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You can download from http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/files/beta/autoit/

I've uploaded the Release Candidate 2. Please test and use this as you would a release version and uninstall any beta versions first.

- Minor doc updates

- inclusion of updated IE UDFs

- Missing AutoItX .lib files added

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  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

  MadBoy said:

I've noticed that AutoUpdateIt is downloading beta rls. Is there any changelog for this yet?

If you grab the beta .zip, the changelog is in the Include folder. I'm not sure about the *setup.exe...haven't looked at that, but I'd guess it's in the same location. :whistle:



- Fixed: _SoundSeek now works with filenames. (RazerM)

- Fixed: _Sound functions work with filenames that have spaces. (RazerM)

- fixed a little bug in the version comparison procedure and updated the included SQLite dll to 3.4.0. (Piccaso)

- Change _ReplaceStringInFile() to update the original file in stead of replacing it. (JdeB)


- Added _DateToMonth UDF to Date.au3. (exodius)

- Added Optional: Handle of owner window to _ChooseColor andf ChooseFont. (gafrost)

- Added _IEGetObjByID to IE.au3 (DaleHohm)

- Fixed _IEPropertyGet() directives appversion and appminorversion (Dale Hohm)

- Fixed _IELoadWait to trap ClientDisconnected Com errors (DaleHohm)

- Fixed and enhanced web links in _IE_Introduction('basic') (DaleHohm)

- Several updates to IE.au3 documentation and examples (DaleHohm)

- Total rewrite of _ArrayDisplay with more options. (randallc)

Btw, the info on http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...&showfile=5 needs to be changed.

autoit-v3.2.3.14-beta-setup.exe is no longer the beta and the link is now 404.

Edited by earthsound

  earthsound said:

If you grab the beta .zip, the changelog is in the Include folder. I'm not sure about the *setup.exe...haven't looked at that, but I'd guess it's in the same location. :whistle:

Btw, the info on http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...&showfile=5 needs to be changed.

Thanks for the info, but it has not officially been released until someone official states that it is.

  earthsound said:

If you grab the beta .zip, the changelog is in the Include folder. I'm not sure about the *setup.exe...haven't looked at that, but I'd guess it's in the same location. :whistle:

Thanks for info.

Here is unoficial chngelog from AutoIt3.chm inside beta .zip for those interested.

  Quote (xth May 200X) (Beta)

- Added: ClassnameNN in control and summary info.

- Added: Float type to dllCall. (Thanks PaulIA)

- Added: AU3Check v1.54.8 support for both "#AutoIt3Wrapper_plugin_funcs" and "#Compiler_plugin_funcs".

- Added: Extra parameter in ProcessClose() to close Stream handles.

- Changed: GUICtrlSetImage() on Button Ctrl with id<0 coherent with icon ctrl setting.

- Changed: PCRE engine updated from 7.0 to 7.1

- Fixed: Drag and drop on a listview control after clicking on its header. (Thanks MsCreatoR)

- Fixed: Support "resource only" dlls for GUISetImage().

- Fixed: Default minimum for GUICtrlSetLimit() set to 0.

- Fixed: Z order after GUICtrlSetStyle() on edit or input control. (Thanks th.meger)

- Fixed: FileReadLine() getting bad cached data when reading specific line numbers with file handles.

- Fixed: Slight lag in GUIGetMsg() under certain circumstances.

- Fixed: StringReplace() and occurances parameter.

- Fixed: GuiCtrlSetFont() on Tab control. (Thanks Sokko)

- Fixed: Leading blanks before #include cannot be compiled.

- Fixed: Notification on ENTER on Colored button.

- Fixed: suppress delay when speed=0 in MouseMove.

- Fixed: RegWrite() setting bad registry entry. (Thanks Rick, jim404)

- Fixed: AutoIt hogging CPU when text msgbox too big. (Thanks Larry)

- Fixed: ControlSend() sometime to wrong control when using empty controlid.

- Fixed: ProcesExists() under Win2K with processname >15 chars.

- Fixed: Int() with string comparison wrong match.

- Fixed: InetGetSize() in unicode version returns 0. (Thanks koiron)

- Fixed: GUICtrlCreateListview() with more than 254 columns. (Thanks randallc)

- Fixed: AutoIt Crash on wrong recursive RegExp.

- Fixed: BitRotate() with left bit set. (Thanks Arses)

- Fixed: Filemove() returning 1 without any move. (Thanks firefly)

- Fixed: FileRead() returning chr(0) in ANSI mode.

- Fixed: Au3Info control coords relative to client.

- Fixed: StringInStr() not returniong 0 when searching backward and searh lenght greater than string.

- Fixed: AutoUpdateIT from Saunders.


- Added _IEGetObjByID to IE.au3 (DaleHohm)

- Fixed _IEPropertyGet() directives appversion and appminorversion (Dale Hohm)

- Fixed _IELoadWait to trap ClientDisconnected Com errors (DaleHohm)

- Fixed and enhanced web links in _IE_Introduction('basic') (DaleHohm)

- Several updates to IE.au3 documentation and examples (DaleHohm)

- Total rewrite of _ArrayDisplay with more options. (randallc)

- Fixed _ArrayDisplay to set the Opt("GUIOnEventMode",0) before dsiplaying the Array and changing is back before returning.

- Added Optional: Handle of owner window to _ChooseColor andf ChooseFont. (gafrost)

- Fixed _ArraytoString for array with only one element. (Thanks jonny1234)

- Fixed _SetDate in Date.au3 if daylight saving is involved.

- Fixed: bad checking of SQlite version.

- Added: CompareVersion() in Misc.au3.

