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Below is the screenshot of the page, on which i am not able to click on Yes button. Please help

I tried with codes but it is not working.

ControlClick($hWnd, "Question -- Webpage Dialog", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]","left",2)




Below is the summary from the finder tool for the dialog window:


>>>> Window <<<<
Title:    Question -- Webpage Dialog
Class:    Internet Explorer_TridentDlgFrame
Position:    390, 229
Size:    515, 289
Style:    0x96CC0000
ExStyle:    0x00000101
Handle:    0x00000000000B0424

>>>> Control <<<<
Class:    Internet Explorer_Server
Instance:    1
ClassnameNN:    Internet Explorer_Server1


No HTML page for this dialog window.
Advanced (Class):    [CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]
Position:    0, 26
Size:    500, 225
ControlClick Coords:    441, 150
Style:    0x56000000
ExStyle:    0x00000000
Handle:    0x000000000005041A

>>>> Mouse <<<<
Position:    838, 435
Cursor ID:    0
Color:    0xCCCCCC

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> ToolsBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<


yes i could but i will not as you could find it in help and in forum searching for modal dialog, read faq 31, ....

please read the manuals https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/Run.htm

High level you have to code this

  1. Start your main script that deals with internet explorer
  2. One of the first steps is to run a 2nd script that "runs forever"  till it sees the modal popup (close to your first post) or just a few lines before you expect it
    below a start. You could enhance this instead forever looping loop n times 
    ~; 2nd script
     While true
        ~; TODO: wait for window and click button
        ControlClick($hWnd, "Question -- Webpage Dialog", "[CLASS:Internet Explorer_Server; INSTANCE:1]","left",2)
        Sleep(2000) ; Check for it every n seconds , 2 in this case


  3. Do your IE manipulation things and once the modal pops up this script will "freeze" till the modal dissapears due to script 2 clicking the modal away

Dealing with IE iis not straight forward with modal dialogs so please try to understand more on what you are trying to accomplish and put some search effort in it.



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