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It might be worth pointing out that you can use regexps in window titles too using WinTitleMatchMode 4 and "regexp=". I don't know if that was widely known or not.

let us first rodeo-try the regexp-bulll,

I do not know if there is already a Autoit-help for this. Or any kind of Manual.

Is it not possible that somebody who understand well this new strRegExp, can correct this WikiPedia Manual, with colours and notes to show the differences (exceptions) of Autoits vs Approved-Standard version? So that we can learn something else.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression

Also To Add at the end, of this manual some top 30 samples-searches, from sTRregExp, so that we can use as necessary?,

Maybe, most of the Scripters need some help points, to begin with RegExp.

That, I copied from this topics:


Autoit.es - Foro Autoit en Español Word visitors Image Clustrmap image: - Football Spanish team - Spanish team: Casillas, Iniesta, Villa, Xavi, Puyol, Campdevilla, etc..Programando en Autoit+Html - Coding Autoit-Html - Arranca programas desde Internet - Preprocesador de Autoit a http
Posted (edited)

let us first rodeo-try the regexp-bulll,

I do not know if there is already a Autoit-help for this. Or any kind of Manual.

Is it not possible that somebody who understand well this new strRegExp, can correct this WikiPedia Manual, with colours and notes to show the differences (exceptions) of Autoits vs Approved-Standard version? So that we can learn something else.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression

Also To Add at the end, of this manual some top 30 samples-searches, from sTRregExp, so that we can use as necessary?,

Maybe, most of the Scripters need some help points, to begin with RegExp.

That, I copied from this topics:


I added in a link in StringRegExp page to the corresponding full syntax. at the end of the remak paragraph with is pointing to here

I have check again what I understand of all those docs and update again the StringRegExp doc page :lmao:

EDITED: The pointed forum page is available under the tutorial

Edited by jpm

I think of that this way: They went through 139 betas before the 3.2 was was realeased.

It might be a while :whistle:;)


When is the next release coming?

Jon is certainly on a wondeful weekend uselely he delivers on friday... :whistle:
  • Administrators
Posted (5th November, 2006) (Beta)

- Fixed: Coherency of type parameter for DLLCall() and DLLSructCreate()

- Added: IconId can be reference by ordinal value if negative 1-based index is use.

- Added: Executable and help files for SQLite in Extras dir.

- Updated: Draw lines ontop during CtrlSetGraphic rendering.

- Fixed: GuiGetCursorInfo eating msg. (Thanks BitRot)

- Fixed: Invalid THEN did not produce a syntax error. (Thanks thomasl)

- Fixed: StringMid with start <=0. (Thanks Adam1213)

- Fixed: syntax checking on unmatching DO, WEnd, .... (Thanks guest)

- Fixed: Default keyword didn't always work correctly with COM objects.

- Fixed: MsgBox() timeout regression.


- Added __StringAddComma and _StringBetween to String.au3. (SmOke_N)

- Fixed _ChooseFont. (gafrost)

- Fixed _GUICtrlStatusBarCreateProgress ;It doesn't work on simple mode statusbar

- Fixed _FileListToArray doc example. (Thanks Frank60)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators
Posted (18th November, 2006) (Beta)

- Added: Listview Alternate coloring with $GUI_BKCOLOR_LV_ALTERNATE.

- Fixed: Recent crash under Windows 98.

- Fixed: List control height when font size changes. (Thanks StuffByDennis/gafrost)

- Fixed: GUICtrlSetImage not testing icon on error.

- Fixed: @ScriptDir equal @WorkingDir for rootdir (x:\). (Thanks reggy)

- Fixed: GUIGetCursorInfo (winhandle) when child not active.

- Fixed: AutoIt error not displaying error line number. (Thanks GEOSoft)

- Fixed: Yet another MsgBox() timeout regression fixed.

- Fixed: au3check only checks for a string to terminate on the same line to. (v1.54.5)

- Fixed: _StringAddComma(). (Thanks RazerM, by Smoke_N)

- Fixed: drag & drop $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED notififation on edit control. (Thanks ZoScr)

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators
Posted (9th December, 2006) (Beta)

- Added: GuiCtrlSetState $GUI_DROPNOTACCEPTED. (Thanks gcriaco)

- Added: $GUI_FOCUS, $GUINOFOCUS for listviewitem control.

- Added: IsDllStruct()

- Added: SRandom() to set seed for random number generation.

- Added: WinTitleMatchMode for case insensitive matching.

- Changed: Small tweak to Floor() to ensure it is not as susceptible to floating point precision errors.

- Changed: Small tweak to Ceiling() to ensure it is not as susceptible to floating point precision errors.

- Fixed: WorkingDir in ShellExecute(Wait). (Thanks Saunders)

- Fixed: DllCall() crashes when using uint, ushort.

