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[SOLVED] how to find outlook emails that are unread and have a specific subject

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Good morning everyone, I thought I had already solved this issue but it turns out I did not. 

My code finds unread emails with this specific subject line of "request" but when I change the subject to SKIPPED + "request" = ("SKIPPED request") the program still finds the email and tries to process it. I only want to process emails with the exact match subject of "request".

Here is my code that "finds" the unread emails with the subject of "request" or so I thought. 

Func ListUnreadEmails()

    ; Lists all unread E-mails from the folder Outlook-UDF-Test
    ; Stores all the unRead emails into an array
    Global $aItems = _OL_ItemFind($oOutlook, "*\Outlook-UDF-Test", $olMail, _
    "[UnRead]=True", "Subject", "request", "EntryID,Subject", "", 1)

    ; Displays the array of unRead emails
    If IsArray($aItems) Then
        ;_ArrayDisplay($aItems, "OutlookEX UDF: _OL_ItemFind - Unread mails")

        MsgBox(48, "OutlookEX UDF: _OL_ItemFind Example Script", _
        "Could not find an unread mail. @error = " & @error & ", @extended: " & @extended)

    ; Gets the number of unread emails
    Global $numberOfUnRead = UBound($aItems, $UBOUND_ROWS) - 1
    ;MsgBox("", "Number of Unread emails", $numberOfUnRead)


It acts as if any part of the subject containing the word "request" and the email is unread that it will try to process it. (I think)

Edited by nooneclose
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Thats correct, it's a partial match so you can't do what you want with _OL_ItemFind.
With function _OL_ItemSearch it's possible to search for unread mails that start with a specific string in the subject - unfortunately it is quite complex.

I suggest to use _OL_ItemFind to retrieve all unread mails, then search the returned array for all mails with the needed subject and ignore the rest.

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@water thank you for the quick reply. I was able to fix the issue with a simple if statement. 


; Retrieve the items object
    Global $oItem = $oOutlook.Session.GetItemFromID($aItems[1][0], Default)

    Global $eBody          = $oItem.Body                        ; The Body of the email
    Global $eSenderAddress = $oItem.SenderEmailAddress          ; Customers email address
    Global $eSentOn        = $oItem.SentOn                      ; When was the email sent?
    Global $eSubject       = $oItem.Subject                     ; Subject of the email

    if $eSubject <> "Request" Then
Func ChangeEmailStatus()

    ; changes the status of an email from Unread to Read
    ConsoleWrite("Current email has been changed from Unread to Read." & @CRLF)
    _OL_ItemModify($oOutlook,$aItems[1][0], Default, "Unread=False")


I inserted an if statement to force the program to "skip" (mark as read) the emails with subjects that do not match. Thank you very much for your time. 

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