CarontePizzuto Posted February 24, 2018 Posted February 24, 2018 Hello, I wrote a simple library to print using the script.dll the code pscript.au3: expandcollapse popup#include "pscriptCostant.au3" local $DllHandle ;------------------------------------------- ; Inizializza la Dll ;------------------------------------------- Func PscriptInit($Dll) local $ret $DllHandle = DllOpen($Dll) if $DllHandle = -1 Then ConsoleWrite("errore Laod Dll") Exit EndIf $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"INT","PSInit") if $ret[0] <> $PSE_NOERROR then ConsoleWrite("Errore Init") Exit EndIf DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetCoorSystem","INT",$APS_TOPLEFT) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetUnit","INT",$APS_MILL) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------- ; Avvia Creazione Documento ;----------------------------------------------- Func PsStartDoc() DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSBeginDoc") EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------- ; Termona Stampa Documento ;------------------------------------------------- Func PsEndDoc() DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSEndDoc") EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------- ; Dialog di scelta stampante ;------------------------------------------------- Func PsPrintDialog() local $ret $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"BOOLEAN","PSPrintDialog") Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------ ; Imposta formato Pagina ;------------------------------------------------ Func PsSetPageSize($Dimensione) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetPageSize","SHORT",$Dimensione) EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------ ; Recupera dimensione pagina ;------------------------------------------------ Func PsGetPageSize() local $ret $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"SHORT","PSGetPageSize") return $ret[0] EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------- ; Visualizza Anteprima di Stampa ;---------------------------------------------------- Func PsPrintPreview($Flagh) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetPrintPreview","INT",$Flagh) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Stampa una Stringa con parametri ;------------------------------------------------------ Func PsOutText($nTop, $nLeft, $xValue, $nJustify, $cFont, $nSize, $nStyle, $nTFColor, $nTBColor, $nAngle) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Stampa il Testo con i parametri standard ;----------------------------------------------------- Func PsTextOut($nTop, $nLeft, $xValue) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSTextOut","INT",PSFtoI($nTop),"INT", PSFtoI($nLeft),"STR",$xValue) EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Stampa il Testo con i parametri passati ;------------------------------------------------------ Func PsTextOutEx($Top, $Left, $xValue, $Just = $APS_LEFT , $FontName = $APS_SYSTEM, $FontSize = 12, $FontStyle = $APS_PLAIN, $FontFColor = $APS_BLACK, $FontBColor = $APS_NONE, $Angle=0) DllCall($Dllhandle,"NONE","PSTextOutEx","INT",PSFtoI($Top),"INT",PSFtoI($left),"STR",$xValue,"INT",$Just,"STR",$FontName,"INT",PSFtoI($FontSize),"INT",$FontStyle,"INT",$FontFColor,"INT",$FontBColor,"INT",$Angle) EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------------ ; Aggiunge una nuova pagina ;------------------------------------------------------ Func PSNewPage() DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSNewPage") EndFunc ;------------------------------------------------------ ; recupera il Font in uso ;------------------------------------------------------ Func PsGetFontName() local $Font $Font = DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE",'PSGetFontName',"str", "") return $Font[1] EndFunc ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Inposta il Font ;-------------------------------------------------------- Func PsSetFontName($FontName) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetFontName","STR",$FontName) EndFunc ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Imposta la dimensione