCondition,IUIAutomationTreeWalker**);" & _ "ControlViewWalker hresult(IUIAutomationTreeWalker**);" & _ "ContentViewWalker hresult(IUIAutomationTreeWalker**);" & _ "RawViewWalker hresult(IUIAutomationTreeWalker**);" & _ "RawViewCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "ControlViewCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "ContentViewCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateCacheRequest hresult(IUIAutomationCacheRequest**);" & _ "CreateTrueCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateFalseCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreatePropertyCondition hresult(intpropertyId,variantvalue,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreatePropertyConditionEx hresult(intpropertyId,variantvalue,longflags,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateAndCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition*condition1,IUIAutomationCondition*condition2,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateAndConditionFromArray hresult(SAFEARRAY(IUIAutomationCondition)conditions,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateAndConditionFromNativeArray hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**conditions,intconditionCount,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateOrCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition*condition1,IUIAutomationCondition*condition2,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateOrConditionFromArray hresult(SAFEARRAY(IUIAutomationCondition)conditions,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateOrConditionFromNativeArray hresult(IUIAutomationCondition**conditions,intconditionCount,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "CreateNotCondition hresult(IUIAutomationCondition*condition,IUIAutomationCondition**);" & _ "AddAutomationEventHandler hresult(inteventId,IUIAutomationElement*element,longscope,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationEventHandler*);" & _ "RemoveAutomationEventHandler hresult(inteventId,IUIAutomationElement*element,IUIAutomationEventHandler*);" & _ "AddPropertyChangedEventHandlerNativeArray hresult(IUIAutomationElement*element,longscope,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler*handler,int*propertyArray,int);" & _ "AddPropertyChangedEventHandler hresult(IUIAutomationElement*element,longscope,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler*handler,SAFEARRAY(PROPERTYID));" & _ "RemovePropertyChangedEventHandler hresult(IUIAutomationElement*element,IUIAutomationPropertyChangedEventHandler*);" & _ "AddStructureChangedEventHandler hresult(IUIAutomationElement*element,longscope,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationStructureChangedEventHandler*);" & _ "RemoveStructureChangedEventHandler hresult(IUIAutomationElement*element,IUIAutomationStructureChangedEventHandler*);" & _ "AddFocusChangedEventHandler hresult(IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler*);" & _ "RemoveFocusChangedEventHandler hresult(IUIAutomationFocusChangedEventHandler*);" & _ "RemoveAllEventHandlers hresult);" & _ "IntNativeArrayToSafeArray hresult(int*array,intarrayCount,SAFEARRAY(int)*);" & _ "IntSafeArrayToNativeArray hresult(SAFEARRAY(int)intArray,int**array,int*);" & _ "RectTovariant hresult(intrc,variant*);" & _ "variantToRect hresult(variantvar,int*);" & _ "SafeArrayToRectNativeArray hresult(SAFEARRAY(double)rects,int**rectArray,int*);" & _ "CreateProxyFactoryEntry(IUIAutomationProxyFactory hresult*factory,IUIAutomationProxyFactoryEntry);" & _ "ProxyFactoryMapping(IUIAutomationProxyFactoryMapping hresult);" & _ "GetPropertyProgrammaticName(int hresultproperty,int*);" & _ "GetPatternProgrammaticName(int hresultpattern,int*);" & _ "PollForPotentialSupportedPatterns(IUIAutomationElement hresult*pElement,SAFEARRAY(int)*patternIds,SAFEARRAY(BSTR)patternNames);" & _ "PollForPotentialSupportedProperties(IUIAutomationElement hresult*pElement,SAFEARRAY(int)*propertyIds,SAFEARRAY(BSTR)propertyNames);" & _ "CheckNotSupported(variant hresultvalue,intisNotSupported);" & _ "ReservedNotSupportedValue(IUnknown hresult**notSupportedValue);" & _ "ReservedMixedAttributeValue(IUnknown hresult**mixedAttributeValue);" & _ "ElementFromIAccessible hresult(IAccessible*accessible,intchildId,IUIAutomationElement**);" & _ "ElementFromIAccessibleBuildCache hresult(IAccessible*accessible,intchildId,IUIAutomationCacheRequest*cacheRequest,IUIAutomationElement**);" ;~} Script expandcollapse popup#include <FileConstants.