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Date/Time conversion issue

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Hi everyone


I've been looking around for a way to convert this date/time format to a normal, readable format :


But for some reason I can't seem to find a solution.

I've been looking on google, the forum, ... but I'm either using the wrong search terms or there aren't any posts  on this specific type of date/time format?

Anyone who can help?

This date/time format something that Active Directory returned when querying bitlocker recovery information.





In powershell you can do this : 

PS H:\> [System.DateTimeOffset] "2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00"

DateTime      : 13/08/2018 16:39:23
UtcDateTime   : 13/08/2018 15:39:23
LocalDateTime : 13/08/2018 17:39:23
Date          : 13/08/2018 0:00:00
Day           : 13
DayOfWeek     : Monday
DayOfYear     : 225
Hour          : 16
Millisecond   : 0
Minute        : 39
Month         : 8
Offset        : 01:00:00
Second        : 23
Ticks         : 636697751630000000
UtcTicks      : 636697715630000000
TimeOfDay     : 16:39:23
Year          : 2018


Edited by colombeen
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You can use StringBetween

seem like you got an occurrence.... 

#include <String.au3>
$Ligne = "2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00"
$Time = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "T", "+" )

Msgbox(0,"Time","Time = "&$Time[0])

Or checking GMT "+" or "-"

#include <String.au3>

$Ligne = "2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00"

$Time = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "T", "+" )

$iRows = UBound($Time, $UBOUND_ROWS)
       If $iRows = 1 Then
          Msgbox(0,"Time","Time = "&$Time[0])
          $Time = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "T", "-" )
$iRows = UBound($Time, $UBOUND_ROWS)
       If $iRows = 1 Then
          Msgbox(0,"Time","Time = "&$Time[0])


Edited by caramen

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10 minutes ago, caramen said:

You can use StringBetween

seem like you got an occurrence.... 

#include <String.au3>
$Ligne = "2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00"
$Time = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "T", "+" )

Msgbox(0,"Time","Time = "&$Time[0])


Not exactly what i'm looking for... I want to convert this to :

LocalDateTime : 13/08/2018 17:39:23

and not just take the time from the string.


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15 minutes ago, colombeen said:

Not exactly what i'm looking for... I want to convert this to :

LocalDateTime : 13/08/2018 17:39:23

and not just take the time from the string.


#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$Ligne = "2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00"

$TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "-", "T" )
_ArrayDisplay ($TimeDay)
$TimeMonth = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "-", "-" )
$TimeYear = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "", "-" )
$TimeTime = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "T", "+" )

$iRows = UBound($TimeTime, $UBOUND_ROWS)
$iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
$iRows2 = UBound($TimeMonth, $UBOUND_ROWS)
$iRows3 = UBound($TimeYear, $UBOUND_ROWS)

If $iRows = 1 And $iRows1 = 1 And $iRows2 = 1 And $iRows3 = 1 Then
$Time = $TimeDay[0]&"/"&$TimeMonth[0]&"/"&$TimeYear[0]&" "&$TimeTime[0]
MsgBox (0, "Time" , "Time = "&$Time)

I am missing something the day is not correctly show but it is what you want i just worked a bit more... ;) ...

Edited by caramen

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#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$Ligne = "2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00"

                       $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "01-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "02-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "03-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "04-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "05-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "06-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "07-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "08-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "09-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "10-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "11-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )
   $iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
    If $iRows1= 0 Then $TimeDay = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "12-", "T",$STR_ENDISSTART  )

$TimeMonth = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "-", "-" )
$TimeYear = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "", "-" )
$TimeTime = _StringBetween ( $Ligne , "T", "+" )

$iRows1 = UBound($TimeDay, $UBOUND_ROWS)
$iRows = UBound($TimeTime, $UBOUND_ROWS)
$iRows2 = UBound($TimeMonth, $UBOUND_ROWS)
$iRows3 = UBound($TimeYear, $UBOUND_ROWS)

If $iRows = 1 And $iRows1 = 1 And $iRows2 = 1 And $iRows3 = 1 Then
$Time = $TimeDay[0]&"/"&$TimeMonth[0]&"/"&$TimeYear[0]&" "&$TimeTime[0]
MsgBox (0, "Time" , "Time = "&$Time)


Edited by caramen

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I am not familiar with String's command there is probably a shorder script that can do that but well my technique work :P 

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This is a bit brute force with less lines. I imagine someone might jump in and perform a clever trick. :)

Local $sTestString = '2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 '
Local $sConversion = StringRegExpReplace($sTestString, '(\d+)(\D)(\d+)(\D)(\d+)(\D)([^\+]+)(.+)', '$5/$3/$1 $7')

MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)


Edited by czardas
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Anything wrong with the standard incorporated UDF's I wrote over a decade ago, which supports the ansi date/time notation? ;)

Local $sTestString = '2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 '
$sConversion = _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,1)
MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)
$sConversion = _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,2) & " " & _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,5)
MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)


Edited by Jos

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Well, almost :evil:

The timezone is ignored, at least in all the propositions made until now.

The OP didn't tell us clearly which "time" is needed: UTC, local, origin.

