_Freak Posted November 7, 2018 Posted November 7, 2018 So I wanted a free obfuscator that was coded in AutoIt3 and was actually decent. So I spliced together several different ones found across the web and spent about two weeks programming this one. It is capable of: Encrypting ALL strings (len > 1) Renaming vars Renaming functions The string encryption is really the most innovative part of my obfuscator and also was the biggest pain in the ass. If you need or want to use a seperate string encryption method just make sure its a stream algorithm similar to the way XOR functions (one mode) Anyways here's the script. ENJOY!!!! expandcollapse popup; Title: CryptoDragon AutoIt Obfuscator ; Version: v1.4.0.1 ; Requirements: AutoIt Version (Beta is NOT required) ; Date: November 6th, 2018 ; Authors: Freak, taurus905 ; Purpose: This script obfuscates an AutoIt script by identifying, counting and replacing all ; variables and functions within that script, as well as encrypting strings. according to the following notes. ; Notes: Variables that are all UPPERCASE, such as, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, will not be obfuscated. ; All strings with single and double quotes are to be encrypted with a multikey XOR algo. (in order) ; Add arguments in the "Functions_NOT_to_obfuscate_section:" to bypass these functions. ; Uncomment: (in the script) ; Global $Show_Messages = "Yes" ; to show Message Boxes and Array Displays during execution. ; Input: An AutoIt Script --> OriginalScriptName.au3 ; Output: Variables to be Obfuscated --> OriginalScriptName - Vars to Obfuscate.txt ; Functions to be Obfuscated --> OriginalScriptName - Funcs to Obfuscate.txt ; Random Names --> OriginalScriptName - Random Names.txt ; CryptoDragon Obfuscated Script --> OriginalScriptName - CryptoDragon Obfuscated.au3 ; Modified by Freak to encrypt all strings in target program with multichar XOR, also added bug fixes. ; :::ChAnGeLoG:::: ; v1.2 - Original "Simple Obfuscator" by taurus905 ; v1.3 - Freak creates CryptoDragon project based off taurus905's "Simple Obfuscator" ; v1.3.4 - Added improved speed ; v1.3.5.1 - Improved functionality ; v1.3.6 - Added string length to _CryptoDragon_Crypt function for improved stability handling funny strings in version ; v1.4 - Improved security on encryption algorythm. Also obfuscator automatically writes encryption function to top of file automatically. ; v1.4.0.1 - Fixed encrypt function writing process. ; =================================================================================================== #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> Func _CryptoDragon_Crypt($s_String, $s_Key, $iLen, $xorK2 = 0x12, $s_Level = 1.337) Local $s_Encrypted = "", $fin_Encrypted = "", $s_kc = 1 If StringLen($s_Key) = 0 Or $s_Level < 1 Then Return 0 $s_Key = StringSplit($s_Key, '') $s_String = StringSplit($s_String, '') For $x = 1 To $s_String[0] If $s_kc > $s_Key[0] Then $s_kc = 1 $s_Encrypted = $s_Key[$s_kc] $s_Encrypted += Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level); $s_Encrypted = BitNOT($s_Encrypted); $s_Encrypted = BitXOR($s_Encrypted, Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level)); $s_Encrypted += Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level); $s_Encrypted -= Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level); $s_Encrypted = BitXOR($s_Encrypted, Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level)); $s_Encrypted = $s_Encrypted - 1; $s_Encrypted = BitXOR($s_Encrypted, Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level)); $s_Encrypted = $s_Encrypted + 1; $s_Encrypted += Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level); $s_Encrypted = BitXOR($s_Encrypted, $xorK2); $s_Encrypted = BitNOT($s_Encrypted); $s_Encrypted += Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level); $fin_Encrypted &= Chr(BitXOR(Asc($s_String[$x]), Floor(Asc($s_Key[$s_kc]) * $s_Level))) $s_kc += 1 Next Return StringLeft($fin_Encrypted, $iLen) EndFunc ;==>_CryptoDragon_Crypt Global $Show_Messages = "No" ; Uncomment the following line to see progress messages and arrays during execution. ;Global $Show_Messages = "Yes" ; =================================================================================================== Global $file_Script_to_Obfuscate _Choose_Script_to_Obfuscate() ; Choose Script to Obfuscate ; =================================================================================================== ; Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines Global $Num_of_Lines _Count_Lines() ; Count Lines of Script to Obfuscate If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then MsgBox(0, "$Num_of_Lines", $Num_of_Lines) Global $Array_of_Lines[$Num_of_Lines + 1] _Read_Lines_to_Array() ; Read Lines to Array If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Lines, "$Array_of_Lines") ; Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines ; =================================================================================================== ; Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars Global $Num_of_Vars _Count_Vars() ; Count Variables in Script to Obfuscate If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then MsgBox(0, "$Num_of_Vars", $Num_of_Vars) Global $Array_of_Vars[$Num_of_Vars + 1] _Read_Vars_to_Array() ; Read Variables to Array If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Vars, "$Array_of_Vars") _Sort_Array_of_Vars() ; Sort Array of Variables If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Vars, "$Array_of_Vars") Global $Num_of_Unique_Vars _Count_Unique_Vars() ; Count Unique Variables If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then MsgBox(0, "$Num_of_Unique_Vars", $Num_of_Unique_Vars) Global $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$Num_of_Unique_Vars + 1] _Read_Unique_Vars_to_Array() ; Read Unique Variables to Array If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Unique_Vars, "$Array_of_Unique_Vars") _Write_Unique_Vars_to_File() ; Write Unique Variables to File ; Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars ; =================================================================================================== ; Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs Global $Num_of_Funcs _Count_Funcs() ; Count Functions in Script to Obfuscate If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then MsgBox(0, "$Num_of_Funcs", $Num_of_Funcs) Global $Array_of_Funcs[$Num_of_Funcs + 1] _Read_Funcs_to_Array() ; Read Functions to Array If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Funcs, "$Array_of_Funcs") _Sort_Array_of_Funcs() ; Sort Array of Functions If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Funcs, "$Array_of_Funcs") ; Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs ; =================================================================================================== ; Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random Global $Num_of_Random_Names _Find_Random_Name_Count() ; Find Random Name Count Global $Random_Name[$Num_of_Random_Names + 1] _Read_Random_Names_to_Array() ; Read Random Names to Array If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Random_Name, "$Random_Name") _Write_Random_Names_to_File() ; Write Random Names to File ; Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random ; =================================================================================================== ; Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace Global $New_Array_of_Lines[$Num_of_Lines + 1] _Remove_Comments() ; Remove Comments _ArraySortDblDel($Array_of_Unique_Vars) _ArraySortDblDel($Array_of_Funcs) $vars_finished = False $func_finished = False $Script_Data = _ArrayToString($Array_of_Lines, @CRLF) For $iii = 0 To $Num_of_Lines For $jjj = UBound($Array_of_Unique_Vars) - 1 To 1 Step -1 If $vars_finished Then ExitLoop If $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] <> $Array_of_Unique_Vars[1] Then If $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] <> "_" And $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] <> "$'" And StringLower($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj]) <> "$cmdline" Then If StringInStr($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], ".") Then $temp = StringSplit($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], ".") $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] = $temp[1] EndIf If StringRight($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], 1) = "&" Then $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] = StringTrimRight($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], 1) EndIf $Script_Data = StringReplace($Script_Data, $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], "$" & $Random_Name[$jjj]) ConsoleWrite($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] & ":$" & $Random_Name[$jjj] & @CRLF) EndIf Else If $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] <> "_" And $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] <> "$'" Then If StringInStr($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], ".") Then $temp = StringSplit($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], ".") $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] = $temp[1] EndIf If StringRight($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], 1) = "&" Then $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] = StringTrimRight($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], 1) EndIf $Script_Data = StringReplace($Script_Data, $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj], "$" & $Random_Name[$jjj]) ConsoleWrite($Array_of_Unique_Vars[$jjj] & ":$" & $Random_Name[$jjj] & @CRLF) EndIf $vars_finished = True EndIf Next Next For $iii = 0 To $Num_of_Lines For $jjj = UBound($Array_of_Funcs) - 1 To 1 Step -1 ; If StringLeft($Array_of_Funcs[$jjj], 1) = "_" Then ContinueLoop If $func_finished Then ExitLoop If $Array_of_Funcs[$jjj] <> $Array_of_Funcs[1] Then If StringInStr($Array_of_Funcs[$jjj], "=") Then ContinueLoop ; Au3wrapper, not a function. $Script_Data = StringReplace($Script_Data, $Array_of_Funcs[$jjj], $Random_Name[$jjj]) ConsoleWrite($Array_of_Funcs[$jjj] & ":" & $Random_Name[$jjj] & @CRLF) Else If StringInStr($Array_of_Funcs[$jjj], "=") Then $func_finished = True ContinueLoop ; Au3wrapper, not a function. EndIf $Script_Data = StringReplace($Script_Data, $Array_of_Funcs[$jjj], $Random_Name[$jjj]) ConsoleWrite($Array_of_Funcs[$jjj] & ":" & $Random_Name[$jjj] & @CRLF) $func_finished = True EndIf Next Next If $Show_Messages = "Yes" Then _ArrayDisplay($Array_of_Lines, "$New_Array_of_Lines") ; Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace ; =================================================================================================== _Write_CryptoDragon_Obfuscated_File($Script_Data) ; Write CryptoDragon Obfuscated Script Exit Func _ArraySortDblDel(ByRef $ARRAY, $CASESENS=0, $iDESCENDING=0, $iDIM=0, $iSORT=0) Local $arTmp1D[1], $arTmp2D[1][2], $dbl = 0 $arTmp1D[0] = "" $arTmp2D[0][0] = "" If $iDIM = 0 Then $iDIM = 1 _ArraySort($ARRAY,$iDESCENDING,0,0,$iDIM,$iSORT) Switch $iDIM Case 1 ; 1D For $i = 0 To UBound($ARRAY)-1 $dbl = 0 For $k = 0 To UBound($arTmp1D)-1 Switch $CASESENS Case 0 If $arTmp1D[$k] = $ARRAY[$i] Then $dbl = 1 Case 1 If $arTmp1D[$k] == $ARRAY[$i] Then $dbl = 1 EndSwitch Next If $dbl = 0 Then If $arTmp1D[0] = "" Then $arTmp1D[0] = $ARRAY[$i] Else _ArrayAdd($arTmp1D, $ARRAY[$i]) EndIf Else $dbl = 0 EndIf Next $ARRAY = $arTmp1D Case 2 ; 2D For $i = 0 To UBound($ARRAY)-1 $dbl = 0 For $k = 0 To UBound($arTmp2D)-1 Switch $CASESENS Case 0 If ( $arTmp2D[$k][0] = $ARRAY[$i][0] ) And _ ( $arTmp2D[$k][1] = $ARRAY[$i][1] ) Then $dbl = 1 Case 1 If ( $arTmp2D[$k][0] == $ARRAY[$i][0] ) And _ ( $arTmp2D[$k][1] == $ARRAY[$i][1] ) Then $dbl = 1 EndSwitch Next If $dbl = 0 Then If $arTmp2D[0][0] = "" Then $arTmp2D[0][0] = $ARRAY[$i][0] $arTmp2D[0][1] = $ARRAY[$i][1] Else ReDim $arTmp2D[UBound($arTmp2D)+1][2] $arTmp2D[UBound($arTmp2D)-1][0] = $ARRAY[$i][0] $arTmp2D[UBound($arTmp2D)-1][1] = $ARRAY[$i][1] EndIf Else $dbl = 0 EndIf Next $ARRAY = $arTmp2D EndSwitch EndFunc ; ==>_ArraySortDblDel ; ################################################################################################### ; =================================================================================================== Func _Choose_Script_to_Obfuscate() ; Choose Script to Obfuscate $file_Script_to_Obfuscate = FileOpenDialog("Choose an AutoIt Script to Obfuscate:", @ScriptDir, "Scripts (*.au3)", 1 + 2) If @error Then Exit EndFunc ; ==> _Choose_Script_to_Obfuscate ; =================================================================================================== ; Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines Func _Count_Lines() ; Count Lines of Script to Obfuscate FileOpen($file_Script_to_Obfuscate, 0) ; Open File to Obfuscate $Num_of_Lines = 0 While 1 $Num_of_Lines = $Num_of_Lines + 1 FileReadLine($file_Script_to_Obfuscate, $Num_of_Lines) ; Read All Lines for Count If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop WEnd EndFunc ; ==> _Count_Lines ; =================================================================================================== Func _Read_Lines_to_Array() ; Read Lines to Array For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Lines $Array_of_Lines[$iii] = FileReadLine($file_Script_to_Obfuscate, $iii) ; Read All Lines Next FileClose($file_Script_to_Obfuscate) ; Close File to Obfuscate EndFunc ; ==> _Read_Lines_to_Array ; Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines - Lines ; =================================================================================================== ; Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars Func _Count_Vars() ; Count Variables in Script to Obfuscate $Num_of_Vars = 0 For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Lines Local $quote_on = "No" $Array_of_Lines[0] = $Array_of_Lines[$iii] Local $line_length = StringLen($Array_of_Lines[0]) For $jjj = 1 To $line_length Local $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "No" Then $quote_on = "Yes" ElseIf $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "Yes" Then $quote_on = "No" EndIf If $char = ";" And $quote_on = "No" Then ExitLoop If $char = "$" And $quote_on = "No" Then $Num_of_Vars = $Num_of_Vars + 1 $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next Next EndFunc ; ==> _Count_Vars ; =================================================================================================== Func _Read_Vars_to_Array() ; Read Variables to Array Local $var_ct = 0 For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Lines Local $quote_on = "No" $Array_of_Lines[0] = $Array_of_Lines[$iii] Local $line_length = StringLen($Array_of_Lines[0]) For $jjj = 1 To $line_length Local $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "No" Then $quote_on = "Yes" ElseIf $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "Yes" Then $quote_on = "No" EndIf If $char = ";" And $quote_on = "No" Then ExitLoop If $char = "$" And $quote_on = "No" Then ; Read One Variable $var_ct = $var_ct + 1 $Array_of_Vars[$var_ct] = "" For $kkk = 1 To 256 $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = " " Or _ $char = " " Or _ $char = "=" Or _ $char = "[" Or _ $char = "]" Or _ $char = "," Or _ $char = ")" Or _ $char = ";" Or _ $char = "+" Or _ $char = "-" Or _ $char = "*" Or _ $char = "/" Or _ $char = Chr(34) Then ExitLoop $Array_of_Vars[$var_ct] = $Array_of_Vars[$var_ct] & $char $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next EndIf $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next Next EndFunc ; ==> _Read_Vars_to_Array ; =================================================================================================== Func _Sort_Array_of_Vars() ; Sort Array of Variables _ArraySortDblDel($Array_of_Vars) EndFunc ; ==> _Sort_Array_of_Vars ; =================================================================================================== Func _Count_Unique_Vars() ; Count Unique Variables $Num_of_Unique_Vars = 0 For $iii = 1 To UBound($Array_of_Vars) - 1 If $Array_of_Vars[$iii] <> $Array_of_Vars[$iii - 1] Then If StringIsUpper(StringTrimLeft(StringReplace($Array_of_Vars[$iii], "_", ""), 1)) Then ContinueLoop ; Don't write any system variables that are all UPPERCASE, such as, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $Num_of_Unique_Vars = $Num_of_Unique_Vars + 1 EndIf Next EndFunc ; ==> _Count_Unique_Vars ; =================================================================================================== Func _Read_Unique_Vars_to_Array() ; Read Unique Variables to Array Local $var_unique_ct = 0 For $iii = 1 To UBound($Array_of_Vars) - 1 If $Array_of_Vars[$iii] <> $Array_of_Vars[$iii - 1] Then If StringIsUpper(StringTrimLeft(StringReplace($Array_of_Vars[$iii], "_", ""), 1)) Then ContinueLoop ; Don't read any System Variables that are all UPPERCASE, such as, $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $var_unique_ct = $var_unique_ct + 1 $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$var_unique_ct] = $Array_of_Vars[$iii] EndIf Next EndFunc ; ==> _Read_Unique_Vars_to_Array ; =================================================================================================== Func _Write_Unique_Vars_to_File() ; Write Unique Variables to File Local $file_Unique_Vars = StringTrimRight($file_Script_to_Obfuscate, 4) & " - Vars to Obfuscate.txt" ; Create Unique Variables Filename FileOpen($file_Unique_Vars, 2) ; Open File to Write Unique Variables For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Unique_Vars FileWrite($file_Unique_Vars, $Array_of_Unique_Vars[$iii] & @CRLF) Next FileClose($file_Unique_Vars) ; Close Unique Variables File EndFunc ; ==> _Write_Unique_Vars_to_File ; Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars - Vars ; =================================================================================================== ; Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs Func _Count_Funcs() ; Count Functions in Script to Obfuscate $Num_of_Funcs = 0 For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Lines Local $quote_on = "No" Local $var_on = "No" Local $func_on = "No" $Array_of_Lines[0] = $Array_of_Lines[$iii] Local $line_length = StringLen($Array_of_Lines[0]) For $jjj = 1 To $line_length Local $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = "(" Or $char = " " Then $func_on = "No" If $char = "$" And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "Yes" If $char = "@" And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "Yes" If $char = "<" And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "Yes" If $char = " " And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "No" If $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "No" Then $quote_on = "Yes" ElseIf $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "Yes" Then $quote_on = "No" EndIf If $char = ";" And $quote_on = "No" Then ExitLoop If $quote_on = "No" And $func_on = "No" And $var_on = "No" Then $func_on = "Yes" $Num_of_Funcs = $Num_of_Funcs + 1 EndIf $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next Next EndFunc ; ==> _Count_Funcs ; =================================================================================================== Func _Read_Funcs_to_Array() ; Read Functions to Array Local $func_ct = 0 For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Lines Local $quote_on = "No" Local $var_on = "No" Local $func_on = "No" $Array_of_Lines[0] = $Array_of_Lines[$iii] Local $line_length = StringLen($Array_of_Lines[0]) For $jjj = 1 To $line_length Local $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = "(" Or $char = " " Then $func_on = "No" If $char = "$" And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "Yes" If $char = "@" And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "Yes" If $char = "<" And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "Yes" If $char = " " And $quote_on = "No" Then $var_on = "No" If $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "No" Then $quote_on = "Yes" ElseIf $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "Yes" Then $quote_on = "No" EndIf If $char = ";" And $quote_on = "No" Then ExitLoop If $char = "_" And $quote_on = "No" And $func_on = "No" And $var_on = "No" Then ; Read One Function $func_ct = $func_ct + 1 $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "" For $kkk = 1 To 256 $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = " " Or $char = "(" Then ExitLoop $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] & $char $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next ; Functions_NOT_to_obfuscate_section: ; Add functions to the following lines that start with an underscore "_" that you ; do NOT want to be obfuscated. Example: ; If $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_ArraySortDblDel" Or _ If $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_ArraySortDblDel" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_ArrayDisplay" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_ChooseColor" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_ChooseFont" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_ImageGetSize" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_IsPressed" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_StringEncrypt" Or _ $Array_of_Funcs[$func_ct] = "_" Then ; Do NOT Count Built-In Functions $func_ct = $func_ct - 1 EndIf EndIf $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next Next EndFunc ; ==> _Read_Funcs_to_Array ; =================================================================================================== Func _Sort_Array_of_Funcs() ; Sort Array of Functions _ArraySortDblDel($Array_of_Funcs) EndFunc ; ==> _Sort_Array_of_Funcs ; =================================================================================================== ; Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs - Funcs ; =================================================================================================== Func _Find_Random_Name_Count() ; Find Random Name Count If $Num_of_Unique_Vars > $Num_of_Funcs Then $Num_of_Random_Names = $Num_of_Vars Else $Num_of_Random_Names = $Num_of_Funcs EndIf EndFunc ; ==> _Find_Random_Name_Count ; =================================================================================================== Func _Read_Random_Names_to_Array() ; Read Random Names to Array Local $random[16] For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Random_Names $Random_Name[$iii] = "" For $jjj = 1 To Random(4, 15, 1) ; The number of random characters to use in each random name $random[$jjj] = Random(48, 122, 1) If $random[$jjj] > 64 And $random[$jjj] < 91 Or $random[$jjj] > 96 And $random[$jjj] < 123 Then $Random_Name[$iii] = $Random_Name[$iii] & Chr($random[$jjj]) Else $jjj = $jjj - 1 ContinueLoop EndIf Next Next Return $Random_Name EndFunc ; ==> _Read_Random_Names_to_Array ; =================================================================================================== Func _Write_Random_Names_to_File() ; Write Random Names to File Local $file_Random_Names = StringTrimRight($file_Script_to_Obfuscate, 4) & " - Random Names.txt" ; Create Random Names Filename FileOpen($file_Random_Names, 2) ; Open File to Write Random Names For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Random_Names FileWrite($file_Random_Names, $Random_Name[$iii] & @CRLF) Next FileClose($file_Random_Names) ; Close Random Names File Return $Random_Name