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How to open outlook attachments without downloading them

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I fail to see how this can be possible, Outlook or not, UDF or not.

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That would be like reading a book without opening it :) 

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It's even worse: reading home a physical book sitting on its shelf at a remote library.
White magic, voodoo or worm in space-time only.

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
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SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
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hmm... if it seen in outlook, isn't attachments already on the drive? so it like : you have book on the table, but to read it you go to the Internet, purchase electronic copy, and only then read it?

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Actually I don't know as I've never used Outlook and I don't know if it offers features like preview of body w/o inlined stuff nor attachments. (I wouldn't be surprised if MS had invented such non-standard things for enterprise edition or limited to use with MS mail service.)
If it doesn't then it's indeed like most (all?) heavy mail clients and if you have the mail then everything is already on your local drive.

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
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PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
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3 hours ago, Juvigy said:

Outlook downloads all attachments in an temp folder when you open them. What exactly do you want to accomplish?

It is fine if the attachments are saved in temp folder when we open them from outlook. I presume it is deleted as soon as we close the attachment.

I want to open the attachments without saving them permanently in any location.

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35 minutes ago, Gowrisankar said:

I presume it is deleted as soon as we close the attachment.

Certainly not. The file remains in temp folder until explicitely deleted.
Of course this doesn't apply to inlined contents, which can't be deleted unless the mail itself is deleted.
Also realize that "deleted" merely means "marked free fo reuse".

This wonderful site allows debugging and testing regular expressions (many flavors available). An absolute must have in your bookmarks.
Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
RegExp tutorial: enough to get started
PCRE v8.33 regexp documentation latest available release and currently implemented in AutoIt beta.

SQLitespeed is another feature-rich premier SQLite manager (includes import/export). Well worth a try.
SQLite Expert (freeware Personal Edition or payware Pro version) is a very useful SQLite database manager.
An excellent eBook covering almost every aspect of SQLite3: a must-read for anyone doing serious work.
SQL tutorial (covers "generic" SQL, but most of it applies to SQLite as well)
A work-in-progress SQLite3 tutorial. Don't miss other LxyzTHW pages!
SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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4 hours ago, Gowrisankar said:

It is fine if the attachments are saved in temp folder when we open them from outlook. I presume it is deleted as soon as we close the attachment.

I want to open the attachments without saving them permanently in any location.

But by default Outlook saves ALL opened attachments to what Microsoft calls the "Outlook Secure Temp Folder". This folder can be obtained by reading the registry at "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\{Your Office version}\Outlook\Security". ({Your Office Version} for Office 365 is 16.0) This folder, an in fact any of the temp file folders, is not regularly cleaned out by Microsoft. (In the past I have referred to Microsoft products as teenagers because they don't clean up after themselves.)

Since the folder resides within the user profile and therefore needs no administrator privilege to access and/or remove files, a script can easily be written to delete all items from that folder, provided they are not open at that particular time.

Who lied and told you life would EVER be fair?

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So to be safe I suggest you do everything yourself. Download the attachments to a directory of your choice, display the attachement and then delete the attachment or directory.

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Are you talking about multiple stores or a single store with multiple addresses assigned?

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Run _OL_StoreGet.au3 to get a list of available stores.
To access the Inbox of another store use _OL_FolderAccess.

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22 hours ago, water said:

Run _OL_StoreGet.au3 to get a list of available stores.
To access the Inbox of another store use _OL_FolderAccess.

Hi @water, I just passed the email address instead of * in "*\Inbox". It is working now. However I will do more testing. 

Meanwhile I am getting a popup message from Outlook when I try to read the body of the mail, asking to Allow/Deny. Is there any possibility to avoid this pop-up?


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The recommended way is to make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date.
Another way is to use the first 4 parameters of _OL_Open to click away the message. Check the wiki for details.

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