milkmoron Posted August 9, 2018 Posted August 9, 2018 (edited) I'm trying to make a script that automates alot of copy pasting and filling in fields with text. I'm using alot of IUI but when I close the application window and open a new application window to enter another set of data the IUI Functions don't work, like they are being skipped. Anyone know what is causing this? Here is my code. Do I have to reset the vars or something? It works perfectly the first time running it but consecutive ones don't work on new windows. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 ;~ #au3check -q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <CUIAutomation2.au3> #include <UIAWrappers.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> Global $Paused = False HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") HotKeySet("{END}", "Terminate") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD1}", "Attachment0") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD2}", "Attachment1") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD3}", "Attachment2") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD4}", "Attachment3") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD5}", "Attachment4") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD6}", "Attachment5") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD7}", "Attachment6") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD8}", "Attachment7") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD9}", "Attachment8") HotKeySet("{NUMPAD0}", "Attachment9") HotKeySet("{INSERT}", "CopyPaste") AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func TogglePause() $Paused = NOT $Paused While $Paused sleep(100) ToolTip('Paused"',0,0) WEnd ToolTip("") EndFunc Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc Func Attachment9() AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1) _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_setVar("row0attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=0 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId");ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId;classname:=Email") local $orow0attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=0 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") _UIA_setVar("CopyoP1","Title:=Context;controltype:=UIA_MenuControlTypeId;class:=#32768") ;Context _UIA_setVar("CopyfromGrid","Title:=Copy From Grid;controltype:=UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_MenuItemControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_setVar("EntireGrid","title:=Entire Grid;") _UIA_setVar("Copy.mainwindow","title:=Copy;") _UIA_setVar("Maximize","Title:=Maximize;controltype:=UIA_ButtonControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_ButtonControlTypeId;classname:=") local $AttachmentsAmount = 0 ;If IsObj($orow0attachment) Then _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") _UIA_action("Maximize","highlight") _UIA_action("Maximize","click") _UIA_Action("row0attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row0attachment","rightclick") local $posCopyfromGrid = WinGetPos("View Activity") local $CopyfromGridx = 250 local $CopyfromGridy = 550 WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "View Activitys", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClick("left", $posCopyfromGrid[0] + $CopyfromGridx, $posCopyfromGrid[1] + $CopyfromGridy) ;_UIA_Action("CopyfromGrid","highlight") ;_UIA_action("CopyfromGrid","click") _UIA_action("EntireGrid","highlight") _UIA_action("EntireGrid","click") local $poscopy = WinGetPos("Select Grid Copy Options") local $gridcopyx = 200 local $gridcopy = 60 WinActivate ( "Select Grid Copy Options" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Select Grid Copy Options", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Select Grid Copy Options") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $gridcopyx, $poscopy[1] + $gridcopy) Global $oExcel = _Excel_Open() WinActivate ("Autoit Excel Test" , "") Global $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, @ScriptDir & "\Autoit Excel Test.xlsx" ) local $posexcel = WinGetPos("Autoit Excel Test - Excel") local $startupx = 60 local $startupy = 235 WinActivate ( "Book1 - Excel" , "" ) MouseClick("left", $posexcel[0] + $startupx, $posexcel[1] + $startupy) Sleep(500) Send ("^v") local $Attachment0 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C2", 3) local $Attachment0type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D2", 3) local $Attachment0description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E2", 3) local $Attachment1 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C3", 3) local $Attachment1type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D3", 3) local $Attachment1description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E3", 3) local $Attachment2 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C4", 3) local $Attachment2type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D4", 3) local $Attachment2description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E4", 3) local $Attachment3 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C5", 3) local $Attachment3type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D5", 3) local $Attachment3description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E5", 3) local $Attachment4 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C6", 3) local $Attachment4type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D6", 3) local $Attachment4description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E6", 3) local $Attachment5 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C7", 3) local $Attachment5type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D7", 3) local $Attachment5description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E7", 3) local $Attachment6 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C8", 3) local $Attachment6type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D8", 3) local $Attachment6description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E8", 