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Hi Experts,

Good day to all!!!^_^

I have this little problem about insertion of new line or let's say a new configuration to my text.ini file. I can only insert to a selected section from my text.ini file (using the below code) but I don't know how to insert my configuration to three or more sections in my text.ini file.

Here's the code (from search engine):

_insertLineToFile(@ScriptDir & '\Text.ini', '[FirstSection]', 'Test to insert here')

Func _insertLineToFile($filePath, $after, $insertText)
    Local $lines
    If Not _FileReadToArray($filePath, $lines) Then Return -1
    _ArrayInsert($lines, _ArraySearch($lines, $after, 1, 0, 0) + 1, $insertText)
    If _FileWriteFromArray($filePath, $lines, 1) Then Return 1
    Return -2
EndFunc   ;==>_insertLineToFile


Here's the text.ini file format:

Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4

Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4

Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4

Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4


And I want to insert new line like this:

Note that the insertion will depend on the declared section where to insert.

Test to insert here ; this is the new line to be inserted
Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4

Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4

Test to insert here ; this is the new line to be inserted
Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4

Test to insert here ; this is the new line to be inserted
Configuration = 1
Configuration = 2
Configuration = 3
Configuration = 4


Thanks in advance Experts! please let me know if you have clarifications or something.:sweating:




Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.

Posted (edited)

Why not use IniWrite($filePath, "Section Name", "Key", "Value")?

Sorry just re-read your post, you're not using proper ini format.

Edited by Subz

As @Nine mentioned your keys aren't unique so the only way to read that data using ini functions would be IniReadSection, since IniRead will only return the last key, value.

Here is a couple of examples of how to do to do it with Ini functions, I prefer the first one with the exception it will add an "=" after the data, I just filled it with "=>" :) 

#include <Array.au3>

Local $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\data.ini"
Local $aSectionNames = IniReadSectionNames($sFilePath)
    If @error Then Exit

_Example1("; <==this is the new line to be inserted|=>", 1)
_Example2("; this is the new line to be inserted")

;~ Example 1
Func _Example1($_sComment, $_iComment = 1)
    Local $aSection, $iComment
    For $i = 1 To $aSectionNames[0]
        $aSection = IniReadSection($sFilePath, $aSectionNames[$i])
        $iComment = $_iComment < 1 Or $_iComment > $aSection[0][0] ? 1 : $_iComment
        _ArrayInsert($aSection, $iComment, $_sComment)
        IniWriteSection($sFilePath, $aSectionNames[$i], $aSection)

;~ Example 2
Func _Example2($_sComment)
    Local $aSection, $sSection = ""
    For $i = 1 To $aSectionNames[0]
        $aSection = IniReadSection($sFilePath, $aSectionNames[$i])
        $sSection &= "[" & $aSectionNames[$i] & "]" & @CRLF & $_sComment & @CRLF & _ArrayToString($aSection, " = ", 1, -1, @CRLF) & @CRLF
    MsgBox(4096, "Ini File Data", $sSection)



@Nine and @Subz, sorry if it make's you confused. It's just my sample to specify that under each section it has its own configurations.

Like this: this is the format that I have actually, the post is just an example to make it quick.^_^ sorry!

AutoInsertBasedOnCategory = true
DeletingSectionPart = true
AppendTextInLine = true
RemoveSpacing = false
... more configurations...

CleanUpFile = true
HideInvalidChar = false
ChangeSentenceCase = true
ChangeTitleCase = fale
... more configurations...
and so on....!!!

Anways, Subz I'm having this error from your code.


Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.


As of the current size it has 2MB and this will continue to increase depending on how many configurations to be added weekly or daily. Also, the code you gave will insert to all sections in my text.ini, it should be based on what was declared to be inserted, like I need to insert only to three sections "Frist", "Forth" and "Six"... something like that...

Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.


Actually just did some testing on my system and the 32kb issue didn't appear to make a difference, I had a 7000 sections with 20 items each 2.3mb file but the code above worked fine for me, I had issues previously with Windows 7 but Windows 10 seems to handle that limitation.

Anyway here are updated examples:

#include <Array.au3>
#include <File.au3>

Local $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\data.ini"
Local $aSectionNames = IniReadSectionNames($sFilePath)
    If @error Then Exit

_Example1("Section1", "; <== Example 1 this is the new line to be inserted |=>", 1)
_Example1("Section4", "; <== Example 1 this is the new line to be inserted |=>", 1)
_Example1("Section6", "; <== Example 1 this is the new line to be inserted |=>", 1)
_Example2("Section2", "; Example 2 this is the new line to be inserted")
_Example2("Section3", "; Example 2 this is the new line to be inserted")
_Example2("Section7", "; Example 2 this is the new line to be inserted")

;~ Example 1
Func _Example1($_sSectionName, $_sComment, $_iInsert = 1)
    Local $iInsert
    Local $aSection = IniReadSection($sFilePath, $_sSectionName)
        If @error Then Return
    Local $iInsert = $_iInsert < 1 Or $_iInsert > $aSection[0][0] ? 1 : $_iInsert
        _ArrayInsert($aSection, $iInsert, $_sComment)
    IniWriteSection($sFilePath, $_sSectionName, $aSection)

;~ Example 2
Func _Example2($_sSectionName, $_sComment)
    Local $aSection
    _FileReadToArray($sFilePath, $aSection, $FRTA_COUNT)
    For $i = $aSection[0] To 1 Step - 1
        If $aSection[$i] = "[" & $_sSectionName & "]" Then _FileWriteToLine($sFilePath, $i + 1, $_sComment)



Thanks @Subz, that works perfectly and BTW, I have Windows7 so maybe the error occurred. Well now everything is fine and working as expected. Thank you so much subz.:lol:

Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.

8 hours ago, Subz said:

Actually just did some testing on my system and the 32kb issue didn't appear to make a difference,

That only affects it when you use IniReadSection, the whole INI file can be larger, but not a single section.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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A bit late but FYI this could also be done using ... guess what ?  :)

$txt = "[FirstSection]" & @crlf & _ 
    "AutoInsertBasedOnCategory = true" & @crlf & _ 
    "DeletingSectionPart = true" & @crlf & _ 
    "AppendTextInLine = true" & @crlf & _ 
    "RemoveSpacing = false" & @crlf & _ 
    @crlf & _ 
    "[SecondSection]" & @crlf & _ 
    "CleanUpFile = true" & @crlf & _ 
    "HideInvalidChar = false" & @crlf & _ 
    "ChangeSentenceCase = true" & @crlf & _ 
    "ChangeTitleCase = fale"
 Msgbox(0,"", $txt)

$txt = _Example3($txt, "SecondSection", "; <== Example 3 this is the new line to be inserted =>")
Msgbox(0,"", $txt)

Func _Example3($txt, $section, $comment)
    Return StringRegExpReplace($txt, '\[' & $section & '\]\h*\R\K', $comment & @crlf)   



@mikell, Thanks, it's also working as expected. Thanks a lot guyz....^_^

Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.

12 hours ago, mikell said:

guess what ?


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