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Posted (edited)

I have a table I am parsing, to find specific vehicle information. I am unable to get _ArrayFindAll to return the only valid result with my test data.

Below is a sample of the table's HTML:

<td class="textCenter">2010</td>
           <td>TACOMA 4X4 DB</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textCenter">6</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">Y</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">80,975</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$16,800</td>
       <tr><!-- 308 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2010</td>
           <td>TACOMA 4X4 RG</td>
           <td class="textCenter">R</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">5</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">95,224</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$9,500</td>
       <tr><!-- 309 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>CXL RL4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">SR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">L</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">102,694</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$5,000</td>
       <tr><!-- 310 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>AVALANCH 4X4 CR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textCenter">8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">64,759</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$16,300</td>
       <tr><!-- 311 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>EQUINOX AWD 4C</td>
           <td>LT W/2LT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">S</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">AWD</td>
           <td class="textCenter">Y</td>
           <td class="textCenter">SR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">91,896</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$4,400</td>
       <tr><!-- 312 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>TAHOE 4X4 V8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">S</td>
           <td class="textCenter">8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">MR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">L</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">126,982</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$17,800</td>
       <tr><!-- 313 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>1500 SLV 4X4 EX</td>
           <td class="textCenter">X</td>
           <td class="textCenter">8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">O</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">60,303</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$18,100</td>
       <tr><!-- 314 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>1500 SLV 4X4 EX</td>
           <td class="textCenter">X</td>
           <td class="textCenter">8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">O</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">89,403</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$15,900</td>
       <tr><!-- 315 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>1500 SLV 4X4 EX</td>
           <td class="textCenter">X</td>
           <td class="textCenter">8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">L</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">53,087</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$17,700</td>
       <tr><!-- 316 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>3500 CUTAWAY</td>
           <td>WORK VAN</td>
           <td class="textCenter">S</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X2</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">202,477</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$2,700</td>
       <tr><!-- 317 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>TOWN &amp; COUNTRY</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">6</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X2</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">198,541</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$1,900</td>
       <tr><!-- 318 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>DURANGO AWD V6</td>
           <td class="textCenter">S</td>
           <td class="textCenter">6</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">AWD</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">SR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">176,036</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$2,800</td>
       <tr><!-- 319 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textCenter">Y</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">101,929</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$3,100</td>
       <tr><!-- 320 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>FUSION FWD 4C</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textCenter">Y</td>
           <td class="textCenter">SR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">L</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">78,290</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$5,500</td>
       <tr><!-- 321 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>F150 4X4 CR</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textCenter">8</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">Y</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">70,909</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$16,000</td>
       <tr><!-- 322 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>MUSTANG V6 CPE</td>
           <td>V6 PREMIUM</td>
           <td class="textCenter">2</td>
           <td class="textCenter">6</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4X2</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">L</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">92,531</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$2,700</td>
       <tr><!-- 323 -->
           <td class="textCenter">2011</td>
           <td>ACADIA FWD</td>
           <td class="textCenter">4</td>
           <td class="textCenter">6</td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter"></td>
           <td class="textCenter">A</td>
           <td class="textCenter">HT</td>
           <td class="textCenter">C</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">79,199</td>
           <td class="textRight" nowrap="nowrap">$10,700</td>

A picture of the table test data is attached here:


Here is the _query function, and all other relevant code that I can share.


Func _query($aSel, $aUrls)
    $oIE = _login()

    If $oIE = "Return" Then

    $j = 0
    While $j < UBound($aSel) - 1

        $i = 1

        $aucID ;Unable To Share What This Is Other Than Var Name.

        _IENavigate($oIE, "Something" & $aucID[0] & "Something")

        _IELoadWait($oIE, 100, 2000)
        $oObj = _IETableGetCollection($oIE, 3)
        $cars = _IETableWriteToArray_ProgressBar($oObj, True, "Processing Requested Information!") ;<---- Modified Version See Post For It: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/195335-solved-how-to-add-a-progress-bar-to-_ietablewritetoarray/?tab=comments#comment-1400699

        $carsYear = _filter($cars, 0, 0, GUICtrlRead($year))
        $carsMake = _filter($carsYear, 0, 1, GUICtrlRead($make))
        Global $carsModel = _filter($carsMake, 0, 2, GUICtrlRead($model))

        $i = 0
        $engine = GUICtrlRead($engine)

        If $engine <> "" Then

            While $i < StringLen($engine)

                $carsEngine = _filter($carsModel, 0, 6 + $i, StringLeft($engine, 1))

                ;_ArrayDisplay($carsModel, "Cars Model Before Array Delete")

                $x = 1
                While $x <= UBound($carsModel)

                    _ArrayDelete($carsModel, $x)
                    $x += 1


                ;_ArrayDisplay($carsModel, "Cars Model After Array Delete")

                ;_ArrayConcatenate($carsModel, $carsEngine)

                ;_ArrayDisplay($carsModel, "Cars Model After Concatenate")

                $engine = StringTrimLeft($engine, 1)
                $i += 1



            Dim $carsEngine[1][16]