3) local $Attachment7 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C9", 3) local $Attachment7type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D9", 3) local $Attachment7description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E9", 3) local $Attachment8 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C10", 3) local $Attachment8type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D10", 3) local $Attachment8description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E10", 3) local $Attachment9 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "C11", 3) local $Attachment9type = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "D11", 3) local $Attachment9description = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, 1, "E11", 3) ;_Excel_Close ( $oExcel ) WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row0attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row0attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 1 _UIA_setVar("row1attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=1 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow1attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=1 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow1attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row1attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row1attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 2 _UIA_setVar("row2attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=2 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow2attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=2 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow2attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row2attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row2attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 3 _UIA_setVar("row3attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=3 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow3attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=3 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow3attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row3attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row3attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 4 _UIA_setVar("row4attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=4 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow4attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=4 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow4attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row4attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row4attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 5 _UIA_setVar("row5attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=5 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow5attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=5 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow5attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row5attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row5attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 6 _UIA_setVar("row6attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=6 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow6attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=6 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow6attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row6attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row6attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 7 _UIA_setVar("row7attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=7 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow7attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=7 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow7attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row7attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row7attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 8 _UIA_setVar("row8attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=8 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow8attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=8 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow8attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row8attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row8attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 9 _UIA_setVar("row9attachment","Title:=(Value=(.*)# Row=9 Column=File Name);controltype:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") local $orow9attachment=_UIA_getObject("title:=Value=(.*)# Row=9 Column=File Name;ControlType:=UIA_TextControlTypeId") ;If IsObj($orow9attachment) Then _UIA_setVar("View Activity","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") ;View Activity _UIA_Action("View Activity","highlight") _UIA_Action("View Activity","setfocus") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) _UIA_action("row9attachment","highlight") _UIA_action("row9attachment","click") local $AttachmentsAmount = 10 ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif ;Endif _UIA_setVar("NewActivity","Title:=Activity / Suspense;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;") _UIA_action("NewActivity","highlight") _UIA_Action("NewActivity","setfocus") _UIA_setVar("OpenAttachmentWindow","Title:=Attachments;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("OpenAttachmentWindow","highlight") _UIA_action("OpenAttachmentWindow","click") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") ;~ local $posaddress = WinGetPos("Attach File(s)") ;~ local $addressx = 425 ;~ local $addressy = 40 ;~ MouseClick("left", $posaddress[0] + $addressx, $posaddress[1] + $addressy) ;~ send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments") ;~ send("{ENTER}") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment0) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment1) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment2) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment3) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment4) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment5) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment6) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment7) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment8) send("{ENTER}") _UIA_setVar("AttachFile","Title:=Attach