jerem488 Posted June 20, 2018 Share Posted June 20, 2018 Hi all, I have a script that works, but I think it's possible to optimize it. I find that the script takes a long time to process the files. I need your opinion on the methods used and whether it is possible to optimize it. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> Global $aArrayShop[8][3] = [["424", "CAISSE COGR POST", "0008"], _ ["337", "CAISSE COGR HLT", "0003"], _ ["407", "CAISSE COGR XERT", "0009"], _ ["431", "CAISSE COGR ZERCO", "0008"], _ ["349", "CAISSE COGR 349", "0007"], _ ["406", "CAISSE COGR DSOG", "0009"], _ ["385", "CAISSE COGR VILLAR", "0004"], _ ["420", "CAISSE COGR THORX", "0005"]] Global $aArrayIndicator[31][5] = [["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA HT", "", "", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA TTC", "", "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "TVA", "", "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Acompte hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ; ALERTE ["Modes de règlement", "American Express", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Avoir hors place", "0AV", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Bon cadeau hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "BEST RECORD", "0BEST" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CADHOC", "0CADH" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "HAVAS", "0HAVA" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "KADEOS", "0KADE" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Shopping Pass", "0SHOP" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "TIR GROUPE", "0TIR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "C.B. manuelle", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CA DO Chèque Banque Postale", "0CADO" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte bancaire", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte Cadeau", "0CC", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte ILLICADO", "0ILLI" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB BRANDALLEY", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB CFAO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB REDOUTE", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB SPARTOO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB Web", "0CB" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Chèque", "0CHQ" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte - P Diff", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte Réservation", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'acompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'avoir", "0AV", "", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Accompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1), "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Avoir", "0AV", "CREDIT", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Carte cadeau", "0CC", "CREDIT", "SC"]] Global $bWriteExcelExport = False Global $bFirstLine = True Window() Func Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation", 550, 147) Global $hFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing Excel files to import :", 20, 20, 280) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) Global $hSelectFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 305, 17, 80) Global $idFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 510) Global $hValider = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 20, 105, 80) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $sPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hSelectFolderButton If FileExists(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt") Then $sPath = FileReadLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", 1) EndIf Global $sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("", $sPath) If Not @error Then Local $sPathFile = @TempDir & "\Conectis.txt" Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sPathFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", $sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetData($idFolder, $sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $hValider GUICtrlSetState($hFile, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($idFolder, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_HIDE) Global $sLabelWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait...", 60, 52.5, 430, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18) ListFiles($sFileSelectFolder) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func ListFiles($sFolder) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArray($sFolder, "*", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "The path is invalid") If @error = 4 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "No Excel files were found in this folder.") FileDelete($sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xls") FileDelete($sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") ; Loops the list of files For $i = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1 $sExtension = _WinAPI_PathFindExtension($aFileList[$i]) If $sExtension = ".xls" Or $sExtension = ".xlsx" Then If $aFileList[$i] <> "Exclusions.xls" Then TransposeExcel($sFolder, $aFileList[$i]) EndIf Next GUICtrlDelete($sLabelWait) GUICtrlSetState($hFile, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($idFolder, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_SHOW) If ($i - 1) >= 1 And $bWriteExcelExport = True Then Window2($sFileSelectFolder & "\") If ($i - 1) >= 1 And $bWriteExcelExport = False Then Window3($sFileSelectFolder & "\") EndFunc Func Window2($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 150) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $sExclusions = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File of exclusions to be processed:", 30, 70, 200) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sExclusionsFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exclusions.xls", 207, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sExclusionsFile, "0xAE0000") Local $hFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 115, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 285, 111.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func Window3($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 125) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $hFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 90, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ouvrir", 285, 86.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func TransposeExcel($sFolder, $sFile) Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True) If @error Then Exit Local $oWorkbookExport = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Local $sResultA1 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A1") If Not @error Then Local $bNewFile = True Local $nLine = 2 If $sResultA1 = "CODE MAGASIN" Then $sCodeMagasin = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A2") Local $n = 2 Do Local $sLigne = "" Local $nLongueurLigne = 0 Local $sTypeEnregistrement = "M" ; 1st character ; Length: 1 character Local $sNumeroCompte = "" ; 2nd character ; Length: 8 characters Local $sLigneFolio = "000" ; 12nd character ; Length: 3 characters Local $sDate = "" ; 15nd character ; Length: 6 characters Local $sLibelleCourt = "" ; 22nd character ; Length: 20 characters Local $sLettreDebitCredit = "" ; 23nd character ; Length: 1 character Local $sDebitCredit = "" ; 43nd character ; Length: 13 characters Local $sDevise = "EUR" ; 108nd character ; Length: 3 characters Local $sCodeJournal = "ODC" ; 111nd character ; Length: 3 characters Local $sLibelleLong = "" ; 117nd character ; Length: 30 characters ; ==> Recovery of Excel file cell contents Local $sColumA = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A" & $n) If $sColumA = "" Then ExitLoop Local $sJour = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "B" & $n) Local $sCategorie = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "C" & $n) Local $sIndicateur = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "D" & $n) Local $sDebit = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "E" & $n) Local $sCredit = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "F" & $n) ; ==> Retrieving the account number $sNumeroCompte &= NumeroCompte($sCategorie, $sIndicateur, $sCodeMagasin) ; ==> Retrieving the date $sYear = StringRight(StringLeft($sJour, 4), 2) $sMonth = StringRight(StringLeft($sJour, 6), 2) $sDay = StringRight(StringLeft($sJour, 8), 2) $sDate &= $sDay & $sMonth & $sYear ; ==> Retrieving the short text $sLibelleCourt &= Libelle($sCodeMagasin, "court") ; ==> Retrieving the long text $sLibelleLong &= Libelle($sCodeMagasin, "long") ; ==> Retrieving the debit OR credit letter ('C' OU 'D') If $sDebit <> "" And $sCredit = "" Then If $sDebit <> 0 Then $sLettreDebitCredit = "D" ; ==> Recovery of debit amount $sDebitCredit &= Formatage($sDebit) Else $sDebitCredit = "ZERO" EndIf Else If $sCredit <> 0 Then $sLettreDebitCredit = "C" ; ==> Recovery of credit amount $sDebitCredit &= Formatage($sCredit) Else $sDebitCredit = "ZERO" EndIf EndIf ; ==> Complete line to write in the file $sLigne &= $sTypeEnregistrement & $sNumeroCompte & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 2) & $sLigneFolio & $sDate & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 1) & _ $sLibelleCourt & $sLettreDebitCredit & $sDebitCredit & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 52) & $sDevise & $sCodeJournal & _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 3) & $sLibelleLong $nLongueurLigne = StringLen($sLigne) $sLigne &= _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 256 - $nLongueurLigne) ; ==> Saving the results of the processed file If StringIsSpace($sNumeroCompte) Or $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" Or $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" Or $sDebitCredit = "ZERO" Then If $bFirstLine = True Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "CODE MAGASIN", "A1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "JOUR", "B1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "CATEGORIE", "C1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "INDICATEUR", "D1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "DEBIT", "E1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "CREDIT", "F1") $bWriteExcelExport = True $bFirstLine = False EndIf _Excel_RangeCopyPaste($oWorkbook.Sheets(1), $oWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A" & $n).EntireRow, $oWorkbookExport.Sheets(1).Range("A" & $nLine)) $nLine += 1 Else Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", 1) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "", "Cannot create file " & $sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Return False EndIf FileWriteLine($sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", $sLigne) EndIf $n += 1 Until $sColumA = "" If $bWriteExcelExport = True Then _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbookExport, $sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xls", Default, True) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbookExport) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndIf EndFunc Func Formatage($sCellule) ; ==> Function that formats in 12 characters the debit & credit columns of the rows Local $sMontant = "" If IsNumber($sCellule) Then ; ==> Any + and - characters