del font ;-------------------------------------------------------- Func PsSetFontSize($Size) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetFontSize","INT", PSFtoI($Size)) EndFunc ;-------------------------------------------------------- ; Recupera la dimensione del Font ;--------------------------------------------------------- Func PsGetFontSize() Local $ret $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"INT","PSGetFontSize") Return PSItoF($ret[0]) EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Imposta lo stile del Font ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func PsSetFontStyle($Stile) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetFontStyle","INT",$Stile) EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Recupera lo stile del Font ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func PsGetFontStyle() Local $ret $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"INT","PSGetFontStyle") Return $ret[0] EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Imposta il Colore del Font ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func PsSetFontFColor($FontFColor) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetFontFColor","INT",$FontFColor) EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; Recupera il colore del Font ;---------------------------------------------------------- Func PsGetFontFColor() local $ret $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"INT","PSGetFontFColor") return $ret[0] EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Imposta il colore di fondo ;----------------------------------------------------------- Func PsSetFontBColor($FontBColor) DllCall($DllHandle,"NONE","PSSetFontBColor","INT",$FontBColor) EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Recupera il colore del fondo ;----------------------------------------------------------- Func PSGetFontBColor() local $ret $ret = DllCall($DllHandle,"INT","PSGetFontBColor") return $ret[0] EndFunc ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Function ...: #PSFtoI(AValue) -> Value ;Description : Converts a Double to an Integer for PSInt compatibility ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Func PSFtoI($AValue) Return Int($AValue * 10000) EndFunc ;*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Function ...: #PSItoF(AValue) -> Value ;Description : Converts a PSInt to a Double for PSInt compatibility ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Func PSItoF($AValue) Return Round($AValue / 10000, 4) EndFunc pscriptCostant.au3 expandcollapse popup;================================================== ; Costanti della Libreria ; Devices ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $DEV_PRINTER = 1 ; Printer Global Const $DEV_PREVIEW = 2 ; Printer with Print preview Global Const $DEV_PDFFILE = 3 ; Print to a PDF File Global Const $DEV_RESERVED = 4 ; Reserved for future use Global Const $DEV_EMFFILE = 5 ; Print to a serie of EMF files ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;*** OBSOLETE *** Special printer numbers ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $PRN_DEFAULT = 0 ; Select Windows default printer Global Const $PRN_PREVIEW = -1 ; Print preview (Obsolete) Global Const $PRN_PDF = -2 ; Print to PDF File (Obsolete) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Possible error codes ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $PSE_NOERROR = 0 ; No error Global Const $PSE_NOPRINTER = 1 ; No printer installed Global Const $PSE_DLLNOTLOADED = 2 ; Could not load DLL Global Const $PSE_NOTINITIALIZED = 3 ; Library not initialized Global Const $PSE_TIMEDOUT = 5 ; Beta version timed out ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Misc. definitions ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_DEFAULT = -999 ; Default value for Integer and Double parameters ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Basic fonts definitions. Any other valid font is accepted ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_SYSTEM = "Courier New" ; System font Global Const $APS_COURIER = "Courier New" ; Courier new Global Const $APS_ARIAL = "Arial" ; Arial Global Const $APS_TIMES = "Times New Roman" ; Times new roman Global Const $APS_DINGBATS = "WingDings" ; WingDings Global Const $APS_VERDANA = "Verdana" ; Verdana ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Supported font styles definitions. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_PLAIN = 0 ; Plain Global Const $APS_BOLD = 1 ; Bold Global Const $APS_ITALIC = 2 ; Italic Global Const $APS_UNDERLINE = 4 ; UnderLine Global Const $APS_STRIKEOUT = 8 ; StrikeOut Global Const $APS_BOLDITALIC = $APS_BOLD + $APS_ITALIC ; BoldItalic (Compatibility) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Text justification definitions X,Y ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------|---*/ Global Const $APS_LEFT = 0 ; Text is left justified PageScript Global Const $APS_RIGHT = 1 ; Text is right justified PageScript Global Const $APS_CENTER = 2 ; Text is centered PageScript Global Const $APS_DECIMAL = 3 ; Text is aligned on the decimal 9,999.99 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Units of mesurement used to calculate position on the document ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_TEXT = 0 ; Unit is text coordinates (Row, Col) Global Const $APS_MILL = 1 ; Unit is millimeter Global Const $APS_CENT = 2 ; Unit is centimeter Global Const $APS_INCH = 3 ; Unit is inch Global Const $APS_PIXEL = 4 ; Unit is pixel Global Const $APS_PICA = 5 ; Unit is pica (6 picas per inch) Global Const $APS_POINT = 6 ; Unit is point (72 points per inch) Global Const $APS_TWIPS = 7 ; Unit is twips (1440 twips per inch) Global Const $APS_CLIP = 8 ; Unit is text coordinates (Row, Col) but compatible with PageScript for Clipper ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Page orientation ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_PORTRAIT = 1 ; Print in portrait Global Const $APS_LANDSCAPE = 2 ; Print in landscape ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BarCode types ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_BC39 = 1 ; Code 3 of 9 Global Const $APS_BC128 = 2 ; Code 128 B Global Const $APS_EAN128A = 3 Global Const $APS_EAN128B = 4 Global Const $APS_EAN128C = 5 Global Const $APS_EAN8 = 6 Global Const $APS_EAN13 = 7 Global Const $APS_CODE128A = 8 Global Const $APS_CODE128B = 9 Global Const $APS_CODE128C = 10 Global Const $APS_UPCA = 11 Global Const $APS_UPCE0 = 12 Global Const $APS_CODABAR = 13 Global Const $APS_POSTNET = 14 Global Const $APS_INTER25 = 15 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PDF Encoding ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_PDF_WINANSI_ENC = 0 Global Const $APS_PDF_STD_ENC = 1 Global Const $APS_PDF_DOC_ENC = 2 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PDF Version ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_PDF14 = 0 Global Const $APS_PDF15 = 1 Global Const $APS_PDF16 = 2 Global Const $APS_PDF17 = 3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PDF Embedded fonts ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_PDF_FNT_NONE = 0 Global Const $APS_PDF_FNT_FULL = 1 Global Const $APS_PDF_FNT_SUB = 2 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Basic colors supported. Corresponds to Clipper's. We're using negative ; values because we don't want to interfere with RGS values that are ; represented by a positive integer. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_BLACK = -1 ; Black Global Const $APS_BLUE = -2 ; Dark blue Global Const $APS_GREEN = -3 ; Dark green Global Const $APS_CYAN = -4 ; Dark cyan Global Const $APS_RED = -5 ; Dark red Global Const $APS_MAGENTA = -6 ; Dark magenta Global Const $APS_BROWN = -7 ; Brown (more orange than brown) Global Const $APS_PALEGRAY = -8 ; Pale gray Global Const $APS_GRAY = -9 ; Dark gray Global Const $APS_BBLUE = -10 ; Bright blue Global Const $APS_BGREEN = -11 ; Bright green Global Const $APS_BCYAN = -12 ; Bright cyan Global Const $APS_BRED = -13 ; Bright red Global Const $APS_BMAGENTA = -14 ; Bright magenta Global Const $APS_YELLOW = -15 ; Yellow Global Const $APS_WHITE = -16 ; White Global Const $APS_NONE = -255 ; Transparent (No color) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Supported patterns used in conjunction with the