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> ;~ testit() ;~ Exit Local $IDLFolder="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17763.0\um\" Local $IDLFileName="UIAutomationClient.idl" Local $IDLFullFileName = $IDLFolder & $IDLFileName Local $IDLArray = FileReadToArray($IDLFullFileName) Local $iLineCount = @extended Local $IDLAU3FullFileName=@ScriptDir & "\" & $IDLFileName $IDLAU3FullFileName=stringreplace($IDLAU3FullFileName,".idl",".au3") If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "There was an error reading the file. @error: " & @error) ; An error occurred reading the current script file. exit EndIf Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($IDLAU3FullFileName, $FO_OVERWRITE ) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred whilst writing the new au3 file.") exit EndIf ;~TODO: Naming prefixing Global $interfaceName Global $GUID Global $i=0 while $i < $iLineCount - 1 ;~ consolewrite($i) $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] $blockType=0 if stringleft($tLine,2)="//" then $blockType=1 if stringleft($tLine,4)="cpp_" then $blockType=1 if stringleft($tLine,1)="#" then $blockType=1 if stringleft($tLine,6)="import" then $blockType=1 if stringleft($tLine,4)="midl" then $blockType=1 if $blockType=1 Then writeCommentedLine() continueloop; EndIf if stringleft($tLine,4)="enum" then $blockType=2 handleEnumBlock() EndIf if stringinstr($tLine, "module ") > 0 then $blockType=3 handleModuleBlock() EndIf if stringinstr($tLine, "[object") > 0 then $blockType=4 handleObjectBlock() EndIf if stringinstr($tLine, "interface ") > 0 then $blockType=5 handleInterfaceBlock() EndIf if $blockType=0 Then writeUnhandledLine() EndIf WEnd func writeUnhandledLine() filewriteline($hFileOpen,";~" & $tline) $i=$i+1 EndFunc func writeCommentedLine() $tLineOut=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) if $tLineOut <> "" Then $tLineOut=";~" & $tLineOut filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tLineOut) $i=$i+1 EndFunc func handleEnumBlock() writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy enum line $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy curly brace line $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] while stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) <> "};" $tPos=getPosFirstNonWhiteSpace($tLine) if ($tpos=0) or (stringmid($tLine,$tPos+1,2)="//") Then writeCommentedLine() Else $tLine=stringleft($tLine,$tPos) & "Global Const $" & stringmid($tline,$tPos+1) $tLine=stringreplace($tLine, ",","") $tLine=stringreplace($tLine, "| ","+ $") writeEnumLine() EndIf $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] WEnd EndFunc func writeEnumLine() filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tline) $i=$i+1 EndFunc func handleModuleBlock() writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy module line $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy curly brace line $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] $tValue=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) ;~ Some end with }; and some with } while stringleft($tValue,1) <> "}" $tPos=getPosFirstNonWhiteSpace($tLine) if ($tpos=0) or (stringmid($tLine,$tPos+1,2)="//") Then if ($tpos=0) then $i=$i+1 ;~ Do no output Else writeCommentedLine() EndIf Else $tLine=stringreplace($tline,"const long ", "Global Const $") $tLine=stringreplace($tLine, ";","") writeModuleLine() EndIf $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] $tValue=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) WEnd writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy curly closing brace line EndFunc func writeModuleLine() filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tline) $i=$i+1 EndFunc func handleObjectBlock() writeCommentedLine() $tPos=stringinstr($tLine,"(") $tPos2=stringinstr($tLine,")") $GUID=stringmid($tLine,$tpos+1, $tPos2-1 - $tpos) ;~ consolewrite($GUID & @CRLF) EndFunc func handleInterfaceBlock() if stringright($tLine,1)=";" Then writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy Interface line its just a definition line Return EndIf writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy interface line $interfaceName=getInterfaceName() writeInterFaceLine1() $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] ;~ writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy curly brace line $i=$i+1 ;~ Do no output $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] $tValue=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) ;~ Some end with }; and some with } while stringleft($tValue,1) <> "}" $tPos=getPosFirstNonWhiteSpace($tLine) if ($tpos=0) or (stringmid($tLine,$tPos+1,2)="//") Then if ($tpos=0) then $i=$i+1 ;~ Do no output Else $i=$i+1 ;~ Do no output, AU3 does not like it in multiline strings ;~ writeCommentedLine() EndIf Else while stringright($tLine,1) <> ";" $i=$i+1 $tLine=$tLine & stringstripws($IDLArray[$i], $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) wend writeInterfaceLine() EndIf $tLine=$IDLArray[$i] $tValue=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) WEnd ;~ consolewrite($IDLArray[$i-1] & @CRLF) ;~ consolewrite($IDLArray[$i] & @CRLF) ;~ consolewrite($IDLArray[$i+1] & @CRLF) writeCommentedLine() ;~ Copy curly closing brace line EndFunc func writeInterFaceLine1() $tOutputLine="Global Const $sIID_" & getInterfaceName() & " = " $tOutputLine=$tOutputLine & """" $tOutputLine=$tOutputLine & "{" & $GUID & "}" $tOutputLine=$tOutputLine & """" filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tOutputLine) $toutputLine = "Global $dtag" & getInterfaceName() & "= _" & @CRLF filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tOutputLine) EndFunc func writeInterfaceLine() $tmpLine=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) if stringleft($tmpLine,1)="}" Then filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tmpLine) $i=$i+1 return EndIf ;~ Handle get/put properties prefix local $strPrefix="" if stringinstr($tmpLine,"[propget]")>0 then ;~ no prefix for the get as its more logical/natural in AutoIt to do it without (as oppossed to C where get_ is more logical ;~ $strPrefix="get_" ;~ consolewrite($tmpLine & @CRLF) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "[propget] ", "", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) EndIf if stringinstr($tmpLine,"[propput]")>0 then ;~ prefix for the put as it can get in conflict with the get duplicate name $strPrefix="put_" ;~ consolewrite($tmpLine & @CRLF) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "[propput] ", "", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) EndIf ; $tmpLine ="HRESULT FindAll ([in] enum TreeScope scope,[in] IUIAutomationCondition * condition, [out, retval] IUIAutomationElementArray ** found );" ;~ $tmpLine="[propget] HRESULT PropertyId ([out, retval] PROPERTYID * propertyId );" ;~ $tmpLine="HRESULT GetCurrentPropertyValue ([in] PROPERTYID propertyId,[out, retval] VARIANT * retVal);" ;~ $tmpLine="HRESULT FindAllBuildCache ([in] enum TreeScope scope,[in] IUIAutomationCondition * condition,[in] IUIAutomationCacheRequest * cacheRequest,[out, retval] IUIAutomationElementArray ** found );" $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "HRESULT", "hresult", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "VARIANT", "variant", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "BSTR", "bstr", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "BOOL", "bool", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "void", "none", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) ;~ Some where we are sure it should not be an int $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "POINT", "struct", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "PROPERTYID", "struct", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "RECT", "struct", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "UIA_HWND", "hwnd", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) ;~ Some cleanup for parsing later $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "(", " (") $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, " (", " (") $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, " );", ");") ;~ remove the pointer references for in/out parameters if stringinstr($tmpLine,"[in")>0 then $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "[propget] ", "", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "**", "SINGLESTAR") $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "*", "") $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "SINGLESTAR", "*") EndIf ;~ For out parameter we keep the pointer * if stringinstr($tmpLine,"[out")>0 then $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "[propget] ", "", 0, $STR_CASESENSE) $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "**", "SINGLESTAR") ;~ $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "*", "") $tmpLine=stringreplace($tmpLine, "SINGLESTAR", "*") EndIf $tmpLine=StringRegExpReplace($tmpLine,"[A-Z]+ ","int ") ;~ TODO: assumption full uppercase is a TYPEDEF frequently int but definitily not sure $tmpLine=StringRegExpReplace($tmpLine,"enum [A-Za-z_]+ ","long ") ;~ An enum followed by an identifier is normally a long $tmpLine=StringRegExpReplace($tmpLine,"\[.*?] "," ") ;~ [in, out] stuff followed by space we normally ignore, space we keep for separator ;~ reshuffle and remove varnames $aArray=stringsplit($tmpLine," ") if ($aArray[0] < 2) then _arraydisplay($aArray) consolewrite(stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING)) consolewrite($tmpLine) EndIf $tOutputLine= $strPrefix & $aArray[2] & " " & $aArray[1] For $j = 3 To $aArray[0] $strAppend= $aArray[$j] if (stringright($aArray[$j],1))= "," then $strAppend= ";" if (stringright($aArray[$j],1))= ";" then if $aArray[$j]<>"();" then $strAppend= ");" EndIf $strAppend=getnewtype($strAppend) $tOutputLine= $tOutputLine & $strAppend Next ;~ $tOutputLine= $tOutputLine & $aarray[$aArray[0]] $tOutputline = @TAB & """" & $tOutputLine & """" $tValue=stringstripws($IDLArray[$i+1], $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) ;~ sometimes its not just 1 line ahead for closing but 2 lines ahead if $tValue="" then $tValue=stringstripws($IDLArray[$i+2], $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) endif if (stringleft($tValue,1) <> "}") then $tOutputLine= $tOutputLine & " & _ " filewriteline($hFileOpen, $tOutputLine) $i=$i+1 EndFunc func getPosFirstNonWhiteSpace($str) Local $aArray = StringToASCIIArray($str) for $i=0 to ubound($aArray)-1 if $aArray[$i]<>32 Then return $i Next return 0 EndFunc func getInterfaceName() $tmpLine=stringstripws($tLine, $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) $tArr=stringsplit($tmpLine," ") $tName=$tarr[2] if stringright($tname,1)=":" then $tName=stringleft($tname,stringlen($tname)-1) return $tname EndFunc func testIt() ;~ $tmpline="HRESULT SetFocus ( );" ; $tmpLine ="HRESULT FindAll ([in] enum TreeScope scope,[in] IUIAutomationCondition * condition, [out, retval] IUIAutomationElementArray ** found );" $tmpLine="[propget] HRESULT PropertyId ([out, retval] PROPERTYID * propertyId );" ;~ $tmpLine="HRESULT GetCurrentPropertyValue ([in] PROPERTYID propertyId,[out, retval] VARIANT * retVal);" ;~ $tmpLine="HRESULT FindAllBuildCache ([in] enum TreeScope scope,[in] IUIAutomationCondition * condition,[in] IUIAutomationCacheRequest * cacheRequest,[out, retval] IUIAutomationElementArray ** found );" $strPrefix="" if stringinstr($tmpLine,"[propget]")>0 then $strPrefix="get_" if stringinstr($tmpLine,"[propput]")>0 then $strPrefix="put_" consolewrite($strPrefix) ;~ consolewrite($tOutputline & @CRLF) ;~ consolewrite($tmpLine) ;~ _arraydisplay($aArray) EndFunc func getNewType($str) $retVal=stringregexp($str, "[A-Za-z0-9_]+", $STR_REGEXPMATCH) ;~ if stringleft($str,"3") = "ret" then consolewrite($retVal & $str & @CRLF) if $retval=0 then return $str $tStr=$str & "," $objTypes="none,byte,boolean,short,word,ushort,int,long,bool,dword," & _ "ulong,uint,hresult,int64,uint64,ptr,hwnd,handle,float," & _ "double,int_ptr,long_ptr,lresult,lparam,uint_ptr,ulong_ptr,"& _ "dword_ptr,wparam,str,wstr,bstr,variant,idispatch,object," & _ "clsid,struct,*,**" if stringinstr($objtypes,$tstr)>0 Then return $str return "ptr" EndFunc Edited January 1, 2019 by junkew 01/01/2019 many small enhancements in script mLipok, Gianni and Earthshine 3 FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
