colombeen Posted August 22, 2018 Posted August 22, 2018 (edited) Hi everyone, I created a function to gather bitlocker information. It can tell you whether or not a drive is protected, which encryption method is being used, ... I tried to cover all the details in the function description The function (and 3 "internal" functions) : expandcollapse popup; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _BitlockerDriveInfo ; Description ...: Get Bitlocker information for one or multiple drives ; Syntax.........: _BitlockerDriveInfo([$sDrive[, $sComputer = @ComputerName[, $bDebug = False]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sDrive - Optional: The drive. Allowed values are: ; |"" - Get the info for all available drives ; |Letter: - Get the info for the specific drive ; $sComputer - Optional: The computer from which the info should be requested ; $bDebug - Optional: Shows the hex ReturnValue from the WMI methods if set to True ; Return values .: Success - Returns a 2D array with the following information ; |[string] Drive Letter ; |[string] Drive Label ; |[string] Volume Type ; |[bool] Initialized For Protection ; |[string] Protection Status ; |[string] Lock Status ; |[bool] Auto Unlock Enabled ; |[bool] Auto Unlock Key Stored ; |[string] Conversion Status ; |[string] Encryption Method ; |[int] Encryption Percentage ; |[string] Wiping Status ; |[int] Wiping Percentage ; |[array] Key Protectors (Or [string] "None" if the drive isn't protected) ; Failure - 0, sets @error to: ; |1 - There was an issue retrieving the COM object. @extended returns error code from ObjGet ; |2 - The specified drive in $Drive doesn't exist ; |3 - There was an issue running the WMI query ; Author ........: colombeen ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Requires to be run with admin elevation. Windows Vista or newer! ; A BIG THANKS to everyone from the community who contributed! ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: #include <Array.au3> ; $Header = "Drive Letter|Drive Label|Volume Type|Initialized For Protection|Protection Status|" & _ ; "Lock Status|Auto Unlock Enabled|Auto Unlock Key Stored|Conversion Status|Encryption " & _ ; "Method|Encryption Percentage|Wiping Status|Wiping Percentage|Key Protectors" ; _ArrayDisplay(_BitlockerDriveInfo(), "Bitlocker Drive Info", "", 64, Default, $Header) ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _BitlockerDriveInfo($sDrive = "", $sComputer = @ComputerName, $bDebug = False) Local $aConversionStatusMsg[7] = ["Unknown", "Fully Decrypted", "Fully Encrypted", "Encryption In Progress", "Decryption In Progress", "Encryption Paused", "Decryption Paused"] Local $aEncryptionMethodMsg[9] = ["Unknown", "None", "AES_128_WITH_DIFFUSER", "AES_256_WITH_DIFFUSER", "AES_128", "AES_256", "HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION", "XTS_AES_128", "XTS_AES_256"] Local $aKeyProtectorTypeMsg[11] = ["Unknown or other protector type", "Trusted Platform Module (TPM)", "External key", "Numerical password", "TPM And PIN", "TPM And Startup Key", "TPM And PIN And Startup Key", "Public Key", "Passphrase", "TPM Certificate", "CryptoAPI Next Generation (CNG) Protector"] Local $aLockStatusMsg[3] = ["Unknown", "Unlocked", "Locked"] Local $aProtectionStatusMsg[3] = ["Unprotected", "Protected", "Unknown"] Local $aVolumeTypeMsg[3] = ["Operating System Volume", "Fixed Data Volume", "Portable Data Volume"] Local $aWipingStatusMsg[5] = ["Unknown", "Free Space Not Wiped", "Free Space Wiped", "Free Space Wiping In Progress", "Free Space Wiping Paused"] Local $iRow = 0 Local $sRunMethod, $objWMIService, $objWMIQuery, $sDriveFilter, $iProtectionStatus, $iLockStatus, $bIsAutoUnlockEnabled, $bIsAutoUnlockKeyStored, $iConversionStatus, $iEncryptionPercentage, $iEncryptionFlags, $iWipingStatus, $iWipingPercentage, $iEncryptionMethod, $aVolumeKeyProtectorID, $aVolumeKeyProtectors, $iKeyProtectorType $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}!