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Posted (edited)


is there a easy way in autoit to do something like a Sigmoid-curve calculation?

_sigmoid($some_number  * $some_other_number + $some_number2  * $some_other_number2 + 10 )

What I want to do is have a output between -1 and 1 or in another time between 0 and 1.

Is this posible in autoit?
I couldn't find anything around this subject on the forum.

This is what i got this far but it isn't working guit wright :

Local $in_min = 0
   Local $in_max = 100
   Local $search_num = 10
   Local $out_min = -1
   Local $out_max = 1
   Local $numbers[3] = [Random($in_min , $in_max , 1),Random($in_min , $in_max , 1),Random($in_min , $in_max , 1)]
   Local $numbers2[3] = [Random($in_min , $in_max , 1),Random($in_min , $in_max , 1),Random($in_min , $in_max , 1)]
   Local $temp = 0
   Local $iReturn = 0
   For $i = 0 To UBound($numbers,1) - 1
      $temp = $numbers[1] * $numbers2[$i]
      $iReturn = $iReturn + $temp
   $iReturn = $iReturn + 10
#Region ### GUI sigmoid function ?
   Local $total = $in_max - $in_min
   Local $dif = $search_num - $in_min
   Local $percent = Round(($dif / $total) * 100 ,3)
   Local $percentage = Round($percent / (100 * $out_max) , 3)

   MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "$percentage = " & $percentage)

   If $percentage < $out_min Then
      $percentage = $out_min
   ElseIf $percentage > $out_max Then
      $percentage = $out_max
$iReturn = $percentage
   MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "$percentage = " & $percentage)


Edited by FMS

as finishing touch god created the dutch

Posted (edited)

You'll need my Eigen4AutoIt matrix environment (link in my sig) and GraphGDIplus for this. The computation itself is trivial (a mere five lines in E4A).:D The plotting bit I adapted from Dannyfirex (with thanks).

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include "GraphGDIPlus.au3"

; computational part by RTFC
#include "Eigen4AutoIt.au3"



; plotting part by Dannyfirex, https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/159094-plotting-values-to-a-graph/
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_terminate")
Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
$GUI = GUICreate("Sigmoid (0-1)",450, 270, Default,Default)

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_terminate")

$Graph = _GraphGDIPlus_Create($GUI,50,50,350,120,0xFF000000,0xFF88B3DD)
_GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeX($Graph,-10,10,21,1); horizontal figures
_GraphGDIPlus_Set_RangeY($Graph,-0.05,1.05,1,1); horizontal figures

$xvalue = _Eigen_ReadMatrixValue($matA,0,0)
$yvalue = _Eigen_ReadMatrixValue($matA,0,1)

for $rc=1 to $rows-1
    $xvalue = _Eigen_ReadMatrixValue($matA,$rc,0)
    $yvalue = _Eigen_ReadMatrixValue($matA,$rc,1)


While 1

Func _terminate()




Edited by RTFC

nice work @RTFC , this i will use in the future for shure.

I was trying to understand what was hapening inside but unfortunaly I couldn't understand what was hapening,
also a little bit complex for mine taste :)

Could you explaine how i only can have the sigmoid value?

_sigmoid($some_number  * $some_other_number + $some_number2  * $some_other_number2 + 10 )


as finishing touch god created the dutch

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, FMS said:

Could you explaine how i only can have the sigmoid value?

Sure; I'l try to explain.:) First off, please read the first few paragraphs of this article on sigmoid functions. You'll see that a generic formula for this is: exp(x) / [exp(x)+1] for a range of x from large negative to large positive. (I have no idea where you got that " $some_number  * $some_other_number..." stuff from; I don't think it is at all relevant in this context; please forget it). So what my script does is:

  1. create a matrix with 101 rows and 3 columns (a matrix is like an array, but 16-byte aligned, and contiguous in memory)
  2. fill column 0 with regularly-spaced values between -10 and 10; these are the x-coordinate values to be plugged into the sigmoid function
  3. fill column 1 with exp(x), where x = the value in column 0 for each row in turn
  4. fill column 2 with: 1 + the value in column 1 (filled in the previous step with exp(x)), where x = the value in column 0 for each row in turn
  5. divide column 1's value by column 2's value for each row in turn; now column 1 (our y-coordinate values to plot) contains exp(x) / [exp(x)+1] for the range of x-values in column 0 (our x-values to plot).
  6. Plot x vs y (col 0 vs col 1) for all rows

That's all, folks. The power of matrix arithmetic allows you to perform each operation on a large number of values simultaneously. Please consult E4A's online Help file if you're interested in learning more. But if you just want a single y-value, then plug an input x-value into the sigmoid equation. But in your title and first post you asked for a sigmoid-curve calculation, and a curve consists of many points.

Edited by RTFC
func sigmoid($x)
    return 1 / 1 * math.exp(-$x)

Tried it.

seems good:) looks complicatied 2 me @RTFC

but i was hoping for something like this in Java but whitout the use of dll’s



as finishing touch god created the dutch

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