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Hey there!


Is there a way to detect movement only for 1 specific window?

HWnd is not really working, it still detects movement in all the windows within the region

This is my script:

;Checksum actual
HotKeySet("{f2}", 'exit_')
MsgBox(0, '', '0')
Beep(500, 2000)
$Hwnd = WinActive('')
while 1
    $Checksum = PixelChecksum(211, 650, 1094, 914, 1, $Hwnd)
    If PixelChecksum(211, 650, 1094, 914, 1, $Hwnd) <> $Checksum Then
        For $i = 1 To 100
        Beep(1000, 50)
        MsgBox(0, '', 'New message!', 1)

Func exit_()
    Beep(500, 1000)
    Exit 0

I just want to check whenever a message comes because the app i use doesn't give notifications properly.

Any help is really appreciated!


$hWnd isn't being updated, so the only time it gets a handle is when it's first run. That means you have to make sure that the correct window is the active window before you try to get its handle. Not easy to do in this script.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Posted (edited)

What kind of message?  a popup or an in browser message or some third thing?  more info please, and give us the spy tool output.


If in browser loop until you see the dom object, if a popup, you can use _winapi_getwindow with option 5

Edited by jdelaney
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2 hours ago, BrewManNH said:

$hWnd isn't being updated, so the only time it gets a handle is when it's first run. That means you have to make sure that the correct window is the active window before you try to get its handle. Not easy to do in this script.

Did, but it just detects movement in all windows, not just in 1 in specific

24 minutes ago, jdelaney said:

What kind of message?  a popup or an in browser message or some third thing?  more info please, and give us the spy tool output.


If in browser loop until you see the dom object, if a popup, you can use _winapi_getwindow with option 5

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