\\" & $sComputer & "\root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption") If @error Then Return SetError(1, @error, 0) If $sDrive <> "" Then Local $iDriveType = _WMIPropertyValue("DriveType", "Win32_LogicalDisk", "WHERE DeviceID='" & $sDrive & "'", Default, $sComputer) If @error Or ($iDriveType <> 2 And $iDriveType <> 3) Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) $sDriveFilter = " WHERE DriveLetter='" & $sDrive & "'" EndIf $objWMIQuery = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume" & $sDriveFilter, "WQL", 0) If Not IsObj($objWMIQuery) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $aResult[$objWMIQuery.count][14] For $objDrive In $objWMIQuery If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "+> " & $objDrive.DriveLetter & @CRLF) If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "GetConversionStatus") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.GetConversionStatus($iConversionStatus, $iEncryptionPercentage, $iEncryptionFlags, $iWipingStatus, $iWipingPercentage) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> GetConversionStatus 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $iConversionStatus = -1 $iWipingStatus = -1 $iEncryptionPercentage = 0 $iWipingPercentage = 0 EndIf If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "GetEncryptionMethod") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.GetEncryptionMethod($iEncryptionMethod) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> GetEncryptionMethod 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $iEncryptionMethod = 0 EndIf If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "GetKeyProtectors") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.GetKeyProtectors("0", $aVolumeKeyProtectorID) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> GetKeyProtectors 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $aVolumeKeyProtectorID = 0 EndIf If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "GetLockStatus") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.GetLockStatus($iLockStatus) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> GetLockStatus 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $iLockStatus = -1 EndIf If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "GetProtectionStatus") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.GetProtectionStatus($iProtectionStatus) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> GetProtectionStatus 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $iProtectionStatus = 2 EndIf If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "IsAutoUnlockEnabled") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.IsAutoUnlockEnabled($bIsAutoUnlockEnabled) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> IsAutoUnlockEnabled 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $bIsAutoUnlockEnabled = "Unknown" EndIf If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "IsAutoUnlockKeyStored") Then $sRunMethod = $objDrive.IsAutoUnlockKeyStored($bIsAutoUnlockKeyStored) If $bDebug Then ConsoleWrite("!