Here's how to properly convert an ISO-8601 stamp into what OP calls "readable format" (here I assume UTC aka Zulu time):

Local $sTestString = [ _
    '2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 ', _
    '2018-08-13T16:39:23+09:30 ', _
    '2018-08-13T16:39:23-09:00 ', _
    '2018-03-01T01:39:23+02:00 ', _
    '2017-12-31T23:39:23-01:00 ' _

For $t In $sTestString
    ConsoleWrite(   $t & @TAB & _
                    _IsoDateTimeToZulu($t) & @TAB & _

Func _IsoDateTimeToZulu($s)
    Local $sDT = StringLeft($s, 19)
    $sDT = StringRegExpReplace($sDT, '(\d{4}).(\d\d).(\d\d).(.{8})', '$1/$2/$3 $4')
    Local $iH = -Int(StringMid($s, 20, 3))
    Local $iM = Int(($iH < 0 ? '-' : '') & StringMid($t, 24, 2))
    Return StringRegExpReplace(_DateAdd('h', $iH, _DateAdd('n', $iM, $sDT)), '(\d{4})(/\d\d/)(\d\d)(.{9})', '$3$2$1$4')

It's trivial to convert to either origin time (just ignore timezone) or local time (add local agjustments) instead.

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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2 minutes ago, jchd said:

Well, almost :evil:

Show-off :) 

Modifications/improvements will always be acceptable.  

Edited by Jos

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What I said: the timezone information is ignored.

If you're an admin of a large corp (or just managing worldwide mail), the timestamps you get may come from everywhere. 2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 is 2018-08-13 15:39:23 UTC from a point in timezone +1h (Paris). UTC is the lingua franca of time thanks to its unambiguousness (!?!).

Then from UTC you may need or prefer you own local time and even your own legal time (summer/winter).

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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Understood and hence my comment that we probably need to look at the standard UDF whether this needs to be supported as well.


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I leave this can of worms to the brave!

Given a specific timezone, conversion from/to UTC to/from current localtime is trivial. What's not is so easy is when you only know the location and have to decide which timezone it's in (timezone boundaries did vary over time).

What's an even worse nightmare is dealing with legal times (wall clock time), present, past or future. A number of libraries have tried to keep track of changes of legal time adjustments in history but even that alone is close to untractable. Of course when you note the versatility of legal rules (DST) over some past and try to devise from that what's coming next you just end up with question marks.

You might say I'm nitpicking but when a function is released it's going to be used in countless contexts and bugs (or just lack of exhaustive precision) left inside may have real nasty consequences. For sure we want to avoid that.

Even now, the ISO 8601 specification allows for quite a large number of formats for several distinct semantics: timestamps, deltatime, starttime+duration, etc. Only supporting all the intricacies it covers (e.g. T24:00 or T23:59:60) isn't a job to take lightly!

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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The Helpfile states:



See _DateTimeSplit() for other possible variations of the input date format.

Where it is stated:



$sDate Any of these formats:
"yyyy/mm/dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]"
"yyyy-mm-dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]"
"yyyy.mm.dd[ hh:mm[:ss]]"

This to avoid having to do this for all date/time functions.


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On 14-8-2018 at 4:07 PM, Jos said:

Anything wrong with the standard incorporated UDF's I wrote over a decade ago, which supports the ansi date/time notation? ;)

Local $sTestString = '2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 '
$sConversion = _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,1)
MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)
$sConversion = _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,2) & " " & _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,5)
MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)


Because it didn't show up in my search results :-)

On 14-8-2018 at 5:13 PM, jchd said:

Well, almost :evil:

The timezone is ignored, at least in all the propositions made until now.

The OP didn't tell us clearly which "time" is needed: UTC, local, origin.

Here's how to properly convert an ISO-8601 stamp into what OP calls "readable format" (here I assume UTC aka Zulu time):

Local $sTestString = [ _
    '2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 ', _
    '2018-08-13T16:39:23+09:30 ', _
    '2018-08-13T16:39:23-09:00 ', _
    '2018-03-01T01:39:23+02:00 ', _
    '2017-12-31T23:39:23-01:00 ' _

For $t In $sTestString
    ConsoleWrite(   $t & @TAB & _
                    _IsoDateTimeToZulu($t) & @TAB & _

Func _IsoDateTimeToZulu($s)
    Local $sDT = StringLeft($s, 19)
    $sDT = StringRegExpReplace($sDT, '(\d{4}).(\d\d).(\d\d).(.{8})', '$1/$2/$3 $4')
    Local $iH = -Int(StringMid($s, 20, 3))
    Local $iM = Int(($iH < 0 ? '-' : '') & StringMid($t, 24, 2))
    Return StringRegExpReplace(_DateAdd('h', $iH, _DateAdd('n', $iM, $sDT)), '(\d{4})(/\d\d/)(\d\d)(.{9})', '$3$2$1$4')

It's trivial to convert to either origin time (just ignore timezone) or local time (add local agjustments) instead.

This is working perfectly!

On 14-8-2018 at 6:33 PM, jchd said:

If you're an admin of a large corp (or just managing worldwide mail), the timestamps you get may come from everywhere. 2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 is 2018-08-13 15:39:23 UTC from a point in timezone +1h (Paris). UTC is the lingua franca of time thanks to its unambiguousness (!?!).

Then from UTC you may need or prefer you own local time and even your own legal time (summer/winter).

So true! We manage over 20000 devices and timestamps + timezones are pretty important.


Edited by colombeen
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  • 5 years later...
On 8/14/2018 at 4:07 PM, Jos said:

Anything wrong with the standard incorporated UDF's I wrote over a decade ago, which supports the ansi date/time notation? ;)

Local $sTestString = '2018-08-13T16:39:23+01:00 '
$sConversion = _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,1)
MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)
$sConversion = _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,2) & " " & _dateTimeFormat($sTestString,5)
MsgBox(0, "", $sConversion)


Looks like that this is not working with the current version of AutoIt, is that possible?

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