EndFunc ; ==> _Write_Random_Names_to_File ; Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random - Random ; =================================================================================================== ; Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace ; =================================================================================================== Func _Remove_Comments() ; Remove Comments For $iii = 1 To $Num_of_Lines Local $quote_on = "No" $Array_of_Lines[0] = $Array_of_Lines[$iii] Local $line_length = StringLen($Array_of_Lines[0]) $New_Array_of_Lines[$iii] = "" For $jjj = 1 To $line_length Local $char = StringLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) If $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "No" Then $quote_on = "Yes" ElseIf $char = Chr(34) And $quote_on = "Yes" Then $quote_on = "No" EndIf If $char = ";" And $quote_on = "No" Then ExitLoop $New_Array_of_Lines[$iii] = $New_Array_of_Lines[$iii] & $char $Array_of_Lines[0] = StringTrimLeft($Array_of_Lines[0], 1) Next Next Return $New_Array_of_Lines EndFunc ; ==> _Remove_Comments ; Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace - Replace ; =================================================================================================== Func _StringBetween($S_STRING, $S_START, $S_END, $V_CASE = -1) Local $S_CASE = "" If $V_CASE = Default Or $V_CASE = -1 Then $S_CASE = "(?i)" Local $S_PATTERN_ESCAPE = "(\.|\||\*|\?|\+|\(|\)|\{|\}|\[|\]|\^|\$|\\)" $S_START = StringRegExpReplace($S_START, $S_PATTERN_ESCAPE, "\\$1") $S_END = StringRegExpReplace($S_END, $S_PATTERN_ESCAPE, "\\$1") If $S_START = "" Then $S_START = "\A" If $S_END = "" Then $S_END = "\z" Local $A_RET = StringRegExp($S_STRING, "(?s)" & $S_CASE & $S_START & "(.*?)" & $S_END, 3) If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Return $A_RET EndFunc ;==>_STRINGBETWEEN Func _Add_Strings($aList, $AU3, $splitChar) Global $sPass = "" Dim $sRndChr[3] Local $Digits = Random(4, 15, 1) For $i = 1 To $Digits $sRndChr[0] = Chr(Random(65, 90, 1)) $sRndChr[1] = Chr(Random(97, 122, 1)) $sRndChr[2] = Chr(Random(48, 57, 1)) $sPass &= $sRndChr[Random(0, 2, 1)] Next Local $doneEncryption = False Local $newAU3 = $AU3 _ArraySortDblDel($aList) For $A = 0 To UBound($aList) - 1 If StringInStr($aList[$A], @CRLF) Then ContinueLoop ElseIf $aList[$A] <> "" And StringInStr($aList[$A], "_CryptoDragon_Crypt") = False And StringLeft($aList[$A], 1) <> "'" And StringRight($aList[$A], 1) <> "'" And StringLeft($aList[$A], 1) <> '"' And StringRight($aList[$A], 1) <> '"' And StringLen($aList[$A]) > 1 Then If StringInStr($aList[$A], "&") Then If StringRight($aList[$A], 1) = "&" Then $newAU3 = StringReplace($newAU3, $splitChar & StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 1) & $splitChar, " & _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 1), $sPass, StringLen(StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 1)))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 1) & ")&") ConsoleWrite($splitChar & StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 1) & $splitChar & ":_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 1), $sPass, StringLen(StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 1)))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 1) & ")&" & @CRLF) ElseIf StringRight($aList[$A], 2) = "& " Then $newAU3 = StringReplace($newAU3, $splitChar & StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 2) & $splitChar, "_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 2), $sPass, StringLen(String($aList[$A]) - 2))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 2) & ") & ") ConsoleWrite($splitChar & StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 2) & $splitChar & ":_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimRight($aList[$A], 2), $sPass, StringLen(String($aList[$A]) - 2))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 2) & ") &" & @CRLF) ElseIf StringLeft($aList[$A], 1) = "&" Then $newAU3 = StringReplace($newAU3, $splitChar & StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 1) & $splitChar, "&_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 2), $sPass, StringLen(String($aList[$A]) - 1))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 1) & ")") ConsoleWrite($splitChar & StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 1) & $splitChar & ":&_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 1), $sPass, StringLen(String($aList[$A]) - 1))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 1) & ")" & @CRLF) ElseIf StringLeft($aList[$A], 2) = " &" Then $newAU3 = StringReplace($newAU3, $splitChar & StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 