filling color ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_SOLID = 0 ; Û Solid Global Const $APS_CLEAR = 1 ; Clear (no color / transparent) Global Const $APS_BDIAGONAL = 2 ; \\ Backward diagonal Global Const $APS_FDIAGONAL = 3 ; ; Forward diagonal Global Const $APS_CROSS = 4 ; ++ Cross Global Const $APS_DIAGCROSS = 5 ; XX Diagonal cross Global Const $APS_HORIZONTAL = 6 ; ÍÍ Horizontal Global Const $APS_VERTICAL = 7 ; ³³ Vertical ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Watermark type ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $AWM_NONE = 0 ; No Watermark Global Const $AWM_FOREGROUND = 1 ; Watermark is printed in foreground Global Const $AWM_BACKGROUND = 2 ; Watermark is printed in background ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Coordinate system ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APS_LEFTTOP = 0 ; Left/Top coordinate system Global Const $APS_TOPLEFT = 1 ; Top/Left coordinate system ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Printer Caps. All caps are in pixels ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $APC_PAPERWIDTH = 1 ; Paper width Global Const $APC_PAPERHEIGHT = 2 ; Paper height Global Const $APC_AREAWIDTH = 3 ; Printable area width Global Const $APC_AREAHEIGHT = 4 ; Printable area height Global Const $APC_TOPMARGIN = 5 ; Top margin Global Const $APC_LEFTMARGIN = 6 ; Left margin Global Const $APC_HPIXELS = 7 ; Number of horizontal pixels per inch Global Const $APC_VPIXELS = 8 ; Number of vertical pixels per inch Global Const $APC_BITSPIXEL = 9 ; Number of bits per pixel (1 = B&W printer) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print Preview Window State ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $PWS_MINIMIZED = 0 ; Minimized Global Const $PWS_MAXIMIZED = 1 ; Maximized - Default Global Const $PWS_NORMAL = 2 ; Normal Global Const $PWS_NORMALCENTERED = 3 ; Normal centered (Only Width and Height required) Global Const $PWS_AUTO = 4 ; Saves and reuses the size and pos automaticaly ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PDF font character sets (As defined by Microsoft) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $ANSI_CHARSET = 0 ; Latin - Western European languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese... Global Const $ARABIC_CHARSET = 178 ; Arabic -Arabic, Syriac Global Const $BALTIC_CHARSET = 186 ; Baltic - Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian Global Const $EASTEUROPE_CHARSET = 238 ; European - Eastern European languages: Czech, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian... Global Const $GREEK_CHARSET = 161 ; Greek Global Const $HEBREW_CHARSET = 177 ; Hebrew Global Const $RUSSIAN_CHARSET = 204 ; Cyrillic - Belarussian, Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian... Global Const $TURKISH_CHARSET = 162 ; Turkish ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Predefined Paper selection (based on Windows API constants) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $DMPAPER_LETTER = 1 ; Letter 8 12 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_FIRST = $DMPAPER_LETTER Global Const $DMPAPER_LETTERSMALL = 2 ; Letter Small 8 12 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_TABLOID = 3 ; Tabloid 11 x 17 in Global Const $DMPAPER_LEDGER = 4 ; Ledger 17 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_LEGAL = 5 ; Legal 8 12 x 14 in Global Const $DMPAPER_STATEMENT = 6 ; Statement 5 12 x 8 12 in Global Const $DMPAPER_EXECUTIVE = 7 ; Executive 7 14 x 10 12 in Global Const $DMPAPER_A3 = 8 ; A3 297 x 420 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A4 = 9 ; A4 210 x 297 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A4SMALL = 10 ; A4 Small 210 x 297 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A5 = 11 ; A5 148 x 210 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_B4 = 12 ; B4 (JIS) 250 x 354 Global Const $DMPAPER_B5 = 13 ; B5 (JIS) 182 x 257 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_FOLIO = 14 ; Folio 8 12 x 13 in Global Const $DMPAPER_QUARTO = 15 ; Quarto 215 x 275 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_10X14 = 16 ; 10x14 in Global Const $DMPAPER_11X17 = 17 ; 11x17 in Global Const $DMPAPER_NOTE = 18 ; Note 8 12 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_9 = 19 ; Envelope #9 3 78 x 8 78 Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_10 = 20 ; Envelope #10 4 18 x 9 12 Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_11 = 21 ; Envelope #11 4 12 x 10 38 Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_12 = 22 ; Envelope #12 4 \276 x 11 Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_14 = 23 ; Envelope #14 5 x 11 12 Global Const $DMPAPER_CSHEET = 24 ; C size sheet Global Const $DMPAPER_DSHEET = 25 ; D size sheet Global Const $DMPAPER_ESHEET = 26 ; E size sheet Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_DL = 27 ; Envelope DL 110 x 220mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_C5 = 28 ; Envelope C5 162 x 229 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_C3 = 29 ; Envelope C3 324 x 458 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_C4 = 30 ; Envelope C4 229 x 324 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_C6 = 31 ; Envelope C6 114 x 162 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_C65 = 32 ; Envelope C65 114 x 229 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_B4 = 33 ; Envelope B4 250 x 353 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_B5 = 34 ; Envelope B5 176 x 250 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_B6 = 35 ; Envelope B6 176 x 125 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_ITALY = 36 ; Envelope 110 x 230 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_MONARCH = 37 ; Envelope Monarch 3.875 x 7.5 in Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_PERSONAL = 38 ; 6 34 Envelope 3 58 x 6 12 in Global Const $DMPAPER_FANFOLD_US = 39 ; US Std Fanfold 14 78 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_FANFOLD_STD_GERMAN = 40 ; German Std Fanfold 8 12 x 12 in Global Const $DMPAPER_FANFOLD_LGL_GERMAN = 41 ; German Legal Fanfold 8 12 x 13 in Global Const $DMPAPER_ISO_B4 = 42 ; B4 (ISO) 250 x 353 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_JAPANESE_POSTCARD = 43 ; Japanese Postcard 100 x 148 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_9X11 = 44 ; 9 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_10X11 = 45 ; 10 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_15X11 = 46 ; 15 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_ENV_INVITE = 47 ; Envelope Invite 220 x 220 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_RESERVED_48 = 48 ; RESERVED--DO NOT USE Global Const $DMPAPER_RESERVED_49 = 49 ; RESERVED--DO NOT USE Global Const $DMPAPER_LETTER_EXTRA = 50 ; Letter Extra 9 \275 x 12 in Global Const $DMPAPER_LEGAL_EXTRA = 51 ; Legal Extra 9 \275 x 15 in Global Const $DMPAPER_TABLOID_EXTRA = 52 ; Tabloid Extra 11.69 x 18 in Global Const $DMPAPER_A4_EXTRA = 53 ; A4 Extra 9.27 x 12.69 in Global Const $DMPAPER_LETTER_TRANSVERSE = 54 ; Letter Transverse 8 \275 x 11 in Global Const $DMPAPER_A4_TRANSVERSE = 55 ; A4 Transverse 210 x 297 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_LETTER_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE = 56 ; Letter Extra Transverse 9\275 x 12 in Global Const $DMPAPER_A_PLUS = 57 ; SuperASuperAA4 227 x 356 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_B_PLUS = 58 ; SuperBSuperBA3 305 x 487 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_LETTER_PLUS = 59 ; Letter Plus 8.5 x 12.69 in Global Const $DMPAPER_A4_PLUS = 60 ; A4 Plus 210 x 330 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A5_TRANSVERSE = 61 ; A5 Transverse 148 x 210 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_B5_TRANSVERSE = 62 ; B5 (JIS) Transverse 182 x 257 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A3_EXTRA = 63 ; A3 Extra 322 x 445 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A5_EXTRA = 64 ; A5 Extra 174 x 235 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_B5_EXTRA = 65 ; B5 (ISO) Extra 201 x 276 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A2 = 66 ; A2 420 x 594 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A3_TRANSVERSE = 67 ; A3 Transverse 297 x 420 