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Posted (edited)

I want to make a while loop, that creates variables based on a array. For thist I created the array $iDsO with the number and the name of folders in an other folder. Every folder has a different name an I want to create variables(arrays) for each folder that show me all the files in that folder. For example: I have the Folder \Folder1. In it there are the Folders \1, \2, \3. In 1, 2 and 3 there are some files(.png). The array for Folder1 is $iDsO and now I want to crate the arrays $iDsO1, $iDsO2 and $iDsO3 with the files in them can I make something like this:

While $iDs > 0              ;$iDs is the number of files in Folder1>> $iDsO[0]
    $iDs#here should come the Foldername for example '1'# = _FileListtoArray(@ProgramFilesDir&"\Folder1\"&$iDsO[$iDs])
    $iDs = $iDs - 1

So that in the End I have three variabels ($iDs1, $iDs2 and $iDs3)


Is this posible or if not what could I do instead ( I don´t know the number of folders in Folder1 in the begining).

Edited by Dzenan03

without going into the merits if it is a good practice or not to create a new variable for each subfolder, here a way to go for what you have asked.
In short you have to use the Assign statement.


#include <array.au3>
#include <file.au3>
$sStartFolder = @ProgramFilesDir

; get list of subfolders (not recursive)
Local $aFirstLevelFolders = _FileListToArray($sStartFolder, Default, 2, True)

; fill all subfolders with it's filenames
For $i = 1 To $aFirstLevelFolders[0]

    ; use Assign to create new variables... $aDS1 $aDS2 .... etc
    Assign("aDS" & $i, _FileListToArray($aFirstLevelFolders[$i], Default, 1))

    ; view Array content
    _ArrayDisplay(Execute("$aDS" & $i))




image.jpeg.9f1a974c98e9f77d824b358729b089b0.jpeg Chimp

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