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Posted (edited)

Hello all
I have a question please
this  a question is about the context menu
When i create a list box  Or combo box
if i create a context menu for this list
When i press the application key or the shortcut shift + f10
the menu options is appear normally
but When i create a List view
if i create a context menu for this list
When i press the application key or the shortcut shift + f10
the menu options isn't appear
But the right mouse button works normally
I need a solution please because I deal with the screen readers users
Unfortunately They can not use the mouse to navigate
So I have to find a solution to activate keyboard shortcuts
am waiting  for your help

Edited by nacerbaaziz
Posted (edited)

hello again
this is my example
When i press the application key or the shortcut shift + f10
the menu options isn't appear
But the right mouse button works normally

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
#include <GuiListView.au3>
func main()
local $GUI = GUICreate("listView context menu", 800, 400, @DesktopWidth / 2 - 192, @DesktopHeight / 2 - 235, -1, $WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES + $WS_EX_TOPMOST)
global $list = GUICtrlCreateListView("", 0, 10, 700, 150, bitOr($LVS_SINGLESEL,$LVS_SORTASCENDING))

    _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn($list, "Name", 150, 0)
    _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn($list, "version", 50, 0)
    _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn($list, "Publisher", 150, 0)
    _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn($list, "Uninstall file path", 400, 0)
local $menu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($list)
local $Ref = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("refresh", $menu)
local $Unins = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Uninstall", $menu)
GUISetState(@sw_Show, $GUI)
while 1
Switch GUIGetMSG()
case $GUI_Event_Close
case $Ref
case $Unins
            $selecteditem = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($list, Int(_GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($list)))
            $selecteditemarray = StringSplit($selecteditem, "|")

Dim $iMsgBoxAnswer
$iMsgBoxAnswer = MsgBox(4132,"uninstall " &             $selecteditemarray[1] & "?","are you sure want to uninstall " &             $selecteditemarray[1] & " version" &             $selecteditemarray[2] & "?")
   Case $iMsgBoxAnswer = 6 ;Yes


Func Unins_refresh()
    ProgressOn("Uninstall Manager", "Loading...", "0%")

local $r_var, $r_hash = 0, $UninsName = "", $UnInsPath = "", $UninsVersion = "", $UninsPublisher = "", $SystemComponent
local $RegKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    While 1
        $r_hash += 1
        $r_var = RegEnumKey($regKey, $r_hash)
        If @error <> 0 Then
$r_var = ""
$r_hash = 0
$UninsName = ""
$UnInsPath = ""
$UninsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = ""

        $r_var = $Regkey & "\" &         $r_var
$UNinsName = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayName")
if @error then $UNinsName = ""
$UNinsVersion = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayVersion")
if @error then $UNinsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = RegRead($r_var, "Publisher")
if @error then $UninsPublisher = ""
$UNinsPath = RegRead($r_var, "UninstallString")
if @error then $UNinsPath = ""
$SystemComponent = RegRead($r_var, "SystemComponent")
if @error then $SystemComponent = 0
if not ($UninsPath = "") and not ($UninsName = "") and not ($SystemComponent = 1) then
            GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($UninsName & "|" & $UninsVersion & "|" & $UninsPublisher & "|" & $UninsPath, $list)
$RegKey = "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    While 1
        $r_hash += 1
        $r_var = RegEnumKey($regKey, $r_hash)
        If @error <> 0 Then
$r_var = ""
$r_hash = 0
$UninsName = ""
$UnInsPath = ""
$UninsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = ""

        $r_var = $Regkey & "\" &         $r_var
$UNinsName = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayName")
if @error then $UNinsName = ""
$UNinsVersion = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayVersion")
if @error then $UNinsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = RegRead($r_var, "Publisher")
if @error then $UninsPublisher = ""
$UNinsPath = RegRead($r_var, "UninstallString")
if @error then $UNinsPath = ""
$SystemComponent = RegRead($r_var, "SystemComponent")
if @error then $SystemComponent = 0
if not ($UninsPath = "") and not ($UninsName = "") and not ($SystemComponent = 1) then
            GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($UninsName & "|" & $UninsVersion & "|" & $UninsPublisher & "|" & $UninsPath, $list)
if @OSArch = "x64" then
$RegKey = "HKLM64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    While 1
        $r_hash += 1
        $r_var = RegEnumKey($regKey, $r_hash)
        If @error <> 0 Then
$r_var = ""
$r_hash = 0
$UninsName = ""
$UnInsPath = ""
$UninsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = ""

        $r_var = $Regkey & "\" &         $r_var
$UNinsName = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayName")
if @error then $UNinsName = ""
$UNinsVersion = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayVersion")
if @error then $UNinsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = RegRead($r_var, "Publisher")
if @error then $UninsPublisher = ""
$UNinsPath = RegRead($r_var, "UninstallString")
if @error then $UNinsPath = ""
$SystemComponent = RegRead($r_var, "SystemComponent")
if @error then $SystemComponent = 0
if not ($UninsPath = "") and not ($UninsName = "") and not ($SystemComponent = 1) then
            GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($UninsName & "|" & $UninsVersion & "|" & $UninsPublisher & "|" & $UninsPath, $list)
$RegKey = "HKCU64\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    While 1
        $r_hash += 1
        $r_var = RegEnumKey($regKey, $r_hash)
        If @error <> 0 Then
$r_var = ""
$r_hash = 0
$UninsName = ""
$UnInsPath = ""
$UninsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = ""