        _ArrayConcatenate($carsEngine, $carsModel)
        _ArrayDisplay($carsEngine, "Cars Engine")

        Dim $carsDriveTrain[1][16]
        Dim $carsDriveTrain2[1][16]
        $driveTrainVal = GUICtrlRead($driveTrain)
        If $driveTrainVal = "4x4" Or $driveTrainVal = "awd" Then

            $carsDriveTrain = _filter($carsEngine, 0, 9, "4")
            $carsDriveTrain2 = _filter($carsEngine, 0, 9, "a")
;~          _ArrayDisplay($carsDriveTrain, "Drive Train Before")
;~          If @error Then
;~              MsgBox("", "", "Cars Drive Train Error: " & @error)
;~          EndIf
;~          _ArrayDisplay($carsDriveTrain2, "Drive Train2 Before")
;~          If @error Then
;~              MsgBox("", "", "Cars Drive Train 2 Error: " & @error)
;~          EndIf
            _ArrayConcatenate($carsDriveTrain, $carsDriveTrain2)

            _ArrayDisplay($carsDriveTrain, "Drive Train After Concat")

        ElseIf $driveTrainVal = "" Then

            _ArrayConcatenate($carsDriveTrain, $carsEngine)


            $carsDriveTrain = _filter($carsEngine, 0, 9, $driveTrain)

        Dim $carsOdom[1][16]
        $min = GUICtrlRead($odomMin)
        $max = GUICtrlRead($odomMax)
        For $i = 0 To UBound($carsDriveTrain) - 1

            If $carsDriveTrain[$i][14] > $min And $carsDriveTrain[$i][14] < $max Then

                _ArrayAdd($carsOdom, $carsDriveTrain[$i])
                MsgBox("", "", "ADDED!")



        _ArrayDisplay($carsOdom, "Cars Odom")

        $j += 1

EndFunc   ;==>_query

Func _filter($tofilter, $xpos1, $ypos1, $str)

;~  If UBound($tofilter, 1) <= 1 Then

;~      $endx = 0

;~  Else

;~      $endx = UBound($tofilter, 1) - 1

;~  EndIf

;~  $cars = _ArrayFindAll($tofilter, $str, $tofilter[$xpos1][$ypos1], $tofilter[$endx][$ypos1], 0, 1, $ypos1, False)

    $cars = _ArrayFindAll($tofilter, $str, Default, Default, 0, 1, $ypos1)

    Dim $carsFiltered[1][16] = [["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p"]]

    $i = 0

    $uBound = UBound($cars) - 1

    While $i < $uBound

        $filtered = _ArrayExtract($tofilter, $cars[$i], $cars[$i], 0, 15)
        ;_ArrayDisplay($filtered, "_filter Array of Filtered")
        _ArrayConcatenate($carsFiltered, $filtered)

        $i += 1


    _ArrayDelete($carsFiltered, 0)

    Return $carsFiltered

EndFunc   ;==>_filter


If you know of a more efficient way of doing this please let me know would be more than happy to chew down my inefficiency while learning! (It's like my grandpa used to say, "The only criticism I can't use is that which is not given to me.")


The Item an I am using to test the filter is:



Edited by rm4453
Forgot To Include Result Used For Filter

Please attach resulting array from

$cars = _IETableWriteToArray_ProgressBar($oObj, True, "Processing Requested Information!") ;

as a txt file and specify which value is var:

$engine = GUICtrlRead($engine)

so i and maybe someother's too can have a short look for a quick solution. But as i see are you deleting from begin to end in the  array. This is no good idea, try to do this from end to begin and it should be the solution.

Posted (edited)

@AutoBert Sorry forgot to include the data, try cache refreshing (CTRL+SHIFT+R), as it should load the if not most data requested. (The table as you see it is the resulting array, aka the HTML attached is the table before it is ran through that)

Edited by rm4453
18 minutes ago, rm4453 said:

$engine = GUICtrlRead($engine)

This line is rewriting the contents of your $engine variable. Previously, by my guess, the variable held the Control ID of the input box, now it contains the contents of that box, and you have no way to get the contents of it again because you cleared the reference to it.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator

1 minute ago, BrewManNH said:

This line is rewriting the contents of your $engine variable. Previously, by my guess, the variable held the Control ID of the input box, now it contains the contents of that box, and you have no way to get the contents of it again because you cleared the reference to it.

I don't believe so... I am able to get as far as:

_ArrayConcatenate($carsEngine, $carsModel)
        _ArrayDisplay($carsEngine, "Cars Engine") ;<---- This contains the Chevy.