- Fixed: PixelCheckSum() GDI leak.

- Fixed: Window titles with "regexp=REGEXP" return 0 and @error=1 on bad pattern.

- Fixed: GuiCtrlRead on listview control when sorted. (Thanks Ultima, gafrost)

- Fixed: FileRecycleEmpty() regression.

- Fixed: @OSVERSION on Windows 9x.

- Fixed: GuiGetCursorInfo with Handle not retrieving mouse click info. (Thanks Valuater)



- Added _TCPIpToName to INET.AU3. (piccaso)

- Updated _ArraySearch() to Start/End/Case and Partial search.(gcriaco)

- Updated/Cleaned up/Consolidated code in the GuiListView.au3 now works with System Controls. (gafrost)

- Updated/Cleaned up/Consolidated code in GuiList.au3 (gafrost)

- Updated/Cleaned up/Consolidated code in GuiStatusBar.au3 and updated Examples.(gafrost)

- Added Memory.au3 which is used in both the above includes (gafrost)

- _GUICtrlListViewGetItemText.au3 example is now 2 examples in 1 (gafrost)

SciTE for AutoItDirections for Submitting Standard UDFs


Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.


  • 3 months later...
  • Administrators
Posted (09th March, 2007) (Beta)

- Added: Colored Button based on gafrost UDF.

- Added: x^y compatible with C99 standard.

- Added: DllStruct...() can reference elements by name.

- Added: Struct variables

- Changed: From DEFAULT_QUALITY to PROOF_QUALITY for Change/Set Font functions.

- Changed: pcre from 6.7 to 6.10.

- Fixed: HotKeySet bad notification. (Thanls litlmike)

- Fixed: FileGetAttrib on pagefil.sys. (Thanks Billy)

- Fixed: BitXOR doc. (Thanks DaveC)

- Fixed: invalid default parameter in GUICtrlSetData not detected. (Thanks mark2004)

- Fixed: Assign does return error on array element.

- Fixed: FileOpen("test.txt", 2+8) returning error.

- Fixed: Error detection in Enum statement.

- Fixed: Help file does not open examples. (Thanks HighGuy)

- Fixed: _GUICtrlStatusBarSetIcon

- Fixed: Opt("WinTitleMatchMode"). (Thanks LOULOU)

- Fixed: _Degree in Math.au3

- Updated: refresh blocked during GUISetState(@SW_LOCK). (seems needed for Windows XP style)

- Fixed: Stack corruption resulting from improper use of DllCall() now gracefully aborts the script instead of hard crashing.

- Fixed: Crash when reading empty REG_MULTI_SZ. (Thanks Holger)

- Fixed: Round() not returning an integer.

- Fixed: ControlSend() to empty "" ctrl fixed for inactive window. Also shift state behavior.

- Fixed : O^(-1).

- Fixed: non detection of illegal statement.

- Fixed: HotKeySet("^{PAUSE]",... notification.

- Fixed: {CTRLBREAK} ->{BREAK} as ctrl is user responsability.

- Fixed : _DateTimeSplit()

- Fixed: $var = Default passed as parameter to Com object. (Thanks big_daddy)

- Fixed: Edit control would always have focus the first time the GUI was displayed even if it shouldn't. This behavior also ignored $GUI_FOCUS.

- Fixed: range value for seed Number in SRandom(). (Thanks VicTT)

- Fixed: AutoIt Info last window memorization. (Thanks Supercross)

- Fixed: Fileread crash if no count in raw mode. (Thanks rbhkamal)

- Fixed: _GUICtrlEditGetLine(). (Thanks Saunders, by gafrost)

- Fixed: Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", <0) really matching case insensitive.

- Fixed: FileSetAttrib/FileSetTime wrong setting. (Thanks Koshy_John/Valik)

- Fixed: Execute/Call recursive overflow display error message. (Thanks /dev/null)

- Fixed: Aut2exe warning message if icon not found. (Thanks Saunders)

- Fixed: _ReplaceStringInFile() to keep the original file attributes.

- Fixed; issue with au3check when include file name contains trailing spaces.(Update version to 1.54.7)

- Fixed: WinGetTitle() returns 1 on error. (Thanks Ron_C)

- Fixed: memory leak on keyword variable deallocation.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators
Posted (27th March 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: Au3Info recoded.

- Changed: Improved the searches that can be done for windows/controls/instances.

- Fixed: Slow GUI tab redrawing under Windows Vista fixed.

Large amount of internal changes around the window/control code - much testing needed :whistle:

  • Administrators
Posted (29th March 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: ControlClick() can now click a control at a certain position.

- Changed: ControlClick() can now properly simulate double-clicks.

- Changed: ControlClick() no longer forces the activation of the parent window (up to the user now).

- Changed: ControlClick() related coordinates added to Au3Info.

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