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I made a program, it have to check if user has registred on a website before it continues.

Local $sAnswer = InputBox("Question", "What is your email you have registred?", "", "", _
 - 1, -1, 0, 0)

Now how i can make it to find if email entered into inputbox is at specific website


if user inserts hes email into field, then my program have to check if same email is registred in www.smthing.com. if it finds email adress listed there, then program continues, if not the msgbox.  

2 minutes ago, Nine said:

How would YOU compare his email with all emails registered in that site ?

no idea how to do it

Func _user()
Local $sAnswer = InputBox("INFO", "What is your email you have registred with?", "", "", 300, 300, 400,400)

thats all i have made. if emails wont mach with boxfield and site then this Func cant be finished

Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, dersiniar said:

no idea how to do it

*This should be is the Thread title becose this is your problem


How to do it ?

11 minutes ago, FrancescoDiMuro said:

As I've said, you need a For...Next loop to do that.
Just do it ;)


Try something.

And look my avatar.

Edited by caramen

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it have to compare if entered email addres and adress on website are same. if same then EndFunc if not same then MsgBox

If there will be multiple emails later in website, program have to find if entered email mach with one on the website

3 minutes ago, dersiniar said:

it have to compare if entered email addres and adress on website are same. if same then EndFunc if not same then MsgBox

If there will be multiple emails later in website, program have to find if entered email mach with one on the website

Ok got it thanks.  Now I see that there is a list view of the email addresses.  It will show some number of emails not all I suppose (I mean in the future) or will it show all somehow ?

16 minutes ago, Nine said:

Ok got it thanks.  Now I see that there is a list view of the email addresses.  It will show some number of emails not all I suppose (I mean in the future) or will it show all somehow ?

soo it kinda shold work like in IE   ctrl+f  you fill  in tat email adress and it have to find it from wepage.  myabe i change those emails into keys or smthhing else. it just have to find same txt that has entered into InputBox and find it from website.


Use _IE* functions to get all the information you need from your website.
And please, read Forum Etiquette, since this is not the place where you ask for the code, and someone codes for you.
As you did in the first post, post your code and tell us what's not working, so we can see if we can help you.

Click here to see my signature:





Yes I understand that.  My question was not that.  I asked you HOW IN THE FUTURE the list of the members will show ?  When there is tens or hundreds of them,  will it show on a single page, or will there be multiple pages of it ?

22 minutes ago, Nine said:

Ok got it thanks.  Now I see that there is a list view of the email addresses.  It will show some number of emails not all I suppose (I mean in the future) or will it show all somehow ?

lets say i type in inputbox "Google offered in" press enter and it go to www.google.com and finds that txt there. 

if it finds then funcend if it does not find then it gives msgbox


Finaly found what i need, now how i can recode it to not open and not navigate to given site. or theres no way to do so? or if it does then maybe gui 1, 1, 1, 1?

; demonstration to find chracters that change between to standard points
; or just find a string
#include <IE.au3>
#include <String.au3>

#Region --- IE-Builder generated code Start ---

$oIE = _IECreate()

;------------- User input --------------
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://www.autoitscript.com/") ; web address
$Find = "autoit "  ; my info shows after this line... or just find this line
$Before = "- the home "     ; my info shows before this line... or set as ""
; ------------ End User input -------------
$body = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE)
$sloc = @TempDir & "\stest.txt"
FileWrite($sloc, $body)
$sfile = FileOpen($sloc, 0)
$num = 0
While 2
    $num = $num + 1
    $sline = FileReadLine($sfile, $num)
    If @error Then
        MsgBox(262208, "Fail", "The string was NOT found   ")
    If StringInStr($sline, $Find) Then
        MsgBox(64, "Success", "The string " & $Find & " was found    " & @CRLF & " on line # " & $num, 5)
        If $Before = "" Then ExitLoop
        $Found = _StringBetween($sline, $Find, $Before)
        MsgBox(64, "Found", "The string is *" & $Found[0] & "*    ", 5)


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