File;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=") _UIA_action("AttachFile","highlight") _UIA_action("AttachFile","click") send("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments\" & $Attachment9) send("{ENTER}") local $poscopy = WinGetPos("Attachments") local $Description0x = 350 local $Description0y = 210 local $Description1x = 350 local $Description1y = 235 local $Description2x = 350 local $Description2y = 260 local $Description3x = 350 local $Description3y = 285 local $Description4x = 350 local $Description4y = 310 local $Description5x = 350 local $Description5y = 335 local $Description6x = 350 local $Description6y = 360 local $Description7x = 350 local $Description7y = 385 local $Description8x = 350 local $Description8y = 310 local $Description9x = 350 local $Description9y = 335 WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description0x, $poscopy[1] + $Description0y) send($Attachment0description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description1x, $poscopy[1] + $Description1y) send($Attachment1description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description2x, $poscopy[1] + $Description2y) send($Attachment2description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description3x, $poscopy[1] + $Description3y) send($Attachment3description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description4x, $poscopy[1] + $Description4y) send($Attachment4description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description5x, $poscopy[1] + $Description5y) send($Attachment5description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description6x, $poscopy[1] + $Description06y) send($Attachment6description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description7x, $poscopy[1] + $Description7y) send($Attachment7description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description8x, $poscopy[1] + $Description8y) send($Attachment8description) WinActivate ( "Attachments" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "Attachments", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Attachments") MouseClick("left", $poscopy[0] + $Description9x, $poscopy[1] + $Description9y) send($Attachment9description) Cleanup() EndFunc Func Cleanup() WinKill("[CLASS:AcrobatSDIWindow]","") WinKill("[CLASS:Notepad++]","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") WinKill("Photos","") DirRemove("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\AMS\Attachments", 1) EndFunc Func CopyPaste() _UIA_setVar("ViewActivityInsert","Title:=View Activity;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId") _UIA_setVar("ViewActivityInsert2","Title:=;controltype:=UIA_TitleBarControlTypeId;class:=") _UIA_setVar("Maximize","Title:=Maximize;controltype:=UIA_ButtonControlTypeId;class:=") ;ControlType:=UIA_ButtonControlTypeId") _UIA_Action("ViewActivityInsert","highlight") _UIA_Action("ViewActivityInsert","setfocus") _UIA_action("Maximize","highlight") _UIA_action("Maximize","click") Local $descriptionx = 350 Local $descriptiony = 335 Local $saveddate1x = 475 Local $saveddate1y = 207 Local $saveddate2x = 545 Local $saveddate2y = 207 Local $tran1x =130 Local $tran1y =185 Local $tran2x =330 Local $tran2y =185 Local $claim1x =130 Local $claim1y =255 Local $claim2x =330 Local $claim2y =255 Local $action1x =475 Local $action1y =120 Local $action2x =675 Local $action2y =120 Local $date1x = 475 Local $date1y = 185 Local $date2x = 545 Local $date2y = 185 Local $time1x = 625 Local $time1y = 185 Local $time2x = 675 Local $time2y = 185 Local $policy1x = 130 Local $policy1y = 115 Local $policy2x = 330 Local $policy2y = 115 Local $effectivedate1x =130 Local $effectivedate1y =160 Local $effectivedate2x =330 Local $effectivedate2y =160 Local $maximizex =720 Local $maximizey =10 ;~ Local $pos = WinGetPos("View Activity") ;~ WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) ;~ ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) ;~ WinWaitActive("View Activity") ;~ Sleep(100) ;~ MouseClick("left", $pos[0] + $maximizex, $pos[1] + $maximizey) ;~ Sleep(100) Local $pos = WinGetPos("View Activity") WinActivate ( "View Activity" , "" ) ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") Sleep(100) MouseClick("left", $pos[0] + $descriptionx, $pos[1] + $descriptiony) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Sleep(100) Local $tDescription = ClipGet() ;ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) ;WinWaitActive("View Activity") ;MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $saveddate1x, $pos[1] + $saveddate1y, $pos[0] + $saveddate2x, $pos[1] + $saveddate2y ) ;Local $tsaveddate = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $tran1x, $pos[1] + $tran1y, $pos[0] + $tran2x, $pos[1] + $tran2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $ttran = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $claim1x, $pos[1] + $claim1y, $pos[0] + $claim2x, $pos[1] + $claim2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $tclaim = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $action1x, $pos[1] + $action1y, $pos[0] + $action2x, $pos[1] + $action2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $taction = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $date1x, $pos[1] + $date1y, $pos[0] + $date2x, $pos[1] + $date2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $tdate = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $time1x, $pos[1] + $time1y, $pos[0] + $time2x, $pos[1] + $time2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $ttime = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $policy1x, $pos[1] + $policy1y, $pos[0] + $policy2x, $pos[1] + $policy2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $tpolicy = ClipGet() ControlFocus ( "View Activity", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("View