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Posted (edited)

Hello everyone,

I decided to rewrite/convert some autohotkey scripts to autoit. I know Ahk pretty well, but I'm obviously new at autoit.
I've done my best with this one and the problem I'm getting now is the error message "Error: Unknown function name".

Forgive me if it's something simple, but like I said, I'm completely new at this (been at it for one day, while ahk for years).

Here is the autoit script:

If WinExists(@ScriptName) Then Exit

$slowness = IniRead ("extra.ini", "slownesss", slowness, "0")
$slowdelay = IniRead ("extra.ini", "slownesss", slowdelay, "0")

Global $Paused
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{DELETE}", "Terminate")

$track = 0

while 1
        global $pos2 = mousegetpos()
        Local $coord1 = PixelSearch (511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30)
        If Not @error Then

For $redloop = 1 to 10 step 1

        global $pos2 = mousegetpos()
        local $coord2 = PixelSearch (511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30)
        If Not @error Then
            $track = 1

        If @error Then

        If $redloop > 0 Then
            $fade = $redloop / 100
        $move =  $slowness + fade

        if $track = 1 Then
            global $pos1 = mousegetpos()

            $newx1 = $pos1-$xpos2
            $newx2 = $pos2-$xpos1
            $movex = $newx2/move

            global $pos2 = mousegetpos()
            $track = 0


while 1
    sleep 1
    local $coord3 = PixelSearch (511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30)
    If @error Then

Func TogglePause()
    $Paused = NOT $Paused
    While $Paused

; mousemove------------------------------------------

Func _MouseMovePlus($X, $Y,$absolute = 0)
        global $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE = 1
    DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "mouse_event", _
            "long",  $MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE + ($absolute*$MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE), _
            "long",  $X, _
            "long",  $Y, _
            "long",  0, _
        "long",  0)

Func Terminate()
    Exit 0


And here is the original Ahk script which I wrote (and works perfectly) :

#SingleInstance force
CoordMode, pixel,screen
CoordMode, mouse,screen 
SetBatchLines -1

IniRead, slowness, extra.ini, slownesss, slowness
IniRead, slowdelay, extra.ini, slownesss, slowdelay


track = 0

        mousegetpos, xpos2, ypos2
        PixelSearch, Px, Py, 511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30, fast RGB
        if errorlevel = 0
        sleep slowdelay
        gosub, red

loop, 10 {

        mousegetpos, xpos2, ypos2
        PixelSearch, Px, Py, 511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30, fast RGB
        if errorlevel = 0
        track = 1

        if errorlevel = 1

        if (a_index > 0)
        fade := (a_index / 100)
        move :=  (slowness + fade)

        if track = 1

            MouseGetPos, xpos1, ypos1           

            newx1 := (xpos1-xpos2)
            newx2 := (xpos2-xpos1)

            mousexy(newx2/move, 0)

            mousegetpos, xpos2, ypos2
            track = 0


sleep 1

PixelSearch, Px, Py, 511, 388, 511, 424, 0xBD302E, 30, fast RGB
        if errorlevel = 1



Any help about the error is greatly appreciated and perhaps something else you may spot.
Thanks in advance

Edited by DigiBox
Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

You need quotes around the 3rd parameter

There are also other issues in your code. If you are using the full version of Scite, you can press Ctrl+F5 to perform a syntax check.

P.S. Mind telling us what this script will be used for once it's working correctly?


Thanks so much, that helped.

Yes, I'm using Scite. I'll try to work out the other problems with the script using it.

The script is used for making sort of an effect that slows down(/limits) the mouse movement sideways for a short while once the target color is found.
If the target color is found and it goes away quickly then the function is canceled and it goes back to searching for the color.

Once the script is working correctly the way to get it to react would be to have the red color appear in the center of the screen while you're moving the mouse quickly back and forth and you'll notice how it sort of sticks to where it is and gets harder to move for a short while (for the duration of the loop repeated 10 times.  The number of times decides the duration of the slow-down).
Then it waits for the red color to go away (errorlevel 1) before jumping back to the start of the script (first loop).

Edited by DigiBox

It's not meant for any game. Sort of a way to automatically limit the mouse as opposed to using like a DPI shift button etc. I wanted to see in what ways it could be done. The color thing is just one creative way. It could be activated while holding a button etc also.
I'm comparing the effectiveness of ahk and autoit.

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