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Posted (edited)

Hello Guys,

Could you please let me know if there is a possible way to call a number from PC to Phone using AUTOIT?

Thank you for your time!


Best regards,



Edited by CosminV

What do you recommend? The phones I try to call should be a Fix phone (home phone) an Android (Samsung) or a Nokia ( keypad model).



Hello ,


Thank you AutoBert! That UDF is not working anymore on the newer Skype Versions.

But Thank you for the recommendation. I will use Skype as the calling app. 

When I will finish the function I will post it.





Hello all ,


As I told you, bellow you will find the function.

For the good work of the function you need to be logged in Skype and to have Skype credit.


global $number="Please input your number"


Func CallSkype($number)


$title= WinGetTitle("")

ControlSend($title, "", "", "{Alt}")
ControlSend($title, "", "", "a")
ControlSend($title, "", "", "l")
ControlSend($title, "", "", "{Enter}")
ControlSend($title, "", "", $number)
ControlSend($title, "", "", "{Enter}")
ControlSend($title, "", "", "{Enter}")




Hope to be helpful ! :)


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