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I have a situation where I need to make one request to get a kind of pre-logon page, then click a link on that pre-logon page, which then returns a login form page, and then fill in information in the form page and submit it.

How can I handle that using AutoIT?

I can get the AutoIT script to tab to the link, then send an ENTER, which then causes the FORM page to appear in IE.  However, I cannot seem to get the form object from the FORM page (_IEFormGetObjByName fails when it searches for the form).  Why is that, and how can I get the AutoIT to process the FORM page?




Please post your code here to get additional help. Have you tried using _IEFormGetCollection to get the form details?

#include <IE.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Local $oIE = _IECreate("http://www.autoitscript.com")
Local $oForms = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Forms Info", "There are " & @extended & " form(s) on this page")
For $oForm In $oForms
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Form Info", $oForm.name)


6 hours ago, PoojaKrishna said:

Please post your code here to get additional help. Have you tried using _IEFormGetCollection to get the form details?

#include <IE.au3>
#include <MsgBoxConstants.au3>

Local $oIE = _IECreate("http://www.autoitscript.com")
Local $oForms = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE)
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Forms Info", "There are " & @extended & " form(s) on this page")
For $oForm In $oForms
    MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Form Info", $oForm.name)


Yes, I am already using _IEFormGetCollection() (see this other thread about that: 


That (getting the form and the element works fine when I am working with the login page which I got to by using _IECreate(), but what I am asking about in this thread/subject is a kind of variant of the case where I get to the form login page "directly" by using _IECreate().

We (apparently) have some target web sites where instead of going to a form login page directly, when you first access the site, you get pa page with a link that takes you to the login page, something like:


then, you click on the link that the browser shows the FORM login page (this is some kind of security measure, i.e., if someone is trolling the site, they would need to follow that link to log into the website).  [Note I think the login page is the same URI, so I am guessing it's like a hidden <DIV> or something that gets unhidden, but I'm not a web type person so not sure how they do that.]

I have tried the following so far using AutoIT:

- Sending some TABs to get to the link and then send an ENTER

- Use _IENAavigate() to get to the login page

I can get the log in page to appear in the browser, but when I try to do the _IE* stuff to get the form, etc., I am getting nothing, i.e., even though the browser is SHOWING the form, etc., using the _IE functions to get the form, then the form elements, etc. doesn't seem to work, so what I am asking is how I can get the form page to repopulate the $oIE (or maybe another internet explorer object)?





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