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Posted (edited)


here is a Autoit3 v3.3.14.5, 64 Bit installation on windows 10 with current updates.

In a simple script I'm Dllcall'ing a 64 bit dll.

# T1.au3
Local $name = "T1DLL.dll"
if (FileExists($name)) Then
    ConsoleWrite("DLL '" &$name &"' exists" &@CRLF)
Local $DLL = DllOpen($name)
if (@ERROR OR $DLL = -1) then
    ConsoleWrite("DllOpen ERROR=" &@ERROR &" DLL=" &$DLL &@CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite("DllOpen Success" &@CRLF)
DllCall($DLL, "none:cdecl", "SomeFunction", "str", "DLL Call from T1.au3")
if (@ERROR) then
    ConsoleWrite("DllCall ERROR=" &@ERROR &" DLL=" &$DLL &@CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite("DllCall Success" &@CRLF)

The C code contains one 64 bit OpenCV call:    cv::destroyAllWindows();.

Excuting T1.au3 with SciTE gives:


>"D:\Programme\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "D:\T1.au3" /UserParams    
+>21:01:08 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.    Environment(Language:0407  Keyboard:00000407  OS:WIN_8/  CPU:X64 OS:X64)
>Running AU3Check (  from:D:\Programme\AutoIt3
+>21:01:08 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:(\Programme\AutoIt3\autoit3_x64.exe "D:\T1.au3"    
--> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
DLL 'T1DLL.dll' exists
DllOpen ERROR=0 DLL=-1
DllCall ERROR=1 DLL=-1
+>21:01:08 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0
>Exit code: 0    Time: 2.027

If the c code is compiled *without* the OpenCV call T1.au3 runs successful:


>"D:\Programme\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "D:\T1.au3" /UserParams    
+>21:18:20 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.    Environment(Language:0407  Keyboard:00000407  OS:WIN_8/  CPU:X64 OS:X64)
>Running AU3Check (  from:D:\Programme\AutoIt3
+>21:18:20 AU3Check ended.rc:0
>Running:(\Programme\AutoIt3\autoit3_x64.exe "D:\T1.au3"    
--> Press Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
DLL 'T1DLL.dll' exists
DllOpen Success
DllCall Success
+>21:18:23 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0
>Exit code: 0    Time: 5.051


I checked T1DLL.dll, it's definitely a 64 bit dll.

What could cause the problem?

Any hint would be very much appreciated.







Edited by JoGa
Unintended hit return...

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