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_A3_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE = 68 ; A3 Extra Transverse 322 x 445 mm Global Const $DMPAPER_LAST = $DMPAPER_A3_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE Global Const $DMPAPER_USER = 256 ; User defined paper size ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Paper bin selection (based on Windows API constants) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $DMBIN_UPPER = 1 ; Upper bin Global Const $DMBIN_FIRST = $DMBIN_UPPER Global Const $DMBIN_ONLYONE = 1 ; Same as Upper bin Global Const $DMBIN_LOWER = 2 ; Lower bin Global Const $DMBIN_MIDDLE = 3 ; Middle bin Global Const $DMBIN_MANUAL = 4 ; Manual feed Global Const $DMBIN_ENVELOPE = 5 ; Envelope Global Const $DMBIN_ENVMANUAL = 6 ; Envelope manual feed Global Const $DMBIN_AUTO = 7 ; Auto select (depending on paper size) Global Const $DMBIN_TRACTOR = 8 ; Tractor feed Global Const $DMBIN_SMALLFMT = 9 ; Small forms Global Const $DMBIN_LARGEFMT = 10 ; Large forms Global Const $DMBIN_LARGECAPACITY = 11 ; Large capacity bin Global Const $DMBIN_CASSETTE = 14 ; Cassette Global Const $DMBIN_FORMSOURCE = 15 ; Form source Global Const $DMBIN_LAST = $DMBIN_FORMSOURCE Global Const $DMBIN_USER = 256 ; Device specific bins start here ; XEROX N4525 specific Trays numbers ; Contributed by Jeremy Suiter, England, UK. Thanks. Global Const $XEROX_4525_1_W98 = 1 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 1 Global Const $XEROX_4525_2_W98 = 2 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 2 ; Tray's 3,4,5 belong to optional 2,500 feeder unit Global Const $XEROX_4525_3_W98 = 258 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 3 Global Const $XEROX_4525_4_W98 = 259 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 4 Global Const $XEROX_4525_5_W98 = 260 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 5 ; Windows 2000 Pro/NT/XP Global Const $XEROX_4525_1_W2K = 262 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 1 Global Const $XEROX_4525_2_W2K = 261 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 2 ; Tray's 3,4,5 belong to optional 2,500 feeder unit Global Const $XEROX_4525_3_W2K = 260 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 3 Global Const $XEROX_4525_4_W2K = 259 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 4 Global Const $XEROX_4525_5_W2K = 258 ; Xerox N4525 Tray 5 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Duplex mode support for printers with Duplex printing options ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Global Const $DMDUP_SIMPLEX = 1 ; Simplex mode Global Const $DMDUP_VERTICAL = 2 ; Vertical Duplex Global Const $DMDUP_HORIZONTAL = 3 ; Horizontal Duplex Example : #include "pscript.au3" local $x =0 PscriptInit(@ScriptDir & "\PSCRIPT.dll") PsPrintPreview(1) if PsPrintDialog() Then PsSetPageSize($DMPAPER_A3) PsStartDoc() PsSetFontName($APS_VERDANA) PsSetFontStyle($APS_BOLD) PsSetFontFColor($APS_BRED) PsSetFontBColor($APS_YELLOW) PsSetFontSize(10) for $i=0 to 10 PsTextOut(($i*5)+50, 0, 'Prova Testo Stampa') PSNewPage() Next PsTextOutEx(0,100,"Prova Due",$APS_CENTER) PsEndDoc() EndIf the library is not finished yet, many functions are missing. I can not get printPreview to work. You can help me? Thank you.
x_bennY Posted July 2, 2018 Posted July 2, 2018 (edited) Hey, try this function: Use the DEV_PREVIEW Constant Value Description DEV_PRINTER 1 The output is sent to the selected printer. DEV_PREVIEW 2 The output is sent to the print preview dialog box DEV_PDFFILE 3 The output is saved in a .pdf file. The file name is set by calling PSSetFileName() before starting the print job. Reserved 4 Reserved for future use DEV_EMFFILE 5 The output is saved in a series of EMF files. The path of the files to be created is set by calling PSSetFileName() before starting the print job. Files are named Page1.emf, Page2.emf, Pagen.emf func PSSetDevice($nDevice) DllCall($DllHandle, "NONE", "PSSetDevice", "INT", $nDevice) endfunc Edited July 2, 2018 by x_bennY
joiner Posted November 4, 2021 Posted November 4, 2021 Hello, I saw a problem. The script does not exit. Which function exits the library PSCRIPT.dll?
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