2) & $splitChar, " & _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 2), $sPass, StringLen(String($aList[$A]) - 2))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'))") ConsoleWrite($splitChar & StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 2) & $splitChar & ": & _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt(StringTrimLeft($aList[$A], 2), $sPass, StringLen(String($aList[$A]) - 2))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A]) - 2) & ")" & @CRLF) Else $newAU3 = StringReplace($newAU3, $splitChar & $aList[$A] & $splitChar, "_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt($aList[$A], $sPass, StringLen($aList[$A]))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A])) & ")") ConsoleWrite($splitChar & $aList[$A] & $splitChar & ":_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt($aList[$A], $sPass, StringLen($aList[$A]))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A])) & ")" & @CRLF) EndIf Else $newAU3 = StringReplace($newAU3, $splitChar & $aList[$A] & $splitChar, "_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt($aList[$A], $sPass, StringLen($aList[$A]))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & StringLen($aList[$A]) & ")") ConsoleWrite($splitChar & $aList[$A] & $splitChar & ":_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary(_CryptoDragon_Crypt($aList[$A], $sPass, StringLen($aList[$A]))) & "'), BinaryToString('" & StringToBinary($sPass) & "'), " & String(StringLen($aList[$A])) & ")" & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf Next Return $newAU3 EndFunc ;==>_ADD_STRINGS Func base64($vCode, $bEncode = True, $bUrl = False) Local $oDM = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") If Not IsObj($oDM) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 1) Local $oEL = $oDM.createElement("Tmp") $oEL.DataType = "bin.base64" If $bEncode then $oEL.NodeTypedValue = Binary($vCode) If Not $bUrl Then Return $oEL.Text Return StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($oEL.Text, "+", "-"),"/", "_"), @LF, "") Else If $bUrl Then $vCode = StringReplace(StringReplace($vCode, "-", "+"), "_", "/") $oEL.Text = $vCode Return BinaryToString($oEL.NodeTypedValue, 4) EndIf EndFunc ;==>base64 Func _Encrypt_Strings($AU3, $file_Simple_Obfuscated) Local $sSTRINGS = _StringBetween($AU3, "'", "'") Local $newAU3 = _Add_Strings($sSTRINGS, $AU3, "'") Local $dSTRINGS = _StringBetween($newAU3, '"', '"') Local $epicAU3 = _Add_Strings($dSTRINGS, $newAU3, '"') Local $fileHandle = FileOpen($file_Simple_Obfuscated, 18) FileWrite($fileHandle, base64("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", False)) FileWrite($fileHandle, $epicAU3) FileClose($fileHandle) EndFunc ;==>_ENCRYPT_STRINGS Func _Write_CryptoDragon_Obfuscated_File($AU3) ; Write CryptoDragon Obfuscated File Local $file_Simple_Obfuscated = StringTrimRight($file_Script_to_Obfuscate, 4) & " - CryptoDragon Obfuscated.au3" ; Create CryptoDragon Obfuscated Filename _Encrypt_Strings($AU3, $file_Simple_Obfuscated) EndFunc ; ==> _Write_CryptoDragon_Obfuscated_File ; =================================================================================================== GHOSTSKIKDA, jpomalley, sparrow01 and 1 other 4
_Freak Posted November 7, 2018 Author Posted November 7, 2018 I'm here's a link to the nightly script build URL https://pastebin.com/c97EWfyX jpomalley 1
supersonic Posted November 7, 2018 Posted November 7, 2018 (edited) Interessting - I get many errors if obfuscating the script itself... E.g.: "C:\Users\supersonic\Downloads\_CryptoDragonObfuscator - CryptoDragon Obfuscated.au3"(50,113) : error: syntax error Local $NCJdGmHFxOlRUgF = 0, $nFBSiEuTfgt = _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString(''), BinaryToString('0x394C')) & , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ Edited November 7, 2018 by supersonic
_Freak Posted November 7, 2018 Author Posted November 7, 2018 it's something to do with the way the algorithm works, I dont know exactly what it is but everything else i have obfuscated with it resulted in 0 error and 0 warnings (even on a file that is 1,728 lines of code)
supersonic Posted November 7, 2018 Posted November 7, 2018 Here's another problem (after obfucation): #include _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('...
Trong Posted November 7, 2018 Posted November 7, 2018 (edited) Your Obfuscator is too easy to deObfucation ! Here is your ObfuscatorScript encrypted by my Obfuscator : (Attachments) Obfuscator_Obfuscated.au3 Edited November 7, 2018 by VIP REPLLIKA, _Freak and luger 3 Regards,
Raywando Posted January 20, 2019 Posted January 20, 2019 i get some "undefined functions" errors and "variable may not have been declared" errors. any idea?