junkew Posted April 13, 2019 Author Posted April 13, 2019 Small steps created a lexer for an idl file expandcollapse popup#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> ; Required for _ArrayDisplay() only. global const $TOKEN_OPERATOR_OPENBLOCK=1 global const $TOKEN_OPERATOR_CLOSEBLOCK=2 global const $TOKEN_IDENTIFIER=3 global const $TOKEN_KEYWORD=4 global const $TOKEN_NUMBER=5 global const $TOKEN_STRING=6 global const $TOKEN_STRING_UID=7 global const $TOKEN_SINGLECHAR=8 global const $TOKEN_COMMENT=9 global $MIDLkeywords="" & _ "aggregatable,allocate,annotate,appobject,arrays,async,async_uuid,auto_handle,bindable," & _ "Boolean,broadcast,byte,byte_count,call_as,callback,char,coclass,code,comm_status,const," & _ "context_handle,context_handle_noserialize,context_handle_serialize,control,cpp_quote," & _ "custom,decode,default,defaultbind,defaultcollelem,defaultvalue,defaultvtable," & _ "disable_consistency_check,dispinterface,displaybind,dllname,double,dual,enable_allocate," & _ "encode,endpoint,entry,enum,error_status_t,explicit_handle,fault_status,first_is,float," & _ "force_allocate,handle,handle_t,helpcontext,helpfile,helpstring,helpstringcontext,helpstringdll," & _ "hidden,hyper,id,idempotent,ignore,iid_is,immediatebind,implicit_handle,import,importlib,in,include," & _ "in_line,int,__int32,__int64,interface,last_is,lcid,length_is,library,licensed,local,long,max_is," & _ "maybe,message,midl_pragma,warning,midl_user_allocate,midl_user_free,min_is,module,ms_union,ncacn_at_dsp," & _ "ncacn_dnet_nsp,ncacn_http,ncacn_ip_tcp,ncacn_nb_ipx,ncacn_nb_nb,ncacn_nb_tcp,ncacn_np,ncacn_spx,ncacn_vns_spp," & _ "ncadg_ip_udp,ncadg_ipx,ncadg_mq,ncalrpc,nocode,nonbrowsable,noncreatable,nonextensible,notify,notify_flag," & _ "object,odl,oleautomation,optimize,optional,out,out_of_line,partial_ignore,pipe,pointer_default,pragma," & _ "propget,propput,propputref,proxy,ptr,public,range,readonly,ref,represent_as,requestedit,restricted," & _ "retval,shape,short,signed,size_is,small,source,strict_context_handle,string,struct,switch,switch_is," & _ "switch_type,transmit_as,typedef,uidefault,unique,union,unsigned,user_marshal,usesgetlasterror,uuid," & _ "v1_enum,vararg,version,void,wchar_t,wire_marshal," global $g_keywords=$MIDLkeywords global $g_value="" global $g_tokenIndex=0 global $g_tokens[2500][2] ;~ example() func example() ;~ local $test[0][2] ;~ _ArrayAdd($test, "1|AAP") ;~ _ArrayAdd($test, "2|NOOT") ;~ _ARRAYDISPLAY($test) tokenizer("This is 1234 void 0x123 " & """" & "ni ce doublequoted" & """" & " just 'more string 123 singlequoted' object<> odl a SIMPLE[] way of tokenizing();123//nice comment at the end" & @CRLF) tokenizer("cpp_quote("& """" & "// -------------------------------------------------------------" & """" & ")" & @CRLF) $testString = "struct ExtendedProperty {" & @CRLF & _ "BSTR PropertyName;" & @CRLF & _ "BSTR PropertyValue;" & @CRLF & _ "};" & @CRLF tokenizer($teststring) $testString = "typedef void * UIA_HWND;" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "[" & @CRLF & _ " uuid(944de083-8fb8-45cf-bcb7-c477acb2f897)," & @CRLF & _ " lcid(0)," & @CRLF & _ " version(1.0)," & @CRLF & _ "]" & @CRLF tokenizer($teststring) $testString = "typedef void * UIA_HWND;" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "[" & @CRLF & _ " uuid(""944de083-8fb8-45cf-bcb7-c477acb2f897"")," & @CRLF & _ " lcid(0)," & @CRLF & _ " version(1.0)," & @CRLF & _ "]" & @CRLF tokenizer($teststring) EndFunc Func _TokenAdd($tokentype, $tokenvalue) $g_value=$tokenvalue $g_tokens[$g_tokenIndex][0]=$tokenType $g_tokens[$g_tokenIndex][1]=$tokenValue $g_tokenIndex=$g_tokenIndex+1 if $g_tokenIndex >= ubound($g_tokens) Then redim $g_tokens[$g_tokenIndex+2500][2] EndIf EndFunc func tokenizer($input) local $index=0 local $lineId=1 ;~ local $tokens[0][2] ;~= ObjCreate("WIA.vector") ;~ Any array/list type would be fine local $allChars=stringregexp($input,"(?s).", $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH) ;~ include mathcing on characters CR LF ;~ local $allChars2=StringToASCIIArray($input) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($allchars) $inputLength=stringlen($input) while ($index < $inputLength) local $singleChar=$allChars[$index] ;~ Open blocks if stringinstr("[({<",$singleChar) > 0 then ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_OPERATOR_OPENCLOSE & "|" & $singleChar) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_OPERATOR_OPENBLOCK , $singleChar) $index=$index+1 ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ Whitespace if ($singleChar=" ") _ or ($singleChar=@tab) _ or ($singleChar=@cr) _ or ($singleChar=@lf) Then if ($singleChar=@lf) then $lineId=$lineId+1; EndIf $index=$index+1 ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ Comment if ($singleChar="/") Then if $allChars[$index+1]="/" Then $value="" while ($singleChar<>@CR) and ($singleChar<>@LF) $value = $value & $singleChar $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] wend ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_COMMENT & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_COMMENT , $value) $index=$index+1 ContinueLoop endif EndIf ;~ Decimal, Octal, Hex numbers if stringinstr("0123456789",$singleChar) > 0 Then $value="" while stringinstr("0123456789ABCDEFabcdefxX",$singleChar,$STR_CASESENSE) > 0 $value = $value & $singleChar $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] wend ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_NUMBER & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_NUMBER , $value) ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ string doublequoted if $singleChar="""" Then $value="" $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] while $singleChar<>"""" $value = $value & $singleChar $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] wend ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_STRING & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_STRING , $value) $index=$index+1 ;~ skip the doublequote ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ string singlequoted if $singleChar="'" Then $value="" $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] while $singleChar<>"'" $value = $value & $singleChar $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] wend ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_STRING & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_STRING , $value) $index=$index+1 ;~ skip the single quote ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ Identifier_or_keyword if stringinstr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_",$singleChar) > 0 Then $value="" while stringinstr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_",$singleChar) > 0 $value = $value & $singleChar $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] wend IF stringinstr($g_keywords,$value & ",",$STR_CASESENSE) then ;~ Handle specific keywords directly to make parsing easier if (stringlower($value)="uuid") or (stringlower($value)="async_uuid") Then $value="" $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] while $singleChar<>")" if stringinstr("0123456789abcdefABCDEF-",$singleChar) then $value = $value & $singleChar EndIf $index=$index+1 $singleChar = $allChars[$index] wend ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_STRING_UID & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_STRING_UID , $value) $index=$index+1 ;~ skip the doublequote ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_KEYWORD & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_KEYWORD , $value) Else ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_IDENTIFIER & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_IDENTIFIER , $value) EndIf ContinueLoop EndIf if stringinstr(",#;+-*/=:!.|",$singleChar) Then ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_SINGLECHAR & "|" & $value) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_SINGLECHAR , $singleChar) $index=$index+1 ContinueLoop EndIf ;~ Open Close block characters if stringinstr("])}>",$singleChar) > 0 then if $allChars[$index+1]=";" Then ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_OPERATOR_CLOSEBLOCK & "|" & $singleChar) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_OPERATOR_CLOSEBLOCK, $singleChar) $index=$index+1 $index=$index+1 ContinueLoop endif ;~ if $allChars[$index-1]="""" Then ;~ _ArrayAdd($tokens, $TOKEN_OPERATOR_CLOSEBLOCK & "|" & $singleChar) _TokenAdd($TOKEN_OPERATOR_CLOSEBLOCK, $singleChar) $index=$index+1 ContinueLoop ;~ endif EndIf ;~ unmatched stuff, should not happen consolewrite("Lexing error: " & $lineId & " :<" & $allChars[$index-5] & $allChars[$index-4] & $allChars[$index-3] & $allChars[$index-2] & $allChars[$index-1] & $singlechar & " >" & @CRLF) $index=$index+1 Wend ;~ _arraydisplay($tokens) ;~ return $tokens endFunc Earthshine 1 FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
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