> IsAutoUnlockKeyStored 0x" & Hex($sRunMethod) & @CRLF) Else $bIsAutoUnlockKeyStored = "Unknown" EndIf If IsArray($aVolumeKeyProtectorID) And UBound($aVolumeKeyProtectorID) > 0 Then Dim $aVolumeKeyProtectors[UBound($aVolumeKeyProtectorID)][2] For $i = 0 To UBound($aVolumeKeyProtectorID) - 1 $aVolumeKeyProtectors[$i][0] = $aVolumeKeyProtectorID[$i] If _WMIMethodExists($objDrive, "GetKeyProtectorType") Then If $objDrive.GetKeyProtectorType($aVolumeKeyProtectorID[$i], $iKeyProtectorType) = 0 Then $aVolumeKeyProtectors[$i][1]= $aKeyProtectorTypeMsg[$iKeyProtectorType] Else $aVolumeKeyProtectors[$i][1]= "Unknown" EndIf Else $aVolumeKeyProtectors[$i][1] = "Unknown" EndIf Next Else $aVolumeKeyProtectors = "None" EndIf ; DriveLetter $aResult[$iRow][0] = $objDrive.DriveLetter ; DriveLabel $aResult[$iRow][1] = _WMIPropertyValue("VolumeName", "Win32_LogicalDisk", "WHERE DeviceID='" & $objDrive.DriveLetter & "'", Default, $sComputer) ; VolumeType If _WMIPropertyExists($objDrive, "VolumeType") Then $aResult[$iRow][2] = $aVolumeTypeMsg[$objDrive.VolumeType] Else If $objDrive.DriveLetter = _WMIPropertyValue("SystemDrive", "Win32_OperatingSystem", "", Default, $sComputer) Then $aResult[$iRow][2]= $aVolumeTypeMsg[0] ElseIf _WMIPropertyValue("DriveType", "Win32_LogicalDisk", "WHERE DeviceID='" & $objDrive.DriveLetter & "'", Default, $sComputer) = 3 Then $aResult[$iRow][2]= $aVolumeTypeMsg[1] ElseIf _WMIPropertyValue("DriveType", "Win32_LogicalDisk", "WHERE DeviceID='" & $objDrive.DriveLetter & "'", Default, $sComputer) = 2 Then $aResult[$iRow][2]= $aVolumeTypeMsg[2] Else $aResult[$iRow][2]= "Unknown" EndIf EndIf ; IsVolumeInitializedForProtection If _WMIPropertyExists($objDrive, "IsVolumeInitializedForProtection") Then $aResult[$iRow][3] = $objDrive.IsVolumeInitializedForProtection Else $aResult[$iRow][3] = "Unkown" EndIf ; ProtectionStatus $aResult[$iRow][4] = $aProtectionStatusMsg[$iProtectionStatus] ; LockStatus $aResult[$iRow][5] = $aLockStatusMsg[$iLockStatus + 1] ; IsAutoUnlockEnabled $aResult[$iRow][6] = $bIsAutoUnlockEnabled ; IsAutoUnlockEnabled $aResult[$iRow][7] = $bIsAutoUnlockKeyStored ; ConversionStatus $aResult[$iRow][8] = $aConversionStatusMsg[$iConversionStatus + 1] ; EncryptionMethod $aResult[$iRow][9] = $aEncryptionMethodMsg[$iEncryptionMethod + 1] ; EncryptionPercentage $aResult[$iRow][10] = $iEncryptionPercentage ; WipingStatus $aResult[$iRow][11] = $aWipingStatusMsg[$iWipingStatus + 1] ; WipingPercentage $aResult[$iRow][12] = $iWipingPercentage ; KeyProtectors $aResult[$iRow][13] = $aVolumeKeyProtectors $iRow += 1 Next _ArraySort($aResult) Return $aResult EndFunc ;==>_BitlockerDriveInfo Func _WMIPropertyExists($Object, $Property) If Not IsObj($Object) Then Return False For $sProperty In $Object.Properties_ If $sProperty.Name = $Property Then Return True Next Return False EndFunc ;==>_WMIPropertyExists Func _WMIMethodExists($Object, $Method) If Not IsObj($Object) Then Return False For $sMethod In $Object.Methods_ If $sMethod.Name = $Method Then Return True Next Return False EndFunc ;==>_WMIMethodExists Func _WMIPropertyValue($sProperty = "", $sClass = "", $sFilter = "", $sNamespace = Default, $sComputer = @ComputerName) Local $objWMIService, $objWMIQuery If $sClass = "" Or $sProperty = "" Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If $sFilter <> "" Then $sFilter = " " & $sFilter If $sNamespace = Default Then $sNamespace = "\root\CIMV2" $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}!\\" & $sComputer & $sNamespace) If @error Then Return SetError(2, @error, 0) $objWMIQuery = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & $sClass & $sFilter, "WQL", 0x30) If Not IsObj($objWMIQuery) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) For $objItem In $objWMIQuery For $Property In $objItem.Properties_ If $Property.Name = $sProperty Then Return $Property.Value EndIf Next Next Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_WMIPropertyValue Example 1: #RequireAdmin #include <array.au3> ; Get information on all available drives Global $test = _BitlockerDriveInfo() If @error Then ConsoleWrite("!