Activity") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $pos[0] + $effectivedate1x, $pos[1] + $effectivedate1y, $pos[0] + $effectivedate2x, $pos[1] + $effectivedate2y ) Send ("^a") Send ("^c") Local $teffectivedate = ClipGet() Local $FIADescriptionx = 350 Local $FIADescriptiony = 325 Local $FIAactionx = 355 Local $FIAactiony = 220 Local $FIADate1x = 525 Local $FIADate1y = 225 Local $FIADate2x = 600 Local $FIADate2y = 225 Local $FIAtime1x = 685 Local $FIAtime1y = 225 Local $FIAtime2x = 750 Local $FIAtime2y = 225 Local $FIApolicyx = 600 Local $FIApolicyy = 115 Local $FIAeffectivedatex = 600 Local $FIAeffectivedatey = 140 WinActivate ( "Activity / Suspense", "" ) ControlFocus ( "Activity / Suspense", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Activity / Suspense") Local $FIApos = WinGetPos("Activity / Suspense") Sleep(100) MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIADescriptionx, $FIApos[1] + $FIADescriptiony) MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIADescriptionx, $FIApos[1] + $FIADescriptiony) ClipPut($tDescription) Sleep(100) Send ("^a") Send ("^v") ControlFocus ( "Activity / Suspense", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Activity / Suspense") MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIAactionx, $FIApos[1] + $FIAactiony) MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIAactionx, $FIApos[1] + $FIAactiony) If $taction = "Mail Out" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "Agency Bill Collection Follow up" then Send ("accounting") ElseIF $taction = "Appointment" then Send ("Appointment") ElseIF $taction = "Audit Report Form" then Send ("Audit") ElseIF $taction = "Billing" then Send ("Accounting") ElseIF $taction = "Certificate" then Send ("Certificate") ElseIF $taction = "Claim" then Send ("Claim") ElseIF $taction = "Declined by Company" then Send ("Declined by Company") ElseIF $taction = "Declined by Customer" then Send ("Declined by Customer") ElseIF $taction = "Direct Bill Copy" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "Fax" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "Follow-up" then Send ("Follow-up") ElseIF $taction = "Fraud Form" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "Insd provided docs/UW" then Send ("customer information") ElseIF $taction = "Lease Agreement" then Send ("customer information") ; ElseIF $taction = "Loss Runs" then ; Send ("Loss run") ElseIF $taction = "Mail Out" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "Non-renewal Notified Agency" then Send ("Non-renewal Notified Agency") ElseIF $taction = "Policy Change Request" then Send ("Policy Change Request") ElseIF $taction = "Policy PDF" then Send ("Policy processed") ElseIF $taction = "Premium Audit" then Send ("audit processed") ElseIF $taction = "Quote" then Send ("Quote Received") ElseIF $taction = "Renewal" then Send ("Renewal") ElseIF $taction = "Telephone In" then Send ("Telephone") ElseIF $taction = "Telephone Out" then Send ("Telephone") ElseIF $taction = "Terrorism" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "Auto ID Card" then Send ("Auto ID Card") ElseIF $taction = "Binder" then Send ("Binder") ElseIF $taction = "Application" then Send ("Application") ElseIF $taction = "Claim Deleted" then Send ("claim payment/claim closed") ElseIF $taction = "E-Mail Out" then Send ("correspondence") ElseIF $taction = "E-Mail In" then Send ("correspondence") Endif ControlFocus ( "Activity / Suspense", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Activity / Suspense") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $FIApos[0] + $FIADate1x, $FIApos[1] + $FIADate1y, $FIApos[0] + $FIADate2x, $FIApos[1] + $FIADate2y ) ClipPut($tdate) Send ("^v") ControlFocus ( "Activity / Suspense", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Activity / Suspense") MouseClickDrag ( $MOUSE_CLICK_LEFT, $FIApos[0] + $FIAtime1x, $FIApos[1] + $FIAtime1y, $FIApos[0] + $FIAtime2x, $FIApos[1] + $FIAtime2y ) ClipPut($ttime) Send ("^v") ControlFocus ( "Activity / Suspense", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Activity / Suspense") MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIApolicyx, $FIApos[1] + $FIApolicyy) MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIApolicyx, $FIApos[1] + $FIApolicyy) Send ($tpolicy) ControlFocus ( "Activity / Suspense", "", "" ) WinWaitActive("Activity / Suspense") MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIAeffectivedatex, $FIApos[1] + $FIAeffectivedatey) MouseClick("left", $FIApos[0] + $FIAeffectivedatex, $FIApos[1] + $FIAeffectivedatey) Send ($teffectivedate) EndFunc  Edited August 9, 2018 by milkmoron
junkew Posted August 11, 2018 Posted August 11, 2018 I dont have a computer at hand so i cannot check but indeed i believe you have to reset your objects as i do some caching on objects but not handling restartin exe. FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
milkmoron Posted August 13, 2018 Author Posted August 13, 2018 On 8/11/2018 at 2:28 PM, junkew said: I dont have a computer at hand so i cannot check but indeed i believe you have to reset your objects as i do some caching on objects but not handling restartin exe. How do I do that?
junkew Posted August 13, 2018 Posted August 13, 2018 (edited) In about 2 weeks i can answer. I think its put in an array thru routines like uiasetvar so just delete the entry in the array. Something like _uia_setvar("varname","") _uia_setvar("varname","")  Edited August 13, 2018 by junkew FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
junkew Posted August 13, 2018 Posted August 13, 2018 Its actually a little more complicated Within udf i keep runtimeinformation cached in same 2d array and first column has key rti.yourvarname You have to use that function on $uia_vars array after finding index with Will put on todo list to handle this in easier way. You could try this do not forget rti. As prefix including dot _uia_setvar("rti.yourvarname","")     FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
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