that may be present are deleted $sCellule = StringRegExpReplace($sCellule, "[^\d\.]", "") Local $PositionPoint = StringInStr($sCellule, ".") Local $sDecimales = "" If $PositionPoint Then ; There's a point $sDecimales = StringTrimLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint) $sNumber = StringLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint - 1) If StringLen($sDecimales) < 2 Then $sDecimales &= "0" EndIf $sMontant &= $sNumber & $sDecimales $nLongueur = StringLen($sMontant) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat("0", 12 - $nLongueur) & $sMontant Else ; There is no point $sDecimales &= $sCellule & "00" $nLongueur = StringLen($sDecimales) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat("0", 12 - $nLongueur) & $sDecimales EndIf EndIf Return $sMontant EndFunc Func NumeroCompte($sCategorie, $sIndicateur, $sCodeMagasin) For $i = 0 To UBound($aArrayIndicator, 1) - 1 Local $sNumeroCompte = "" Local $sSCompte = "" If $sCategorie == $aArrayIndicator[$i][0] And $sIndicateur == $aArrayIndicator[$i][1] Then $sNumeroCompte &= $aArrayIndicator[$i][2] If $aArrayIndicator[$i][1] = "Acompte hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" ExitLoop ElseIf $aArrayIndicator[$i][1] = "Avoir hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" ExitLoop EndIf If $aArrayIndicator[$i][4] = "SC" Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aArrayShop, 1) - 1 If $sCodeMagasin == $aArrayShop[$i][0] Then $sSCompte = $aArrayShop[$i][2] ExitLoop EndIf Next $sNumeroCompte &= $sSCompte EndIf $nLongueur = StringLen($sNumeroCompte) $sNumeroCompte &= _StringRepeat(Chr(32), 8 - $nLongueur) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sNumeroCompte EndFunc Func Libelle($sCodeMagasin, $nLongueur) For $i = 0 To UBound($aArrayShop, 1) - 1 Local $sLibelleCourt = "" Local $sLibelleLong = "" If $sCodeMagasin == $aArrayShop[$i][0] Then $sLibelleCourt &= StringLeft($aArrayShop[$i][1], 20) $sLibelleLong &= StringLeft($aArrayShop[$i][1], 30) ExitLoop EndIf Next If $nLongueur = "court" Then Return $sLibelleCourt If $nLongueur = "long" Then Return $sLibelleLong EndFunc Extraction.xls Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zedna Posted June 20, 2018 Share Posted June 20, 2018 Here are some minor speed optimizations: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> Global $chr32_max = StringRepeat(Chr(32), 256) Global $chr0_max = _StringRepeat("0", 12) ; Func StringRepeat($sChar, $nCount) $tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("char[" & $nCount & "]") DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", "ptr", DLLStructGetPtr($tBuffer), "int", Asc($sChar), "int", $nCount) Return DLLStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat32($n) Return StringLeft($chr32_max, $n) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat0($n) Return StringLeft($chr0_max, $n) EndFunc Global $aArrayShop[8][3] = [["424", "CAISSE COGR POST", "0008"], _ ["337", "CAISSE COGR HLT", "0003"], _ ["407", "CAISSE COGR XERT", "0009"], _ ["431", "CAISSE COGR ZERCO", "0008"], _ ["349", "CAISSE COGR 349", "0007"], _ ["406", "CAISSE COGR DSOG", "0009"], _ ["385", "CAISSE COGR VILLAR", "0004"], _ ["420", "CAISSE COGR THORX", "0005"]] Global $aArrayIndicator[31][5] = [["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA HT", "", "", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA TTC", "", "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "TVA", "", "", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Acompte hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ; ALERTE ["Modes de reglement", "American Express", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Avoir hors place", "0AV", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Bon cadeau hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "BEST RECORD", "0BEST" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CADHOC", "0CADH" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "HAVAS", "0HAVA" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "KADEOS", "0KADE" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Shopping Pass", "0SHOP" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "TIR GROUPE", "0TIR" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "C.B. manuelle", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CA DO Cheque Banque Postale", "0CADO" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Carte bancaire", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Carte Cadeau", "0CC", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Carte ILLICADO", "0ILLI" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CB BRANDALLEY", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CB CFAO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CB REDOUTE", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CB SPARTOO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "CB Web", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Cheque", "0CHQ" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Reprise Acompte - P Diff", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Reprise Acompte Réservation", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Reprise d'acompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de reglement", "Reprise d'avoir", "0AV", "", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Accompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Avoir", "0AV", "CREDIT", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Carte cadeau", "0CC", "CREDIT", "SC"]] Global $bWriteExcelExport = False Global $bFirstLine = True Window() Func Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation", 550, 147) Global $hFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing Excel files to import :", 20, 20, 280) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) Global $hSelectFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 305, 17, 80) Global $idFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 510) Global $hValider = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 20, 105, 80) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $sPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hSelectFolderButton If FileExists(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt") Then $sPath = FileReadLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", 1) EndIf Global $sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("", $sPath) If Not @error Then Local $sPathFile = @TempDir & "\Conectis.txt" Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sPathFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", $sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetData($idFolder, $sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $hValider GUICtrlSetState($hFile, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($idFolder, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_HIDE) Global $sLabelWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait...", 60, 52.5, 430, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18) ListFiles($sFileSelectFolder) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func ListFiles($sFolder) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArray($sFolder, "*", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "The path is invalid") If @error = 4 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "No Excel files were found in this folder.") FileDelete($sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xls") FileDelete($sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") ; Loops the list of files For $i = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1 $sExtension = _WinAPI_PathFindExtension($aFileList[$i]) If $sExtension = ".xls" Or $sExtension = ".xlsx" Then If $aFileList[$i] <> "Exclusions.xls" Then TransposeExcel($sFolder, $aFileList[$i]) EndIf Next GUICtrlDelete($sLabelWait) GUICtrlSetState($hFile, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($idFolder, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($hSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($hValider, $GUI_SHOW) If ($i - 1) >= 1 And $bWriteExcelExport = True Then Window2($sFileSelectFolder & "\") If ($i - 1) >= 1 And $bWriteExcelExport = False Then Window3($sFileSelectFolder & "\") EndFunc Func Window2($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 150) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $sExclusions = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File of exclusions to be processed:", 30, 70, 200) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sExclusionsFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exclusions.xls", 207, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sExclusionsFile, "0xAE0000") Local $hFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 115, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 285, 111.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func Window3($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 125) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $hFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 90, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ouvrir", 285, 86.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func TransposeExcel($sFolder, $sFile) Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True) If @error Then Exit Local $oWorkbookExport = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Local $sResultA1 = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A1") If Not @error Then Local $bNewFile = True Local $nLine = 2 If $sResultA1 = "CODE MAGASIN" Then $sCodeMagasin = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A2") Local $n = 2 Do Local $sLigne = "" Local $nLongueurLigne = 0 Local $sTypeEnregistrement = "M" ; 1st character ; Length: 1 character Local $sNumeroCompte = "" ; 2nd character ; Length: 8 characters Local $sLigneFolio = "000" ; 12nd character ; Length: 3 characters Local $sDate = "" ; 15nd character ; Length: 6 characters Local $sLibelleCourt = "" ; 22nd character ; Length: 20 characters Local $sLettreDebitCredit = "" ; 23nd character ; Length: 1 character Local $sDebitCredit = "" ; 43nd character ; Length: 13 characters Local $sDevise = "EUR" ; 108nd character ; Length: 3 characters Local $sCodeJournal = "ODC" ; 111nd character ; Length: 3 characters Local $sLibelleLong = "" ; 117nd character ; Length: 30 characters ; ==> Recovery of Excel file cell contents Local $sColumA = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "A" & $n) If $sColumA == "" Then ExitLoop Local $sJour = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "B" & $n) Local $sCategorie = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "C" & $n) Local $sIndicateur = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "D" & $n) Local $sDebit = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "E" & $n) Local $sCredit = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, "F" & $n) ; ==> Retrieving the account number $sNumeroCompte &= NumeroCompte($sCategorie, $sIndicateur, $sCodeMagasin) ; ==> Retrieving the date $sYear = StringMid($sJour, 3, 2) $sMonth = StringMid($sJour, 5, 2) $sDay = StringMid($sJour, 7, 2) $sDate &= $sDay & $sMonth & $sYear ; ==> Retrieving the short text $sLibelleCourt &= Libelle($sCodeMagasin, "court") ; ==> Retrieving the long text $sLibelleLong &= Libelle($sCodeMagasin, "long") ; ==> Retrieving the debit OR credit letter ('C' OU 'D') If $sDebit <> "" And $sCredit == "" Then If $sDebit <> 0 Then $sLettreDebitCredit = "D" ; ==> Recovery of debit amount $sDebitCredit &= Formatage($sDebit) Else $sDebitCredit = "ZERO" EndIf Else If $sCredit <> 0 Then $sLettreDebitCredit = "C" ; ==> Recovery of credit amount $sDebitCredit &= Formatage($sCredit) Else $sDebitCredit = "ZERO" EndIf EndIf ; ==> Complete line to write in the file $sLigne &= $sTypeEnregistrement & $sNumeroCompte & _StringRepeat32(2) & $sLigneFolio & $sDate & _StringRepeat32(1) & _ $sLibelleCourt & $sLettreDebitCredit & $sDebitCredit & _StringRepeat32(52) & $sDevise & $sCodeJournal & _StringRepeat32(3) & $sLibelleLong $nLongueurLigne = StringLen($sLigne) $sLigne &= _StringRepeat32(256 - $nLongueurLigne) ; ==> Saving the results of the processed file If StringIsSpace($sNumeroCompte) Or $sNumeroCompte == "Acompte hors place" Or $sNumeroCompte == "Avoir hors place" Or $sDebitCredit == "ZERO" Then If $bFirstLine = True Then _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "CODE MAGASIN", "A1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "JOUR", "B1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "CATEGORIE", "C1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "INDICATEUR", "D1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "DEBIT", "E1") _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbookExport, Default, "CREDIT", "F1") $bWriteExcelExport = True $bFirstLine = False EndIf _Excel_RangeCopyPaste($oWorkbook.Sheets(1), $oWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A" & $n).EntireRow, $oWorkbookExport.Sheets(1).Range("A" & $nLine)) $nLine += 1 Else Local $hFileOpen = FileOpen($sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", 1) If $hFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "", "Cannot create file " & $sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Return False EndIf FileWriteLine($sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", $sLigne) EndIf $n += 1 Until $sColumA == "" If $bWriteExcelExport = True Then _Excel_BookSaveAs($oWorkbookExport, $sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xls", Default, True) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbookExport) _Excel_BookClose($oWorkbook) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndIf EndFunc Func Formatage($sCellule) ; ==> Function that formats in 12 characters the debit & credit columns of the rows Local $sMontant = "" If IsNumber($sCellule) Then ; ==> Any + and - characters that may be present are deleted $sCellule = StringRegExpReplace($sCellule, "[^\d\.]", "") Local $PositionPoint = StringInStr($sCellule, ".", 1) Local $sDecimales = "" If $PositionPoint Then ; There's a point $sDecimales = StringTrimLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint) $sNumber = StringLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint - 1) If StringLen($sDecimales) < 2 Then $sDecimales &= "0" EndIf $sMontant &= $sNumber & $sDecimales $nLongueur = StringLen($sMontant) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sMontant Else ; There is no point $sDecimales &= $sCellule & "00" $nLongueur = StringLen($sDecimales) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sDecimales EndIf EndIf Return $sMontant EndFunc Func NumeroCompte($sCategorie, $sIndicateur, $sCodeMagasin) For $i = 0 To UBound($aArrayIndicator, 1) - 1 Local $sNumeroCompte = "" Local $sSCompte = "" If $sCategorie == $aArrayIndicator[$i][0] And $sIndicateur == $aArrayIndicator[$i][1] Then $sNumeroCompte &= $aArrayIndicator[$i][2] If $aArrayIndicator[$i][1] == "Acompte hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" ExitLoop ElseIf $aArrayIndicator[$i][1] == "Avoir hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" ExitLoop EndIf If $aArrayIndicator[$i][4] == "SC" Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aArrayShop, 1) - 1 If $sCodeMagasin == $aArrayShop[$i][0] Then $sSCompte = $aArrayShop[$i][2] ExitLoop EndIf Next $sNumeroCompte &= $sSCompte EndIf $nLongueur = StringLen($sNumeroCompte) $sNumeroCompte &= _StringRepeat32(8 - $nLongueur) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sNumeroCompte EndFunc Func Libelle($sCodeMagasin, $nLongueur) For $i = 0 To UBound($aArrayShop, 1) - 1 Local $sLibelleCourt = "" Local $sLibelleLong = "" If $sCodeMagasin == $aArrayShop[$i][0] Then $sLibelleCourt &= StringLeft($aArrayShop[$i][1], 20) $sLibelleLong &= StringLeft($aArrayShop[$i][1], 30) ExitLoop EndIf Next If $nLongueur == "court" Then Return $sLibelleCourt If $nLongueur == "long" Then Return $sLibelleLong EndFunc Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 21, 2018 Author Share Posted June 21, 2018 I take, even small optimizations! Thank you Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subz Posted June 21, 2018 Share Posted June 21, 2018 In edition to Zednas optimizations, have made a few other optimizations, which should make it run a bit faster, unfortunately haven't really had the time to debug, got to have some shuteye before work in a couple of hours. Hope it helps: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Debug.au3> #include <ExcelConstants.au3> Global $chr32_max = StringRepeat(Chr(32), 256) Global $chr0_max = _StringRepeat("0", 12) ; Func StringRepeat($sChar, $nCount) $tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("char[" & $nCount & "]") DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", "ptr", DLLStructGetPtr($tBuffer), "int", Asc($sChar), "int", $nCount) Return DLLStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat32($n) Return StringLeft($chr32_max, $n) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat0($n) Return StringLeft($chr0_max, $n) EndFunc Global $g_aShop[8][3] = [["424", "CAISSE COGR POST", "0008"], _ ["337", "CAISSE COGR HLT", "0003"], _ ["407", "CAISSE COGR XERT", "0009"], _ ["431", "CAISSE COGR ZERCO", "0008"], _ ["349", "CAISSE COGR 349", "0007"], _ ["406", "CAISSE COGR DSOG", "0009"], _ ["385", "CAISSE COGR VILLAR", "0004"], _ ["420", "CAISSE COGR THORX", "0005"]] Global $g_aIndicator[31][5] = [["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA HT", "", "", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA TTC", "", "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "TVA", "", "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Acompte hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ; ALERTE ["Modes de règlement", "American Express", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Avoir hors place", "0AV", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Bon cadeau hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "BEST RECORD", "0BEST" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CADHOC", "0CADH" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "HAVAS", "0HAVA" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "KADEOS", "0KADE" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Shopping Pass", "0SHOP" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "TIR GROUPE", "0TIR" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "C.B. manuelle", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CA DO Cheque Banque Postale", "0CADO" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte bancaire", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte Cadeau", "0CC", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte ILLICADO", "0ILLI" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB BRANDALLEY", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB CFAO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB REDOUTE", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB SPARTOO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB Web", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Cheque", "0CHQ" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte - P Diff", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte Réservation", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'acompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'avoir", "0AV", "", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Accompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Avoir", "0AV", "CREDIT", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Carte cadeau", "0CC", "CREDIT", "SC"]] Global $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Global $bFirstLine = True Global $g_idFile, $g_sFileSelectFolder, $g_idSelectFolderButton, $g_idFolder, $g_idOKButton, $g_idLabelWait Window() Func Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation", 550, 147) $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing Excel files to import :", 20, 20, 280) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) $g_idSelectFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 305, 17, 80) $g_idFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 510) $g_idOKButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 20, 105, 80) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $sPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $g_idSelectFolderButton If FileExists(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt") Then $sPath = FileReadLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", 1) EndIf $g_sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("", $sPath) If Not @error Then Local $sPathFile = @TempDir & "\Conectis.txt" Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($sPathFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetData($g_idFolder, $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $g_idOKButton GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_HIDE) $g_idLabelWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait...", 60, 52.5, 430, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18) ListFiles($g_sFileSelectFolder) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func ListFiles($sFolder) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArrayRec($sFolder, "*.xls;*.xlsx", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "The path is invalid") If @error = 4 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "No Excel files were found in this folder.") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xls") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") ; Loops the list of files For $i = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1 If $aFileList[$i] <> "Exclusions.xls" Then TransposeExcel($sFolder, $aFileList[$i]) Next GUICtrlDelete($g_idLabelWait) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_SHOW) If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = True Then Window2($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Then Window3($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") EndFunc Func Window2($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 150) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 10, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 220, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sQuadraFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") GUICtrlSetCursor($sQuadraFile, 0) Local $sExclusions = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File of exclusions to be processed:", 10, 70, 200) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sExclusionsFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exclusions.xls", 220, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sExclusionsFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sExclusionsFile, "0xAE0000") GUICtrlSetCursor($sExclusionsFile, 0) Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 115, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 285, 111.