> _BitlockerDriveInfo() error: " & @error & ". extended: " & @extended & @CRLF) ElseIf IsArray($test) Then _ArrayDisplay($test, "Bitlocker Drive Info", "", 64, Default, "Drive Letter|Drive Label|Volume Type|Initialized For Protection|Protection Status|Lock Status|Auto Unlock Enabled|Auto Unlock Key Stored|Conversion Status|Encryption Method|Encryption Percentage|Wiping Status|Wiping Percentage|Key Protectors") ; Display the Key Protectors for the first record If IsArray($test[0][13]) Then _ArrayDisplay($test[0][13]) EndIf Example 2: #RequireAdmin #include <array.au3> ; Get information on the C-drive of the current computer + show extra information in the console Global $test = _BitlockerDriveInfo("C:", @ComputerName, True) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("!> _BitlockerDriveInfo() error: " & @error & ". extended: " & @extended & @CRLF) ElseIf IsArray($test) Then ConsoleWrite("Bitlocker information on the " & $test[0][0] & " drive" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("Protection Status: " & $test[0][4] & @CRLF) EndIf Screenshot for the first example: Suggestions? Bugs? Just let me know TODO: ??? Version 1.0: Initial release Version 1.1: Fixed: Drive Label will not work when you request the information from a remote system (currently using DriveGetLabel) Fixed: The current fix for the missing VolumeType property in some Windows versions will only work locally Added: New internal function (_WMIPropertyValue()) Version 1.2: Fixed: The drive exists & drive type check only worked locally when a drive was specified in $sDrive Edited August 23, 2018 by colombeen Release v1.2 mLipok, ERCEduTech, JoshuaBarnette and 1 other 3 1
colombeen Posted August 23, 2018 Author Posted August 23, 2018 Found some more bugs, fixed them argumentum 1
cbs803 Posted November 19, 2018 Posted November 19, 2018 (edited) it would be cool to be able to display encryption progress after activating bitlocker - i'm pretty sure could utilize your function to loop that information, what do you think? Edited November 20, 2018 by cbs803
cbs803 Posted November 20, 2018 Posted November 20, 2018 Global $a, $b, $c $strComputer = @ComputerName $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption") While $b <> 100 $objWMIQuery = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume WHERE DriveLetter='C:'", "WQL", 0) For $objDrive In $objWMIQuery $res = $objDrive.GetConversionStatus($a, $b, $c) ;Display Progress Text or increment a Progress Bar ;"Bitlocker Encryption in Progress (" & $b & "%)...") Sleep(1000) Next WEnd From your function - it helped me include Bitlocker Encryption Progress into my own GUI... Thankyou!!!!
colombeen Posted November 20, 2018 Author Posted November 20, 2018 (edited) ; Use readable var names ;-) Global $ConversionStatus, $EncryptionPercentage, $EncryptionFlags, $WipingStatus, $WipingPercentage $strComputer = @ComputerName $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption") ; $objWMIService error check If @error Then Return False While $EncryptionPercentage <> 100 $objWMIQuery = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_EncryptableVolume WHERE DriveLetter='C:'", "WQL", 0) For $objDrive In $objWMIQuery ; $res = $objDrive.GetConversionStatus($ConversionStatus, $EncryptionPercentage, $EncryptionFlags, $WipingStatus, $WipingPercentage) ; Display Progress Text or increment a Progress Bar ; "Bitlocker Encryption in Progress (" & $EncryptionPercentage & "%)...") Sleep(1000) Next WEnd Nice to see that someone can use it Edited November 20, 2018 by colombeen
ERCEduTech Posted January 21, 2020 Posted January 21, 2020 Hi.. Just signed up to say thanks very much for this function - your work is appreciated :) colombeen 1
colombeen Posted January 26, 2020 Author Posted January 26, 2020 On 1/21/2020 at 10:47 AM, ERCEduTech said: Hi.. Just signed up to say thanks very much for this function - your work is appreciated :) Thank you very much :-)
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