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11 minutes ago, Danp2 said:

@BigDaddyO See prior discussion starting here --

I think My issue may be unique.  When inspecting the dropdown select box before selecting it, I see all the options.  but when I attempt to select one of those I get a message about not attached to the document.

I got around this by finding and clicking the dropdown select box, then doing the full find again and then clicking the option I want.

$eHIPPAtype = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//select[contains(@id,'callerTypeOptions') and not(contains(@id, 'callerTypeOptions1')) and contains(@class, 'callerTypeOptions')]")    ;Perform additional search for the field
_WD_ElementAction($sSession, $eHIPPAtype, "click")  ;Click the dropdown to get the list
$eHIPPAtypeMbr = _WD_FindElement($sSession,  $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//select[contains(@id,'callerTypeOptions') and not(contains(@id, 'callerTypeOptions1')) and contains(@class, 'callerTypeOptions')]/option[contains(@value, 'Member')][1]")  ;find the first object that contains Member
_WD_ElementAction($sSession, $eHIPPAtypeMbr, "click") ;Click the item we want from the list



Hi Danp2

I want before Navigate browser set my proxy ( ngocthang1.vpn.co:8899:ngocthang26:ngocthang26 ) and add ABP extension, I see you suggest 2 link for everyone
+ http://chromedriver.chromium.org/capabilities

+ http://chromedriver.chromium.org/extensions

But i don't know transfer to DesiredCapabilities, How do set proxy ? sorry i very bad code.

#include "wd_core.au3"
#include "wd_helper.au3"
Local $sDesiredCapabilities

$_WD_DEBUG = False

$sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": {"chromeOptions": {"w3c": true }}}}'

$sSession = _WD_CreateSession($sDesiredCapabilities)
_WD_Navigate($sSession, "https://www.google.com/")
_WD_Window($sSession, 'maximize','')
;~ $hwnd = WinWaitActive("Google")
;~ WinSetState($hwnd, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE)
_WD_Action($sSession, "refresh")

Func SetupChrome()
_WD_Option('Driver', 'chromedriver.exe')
_WD_Option('Port', 9515)
_WD_Option('DriverParams', '--log-path=' & @ScriptDir & '\chrome.log')

Thanks you


Hi @ngocthang26

I haven't personally had the need to do either of these actions, so I can't tell you exactly how to do this. If I get a chance, I'll try to check this out and report back with any findings.

In the mean time, you'll need to do what I would do in this case, which is to research and then use "trial and error" until you find a working scenario. The proxy subject came up once before in the main development thread. You may want to check out the links posted by @mLipok here.



Hi @Danp2 I try very many code but don't set success Proxy.

$sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities":{"chromeOptions": {"w3c": "true","browserName": "chrome", "args": ["disable-web-security"], "proxy": {"proxyType":"manual","httpProxy":"","sslProxy":"","autodetect": "false"}}}}'

You can try help me, i try link you sent but don't know transfer code.




@ngocthang26 Have you tried it like this? Note that the proxy definition is outside of chromeOptions.

$sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities":{"chromeOptions": {"w3c": "true"},"browserName": "chrome", "args": ["disable-web-security"], "proxy": {"proxyType":"manual","httpProxy":"","sslProxy":"","autodetect": "false"}}}'

Also, is that your actual IP address for the proxy or just something you pulled off the internet?

Posted (edited)

DemoActions() part ... i didnt try anything :c im just trying to learn how to send keystrokes :c can you give me a code that send keystrokes to the active  element also im using both google chrome and firefox


Edited by Shogi
Posted (edited)

i found how to send keystrokes ;) 

edit: it worked with geckodriver but didnt work with chromedriver :( chromedriver is so broken and full of bugs :c 


Edited by Shogi

I'm going to be running an automation as a Citrix Published app but I'm having all sorts of problems since each user is technically launching the same chromedriver.exe from a single box.

It seems to lock the .log files, so I switched that so it creates @UserName & ".log" but I also seem to be having a problem where each instance needs to use it's own port# but chromedriver doesn't seem to launch on anything but the 9515.

if I try any other port, the black window shows up but the website doesn't appear.  Again, I'm using my simple script for testing.

any ideas?

#include "wd_core.au3"
#include "wd_helper.au3"
;~ "explicitly-allowed-ports":9510,9511,9512.9513  ;comma seperated list of port number, port seems to be specified prior to the _WD_CreateSession so this isnt used.

FileInstall("Chromedriver.exe", @ScriptDir & "\Chromedriver.exe")
For $i = 1 to 30
    If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\Chromedriver.exe") Then ExitLoop

$sWebSite = "https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/downloads/"
$sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": {"chromeOptions": {"w3c": true, "useAutomationExtension": false, "args":["start-maximized", "disable-infobars"] }}}}' ;Required to prevent Unpacked Extension error on servers


$sSession = _WD_CreateSession($sDesiredCapabilities)
_WD_Timeouts($sSession, '{"type":"page load","ms":120000}')     ;Increase the default timeout.

