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for a script to display PDF files I'd like to simply use the default program for PDF files, so I used "ShellExecute(<pdf-file-full-path>)" to open these files.


The result for *SOME* of the workstations is, that the Adobe Reader starts up with asking for its language. (English/German). When starting AcroRd32.exe through "ShellExecute()", this "choose your language" dialog is showing up *ALWAYS*.


Just to have mentioned it: Process Explorer is presenting this command line, it looks the same for both, PCs with and without that question "Choose Language? [English|German]"

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" --channel=4680.0.860715181 --type=renderer  "\\pc0009\Y_DRV_H\Daten\TIF\08\32\G000110832_Freigegeben.idw.pdf"


The next approach I thought of was to use Foxit Portable (instead of Acrord32.exe), started from a Network Drive, but it's starting up ugly slowly...

So I tried to "Run()" instead to "ShellExecute()" the Adobe Reader. Now the result looks more stange, the "select your language" dialog shows up every now and then, but not always for the Win7 installations affected.


If I place a "msgbox()" just in front of the "run()" command, it seems never to show this "select your language" dialog.

If I take out this MsgBox() the "select your language" dialog shows up sometimes.

When I "ClipPut()" the run command prior the "Run()" and paste that one to a CMD box, then it seems to *NEVER* happen, that this "select your language" dialog shows up.


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "\\pc0009\Y_DRV_H\Daten\TIF\08\32\G000110832_Freigegeben.idw.pdf"
$AcroRead='"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"'

MsgBox(0,"Values",$AcroRead & @CRLF & $PDF,1)

$MyCommand=$AcroRead & " " & $PDF


It looks like, that this "--channel=... --type=renderer" parameters are always fact for the AcroRd32.exe instance, that is opening the PDF to be displayed. The Instance opening the "PDF Display GUI" seems to always be a child process of another AcroRd32.exe process.


  • Any clue, what's going on "backstage" here?
  • How to avoid this "Choose your language" dialog?
  • Or maybe someone can mention a different "portable" PDF viewer, I could use for this purpose?


Any suggestions appreciated, regards, Rudi.

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