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How to get system independent date format


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In some systems the date is displayed in the Taskbar as


And in some systems it is like, 1/10/2018

And in some it is, 10-Jan-2018

And in different formats.


I wrote my code to convert 1/10/2018 to 10-01-2018

Func TodaysDate()
    $NewDate = _DateTimeFormat(_NowCalcDate(),1)
    $Array = StringSplit( $NewDate , ',' )
    _ArrayDelete($Array, 0)
    _ArrayDelete($Array, 0)
    $Array1 = StringSplit($Array[0],' ')
    ;Will return the present day's date with format dd-mmm-yyyy
    ;$Date =  StringStripWS($Array1[2]&"-"&StringLeft($Array1[1], 3)&"-"&$Array[1], $STR_STRIPALL)
    $Date =  StringStripWS($Array1[2]&"-"&changeDateformat(StringLeft($Array1[1], 3))&"-"&$Array[1], $STR_STRIPALL)
    return $Date

Func RemoveEmptyArrayLines(ByRef $arrLines)
  $intCount = 1
  While $intCount < UBound($arrLines)
         $arrLines[$intCount] = StringStripWS($arrLines[$intCount],$STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING)
         If StringLen($arrLines[$intCount])=0 Then
            _ArrayDelete($arrLines, $intCount)
            $intCount = $intCount - 1
         $intCount = $intCount + 1

;To convert mmm to mm format
Func changeDateformat($sText)
Local $sMsg = StringStripWS($sText, $STR_STRIPALL)

Switch $sMsg
Case "Jan"
$sMsg = "01"
Case "Feb"
$sMsg = "02"
Case "Mar"
$sMsg = "03"
Case "Apr"
$sMsg = "04"
Case "May"
$sMsg = "05"
Case "Jun"
$sMsg = "06"
Case "Jul"
$sMsg = "07"
Case "Aug"
$sMsg = "08"
Case "Sep"
$sMsg = "09"
Case "Oct"
$sMsg = "10"
Case "Nov"
$sMsg = "11"
Case "Dec"
$sMsg = "12"

return $sMsg

But again it will work on machines only with 1/10/2018.

Is there any direct function which will give only in the format 10-01-2018, whatever the system settings is.?

I tried all the arguments for _DateTimeFormat, but showing machine dependent settings only.

Google given these two links in AutoIT but these are also for specific formats only,like mine.


Please suggest.

Edited by ur
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If your use case requires reliable date at all times, be aware that since @MDAY, @MON and @YEAR are 3 distinct macros (hence retrieved sequentially in non-zero time), you might happen to get an invalid or very wrong date (1 day, 1 month and up to 1 year off) if you're unlicky enough to run this code just before midnight.

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Another excellent RegExp tutorial. Don't forget downloading your copy of up-to-date pcretest.exe and pcregrep.exe here
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SQLite official website with full documentation (may be newer than the SQLite library that comes standard with AutoIt)

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