_WD_Navigate($sSession, $sWebSite)

If _WD_WaitElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[2]", 1000, 20000, True) <> 1 Then
    ConsoleWrite("Error, Item not found" & @CRLF)

$eDate = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//div/table[1]/tbody/tr/td[2]")
$sDate = _WD_ElementAction($sSession, $eDate, "text")

MsgBox(0, "Date", "Date = " & $sDate & ".  Click OK to Exit")

_WD_DeleteSession($sSession)                        ;Close the chrome window
_WD_Shutdown()                                          ;Close the chromedriver.exe command window

Func _SetupChrome()

    If _WD_Option('Driver', 'chromedriver.exe') = 0 Then Return SetError(1)

;~  $iPort = _StartScan()
;~  If @error Then
;~      MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to find an open port")
;~      Exit
;~  EndIf
;~  If _WD_Option('Port', $iPort) = 0 Then Return SetError(1)   ;only 9515 is working, but this scanner doesnt see it as available!

    If _WD_Option('Port', 9510) = 0 Then Return SetError(1) ;only 9515 is working!

    If _WD_Option('DriverParams', '--log-path="' & @ScriptDir & '\' & @UserName & '.log"') = 0 Then Return SetError(1)

EndFunc   ;==>_SetupChrome

;Find Open Port, not sure if this will work for the port chromedriver wants
Func _StartScan($sIPScan = "", $sPortStart = 9100, $sPortEnd = 65353)
    Opt('TCPTimeout', 50)       ;Set the timeout for the Port connection
    Local $sSoketID
    Local $sTimeStart = TimerInit()
    For $p = $sPortStart To $sPortEnd
        ConsoleWrite("Scanning Port: " & $p  & @CRLF)
        $sSoketID = TCPConnect($sIPScan, $p)
        If $sSoketID > 0 Then
            ConsoleWrite("Found an open port ( " & $p & " )" & @CRLF)

    If $p >= $sPortEnd Then
        Return SetError(1)
        Return $sPortStart

EndFunc   ;==>_StartScan




Posted (edited)

thank you :) also why i cant send keyboard and pointer actions to google chrome using chromedriver?! i used this script to test 

#include <wd_core.au3>
#include <wd_helper.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

$hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll")

_WD_Option('Driver', 'chromedriver.exe')
_WD_Option('Port', 9515)
_WD_Option('DriverParams', '--log-path="' & @ScriptDir & '\chrome.log"')

$sDesiredCapabilities = '{"capabilities": {"alwaysMatch": {"chromeOptions": {"w3c": true }}}}'

$sSession = _WD_CreateSession($sDesiredCapabilities)
_WD_Navigate($sSession, "http://google.com")

while 1
    if _IsPressed("73", $hDLL) then 
    _WD_Action($sSession, "actions", '{"actions": [{"type": "key","id": "keyboard","actions": [{"type": "KeyDown", "value": "a"},{"type": "sleep", "duration": 5},{"type": "Keyup", "value": "a"}]}]}')


__WD_Post: StatusCode=404; ResponseText={"value":{"error":"unknown command","message":"(Session infochrome=69.0.3497.100)","stacktrace":"Backtrace:\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009EAA90+830096]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0099581D+481309]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0096A9F1+305649]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009500D0+196816]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0094AA77+174711]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00932D54+77140]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0093430C+82700]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00934260+82528]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009F5302+873218]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A0553+525651]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A0783+526211]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A086C+526444]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009F83A7+885671]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A03BF+525247]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009AA60E+566798]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009B5DDB+613851]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009B5F45+614213]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009B5175+610677]\n\tBaseThreadInitThunk [0x76318484+36]\n\tRtlValidSecurityDescriptor [0x77AD305A+282]\n\tRtlValidSecurityDescriptor [0x77AD302A+234]\n"}}
_WD_Action: {"value":{"error":"unknown command","message":"(Session infochrome=69.0.3497.100)","stacktrace":"Backtrace:\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009EAA90+830096]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0099581D+481309]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0096A9F1+305649]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009500D0+196816]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0094AA77+174711]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00932D54+77140]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x0093430C+82700]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x00934260+82528]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009F5302+873218]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A0553+525651]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A0783+526211]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A086C+526444]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009F83A7+885671]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009A03BF+525247]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009AA60E+566798]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009B5DDB+613851]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009B5F45+614213]\n\tOrdinal0 [0x009B5175+610677]\n\tBaseThreadInitThunk [0x76318484+36]\n\tRtlValidSecurityDescriptor [0x77AD305A+282]\n\tRtlValidSecurityDescriptor [0x77AD302A+234]\n"}}
Edited by Shogi
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