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Automate software installation - need advice.

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Dear fellow members,

The mid-size employer I work for has a need to automate the installation of 75 software applications.  The application are packaged with no inputs required from the users.  I created a GUI interface with application selection checkboxes to take the user's input, and upon clicking an "Install Now" button; the selected software then starts installation.  The problem I am running into is that some of the software do not register an installation process into task manager or that sometimes the tag file I look for becomes available before the installation is completed.  If that situation becomes true, then the script runs the next selected software.  This continues until one too many installation is running at the same time and crashes the process.  I have used the "If Not ProcessExists", and "If Not FileExists" but my lack of knowledge on the subject is creating challenges for me.  I may be going at this wrong, so your insight is much appreciated.  How do I create an installation sequence where one software starts installation, waits for the installation process to complete/end, and then start the next software installation?  I have included a sample code from my task sequence for review.

Thank you very much for your time and help.

Func Winzip()
    If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
        MsgBox(0, $sMsg_Title, "Preparing Winzip installation...", 5)
        If FileExists("C:\Program Files (x86)\Winzip\Winzip.exe") Then
            GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox2, $GUI_UNCHECKED)
            MsgBox(0, $sMsg_Title, "Winzp is already installed!", 5)
        ElseIf Not FileExists("C:\Program Files (x86)\Winzip\Winzip.exe") Then
            Until Not ProcessExists("setup.exe")
            GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox2, $GUI_UNCHECKED)
            MsgBox(0, $sMsg_Title, "Winzip installation is completed!", 5)
    ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Checkbox2) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then
    ElseIf @error Then
        Msgbox(0, "Error, exiting installation!")
EndFunc   ;==>Winzip

Func FileZilla()
    If GUICtrlRead($Checkbox3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then
        MsgBox(0, $sMsg_Title, "Preparing FileZilla installation...", 5)
        If FileExists("C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe") Then
            GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox3, $GUI_UNCHECKED)
            MsgBox(0, $sMsg_Title, "Filezilla is already installed!", 5)
        ElseIf Not FileExists("C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe") Then
            Until FileExists("C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe")
            GUICtrlSetState($Checkbox3, $GUI_UNCHECKED)
            MsgBox(0, $sMsg_Title, "Filezilla installation is completed!", 5)
    ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Checkbox3) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then
    ElseIf @error Then
        Msgbox(0, "Error, exiting installation!")
EndFunc   ;==>FileZilla


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Or ShellExecuteWait if you want to break up file and parameters more cleanly.

Secondly, I would think about actually using the parameters - your winzip MSI for example is going to simply launch and then sit there. If you want to do this without user intervention run it like this:

ShellExecuteWait("msiexec.exe", '/i "\\server1\folder1\winzip.msi" /qn')


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Oh my goodness, I have completely forgotten about ShellExecuteWait in my frustration with this subject.  I will test it tomorrow when back at the office.  The reason why I use ShellExecute is that I have a mixture of .exe files and .msi files.  Run or RunWait did not allow me to run .msi files.  Thank you for the insight on ShellExecuteWait.  Much appreciated!!

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