        $r_var = $Regkey & "\" &         $r_var
$UNinsName = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayName")
if @error then $UNinsName = ""
$UNinsVersion = RegRead($r_var, "DisplayVersion")
if @error then $UNinsVersion = ""
$UninsPublisher = RegRead($r_var, "Publisher")
if @error then $UninsPublisher = ""
$UNinsPath = RegRead($r_var, "UninstallString")
if @error then $UNinsPath = ""
$SystemComponent = RegRead($r_var, "SystemComponent")
if @error then $SystemComponent = 0
if not ($UninsPath = "") and not ($UninsName = "") and not ($SystemComponent = 1) then

            GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($UninsName & "|" & $UninsVersion & "|" & $UninsPublisher & "|" & $UninsPath, $list)

Please help me

Edited by nacerbaaziz
Posted (edited)

I recently encountered a similar issue with trying to allow update on arrow up and down in a list view

same thing should help you as well

Global $g_hList1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|x|y", 5, 24, 161, 201, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Or $LVS_SINGLESEL)
Global $g_hList1_LVN = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ;listview notifications


;Event loop etc....
If GuiGetMsg() == $g_hList1_LVN Then
            ;Your Code

Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
    Static Local $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1)
    If Not IsHWnd($hWndList1) Then $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1)
    If @error Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG
    If $wParam = $g_hList1 Then
        Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam)

        Switch DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code")

            Case $LVN_KEYDOWN, $NM_CLICK
                GUICtrlSendToDummy($g_hList1_LVN, $lParam)

EndFunc   ;==>WM_NOTIFY


To see it in full context check here:

You also don't really need the dummy control but I wanted to receive an even in my event loop and handle it there rather than in the WM_Notify callback

Noticed I saved the listview handle as well; It seems that sometimes it takes forever for the GUICtrlGetHandle() function to return...

Edited by Bilgus
Made the code post Long so you can use the popup button to get it in a separate window

My dear , can you simplify the idea for me please
could  you raise the example in a file please
Because it is somewhat difficult to copy the code using the screen reader
I hope you help me and sorry for the inconvenience

Posted (edited)

Basically you don't get notifications for keypress in the list view so you register a callback for WM_NOTIFY and look for the handle of the listview

This calls the dummy control when it gets a key even or mouse click

in the event for the dummy control you check for a mouse right click or keyboard key and pop your menu

If you want more code than that follow the link and you can see the code in action for the arrow keys

I put the code for DrawPathPoints in a file for you in the example code post..

Edited by Bilgus

Frankly I did not understand
I hope you try to EDIT the example THAT I put IN MY Reply
Maybe I understand
I want when I press the Keys previously mentioned THE menu POP-UP appears
Greetings and apologize for the inconvenience

  • Moderators

You have all that code, but don't understand 18 lines that were provided to you? Are you just copying your code from somewhere, without actually understanding what how it works?

"Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball

How to get your question answered on this forum!

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

hiI understand the code,
but let's say I have more than one list view in the same GUI
so how can I do each list view its own context menu
This is the code that I do, please help me to adjust it.
I apologize for my difficulty in understanding.

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <ListViewConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Global $GUI = GUICreate("test")
Global $g_hList1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|x|y", 5, 24, 161, 70, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Or $LVS_SINGLESEL)
Global $g_hList1_LVN = GUICtrlCreateDummy()
Global $context = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($g_hList1_LVN)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("1", $context)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("2", $context)

Global $g_hList2 = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|x|y", 5, 100, 161, 70, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Or $LVS_SINGLESEL)
Global $g_hList2_LVN = GUICtrlCreateDummy()
Global $context2 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($g_hList2_LVN)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("3", $context2)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("4", $context2)

While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $gui_event_close
        Case $g_hList1_LVN
            ShowMenu($GUI, GUIGetMsg(), $context)
Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
    Static Local $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1)
    If Not IsHWnd($hWndList1) Then $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1)
    If @error Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG
    If $wParam = $g_hList1 Then
        Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam)
        Switch DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code")
            Case $LVN_KEYDOWN, $NM_CLICK
                If _IsPressed("02") Or _IsPressed("5D") Then
                    GUICtrlSendToDummy($g_hList1_LVN, $lParam)
EndFunc   ;==>WM_NOTIFY
Func ShowMenu($hWnd, $idCtrl, $idContext)
    Local $aPos, $x, $y
    Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($idContext)

    $aPos = ControlGetPos($hWnd, "", $idCtrl)

    $x = $aPos[0]
    $y = $aPos[1] + $aPos[3]

    ClientToScreen($hWnd, $x, $y)
    TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y)
EndFunc   ;==>ShowMenu