- Fixed: _IsClassName doc.

  • 2 weeks later...


FYI, I have contributed some minor fixes/additions in AutoUpgradeIT.au3 here. If you find them useful, you could update the included script in the betas.


  • Administrators
Posted (29th July 2007) (Beta)

- Fixed: LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP extendedstyle. (Thanks MsCreatoR)

- Fixed: UpDown control shows through tabbed pages. (Thanks Jdop)

- Fixed: GUICtrlSetState on UPDOWN control without changing the state. (Thanks Emiel Wieldraaijer)

- Fixed: FileInstall() in compiled scripts causing GUI problems.

- Fixed: ControlGetFocus() on control not created with AutoIt GUI. (Thanks ChristL)

- Fixed: @AutoItPID and processlist coherency under Win9x.

- Fixed: GUICtrlSetResizing not returning error on non resizable control.

- Fixed: regression for ControlSend SHIFTDOWN/UP since (Thanks MHz)

- Fixed: Fileread bad return length. (Thanks RazerM)

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators
Posted (9th August 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: IconId in all GUI functions is coherent with the actual GUICtrlSetImage() for icon control.

WARNING Previous scripts using GUICtrlSetImage(), GUISetIcon(), TraySetIcon() and TraySetPauseIcon()

may display a wrong Icon. To get the same icon "if nId > 0 Then newId = - nId - 1".

- Changed: AutoIt .a3x and compiled script format. Exe2Aut will only decompile

and earlier files. The new format doesn't support decompilation.

- Fixed: GUISetState() on GUI with W=0 or H=0.

- Fixed: GUI control Tip not reappearing after a click or timeout. (Thanks MsCreatoR, anixon)

- Fixed: GUI controls not at the right position if a Control menu is in use. (Thanks Koder)

- Fixed: EnvUpdate() in UNICODE AutoIt version not working since (Thanks klasch)

- Fixed: FileRead(..., count) returning count-1 chars. (Thanks randallc)

- Fixed: Unicode filenames in FileInstall().


  Jon said: (9th August 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: IconId in all GUI functions is coherent with the actual GUICtrlSetImage() for icon control.

WARNING Previous scripts using GUICtrlSetImage(), GUISetIcon(), TraySetIcon() and TraySetPauseIcon()

may display a wrong Icon. To get the same icon "if nId > 0 Then newId = - nId - 1".

- Changed: AutoIt .a3x and compiled script format. Exe2Aut will only decompile

and earlier files. The new format doesn't support decompilation.

- Fixed: GUISetState() on GUI with W=0 or H=0.

- Fixed: GUI control Tip not reappearing after a click or timeout. (Thanks MsCreatoR, anixon)

- Fixed: GUI controls not at the right position if a Control menu is in use. (Thanks Koder)

- Fixed: EnvUpdate() in UNICODE AutoIt version not working since (Thanks klasch)

- Fixed: FileRead(..., count) returning count-1 chars. (Thanks randallc)

- Fixed: Unicode filenames in FileInstall().

This is what everyone was waiting for .. undecompilable scripts :) Nice Jon, very nice!

My little company: Evotec (PL version: Evotec)


  Jon said: (9th August 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: AutoIt .a3x and compiled script format. Exe2Aut will only decompile

and earlier files. The new format doesn't support decompilation.

Is this really Bytecode compilation (script in output EXE stored as bytecode)?

If yes how it's with speed performance?

I think bytecode version should be better in speed.

  • Administrators
Posted (11th August 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: Some speed improvements.

- Fixed: @error not set on bad WinGetPos() return. (Thanks Emiel Wieldraaijer)

- Fixed: LVM_EDITLABEL hogging cpu. (Thanks gafrost)

- Fixed: AutoIt (non UNICODE version) crash with some COM objects. (Thanks Tippex)

  • Administrators
Posted (14th August 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: Slight expression parsing speed improvement.

- Added: ControlMove() just resizing as WinMove() if X=Y=Default. (Thanks Zedna)

- Fixed: Wrong Notification on {ENTER} after clicking on a listviewItem. (Thanks randallc)

- Fixed: Wrong resetting of image on listviewitems if image set on the listview.(Thanks randallc)

- Fixed: FileselectFolder() out-of-bounds popup. (Thanks dash007)

- Fixed: Resizing of listview control. (Thanks Ultima)

  • Administrators
Posted (18th August 2007) (Beta)

- Fixed: Aut2Exe crashing on Chinese systems when running in ANSI.

- Fixed: resizing of treeview. (Thanks RazerM)

- Fixed: IE.au3 bad version. (Sorry Dale)

- Fixed: Cmdline /ErrorStdOut working with /AutoItExecuteLine.

- Fixed: Detection of no separator after keyword or function.

(Note: I've removed a StringRegExpReplace performance improvement done a while ago in preparation for implementing unicode regexps. This fix should be back in effect next beta/release).

  • Administrators
Posted (22nd August 2007) (Beta)

- Changed: More speed improvements (currently around 30-40% over

- Added: GUIGetStyle(). (Thanks Valery)

- Added: byte and ubyte type to DllCall(). (Thanks lotrfan01)

- Fixed: AutoIt crash on WinWait("","text") when a Scite is open. (Thanks Azazel)

  • Administrators
Posted (25th August 2007) (Beta)

- Added: wchar type added to DllStructCreate()

- Fixed: GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE) not disabling keyboard input. (Thanks MsCreatoR)

- Fixed: sometime AutoIt crash on DllStructGetData of char[]. (Thanks drlava)

- Fixed: AutoIt Info tools restoring last settings.

- Fixed: Better handling of Notification when using colored button.

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