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') Case $sQuadraFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Case $sExclusionsFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func Window3($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 125) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 90, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ouvrir", 285, 86.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func TransposeExcel($sFolder, $sFile) Local $_iIndex = 1 Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", 1) If $g_idFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "", "Cannot create file " & $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Return False EndIf Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True) If @error Then Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Error", "Unable to open Excel.") Local $_oImport = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Opening Workbook", "Unable to open : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) EndIf Local $_aImport = _Excel_RangeRead($_oImport, Default, $_oImport.ActiveSheet.UsedRange) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel RangeRead Error", "Error reading from workbook:" & @CRLF & "Filename : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_BookClose($_oImport) Local $_aExport[1][6] = [["CODE MAGASIN", "JOUR", "CATEGORIE", "INDICATEUR", "DEBIT", "CREDIT"]] Local $_aDefault_ExportInfo[12], $_aDefault_ExportInfo $_aDefault_ExportInfo[0] = "" ;~ $sLigne $_aDefault_ExportInfo[1] = 0 ;~ $nLongueurLigne = 0 $_aDefault_ExportInfo[2] = "M" ;~ $sTypeEnregistrement = "M" ; 1st character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[3] = "" ;~ $sNumeroCompte = "" ; 2nd character ; Length: 8 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[4] = "000" ;~ $sLigneFolio = "000" ; 12nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[5] = "" ;~ $sDate = "" ; 15nd character ; Length: 6 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[6] = "" ;~ $sLibelleCourt = "" ; 22nd character ; Length: 20 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[7] = "" ;~ $sLettreDebitCredit = "" ; 23nd character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[8] = "" ;~ $sDebitCredit = "" ; 43nd character ; Length: 13 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[9] = "EUR" ;~ $sDevise = "EUR" ; 108nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[10] = "ODC" ;~ $sCodeJournal = "ODC" ; 111nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[11] = "" ;~ $sLibelleLong = "" ; 117nd character ; Length: 30 characters For $i = 0 To UBound($_aImport) - 1 If $_aImport[$i][0] = "CODE MAGASIN" Then ContinueLoop If $_aImport[$i][0] = "" Then ContinueLoop $_iIndex += 1 $_aExportInfo = $_aDefault_ExportInfo ;~ Reformat Date $_aExportInfo[5] = StringFormat("%02i%02i%02i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2)) $_aImport[$i][1] = StringFormat("%2i/%2i/%4i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2)) ;~ Configure Column c Categorie - Retrieving the account number $_aExportInfo[3] &= NumeroCompte($_aImport[$i][2], $_aImport[$i][3], $_aImport[$i][0]) ; ==> Retrieving the short text $_aExportInfo[6] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "court") ; ==> Retrieving the long text $_aExportInfo[11] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "long") ; ==> Retrieving the debit OR credit letter ('C' OU 'D') If $_aImport[$i][4] <> "" And $_aImport[$i][5] == "" Then If $_aImport[$i][4] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "D" ; ==> Recovery of debit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][4]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf Else If $_aImport[$i][5] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "C" ; ==> Recovery of credit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][5]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf EndIf ; ==> Complete line to write in the file $_aExportInfo[0] &= $_aExportInfo[2] & $_aExportInfo[3] & _StringRepeat32(2) & $_aExportInfo[4] & $_aExportInfo[5] & _StringRepeat32(1) & _ $_aExportInfo[6] & $_aExportInfo[7] & $_aExportInfo[8] & _StringRepeat32(52) & $_aExportInfo[9] & $_aExportInfo[10] & _StringRepeat32(3) & $_aExportInfo[11] $_aExportInfo[1] = StringLen($_aExportInfo[0]) $_aExportInfo[0] &= _StringRepeat32(256 - $_aExportInfo[1]) ; ==> Saving the results of the processed file If StringIsSpace($_aExportInfo[3]) Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Acompte hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Avoir hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[8] == "ZERO" Then _ArrayAdd($_aExport, _ArrayToString($_aImport, "|", $i, $i)) ContinueLoop Else FileWriteLine($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", $_aExportInfo[0]) EndIf Next Local $_oExport = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Create Workbook", "Unable to create new Workbook") EndIf _Excel_RangeWrite($_oExport, $_oExport.ActiveSheet, $_aExport) _Excel_BookSaveAs($_oExport, $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then $g_bWriteExcelExport = False $g_bWriteExcelExport = True _Excel_BookClose($_oExport) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndFunc Func Formatage($sCellule) ; ==> Function that formats in 12 characters the debit & credit columns of the rows Local $sMontant = "" If IsNumber($sCellule) Then ; ==> Any + and - characters that may be present are deleted $sCellule = StringRegExpReplace($sCellule, "[^\d\.]", "") Local $PositionPoint = StringInStr($sCellule, ".", 1) Local $sDecimales = "" If $PositionPoint Then ; There's a point $sDecimales = StringTrimLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint) $sNumber = StringLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint - 1) If StringLen($sDecimales) < 2 Then $sDecimales &= "0" EndIf $sMontant &= $sNumber & $sDecimales $nLongueur = StringLen($sMontant) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sMontant Else ; There is no point $sDecimales &= $sCellule & "00" $nLongueur = StringLen($sDecimales) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sDecimales EndIf EndIf Return $sMontant EndFunc Func NumeroCompte($p_sCategorie, $p_sIndicateur, $p_sCodeMagasin) Local $_iSearchShop Local $_iFindIndicator = _ArrayFindAll($g_aIndicator, $p_sCategorie, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0) Local $sNumeroCompte = "", $sSCompte = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($_iFindIndicator) - 1 If $p_sIndicateur == $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][2] If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Acompte hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" ExitLoop ElseIf $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Avoir hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" ExitLoop EndIf If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][4] == "SC" Then $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop <> -1 Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][2] EndIf $nLongueur = StringLen($sNumeroCompte) $sNumeroCompte &= _StringRepeat32(8 - $nLongueur) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sNumeroCompte EndFunc Func Libelle($p_sCodeMagasin, $p_nLongueur) Local $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop = -1 Then Return Switch $p_nLongueur Case "court" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 20) Case "long" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 30) EndSwitch EndFunc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 21, 2018 Author Share Posted June 21, 2018 4 hours ago, Subz said: In edition to Zednas optimizations, have made a few other optimizations, which should make it run a bit faster, unfortunately haven't really had the time to debug, got to have some shuteye before work in a couple of hours. Hope it helps: expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Debug.au3> #include <ExcelConstants.au3> Global $chr32_max = StringRepeat(Chr(32), 256) Global $chr0_max = _StringRepeat("0", 12) ; Func StringRepeat($sChar, $nCount) $tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("char[" & $nCount & "]") DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", "ptr", DLLStructGetPtr($tBuffer), "int", Asc($sChar), "int", $nCount) Return DLLStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat32($n) Return StringLeft($chr32_max, $n) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat0($n) Return StringLeft($chr0_max, $n) EndFunc Global $g_aShop[8][3] = [["424", "CAISSE COGR POST", "0008"], _ ["337", "CAISSE COGR HLT", "0003"], _ ["407", "CAISSE COGR XERT", "0009"], _ ["431", "CAISSE COGR ZERCO", "0008"], _ ["349", "CAISSE COGR 349", "0007"], _ ["406", "CAISSE COGR DSOG", "0009"], _ ["385", "CAISSE COGR VILLAR", "0004"], _ ["420", "CAISSE COGR THORX", "0005"]] Global $g_aIndicator[31][5] = [["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA HT", "", "", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA TTC", "", "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "TVA", "", "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Acompte hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ; ALERTE ["Modes de règlement", "American Express", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Avoir hors place", "0AV", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Bon cadeau hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "BEST RECORD", "0BEST" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CADHOC", "0CADH" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "HAVAS", "0HAVA" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "KADEOS", "0KADE" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Shopping Pass", "0SHOP" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "TIR GROUPE", "0TIR" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "C.B. manuelle", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CA DO Cheque Banque Postale", "0CADO" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte bancaire", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte Cadeau", "0CC", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte ILLICADO", "0ILLI" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB BRANDALLEY", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB CFAO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB REDOUTE", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB SPARTOO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB Web", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Cheque", "0CHQ" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte - P Diff", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte Réservation", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'acompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'avoir", "0AV", "", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Accompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Avoir", "0AV", "CREDIT", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Carte cadeau", "0CC", "CREDIT", "SC"]] Global $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Global $bFirstLine = True Global $g_idFile, $g_sFileSelectFolder, $g_idSelectFolderButton, $g_idFolder, $g_idOKButton, $g_idLabelWait Window() Func Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation", 550, 147) $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing Excel files to import :", 20, 20, 280) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) $g_idSelectFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 305, 17, 80) $g_idFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 510) $g_idOKButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 20, 105, 80) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $sPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $g_idSelectFolderButton If FileExists(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt") Then $sPath = FileReadLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", 1) EndIf $g_sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("", $sPath) If Not @error Then Local $sPathFile = @TempDir & "\Conectis.txt" Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($sPathFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetData($g_idFolder, $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $g_idOKButton GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_HIDE) $g_idLabelWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait...", 60, 52.5, 430, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18) ListFiles($g_sFileSelectFolder) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func ListFiles($sFolder) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArrayRec($sFolder, "*.xls;*.xlsx", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "The path is invalid") If @error = 4 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "No Excel files were found in this folder.") