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Google changed the style of translation page therefore _IEFormElementSetValue stopped working to set values in the google translator page automatically, I tried my best to fix it but it's not happening. It was working perfect a month ago almost before launching of new google translation interface. Any help would be highly appreciated...

I'm using a kind of function that help to set values in the form to google translator page and let it translate and then retrieve it back to save in a text file.

Here is my code:

#include <IE.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <Excel.au3>
#include <File.au3>
;*****************************Splitting Source Code Ended*****************************
Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open()
Local $oWorkbook1 = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, @ScriptDir & "\example.xlsx", False)
;*****************************Saving Software Links Started***************************
;*****************************Splitting Source Code Started*****************************
;***************************************** Saving Title + .rar link + Description text file No. 1*****************************
ProcessClose ( "iexplore.exe")
$file = fileopen(@ScriptDir & "\source.txt", 10)
$splitting = _Excel_RangeRead ($oWorkbook1, Default, "A1")
$IE = _IECreate($splitting, 0, 0)
$source = _IEDocReadHTML($IE)
FileWrite($file, $source)
$target_source5 = _StringBetween($source, '</h1>', '<i>Скачать</i>')
If Not @error Then
FileWrite (@ScriptDir & "\kat01.txt", $target_source5[0])
Sleep (50)
; removing of HTML codes to convert data into simple text
$File1 = @ScriptDir & "\kat01.txt"
$txt = FileRead($File1)
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "<br>", @crlf)
$txt = StringRegExpReplace($txt, '(?s)<a.*?</a>|<.*?>', "")
$txt = StringStripWS ( $txt, $STR_STRIPSPACES)
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "<br><", "")
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "--", "")
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "---", "")
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "&nbsp;", " ")
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "_", "")
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "        ", "")
FileWrite (@scriptdir & '\kat_saved.txt', $txt)
Local $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\kat_saved.txt"

ProcessClose ( "iexplore.exe")

;********************Example1 Function Written Started*****************************
Func Example1()
$Text = FileRead ($sFilePath)
Local $aArray = StringSplit($Text, @CR)
For $i = 1 To $aArray[0]
Local $tag="* *"
Local $oIE=_IECreate("https://translate.google.com/#ru/en", 1, 1)
$HWND = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd")
WinSetState($HWND, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
Sleep (500)
Local $oForm=_IEFormGetCollection($oIE,0)
Local $oQuery=_IEGetObjByName($oForm,"text")
_IEFormElementSetValue($oQuery, $tag & @CR & $aArray[$i] & @CR & $tag)
MouseMove ( 930, 275, 10)
MouseClick ( "Main", 930, 275, 5, 10)
MouseMove ( 930, 200, 10)
MouseClick ( "Main", 930, 200, 5, 10)
Sleep (10000)
Local $oText=_IEGetObjById($oIE,"gt-res-data")
ProcessClose ( "iexplore.exe")
Sleep (1000)
_ArrayDelete($lines,_ArraySearch($lines,$tag,1,0,0,1,0) & "-" & $lines[0])
_ArrayDelete($lines,"1-" & _ArraySearch($lines,$tag,1,0,0,1,1))
$FilePath = @ScriptDir & "\Translated.txt"
$arraytostring = _ArrayToString ($lines)
$txt = StringReplace($arraytostring, "1|", "")
$txt = StringReplace($txt, "|", "")
FileWrite ($FilePath, $txt & @CRLF)
;MsgBox ('', 'Done Bro', 'Done Bro')


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