; Convert the client (GUI) coordinates to screen (desktop) coordinates
Func ClientToScreen($hWnd, ByRef $x, ByRef $y)
    Local $tPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int")

    DllStructSetData($tPoint, 1, $x)
    DllStructSetData($tPoint, 2, $y)

    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ClientToScreen", "hwnd", $hWnd, "struct*", $tPoint)

    $x = DllStructGetData($tPoint, 1)
    $y = DllStructGetData($tPoint, 2)
    ; release Struct not really needed as it is a local
    $tPoint = 0
EndFunc   ;==>ClientToScreen

; Show at the given coordinates (x, y) the popup menu (hMenu) which belongs to a given GUI window (hWnd)
Func TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y)
    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "TrackPopupMenuEx", "hwnd", $hMenu, "int", 0, "int", $x, "int", $y, "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", 0)
EndFunc   ;==>TrackPopupMenu


Edited by Jos
added codebox ... please use that in the future and tidied code
Posted (edited)

There is the bare minimum for what you want

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <ListViewConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <GuiMenu.au3>

Global $GUI = GUICreate("test")
Global $g_iTemp
Global $g_hList1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|x|y", 5, 24, 161, 70, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Or $LVS_SINGLESEL)
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("text", $g_hList1)
Global $g_hList1_LVN = GUICtrlCreateDummy()

Global $context = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($g_hList1)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("1", $context)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("2", $context)

Global $g_hList2 = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|x|y", 5, 100, 161, 70, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Or $LVS_SINGLESEL)
GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("text", $g_hList2)
Global $g_hList2_LVN = GUICtrlCreateDummy()
Global $context2 = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($g_hList2)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("3", $context2)
GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("4", $context2)

While 1
    Switch GUIGetMsg()
        Case $gui_event_close
        Case $g_hList1_LVN ;This is just a dummy it only recieves events
            ConsoleWrite("LV1 EVENT" & @CRLF)
            $g_iTemp = GUICtrlRead($g_hList1_LVN) ;Retrieve the code that WM_NOTIFY SENT
            If $g_iTemp = $LVN_KEYDOWN Then
                If _IsPressed("79") And (_IsPressed("A0") Or _IsPressed("A1")) Then ;Right/ Left Shift & F10
                    ShowMenu($GUI, $g_hList1, $context)
                    ConsoleWrite("Some Other Keys" & @CRLF)
                ConsoleWrite("Some Other Event" & @CRLF)
        Case $g_hList2_LVN
            ConsoleWrite("LV2 EVENT" & @CRLF)
            $g_iTemp = GUICtrlRead($g_hList1_LVN)
            If $g_iTemp = $LVN_KEYDOWN Then
                If _IsPressed("79") And (_IsPressed("A0") Or _IsPressed("A1")) Then ;Right/ Left Shift & F10
                    ShowMenu($GUI, $g_hList2, $context2)
Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam)
    Local $tNMHDR, $iCode ;
    Switch $wParam
        Case $g_hList1
            $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam)
            $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code")
            Switch $iCode
                Case $LVN_KEYDOWN, $NM_CLICK
                    GUICtrlSendToDummy($g_hList1_LVN, $iCode) ;send the code back to be processed by the dummy
        Case $g_hList2
            $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam)
            $iCode = DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code")
            Switch $iCode
                Case $LVN_KEYDOWN, $NM_CLICK
                    GUICtrlSendToDummy($g_hList2_LVN, $iCode)
EndFunc   ;==>WM_NOTIFY

Func ShowMenu($hWnd, $idCtrl, $idContext)
    Local $aPos, $x, $y
    Local $hMenu = GUICtrlGetHandle($idContext)

    $aPos = ControlGetPos($hWnd, "", $idCtrl)

    $x = $aPos[0]
    $y = $aPos[1] + $aPos[3]

    ClientToScreen($hWnd, $x, $y)
    TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y)
EndFunc   ;==>ShowMenu

; Convert the client (GUI) coordinates to screen (desktop) coordinates
Func ClientToScreen($hWnd, ByRef $x, ByRef $y)
    Local $tPoint = DllStructCreate("int;int")

    DllStructSetData($tPoint, 1, $x)
    DllStructSetData($tPoint, 2, $y)

    DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ClientToScreen", "hwnd", $hWnd, "struct*", $tPoint)

    $x = DllStructGetData($tPoint, 1)
    $y = DllStructGetData($tPoint, 2)
    ; release Struct not really needed as it is a local
    $tPoint = 0
EndFunc   ;==>ClientToScreen

; Show at the given coordinates (x, y) the popup menu (hMenu) which belongs to a given GUI window (hWnd)
Func TrackPopupMenu($hWnd, $hMenu, $x, $y)
    ;DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "TrackPopupMenuEx", "hwnd", $hMenu, "int", 0, "int", $x, "int", $y, "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", 0)
    _GUICtrlMenu_TrackPopupMenu($hMenu, $hWnd, $x, $y)
EndFunc   ;==>TrackPopupMenu


Edited by Bilgus

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