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xls") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") ; Loops the list of files For $i = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1 If $aFileList[$i] <> "Exclusions.xls" Then TransposeExcel($sFolder, $aFileList[$i]) Next GUICtrlDelete($g_idLabelWait) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_SHOW) If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = True Then Window2($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Then Window3($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") EndFunc Func Window2($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 150) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 10, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 220, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sQuadraFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") GUICtrlSetCursor($sQuadraFile, 0) Local $sExclusions = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File of exclusions to be processed:", 10, 70, 200) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sExclusionsFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exclusions.xls", 220, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sExclusionsFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sExclusionsFile, "0xAE0000") GUICtrlSetCursor($sExclusionsFile, 0) Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 115, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 285, 111.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') Case $sQuadraFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Case $sExclusionsFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func Window3($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 125) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 90, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ouvrir", 285, 86.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func TransposeExcel($sFolder, $sFile) Local $_iIndex = 1 Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", 1) If $g_idFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "", "Cannot create file " & $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Return False EndIf Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True) If @error Then Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Error", "Unable to open Excel.") Local $_oImport = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Opening Workbook", "Unable to open : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) EndIf Local $_aImport = _Excel_RangeRead($_oImport, Default, $_oImport.ActiveSheet.UsedRange) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel RangeRead Error", "Error reading from workbook:" & @CRLF & "Filename : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_BookClose($_oImport) Local $_aExport[1][6] = [["CODE MAGASIN", "JOUR", "CATEGORIE", "INDICATEUR", "DEBIT", "CREDIT"]] Local $_aDefault_ExportInfo[12], $_aDefault_ExportInfo $_aDefault_ExportInfo[0] = "" ;~ $sLigne $_aDefault_ExportInfo[1] = 0 ;~ $nLongueurLigne = 0 $_aDefault_ExportInfo[2] = "M" ;~ $sTypeEnregistrement = "M" ; 1st character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[3] = "" ;~ $sNumeroCompte = "" ; 2nd character ; Length: 8 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[4] = "000" ;~ $sLigneFolio = "000" ; 12nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[5] = "" ;~ $sDate = "" ; 15nd character ; Length: 6 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[6] = "" ;~ $sLibelleCourt = "" ; 22nd character ; Length: 20 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[7] = "" ;~ $sLettreDebitCredit = "" ; 23nd character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[8] = "" ;~ $sDebitCredit = "" ; 43nd character ; Length: 13 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[9] = "EUR" ;~ $sDevise = "EUR" ; 108nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[10] = "ODC" ;~ $sCodeJournal = "ODC" ; 111nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[11] = "" ;~ $sLibelleLong = "" ; 117nd character ; Length: 30 characters For $i = 0 To UBound($_aImport) - 1 If $_aImport[$i][0] = "CODE MAGASIN" Then ContinueLoop If $_aImport[$i][0] = "" Then ContinueLoop $_iIndex += 1 $_aExportInfo = $_aDefault_ExportInfo ;~ Reformat Date $_aExportInfo[5] = StringFormat("%02i%02i%02i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2)) $_aImport[$i][1] = StringFormat("%2i/%2i/%4i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2)) ;~ Configure Column c Categorie - Retrieving the account number $_aExportInfo[3] &= NumeroCompte($_aImport[$i][2], $_aImport[$i][3], $_aImport[$i][0]) ; ==> Retrieving the short text $_aExportInfo[6] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "court") ; ==> Retrieving the long text $_aExportInfo[11] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "long") ; ==> Retrieving the debit OR credit letter ('C' OU 'D') If $_aImport[$i][4] <> "" And $_aImport[$i][5] == "" Then If $_aImport[$i][4] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "D" ; ==> Recovery of debit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][4]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf Else If $_aImport[$i][5] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "C" ; ==> Recovery of credit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][5]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf EndIf ; ==> Complete line to write in the file $_aExportInfo[0] &= $_aExportInfo[2] & $_aExportInfo[3] & _StringRepeat32(2) & $_aExportInfo[4] & $_aExportInfo[5] & _StringRepeat32(1) & _ $_aExportInfo[6] & $_aExportInfo[7] & $_aExportInfo[8] & _StringRepeat32(52) & $_aExportInfo[9] & $_aExportInfo[10] & _StringRepeat32(3) & $_aExportInfo[11] $_aExportInfo[1] = StringLen($_aExportInfo[0]) $_aExportInfo[0] &= _StringRepeat32(256 - $_aExportInfo[1]) ; ==> Saving the results of the processed file If StringIsSpace($_aExportInfo[3]) Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Acompte hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Avoir hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[8] == "ZERO" Then _ArrayAdd($_aExport, _ArrayToString($_aImport, "|", $i, $i)) ContinueLoop Else FileWriteLine($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", $_aExportInfo[0]) EndIf Next Local $_oExport = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Create Workbook", "Unable to create new Workbook") EndIf _Excel_RangeWrite($_oExport, $_oExport.ActiveSheet, $_aExport) _Excel_BookSaveAs($_oExport, $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then $g_bWriteExcelExport = False $g_bWriteExcelExport = True _Excel_BookClose($_oExport) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndFunc Func Formatage($sCellule) ; ==> Function that formats in 12 characters the debit & credit columns of the rows Local $sMontant = "" If IsNumber($sCellule) Then ; ==> Any + and - characters that may be present are deleted $sCellule = StringRegExpReplace($sCellule, "[^\d\.]", "") Local $PositionPoint = StringInStr($sCellule, ".", 1) Local $sDecimales = "" If $PositionPoint Then ; There's a point $sDecimales = StringTrimLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint) $sNumber = StringLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint - 1) If StringLen($sDecimales) < 2 Then $sDecimales &= "0" EndIf $sMontant &= $sNumber & $sDecimales $nLongueur = StringLen($sMontant) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sMontant Else ; There is no point $sDecimales &= $sCellule & "00" $nLongueur = StringLen($sDecimales) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sDecimales EndIf EndIf Return $sMontant EndFunc Func NumeroCompte($p_sCategorie, $p_sIndicateur, $p_sCodeMagasin) Local $_iSearchShop Local $_iFindIndicator = _ArrayFindAll($g_aIndicator, $p_sCategorie, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0) Local $sNumeroCompte = "", $sSCompte = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($_iFindIndicator) - 1 If $p_sIndicateur == $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][2] If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Acompte hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" ExitLoop ElseIf $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Avoir hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" ExitLoop EndIf If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][4] == "SC" Then $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop <> -1 Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][2] EndIf $nLongueur = StringLen($sNumeroCompte) $sNumeroCompte &= _StringRepeat32(8 - $nLongueur) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sNumeroCompte EndFunc Func Libelle($p_sCodeMagasin, $p_nLongueur) Local $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop = -1 Then Return Switch $p_nLongueur Case "court" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 20) Case "long" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 30) EndSwitch EndFunc Hi Subz, Did you change anything ? Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subz Posted June 21, 2018 Share Posted June 21, 2018 Weren't you able to test? It should take about six seconds to run now, your earlier code took about 2 minutes to run on my system. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 21, 2018 Author Share Posted June 21, 2018 16 minutes ago, Subz said: Weren't you able to test? It should take about six seconds to run now, your earlier code took about 2 minutes to run on my system. It works fine and very fast ! You are a genious ! Thanks a lot ! I'm going to see the code changes Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subz Posted June 21, 2018 Share Posted June 21, 2018 You'll noticed that imported the entire sheet into an array and then just used this rather than reading/writing to Excel, once it finishes the loop it writes the $_oExport array to Exclusions Excel file. I also added links to your final Window so you can open the .txt and Exclusions.xlsx file directly. You may want to change the iFormat of the _Excel_BookSaveAs function when I ran through your code, I was given an error that it was incorrectly formatted, so changed it to xlsx. Xandy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 21, 2018 Author Share Posted June 21, 2018 Oh right, I saw that big mistake Quote I also added links to your final Window so you can open the .txt and Exclusions.xlsx file directly. Thank you, it's a good idea. I just have one thing that doesn't work. The writing of the file "exclusions.xls" only works for the processing of the 1st file Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subz Posted June 21, 2018 Share Posted June 21, 2018 Is it suppose to create a new file or just append to the previous document or added as a different sheet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 21, 2018 Author Share Posted June 21, 2018 (edited) Append to the previous document, successive Edited June 21, 2018 by jerem488 Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subz Posted June 21, 2018 Share Posted June 21, 2018 Haven't tested fully, but should work, if you want to move row up or down, just change the $_iLastRow + 2 to something lower. If you want to remove the header then just do an _ArrayDelete($_aExport, 0) above or below line 297. Anyway gotta go. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Debug.au3> #include <ExcelConstants.au3> Global $chr32_max = StringRepeat(Chr(32), 256) Global $chr0_max = _StringRepeat("0", 12) ; Func StringRepeat($sChar, $nCount) $tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("char[" & $nCount & "]") DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", "ptr", DLLStructGetPtr($tBuffer), "int", Asc($sChar), "int", $nCount) Return DLLStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat32($n) Return StringLeft($chr32_max, $n) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat0($n) Return StringLeft($chr0_max, $n) EndFunc Global $g_aShop[8][3] = [["424", "CAISSE COGR POST", "0008"], _ ["337", "CAISSE COGR HLT", "0003"], _ ["407", "CAISSE COGR XERT", "0009"], _ ["431", "CAISSE COGR ZERCO", "0008"], _ ["349", "CAISSE COGR 349", "0007"], _ ["406", "CAISSE COGR DSOG", "0009"], _ ["385", "CAISSE COGR VILLAR", "0004"], _ ["420", "CAISSE COGR THORX", "0005"]] Global $g_aIndicator[31][5] = [["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA HT", "", "", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA TTC", "", "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "TVA", "", "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Acompte hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ; ALERTE ["Modes de règlement", "American Express", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Avoir hors place", "0AV", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Bon cadeau hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "BEST RECORD", "0BEST" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CADHOC", "0CADH" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "HAVAS", "0HAVA" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "KADEOS", "0KADE" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Shopping Pass", "0SHOP" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "TIR GROUPE", "0TIR" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "C.B. manuelle", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CA DO Cheque Banque Postale", "0CADO" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte bancaire", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte Cadeau", "0CC", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte ILLICADO", "0ILLI" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB BRANDALLEY", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB CFAO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB REDOUTE", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB SPARTOO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB Web", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Cheque", "0CHQ" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte - P Diff", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte Réservation", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'acompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'avoir", "0AV", "", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Accompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Avoir", "0AV", "CREDIT", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Carte cadeau", "0CC", "CREDIT", "SC"]] Global $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Global $bFirstLine = True Global $g_idFile, $g_sFileSelectFolder, $g_idSelectFolderButton, $g_idFolder, $g_idOKButton, $g_idLabelWait Window() Func Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation", 550, 147) $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing Excel files to import :", 20, 20, 280) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) $g_idSelectFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 305, 17, 80) $g_idFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 510) $g_idOKButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 20, 105, 80) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $sPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $g_idSelectFolderButton If FileExists(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt") Then $sPath = FileReadLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", 1) EndIf $g_sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("", $sPath) If Not @error Then Local $sPathFile = @TempDir & "\Conectis.txt" Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($sPathFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetData($g_idFolder, $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $g_idOKButton GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_HIDE) $g_idLabelWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait...", 60, 52.5, 430, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18) ListFiles($g_sFileSelectFolder) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func ListFiles($sFolder) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArrayRec($sFolder, "*.xls;*.xlsx", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "The path is invalid") If @error = 4 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "No Excel files were found in this folder.") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") ; Loops the list of files For $i = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1 If $aFileList[$i] <> "Exclusions.xlsx" Then TransposeExcel($sFolder, $aFileList[$i]) Next GUICtrlDelete($g_idLabelWait) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_SHOW) If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = True Then Window2($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Then Window3($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") EndFunc Func Window2($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 150) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 10, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 220, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sQuadraFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") GUICtrlSetCursor($sQuadraFile, 0) Local $sExclusions = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File of exclusions to be processed:", 10, 70, 200) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sExclusionsFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exclusions.xlsx", 220, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sExclusionsFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sExclusionsFile, "0xAE0000") GUICtrlSetCursor($sExclusionsFile, 0) Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 115, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 285, 111.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') Case $sQuadraFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Case $sExclusionsFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func Window3($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 125) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 90, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ouvrir", 285, 86.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func TransposeExcel($sFolder, $sFile) Local $_iIndex = 1, $_oExport, $_iLastRow Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", 1) If $g_idFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "", "Cannot create file " & $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Return False EndIf Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True) If @error Then Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Error", "Unable to open Excel.") Local $_oImport = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Opening Workbook", "Unable to open : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) EndIf Local $_aImport = _Excel_RangeRead($_oImport, Default, $_oImport.ActiveSheet.UsedRange) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel RangeRead Error", "Error reading from workbook:" & @CRLF & "Filename : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_BookClose($_oImport) Local $_aExport[1][6] = [["CODE MAGASIN", "JOUR", "CATEGORIE", "INDICATEUR", "DEBIT", "CREDIT"]] Local $_aDefault_ExportInfo[12], $_aDefault_ExportInfo $_aDefault_ExportInfo[0] = "" ;~ $sLigne $_aDefault_ExportInfo[1] = 0 ;~ $nLongueurLigne = 0 $_aDefault_ExportInfo[2] = "M" ;~ $sTypeEnregistrement = "M" ; 1st character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[3] = "" ;~ $sNumeroCompte = "" ; 2nd character ; Length: 8 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[4] = "000" ;~ $sLigneFolio = "000" ; 12nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[5] = "" ;~ $sDate = "" ; 15nd character ; Length: 6 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[6] = "" ;~ $sLibelleCourt = "" ; 22nd character ; Length: 20 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[7] = "" ;~ $sLettreDebitCredit = "" ; 23nd character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[8] = "" ;~ $sDebitCredit = "" ; 43nd character ; Length: 13 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[9] = "EUR" ;~ $sDevise = "EUR" ; 108nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[10] = "ODC" ;~ $sCodeJournal = "ODC" ; 111nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[11] = "" ;~ $sLibelleLong = "" ; 117nd character ; Length: 30 characters For $i = 0 To UBound($_aImport) - 1 If $_aImport[$i][0] = "CODE MAGASIN" Then ContinueLoop If $_aImport[$i][0] = "" Then ContinueLoop $_iIndex += 1 $_aExportInfo = $_aDefault_ExportInfo ;~ Reformat Date $_aExportInfo[5] = StringFormat("%02i%02i%02i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2)) $_aImport[$i][1] = StringFormat("%2i/%2i/%4i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2)) ;~ Configure Column c Categorie - Retrieving the account number $_aExportInfo[3] &= NumeroCompte($_aImport[$i][2], $_aImport[$i][3], $_aImport[$i][0]) ; ==> Retrieving the short text $_aExportInfo[6] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "court") ; ==> Retrieving the long text $_aExportInfo[11] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "long") ; ==> Retrieving the debit OR