SLip023 Posted June 13, 2018 Posted June 13, 2018 Hi all, I'm fairly new to AutoIt, and this is my first time posting in the forums. So far all my issues have been resolved using Google search, but this time around I don't understand why my script will sometimes run, and sometimes give me the error: "C:\Users\MyUser\Desktop\Fed Bal FTM\Fed Bal FTM.au3" (134) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.: $sBatchAmount[0] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E12").Text $sBatchAmount[0] = $oExcel.Application^ ERROR What this script does is get data from the opened Excel sheet, and enters it in a website. Here's the code: expandcollapse popup#include <IE.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include "MetroGUI-UDF\MetroGUI_UDF.au3" #include "MetroGUI-UDF\_GUIDisable.au3" Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) #Region Variables Global $sBatchAmount[4], $sDesc[8], $sToday, $oExcel, $oIE $sToday = @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR #EndRegion Variables ;ESC key will stop this bot HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit _Metro_EnableHighDPIScaling() _SetTheme("DarkTeal") #Region Main GUI $GUIThemeColor = 0x1d1d1d $Form1 = _Metro_CreateGUI("Fed Bal FTM", 310, 175, -1, -1, True) $ButtonBKColor = 0x603cba $Button1 = _Metro_CreateButtonEx2("GO", 120, 110, 80, 30) $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Fed Bal FTM", 50, 7, 90, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "Segoe UI") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x603cba) $Checkbox1 = _Metro_CreateCheckbox("493", 60, 48, 97, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400, 0, "Segoe UI") $Checkbox2 = _Metro_CreateCheckbox("513", 172, 48, 97, 24) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 11, 400, 0, "Segoe UI") $Control_Buttons = _Metro_AddControlButtons(True, False, True, False, True) ;CloseBtn = True, MaximizeBtn = True, MinimizeBtn = True, FullscreenBtn = True, MenuBtn = True $GUI_CLOSE_BUTTON = $Control_Buttons[0] $GUI_MINIMIZE_BUTTON = $Control_Buttons[3] $GUI_MENU_BUTTON = $Control_Buttons[6] GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) #EndRegion Main GUI While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $GUI_CLOSE_BUTTON Exit Case $Form1 Case $GUI_MINIMIZE_BUTTON GUISetState(@SW_MINIMIZE, $Form1) Case $Button1 _Metro_DisableButton($Button1) If _Metro_CheckboxIsChecked($Checkbox1) Then Batch493() ElseIf _Metro_CheckboxIsChecked($Checkbox2) Then Batch513() Else Sleep(1) EndIf _Metro_EnableButton($Button1) Case $Checkbox1 If _Metro_CheckboxIsChecked($Checkbox1) Then _Metro_CheckboxUnCheck($Checkbox1) Else _Metro_CheckboxCheck($Checkbox1) _Metro_CheckboxUnCheck($Checkbox2) EndIf Case $Checkbox2 If _Metro_CheckboxIsChecked($Checkbox2) Then _Metro_CheckboxUnCheck($Checkbox2) Else _Metro_CheckboxCheck($Checkbox2) _Metro_CheckboxUnCheck($Checkbox1) EndIf Case $GUI_MENU_BUTTON Local $MenuButtonsArray[2] = ["About", "Exit"] Local $MenuSelect = _Metro_MenuStart($Form1, 50, $MenuButtonsArray) Switch $MenuSelect ;Above function returns the index number of the selected button from the provided buttons array. Case "0" Case "1" Exit EndSwitch EndSwitch WEnd Exit Func Batch493() $oExcel = _Excel_BookAttach("ACH FED Balancing Bank 493 " & $sToday & ".xlsx", "filename") $sBatchAmount[0] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E12").Text $sBatchAmount[1] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E14").Text $sBatchAmount[2] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E16").Text $sBatchAmount[3] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E18").Text For $i = 0 To 4 - 1 Step 1 $sBatchAmount[$i] = StringStripWS($sBatchAmount[$i], $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) $sBatchAmount[$i] = StringReplace($sBatchAmount[$i], ",", "") Next $sDesc[0] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G12").Text $sDesc[1] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G13").Text $sDesc[2] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G14").Text $sDesc[3] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G15").Text $sDesc[4] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G16").Text $sDesc[5] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G17").Text $sDesc[6] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G18").Text $sDesc[7] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G19").Text WinActivate("Process Financial Transactions") $oIE = _IEAttach("Process Financial Transactions") ControlClick("Process Financial Transactions", "", "", "", 1, 75) Send("{HOME}") _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p1_activity", $sBatchAmount[0]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p1_activity", $sDesc[0]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p2_activity", $sBatchAmount[0]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p2_activity", $sDesc[1]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p3_activity", $sBatchAmount[1]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p3_activity", $sDesc[2]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p4_activity", $sBatchAmount[1]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p4_activity", $sDesc[3]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p5_activity", $sBatchAmount[2]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p5_activity", $sDesc[4]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p6_activity", $sBatchAmount[2]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p6_activity", $sDesc[5]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p7_activity", $sBatchAmount[3]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p7_activity", $sDesc[6]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p8_activity", $sBatchAmount[3]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p8_activity", $sDesc[7]) EndFunc ;==>Batch493 Func Batch513() $oExcel = _Excel_BookAttach("ACH FED Balancing Bank 513 " & $sToday & ".xlsx", "filename") $sBatchAmount[0] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E12").Text $sBatchAmount[1] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E14").Text $sBatchAmount[2] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E16").Text $sBatchAmount[3] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("E18").Text For $i = 0 To 4 - 1 Step 1 $sBatchAmount[$i] = StringStripWS($sBatchAmount[$i], $STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING) $sBatchAmount[$i] = StringReplace($sBatchAmount[$i], ",", "") Next $sDesc[0] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G12").Text $sDesc[1] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G13").Text $sDesc[2] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G14").Text $sDesc[3] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G15").Text $sDesc[4] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G16").Text $sDesc[5] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G17").Text $sDesc[6] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G18").Text $sDesc[7] = $oExcel.Application.Sheets("Batch").Range("G19").Text WinActivate("Process Financial Transactions") $oIE = _IEAttach("Process Financial Transactions") ControlClick("Process Financial Transactions", "", "", "", 1, 75) Send("{HOME}{PGDN}{PGDN}{DOWN}") _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p9_activity", $sBatchAmount[0]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p9_activity", $sDesc[0]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p10_activity", $sBatchAmount[0]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p10_activity", $sDesc[1]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p11_activity", $sBatchAmount[1]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p11_activity", $sDesc[2]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p12_activity", $sBatchAmount[1]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p12_activity", $sDesc[3]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p13_activity", $sBatchAmount[2]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p13_activity", $sDesc[4]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p14_activity", $sBatchAmount[2]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p14_activity", $sDesc[5]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p15_activity", $sBatchAmount[3]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p15_activity", $sDesc[6]) _Send($oIE, "trans_amt_17080_i1_p16_activity", $sBatchAmount[3]) _Send($oIE, "gl_desc_17087_i1_p16_activity", $sDesc[7]) EndFunc;==>Batch513 #Region MyFunctions =================================================================== Func _Click($Tab, $ObjIdOrName) $Obj = _IEGetObjById($Tab, $ObjIdOrName) _IEAction($Obj, "click") $Obj = 0 EndFunc ;==>_Click Func _Send($Tab, $ObjIdOrName, $Text) $Obj = _IEGetObjById($Tab, $ObjIdOrName) _IEFormElementSetValue($Obj, $Text) $Obj = 0 EndFunc ;==>_Send #EndRegion MyFunctions =================================================================== Exit Any help is appreciated. Also, any code critique is welcome too! I love to make my code as efficient as possible.
Danp2 Posted June 13, 2018 Posted June 13, 2018 You should add some error checking after the call to _Excel_BookAttach. Latest Webdriver UDF Release Webdriver Wiki FAQs
SLip023 Posted June 13, 2018 Author Posted June 13, 2018 11 hours ago, Danp2 said: You should add some error checking after the call to _Excel_BookAttach. You mean like if Attach errors, try again and keep trying? I don't understand why it crashes about 20% of the time
Subz Posted June 14, 2018 Posted June 14, 2018 You need to know why its crashing which is where the error checking comes in handy, in your instance above it could be one of two see _Excel_BookAttach, so use something like below to find out where the error is: $oExcel = _Excel_BookAttach("ACH FED Balancing Bank 513 " & $sToday & ".xlsx", "filename") Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox("Error", "Error : " & @error & " - An error occurred or $sString can't be found in any of the open workbooks. @extended is set to the COM error code" & @CRLF & "Extended Error: " & @extended) Case 2 MsgBox("Error", "Error : " & @error & "$sMode is invalid") EndSwitch
SLip023 Posted June 14, 2018 Author Posted June 14, 2018 11 hours ago, Subz said: You need to know why its crashing which is where the error checking comes in handy, in your instance above it could be one of two see _Excel_BookAttach, so use something like below to find out where the error is: $oExcel = _Excel_BookAttach("ACH FED Balancing Bank 513 " & $sToday & ".xlsx", "filename") Switch @error Case 1 MsgBox("Error", "Error : " & @error & " - An error occurred or $sString can't be found in any of the open workbooks. @extended is set to the COM error code" & @CRLF & "Extended Error: " & @extended) Case 2 MsgBox("Error", "Error : " & @error & "$sMode is invalid") EndSwitch Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it but I'm still getting the same error message randomly and none of your MsgBoxes are popping up, so I think the error is not coming from the _Excel_BookAttach. Other times the application stops responding and Windows closes it and sometimes it just works...
Subz Posted June 14, 2018 Posted June 14, 2018 Can you attach an example .xlsx file for testing? SLip023 1
SLip023 Posted June 14, 2018 Author Posted June 14, 2018 19 minutes ago, Subz said: Can you attach an example .xlsx file for testing? Hi, Here's an example of the file. Thank you so much! I want to add that another user in a different computer is having the same issues, so I don't think it is related to my setup. ACH FED Balancing Bank 493 06-14-2018.xlsx
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