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Hello All,


I am new here, ready to learn a lot :-)

I have a question, is there a way to detect a text on a screen.

I attached 2 pictures the graphic one is the screen I want to look at it.

The text one is what the AutoIt info screen can capture.

I need to find a way if the screen open on a specific software is the one I am looking.






Hi @RoboMello, and welcome to the AutoIt forum :)

It depends from what are you trying to automate.

You can use Control* functions, _IE* functions if it is something about Internet Explorer, IUI Automation UDF...

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Hello @FrancescoDiMuro, the application was done in Delphi 7, by other group here at work.

I need to write a script that would open the software and go to the correct window once is open.

If is not on the correct window I will have to make it go to the correct screen, which can be different depending on computer the script will be running on.


Need more details, but generally speaking, if the window you want to activate opens when the application starts you can use WinActivate to bring it to focus. If it's not open then you will have to automate the interface of your application to open it. You can get the list of windows with WinList

MsgBox('','',(StringFromASCIIArray(StringSplit('13:65:108:108:32:116' _
&':104:111:115:101:32:109:111:109:101:110:116:115:32:119:105:108:108' _
&':32:98:101:32:108:111:115:116:32:105:110:32:116:105:109:101:44:32:' _
&'108:105:107:101:32:116:101:97:114:115:32:105:110:32:114:97:105:110' _

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