        Dim $carsDriveTrain[1][16]
        Dim $carsDriveTrain2[1][16]
        $driveTrainVal = GUICtrlRead($driveTrain)
        If $driveTrainVal = "4x4" Or $driveTrainVal = "awd" Then

            $carsDriveTrain = _filter($carsEngine, 0, 9, "4") ;<---- Returns No Result.
            $carsDriveTrain2 = _filter($carsEngine, 0, 9, "a") ;<--- Returns No Result.
;~          _ArrayDisplay($carsDriveTrain, "Drive Train Before") ;<- Which means This Contains Nothing.
;~          If @error Then
;~              MsgBox("", "", "Cars Drive Train Error: " & @error)
;~          EndIf
;~          _ArrayDisplay($carsDriveTrain2, "Drive Train2 Before");< And This Contains Nothing as Well.
;~          If @error Then
;~              MsgBox("", "", "Cars Drive Train 2 Error: " & @error)
;~          EndIf
            _ArrayConcatenate($carsDriveTrain, $carsDriveTrain2)

            _ArrayDisplay($carsDriveTrain, "Drive Train After Concat")

        ElseIf $driveTrainVal = "" Then

            _ArrayConcatenate($carsDriveTrain, $carsEngine)


            $carsDriveTrain = _filter($carsEngine, 0, 9, $driveTrain)

        Dim $carsOdom[1][16]
        $min = GUICtrlRead($odomMin)
        $max = GUICtrlRead($odomMax)
        For $i = 0 To UBound($carsDriveTrain) - 1

            If $carsDriveTrain[$i][14] > $min And $carsDriveTrain[$i][14] < $max Then

                _ArrayAdd($carsOdom, $carsDriveTrain[$i])
                MsgBox("", "", "ADDED!")



        _ArrayDisplay($carsOdom, "Cars Odom")


3 minutes ago, rm4453 said:

I don't believe so

Your belief and reality are two different things. You are indeed rewriting the value that the variable $engine contains.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
Give a programmer the correct code and he can do his work for a day. Teach a programmer to debug and he can do his work for a lifetime - by Chirag Gude
How to ask questions the smart way!

I hereby grant any person the right to use any code I post, that I am the original author of, on the autoitscript.com forums, unless I've specifically stated otherwise in the code or the thread post. If you do use my code all I ask, as a courtesy, is to make note of where you got it from.

Back up and restore Windows user files _Array.au3 - Modified array functions that include support for 2D arrays.  -  ColorChooser - An add-on for SciTE that pops up a color dialog so you can select and paste a color code into a script.  -  Customizable Splashscreen GUI w/Progress Bar - Create a custom "splash screen" GUI with a progress bar and custom label.  -  _FileGetProperty - Retrieve the properties of a file  -  SciTE Toolbar - A toolbar demo for use with the SciTE editor  -  GUIRegisterMsg demo - Demo script to show how to use the Windows messages to interact with controls and your GUI.  -   Latin Square password generator

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, BrewManNH said:

Your belief and reality are two different things. You are indeed rewriting the value that the variable $engine contains.

If you believe this is the case will you please point out or highlight which portion of the script after where I commented this contains the chevy, relies on $engine? If you are correct this would be an extremely easy fix, and I would love to have it boil down to something this simple.


*In case this helps I can confirm for you other than the GUI initialization this is the only time it is used up to that point:

$carsYear = _filter($cars, 0, 0, GUICtrlRead($year))
        $carsMake = _filter($carsYear, 0, 1, GUICtrlRead($make))
        Global $carsModel = _filter($carsMake, 0, 2, GUICtrlRead($model))

        $i = 0
        $engine = GUICtrlRead($engine);<--- Here

        If $engine <> "" Then


Edited by rm4453
  • Moderators


BrewManNH is absolutely correct. The first time through the loop you trash the $engine ControlID - which means every subsequent pass will not get the correct data into the variable as it will not read the value entered in the control. As a general principle the variables for the ControlID and the data within the control should always have distinct names.


Public_Domain.png.2d871819fcb9957cf44f4514551a2935.png Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restriction of any kind

Open spoiler to see my UDFs:


ArrayMultiColSort ---- Sort arrays on multiple columns
ChooseFileFolder ---- Single and multiple selections from specified path treeview listing
Date_Time_Convert -- Easily convert date/time formats, including the language used
ExtMsgBox --------- A highly customisable replacement for MsgBox
GUIExtender -------- Extend and retract multiple sections within a GUI
GUIFrame ---------- Subdivide GUIs into many adjustable frames
GUIListViewEx ------- Insert, delete, move, drag, sort, edit and colour ListView items
GUITreeViewEx ------ Check/clear parent and child checkboxes in a TreeView
Marquee ----------- Scrolling tickertape GUIs
NoFocusLines ------- Remove the dotted focus lines from buttons, sliders, radios and checkboxes
Notify ------------- Small notifications on the edge of the display
Scrollbars ----------Automatically sized scrollbars with a single command
StringSize ---------- Automatically size controls to fit text
Toast -------------- Small GUIs which pop out of the notification area


Just now, Melba23 said:


BrewManNH is absolutely correct. The first time through the loop you trash the $engine ControlID - which means every subsequent pass will not get the correct data into the variable as it will not read the value entered in the control. As a general principle the variables for the ControlID and the data within the control should always have distinct names.


I see the issue he commented about, I fixed that issue, and am still receiving the same result. I do appreciate him pointing that out.

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