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how can reads value at memory address


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hello all

i try to read value from memory

#include <NomadMemory.au3>

$Mem_Address = 0x004EC1E8 
$Process1 = WinGetProcess("mspaint.exe") ;the window to get PID

While 1
            $Mem_Open = _MemoryOpen($Process1) ;must open before you can read address
            $Mem_Read = _MemoryRead($Mem_Address, $Mem_Open) ;reads value at memory address
            _MemoryClose($Mem_Open) ;

the probleam i run 3 paint and I want to read from one application just how to get the pid like cheat engine?



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Yeah what are you trying to accomplish ?

Edited by caramen

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I think "Cheat engine" tells us what he tries to accomplish ...

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You can use Run to execute mspaint.exe and it would return the PID of the process :)

Thanks bro , It is impossible to obtain this address like cheat engine

As you can see there are different numbers and letters at the beginning of each program

How to get these addresses in autoit


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If you could be more precise on what are you trying to automate, then we can suggest you more (appropriate) solutions :)


I want to know the value of RAM for a specific program but I work on three programs of the same type at a time

How to get PID for a single program such as cheat engine gives you a title for each program



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Yeah what are you trying to accomplish ?


I want to read the value of the memory but I use three programs of the same type at a time how can I specify the PID and address for each of them because I want to read the value of one program only 


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Stop being evasive, we all know what you want to do - what we need to know is what are the "three programs of the same type at a time" whose memory you want to read.


P.S. And just to be absolutely clear - this is the Mod team determining the legality of the thread, so everyone else please keep out.

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Stop being evasive, we all know what you want to do - what we need to know is what are the "three programs of the same type at a time" whose memory you want to read.


P.S. And just to be absolutely clear - this is the Mod team determining the legality of the thread, so everyone else please keep out.


three programs




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We are not stupid - we all know that Paint is not the program with which you want to interact. So last chance - what are you actually trying to do?


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But why all these questions? Is what I want forbidden?

Quite possibly. if you read the Forum rules you will see that we do not permit discussion of game related scripts. And the use of Cheat Engine is usually a fair indication of exactly that - hence my question. I would also point out that your evasive answers are not helping your cause.

So it looks as if you get another chance - what are these "three programs of the same type at a time"? if I do not get an acceptable answer this time then the thread will be locked.



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ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
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StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
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2 hours ago, Hawlong said:

I do not use this for a game ,

.. but you are not going to tell us what you are really using it for...  :idiot: 

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