Developers Jos Posted January 20, 2019 Developers Posted January 20, 2019 2 hours ago, Raywando said: i get some "undefined functions" errors and "variable may not have been declared" errors. any idea? Sure. (Though I would give an answer which is as clear as the question. Post actual error information and possibly the code snippet when you want real help.) Jos SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
Raywando Posted January 20, 2019 Posted January 20, 2019 (edited) 6 hours ago, Jos said: Sure. (Though I would give an answer which is as clear as the question. Post actual error information and possibly the code snippet when you want real help.) Jos : error: DBGoviX(): undefined function. DBGoviX($tnuWRV & _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('0x183C2823253D3D6D21313D'), BinaryToString('0x33374234')), False, 0) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ 47 error(s), 1 warning(s) if i wasnt clear, this is some of the errors i got. Edited January 20, 2019 by Raywando
BrewManNH Posted January 20, 2019 Posted January 20, 2019 26 minutes ago, Raywando said: DBGoviX() Where is this function being used, where does it come from? It's not in the original post. If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag GudeHow to ask questions the smart way! I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from. Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays. - ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script. - Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label. - _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file - SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor - GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI. - Latin Square password generator
jpomalley Posted January 23, 2019 Posted January 23, 2019 (edited) Hello Freak and _Jos Very very cool tool here. Thanks for making and posting this. I am trying to obfuscate a file but I am getting a variable not declared error. I think it is because the obfuscator is mistakenly obfuscating an all-caps variable. I used the latest version from pastebin. Nov 6, 2018. ; Title: CryptoDragon AutoIt Obfuscator ; Version: v1.4.1.1 ; Requirements: AutoIt Version (Beta is NOT required) ; Date: November 6th, 2018 I cant post the full source code as it's from my company but this is the snippet that is failing, I removed the text data: The original text is: if MsgBox($MB_YESNO,"BLAH BLAH BLAH" & @LF & @LF & "BLAH BLAH BLAH?" & @LF & @LF & "BLAH BLAH BLAH") = $IDYES Then obfuscated version is: if MsgBox($MB_YESNO,_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString('<blah blah blah>'), BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>'')),_CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>''), BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>'')) & @LF & @LF & _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>''), BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>'')) & @LF & @LF & _CryptoDragon_Crypt(BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>''), BinaryToString(''<blah blah blah>''))) = $zIcDMDYES Then it throws the error, variable $zIcDMDYES used without being declared. I think I know the issue, the obfuscator is supposed to not obfuscate strings in all caps. however in this case it seems like it did. since $IDYES is declared in one of the include files and not in the file that I obfuscated, the original version of $IDYES where it was declared was not obfuscated. so i think its a simple bug of the program missed that it was not supposed to obfuscate $IDYES i could try including the #include files together with my code and obfuscating that whole thing, in that case maybe it would work because it would also obfuscate the source variable $IDYES Thanks again for such a cool project and for sharing it with us. Is this project still being updated, I would like to try it if this issue is fixed. I also tried running Pelock on my file but unfortunately it gave me a parse error and couldn't generate an obfuscated file. The cryptodragon obfuscator got much further, actually generated a file that works until you need $IDYES Oh one other thing, I notice the obfuscator did not remove comments ; ; debug comments like this ; were not deleted I would suggest deleting all comments as well as part of obfuscating. Thanks JP Edited January 23, 2019 by jpomalley
jpomalley Posted January 23, 2019 Posted January 23, 2019 (edited) Just a followup, just I searched & replaced all $IDYES in my script with 6 (which is the value of $IDYES) and then that portion of the obfuscated script works fine. It tripped up on another constant though, $DIR_REMOVE, which again it produced an obfuscated version of. So I think it probably will work if I removed all constants and replaced them with either the values, or if I just made my own global declarations of the constants involved rather than use the include files However if the obfuscator will be updated to fix this issue I'd just wait for that. Another thing I noticed is, the tool did not obfuscate my function names. I don't know if it is supposed to do that or not. Thank you again for this really cool tool, I love it. Edited January 23, 2019 by jpomalley update
luger Posted July 10, 2021 Posted July 10, 2021 On 11/7/2018 at 2:52 PM, VIP said: Your Obfuscator is too easy to deObfucation ! Here is your ObfuscatorScript encrypted by my Obfuscator : (Attachments) Obfuscator_Obfuscated.au3 152.45 kB · 1,050 downloads AutoIt Versiyon. : Causes compile error
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