credit letter ('C' OU 'D') If $_aImport[$i][4] <> "" And $_aImport[$i][5] == "" Then If $_aImport[$i][4] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "D" ; ==> Recovery of debit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][4]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf Else If $_aImport[$i][5] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "C" ; ==> Recovery of credit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][5]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf EndIf ; ==> Complete line to write in the file $_aExportInfo[0] &= $_aExportInfo[2] & $_aExportInfo[3] & _StringRepeat32(2) & $_aExportInfo[4] & $_aExportInfo[5] & _StringRepeat32(1) & _ $_aExportInfo[6] & $_aExportInfo[7] & $_aExportInfo[8] & _StringRepeat32(52) & $_aExportInfo[9] & $_aExportInfo[10] & _StringRepeat32(3) & $_aExportInfo[11] $_aExportInfo[1] = StringLen($_aExportInfo[0]) $_aExportInfo[0] &= _StringRepeat32(256 - $_aExportInfo[1]) ; ==> Saving the results of the processed file If StringIsSpace($_aExportInfo[3]) Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Acompte hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Avoir hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[8] == "ZERO" Then _ArrayAdd($_aExport, _ArrayToString($_aImport, "|", $i, $i)) ContinueLoop Else FileWriteLine($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", $_aExportInfo[0]) EndIf Next Local $_bFileExists = FileExists($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") If $_bFileExists Then $_oExport = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Error Opening Workbook", "Unable to open: " & $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") EndIf $_iLastRow = $_oExport.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 2 Else $_oExport = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Create Workbook", "Unable to create new Workbook") EndIf $_iLastRow = 1 EndIf _Excel_RangeWrite($_oExport, $_oExport.ActiveSheet, $_aExport, "A" & $_iLastRow) If $_bFileExists Then _Excel_BookSave($_oExport) If @error Then $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Else _Excel_BookSaveAs($_oExport, $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Endif $g_bWriteExcelExport = True _Excel_BookClose($_oExport) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndFunc Func Formatage($sCellule) ; ==> Function that formats in 12 characters the debit & credit columns of the rows Local $sMontant = "" If IsNumber($sCellule) Then ; ==> Any + and - characters that may be present are deleted $sCellule = StringRegExpReplace($sCellule, "[^\d\.]", "") Local $PositionPoint = StringInStr($sCellule, ".", 1) Local $sDecimales = "" If $PositionPoint Then ; There's a point $sDecimales = StringTrimLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint) $sNumber = StringLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint - 1) If StringLen($sDecimales) < 2 Then $sDecimales &= "0" EndIf $sMontant &= $sNumber & $sDecimales $nLongueur = StringLen($sMontant) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sMontant Else ; There is no point $sDecimales &= $sCellule & "00" $nLongueur = StringLen($sDecimales) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sDecimales EndIf EndIf Return $sMontant EndFunc Func NumeroCompte($p_sCategorie, $p_sIndicateur, $p_sCodeMagasin) Local $_iSearchShop Local $_iFindIndicator = _ArrayFindAll($g_aIndicator, $p_sCategorie, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0) Local $sNumeroCompte = "", $sSCompte = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($_iFindIndicator) - 1 If $p_sIndicateur == $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][2] If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Acompte hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" ExitLoop ElseIf $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Avoir hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" ExitLoop EndIf If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][4] == "SC" Then $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop <> -1 Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][2] EndIf $nLongueur = StringLen($sNumeroCompte) $sNumeroCompte &= _StringRepeat32(8 - $nLongueur) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sNumeroCompte EndFunc Func Libelle($p_sCodeMagasin, $p_nLongueur) Local $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop = -1 Then Return Switch $p_nLongueur Case "court" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 20) Case "long" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 30) EndSwitch EndFunc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 22, 2018 Author Share Posted June 22, 2018 10 hours ago, Subz said: Haven't tested fully, but should work, if you want to move row up or down, just change the $_iLastRow + 2 to something lower. If you want to remove the header then just do an _ArrayDelete($_aExport, 0) above or below line 297. Anyway gotta go. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <String.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIShPath.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Debug.au3> #include <ExcelConstants.au3> Global $chr32_max = StringRepeat(Chr(32), 256) Global $chr0_max = _StringRepeat("0", 12) ; Func StringRepeat($sChar, $nCount) $tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("char[" & $nCount & "]") DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "ptr:cdecl", "memset", "ptr", DLLStructGetPtr($tBuffer), "int", Asc($sChar), "int", $nCount) Return DLLStructGetData($tBuffer, 1) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat32($n) Return StringLeft($chr32_max, $n) EndFunc Func _StringRepeat0($n) Return StringLeft($chr0_max, $n) EndFunc Global $g_aShop[8][3] = [["424", "CAISSE COGR POST", "0008"], _ ["337", "CAISSE COGR HLT", "0003"], _ ["407", "CAISSE COGR XERT", "0009"], _ ["431", "CAISSE COGR ZERCO", "0008"], _ ["349", "CAISSE COGR 349", "0007"], _ ["406", "CAISSE COGR DSOG", "0009"], _ ["385", "CAISSE COGR VILLAR", "0004"], _ ["420", "CAISSE COGR THORX", "0005"]] Global $g_aIndicator[31][5] = [["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA HT", "", "", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "CA TTC", "", "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Mouvements de Caisse", "TVA", "", "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Acompte hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ; ALERTE ["Modes de règlement", "American Express", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Avoir hors place", "0AV", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Bon cadeau hors place", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "BEST RECORD", "0BEST" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CADHOC", "0CADH" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "HAVAS", "0HAVA" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "KADEOS", "0KADE" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Shopping Pass", "0SHOP" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "TIR GROUPE", "0TIR" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "C.B. manuelle", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CA DO Cheque Banque Postale", "0CADO" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte bancaire", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte Cadeau", "0CC", "DEBIT", "SC"], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Carte ILLICADO", "0ILLI" & _StringRepeat32(3), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB BRANDALLEY", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB CFAO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB REDOUTE", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB SPARTOO", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "CB Web", "0CB" & _StringRepeat32(5), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Cheque", "0CHQ" & _StringRepeat32(4), "DEBIT", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte - P Diff", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise Acompte Réservation", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'acompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "", ""], _ ["Modes de règlement", "Reprise d'avoir", "0AV", "", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Accompte", "0COGR" & _StringRepeat32(1), "CREDIT", ""], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Avoir", "0AV", "CREDIT", "SC"], _ ["Emissions (OSCC)", "Carte cadeau", "0CC", "CREDIT", "SC"]] Global $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Global $bFirstLine = True Global $g_idFile, $g_sFileSelectFolder, $g_idSelectFolderButton, $g_idFolder, $g_idOKButton, $g_idLabelWait Window() Func Window() Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation", 550, 147) $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing Excel files to import :", 20, 20, 280) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10) $g_idSelectFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Browse", 305, 17, 80) $g_idFolder = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 20, 60, 510) $g_idOKButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 20, 105, 80) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_DISABLE) Local $sPath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\" GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $g_idSelectFolderButton If FileExists(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt") Then $sPath = FileReadLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", 1) EndIf $g_sFileSelectFolder = FileSelectFolder("", $sPath) If Not @error Then Local $sPathFile = @TempDir & "\Conectis.txt" Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($sPathFile, $FO_OVERWRITE) FileWriteLine(@TempDir & "\Conectis.txt", $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetData($g_idFolder, $g_sFileSelectFolder) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $g_idOKButton GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_HIDE) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_HIDE) $g_idLabelWait = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Please wait...", 60, 52.5, 430, 25) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 18) ListFiles($g_sFileSelectFolder) EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func ListFiles($sFolder) Local $aFileList = _FileListToArrayRec($sFolder, "*.xls;*.xlsx", 1) If @error = 1 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "The path is invalid") If @error = 4 Then Exit MsgBox(64, "", "No Excel files were found in this folder.") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") FileDelete($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") ; Loops the list of files For $i = 1 To UBound($aFileList) - 1 If $aFileList[$i] <> "Exclusions.xlsx" Then TransposeExcel($sFolder, $aFileList[$i]) Next GUICtrlDelete($g_idLabelWait) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFile, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idFolder, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idSelectFolderButton, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlSetState($g_idOKButton, $GUI_SHOW) If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = True Then Window2($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") If $aFileList[0] >= 1 And $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Then Window3($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\") EndFunc Func Window2($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 150) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 10, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 220, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sQuadraFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") GUICtrlSetCursor($sQuadraFile, 0) Local $sExclusions = GUICtrlCreateLabel("File of exclusions to be processed:", 10, 70, 200) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sExclusionsFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Exclusions.xlsx", 220, 70, 100) GUICtrlSetFont($sExclusionsFile, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sExclusionsFile, "0xAE0000") GUICtrlSetCursor($sExclusionsFile, 0) Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 115, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open", 285, 111.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') Case $sQuadraFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Case $sExclusionsFile ShellExecute($sFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func Window3($sFolder) Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Importation Quadra", 380, 125) Local $sQuadra = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Import file:", 30, 40, 180) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) Local $sQuadraFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ImportQuadra.txt", 195, 40, 100) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9) GUICtrlSetColor($sQuadraFile, "0x4800FF") Local $g_idFile = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Folder containing the generated files:", 20, 90, 260) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_SEMIBOLD) Local $hOpenFolderButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ouvrir", 285, 86.5, 80) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop Case $hOpenFolderButton Run('explorer.exe /e,"' & $sFolder & '"') EndSwitch WEnd GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc Func TransposeExcel($sFolder, $sFile) Local $_iIndex = 1, $_oExport, $_iLastRow Local $g_idFileOpen = FileOpen($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", 1) If $g_idFileOpen = -1 Then MsgBox(16, "", "Cannot create file " & $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt") Return False EndIf Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False, False, False, False, True) If @error Then Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Error", "Unable to open Excel.") Local $_oImport = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Opening Workbook", "Unable to open : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile) EndIf Local $_aImport = _Excel_RangeRead($_oImport, Default, $_oImport.ActiveSheet.UsedRange) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel RangeRead Error", "Error reading from workbook:" & @CRLF & "Filename : " & $sFolder & "\" & $sFile & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_BookClose($_oImport) Local $_aExport[1][6] = [["CODE MAGASIN", "JOUR", "CATEGORIE", "INDICATEUR", "DEBIT", "CREDIT"]] Local $_aDefault_ExportInfo[12], $_aDefault_ExportInfo $_aDefault_ExportInfo[0] = "" ;~ $sLigne $_aDefault_ExportInfo[1] = 0 ;~ $nLongueurLigne = 0 $_aDefault_ExportInfo[2] = "M" ;~ $sTypeEnregistrement = "M" ; 1st character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[3] = "" ;~ $sNumeroCompte = "" ; 2nd character ; Length: 8 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[4] = "000" ;~ $sLigneFolio = "000" ; 12nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[5] = "" ;~ $sDate = "" ; 15nd character ; Length: 6 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[6] = "" ;~ $sLibelleCourt = "" ; 22nd character ; Length: 20 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[7] = "" ;~ $sLettreDebitCredit = "" ; 23nd character ; Length: 1 character $_aDefault_ExportInfo[8] = "" ;~ $sDebitCredit = "" ; 43nd character ; Length: 13 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[9] = "EUR" ;~ $sDevise = "EUR" ; 108nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[10] = "ODC" ;~ $sCodeJournal = "ODC" ; 111nd character ; Length: 3 characters $_aDefault_ExportInfo[11] = "" ;~ $sLibelleLong = "" ; 117nd character ; Length: 30 characters For $i = 0 To UBound($_aImport) - 1 If $_aImport[$i][0] = "CODE MAGASIN" Then ContinueLoop If $_aImport[$i][0] = "" Then ContinueLoop $_iIndex += 1 $_aExportInfo = $_aDefault_ExportInfo ;~ Reformat Date $_aExportInfo[5] = StringFormat("%02i%02i%02i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2)) $_aImport[$i][1] = StringFormat("%2i/%2i/%4i", StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 3, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 5, 2), StringMid($_aImport[$i][1], 7, 2)) ;~ Configure Column c Categorie - Retrieving the account number $_aExportInfo[3] &= NumeroCompte($_aImport[$i][2], $_aImport[$i][3], $_aImport[$i][0]) ; ==> Retrieving the short text $_aExportInfo[6] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "court") ; ==> Retrieving the long text $_aExportInfo[11] &= Libelle($_aImport[$i][0], "long") ; ==> Retrieving the debit OR credit letter ('C' OU 'D') If $_aImport[$i][4] <> "" And $_aImport[$i][5] == "" Then If $_aImport[$i][4] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "D" ; ==> Recovery of debit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][4]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf Else If $_aImport[$i][5] <> 0 Then $_aExportInfo[7] = "C" ; ==> Recovery of credit amount $_aExportInfo[8] &= Formatage($_aImport[$i][5]) Else $_aExportInfo[8] = "ZERO" EndIf EndIf ; ==> Complete line to write in the file $_aExportInfo[0] &= $_aExportInfo[2] & $_aExportInfo[3] & _StringRepeat32(2) & $_aExportInfo[4] & $_aExportInfo[5] & _StringRepeat32(1) & _ $_aExportInfo[6] & $_aExportInfo[7] & $_aExportInfo[8] & _StringRepeat32(52) & $_aExportInfo[9] & $_aExportInfo[10] & _StringRepeat32(3) & $_aExportInfo[11] $_aExportInfo[1] = StringLen($_aExportInfo[0]) $_aExportInfo[0] &= _StringRepeat32(256 - $_aExportInfo[1]) ; ==> Saving the results of the processed file If StringIsSpace($_aExportInfo[3]) Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Acompte hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[3] == "Avoir hors place" Or $_aExportInfo[8] == "ZERO" Then _ArrayAdd($_aExport, _ArrayToString($_aImport, "|", $i, $i)) ContinueLoop Else FileWriteLine($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\ImportQuadra.txt", $_aExportInfo[0]) EndIf Next Local $_bFileExists = FileExists($g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") If $_bFileExists Then $_oExport = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Error Opening Workbook", "Unable to open: " & $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx") EndIf $_iLastRow = $_oExport.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").SpecialCells($xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 2 Else $_oExport = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) If @error Then _Excel_Close($oExcel) Return MsgBox(4096, "Excel Create Workbook", "Unable to create new Workbook") EndIf $_iLastRow = 1 EndIf _Excel_RangeWrite($_oExport, $_oExport.ActiveSheet, $_aExport, "A" & $_iLastRow) If $_bFileExists Then _Excel_BookSave($_oExport) If @error Then $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Else _Excel_BookSaveAs($_oExport, $g_sFileSelectFolder & "\Exclusions.xlsx", $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then $g_bWriteExcelExport = False Endif $g_bWriteExcelExport = True _Excel_BookClose($_oExport) _Excel_Close($oExcel) EndFunc Func Formatage($sCellule) ; ==> Function that formats in 12 characters the debit & credit columns of the rows Local $sMontant = "" If IsNumber($sCellule) Then ; ==> Any + and - characters that may be present are deleted $sCellule = StringRegExpReplace($sCellule, "[^\d\.]", "") Local $PositionPoint = StringInStr($sCellule, ".", 1) Local $sDecimales = "" If $PositionPoint Then ; There's a point $sDecimales = StringTrimLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint) $sNumber = StringLeft($sCellule, $PositionPoint - 1) If StringLen($sDecimales) < 2 Then $sDecimales &= "0" EndIf $sMontant &= $sNumber & $sDecimales $nLongueur = StringLen($sMontant) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sMontant Else ; There is no point $sDecimales &= $sCellule & "00" $nLongueur = StringLen($sDecimales) $sMontant = "+" & _StringRepeat0(12 - $nLongueur) & $sDecimales EndIf EndIf Return $sMontant EndFunc Func NumeroCompte($p_sCategorie, $p_sIndicateur, $p_sCodeMagasin) Local $_iSearchShop Local $_iFindIndicator = _ArrayFindAll($g_aIndicator, $p_sCategorie, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0) Local $sNumeroCompte = "", $sSCompte = "" For $i = 0 To UBound($_iFindIndicator) - 1 If $p_sIndicateur == $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][2] If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Acompte hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Acompte hors place" ExitLoop ElseIf $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][1] == "Avoir hors place" Then $sNumeroCompte = "Avoir hors place" ExitLoop EndIf If $g_aIndicator[$_iFindIndicator[$i]][4] == "SC" Then $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop <> -1 Then $sNumeroCompte &= $g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][2] EndIf $nLongueur = StringLen($sNumeroCompte) $sNumeroCompte &= _StringRepeat32(8 - $nLongueur) ExitLoop EndIf Next Return $sNumeroCompte EndFunc Func Libelle($p_sCodeMagasin, $p_nLongueur) Local $_iSearchShop = _ArraySearch($g_aShop, $p_sCodeMagasin, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) If $_iSearchShop = -1 Then Return Switch $p_nLongueur Case "court" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 20) Case "long" Return StringLeft($g_aShop[$_iSearchShop][1], 30) EndSwitch EndFunc It works fine The "$_iIndex" variable is useless? And where can I replace points ".", with a decimal point "," when we save in the exclusions.xlsx file only ? (Colums "DEBIT" and "CREDIT") Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Subz Posted June 22, 2018 Share Posted June 22, 2018 When I started I was trying to follow your functions so there are bound to be entries that shouldn't be there, as I mentioned above it was rather rough optimisation as I didn't have time to debug. So feel free to remove "$_iIndex", with regards to changing decimals, you want to change decimal point "." to a comma? Remember that $_aImport is just an array of the "Extraction.xls" file or the ones being processed. So below "; ==> Complete line to write in the file" just add the following, remember the "If" statement above uses both $_aImport[$i][4] and $_aImport[$i][5] to update $_aExportInfo[$i][8] so if you move the lines anywhere above $_aExportInfo[$i][8] would return incorrect data. ;~ Replace Decimals $_aImport[$i][4] = StringReplace($_aImport[$i][4], ".", ",") $_aImport[$i][5] = StringReplace($_aImport[$i][5], ".", ",") ; ==> Complete line to write in the file Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jerem488 Posted June 22, 2018 Author Share Posted June 22, 2018 Yes, I had just done it! Thanks for the quickly response Qui ose gagneWho Dares Win[left]CyberExploit[/left] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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