KickStarter15 Posted January 4, 2018 Posted January 4, 2018 (edited) Hi Experts, A while ago, I have this problem on how to create multiple checkboxes within TabControl function. Gladly, I made it happened (of course with the help of our forum friends) but not that good coding, it's kind of messy something (nee to work on this). Now, my problem is how can I extract these inputs to an existing Excel file (which is the Sample.xlsx) when clicking the button "Submit Report" or should we say to a new Excel file which is more easier I think. I have attached my sample Excel and the code is: expandcollapse popup#include <Excel.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <TabConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include "GUIScrollbars_Ex.au3" #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #Include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form= Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_Exit") Global $Form1 = GUICreate("Test Form", 820, 740, 265, 50) GUISetBkColor(0x38A7D2) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "_Exit") $Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\Image.jpg", 690, 15, 120, 120) $Label10 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Welcome: "&GetFullName(@UserName), 17, 130, 500, 16) ;~ GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "Arial Rounded MT Bold") GUICtrlSetColor($Label10, 0xFFFFFF2) GUICtrlSetFont($Label10, 9, 700) $File = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Close", $File) GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Export", $File) $Edit = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Edit") GUICtrlSetState($Edit, $GUI_Disable) $Option = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Option") GUICtrlSetState($Option, $GUI_Disable) $Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("View") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $Menu) GUICtrlSetState($Menu, $GUI_Disable) $Help = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Help") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $Help) $dEmployeInfo = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Employee Information", 16, 8, 281, 121) $dEmpNbr = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Emp#:", 33, 35, 35, 17) $dEmpNme = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name:", 33, 59, 35, 17) $dEmpPrs = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Process:", 24, 83, 45, 17) $EmpNbrInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("1234567", 72, 32, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState($EmpNbrInput, $GUI_Disable) $EmpNmeInput = GUICtrlCreateInput(GetFullName(@UserName), 72, 56, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState($EmpNmeInput, $GUI_Disable) $EmpPrsInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("First Process", 72, 80, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState($EmpPrsInput, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $AID = GUICtrlCreateLabel("AID:", 10, 170, 25, 17) GUICtrlSetFont($AID, 10, 700) $AIDLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ABZ123456", 40, 170, 90, 17) GUICtrlSetColor($AIDLabel, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetFont($AIDLabel, 10, 700) $Submit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit Report", 635, 672, 177, 33) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Submit") $Checkbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("I agree that I have checked the entry/s above.", 16, 659, 265, 17) $Checkbox2 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Accept", 16, 677, 50, 17) $Checkbox3 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Reject", 16, 695, 50, 17) $LabelASTR = GUICtrlCreateLabel("*", 72, 680, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor($LabelASTR, 0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetFont($LabelASTR, 10, 700) $LabelASTR1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("*", 70, 695, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor($LabelASTR1, 0xFF0000) GUICtrlSetFont($LabelASTR1, 10, 700) $tab = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 190, 780, 455, $WS_EX_MDICHILD) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_Tab") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Front Matter") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_SHOW) GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Body Matter") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Back Matter") Local $Number = 60, $iRows = 60, $iSpacing = 60 Local $CboxCheck[$Number] Local $CboxNA[$Number] Local $CboxNerror[$Number] Local $CboxWerror[$Number] Local $Edit[$Number] Local $eElement[$Number] Global $hTab_Win0, $hTab_Win1, $hTab_Win2 GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") $hTab_Win0 = GUICreate("", 780, 435, 10, 210, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $Form1) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) $GroupElement = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 40, 10, 73, 30) $LabelElement = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ENTRY/s", 50, 20, 62, 17) $GroupNA = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 200, 10, 73, 30) $LabelNA = GUICtrlCreateLabel("N/A", 225, 20, 40, 17) $GroupNerror = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 292, 10, 70, 30) $LabelNerror = GUICtrlCreateLabel("NO ERROR", 299, 20, 60, 17) $GroupWError = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 380, 10, 80, 30) $LabelWError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("WITH ERROR", 385, 20, 73, 15) $GroupRemark = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 580, 10, 95, 30) $LabelRemark = GUICtrlCreateLabel("REMARKS", 600, 20, 65, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ; Reading excel file column A for tab 1 "Part I" $sPath = @ScriptDir & "\Sample.xlsx" $oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sPath) If @error Then Exit $aResult = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns("A:A"), 2) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $eElement[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $iSpacing + -50 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetState($eElement[$i], $GUI_Enable) GUICtrlSetData($eElement[$i], $aResult[$i]) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) Next For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxNA[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 165 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $j = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxNerror[$j] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 260 + (Int($j / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($j, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $x = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxWerror[$x] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 355 + (Int($x / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($x, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $Edit[$i] = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", $iSpacing + 440 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) ; GUICtrlSetState($Edit[$i], $GUI_Enable) Next _GUIScrollbars_Generate($hTab_Win0, 0, 2000) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hTab_Win0) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) ; Close Tab definiton #EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ### Sleep(20) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func _Tab() Switch GUICtrlRead($tab) Case 0 GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hTab_Win0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hTab_Win1) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hTab_Win2) Case 1 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hTab_Win0) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hTab_Win1) _TabA() GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hTab_Win2) Case 2 GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hTab_Win0) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $hTab_Win1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hTab_Win2) _TabB() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_Tab Func _TabA() GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") $hTab_Win1 = GUICreate("", 780, 435, 10, 210, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $Form1) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) $GroupElement = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 40, 10, 73, 30) $LabelElement = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ENTRY/s", 50, 20, 62, 17) $GroupNA = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 200, 10, 73, 30) $LabelNA = GUICtrlCreateLabel("N/A", 225, 20, 40, 17) $GroupNerror = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 292, 10, 70, 30) $LabelNerror = GUICtrlCreateLabel("NO ERROR", 299, 20, 60, 17) $GroupWError = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 380, 10, 80, 30) $LabelWError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("WITH ERROR", 385, 20, 73, 15) $GroupRemark = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 580, 10, 95, 30) $LabelRemark = GUICtrlCreateLabel("REMARKS", 600, 20, 65, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $sPath = @ScriptDir & "\Sample.xlsx" $oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sPath) If @error Then Exit $aResult = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns("B:B"), 2) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $eElement[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $iSpacing + -50 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetState($eElement[$i], $GUI_Enable) GUICtrlSetData($eElement[$i], $aResult[$i]) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) Next For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxNA[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 165 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $j = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxNerror[$j] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 260 + (Int($j / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($j, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $x = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxWerror[$x] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 355 + (Int($x / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($x, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $Edit[$i] = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", $iSpacing + 440 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) ; GUICtrlSetState($Edit[$i], $GUI_Enable) Next _GUIScrollbars_Generate($hTab_Win1, 0, 2000) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hTab_Win1) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) EndFunc Func _TabB() GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") $hTab_Win2 = GUICreate("", 780, 435, 10, 210, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $Form1) GUISetBkColor(0xFFFFFF) $GroupElement = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 40, 10, 73, 30) $LabelElement = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ENTRY/s", 50, 20, 62, 17) $GroupNA = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 200, 10, 73, 30) $LabelNA = GUICtrlCreateLabel("N/A", 225, 20, 40, 17) $GroupNerror = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 292, 10, 70, 30) $LabelNerror = GUICtrlCreateLabel("NO ERROR", 299, 20, 60, 17) $GroupWError = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 380, 10, 80, 30) $LabelWError = GUICtrlCreateLabel("WITH ERROR", 385, 20, 73, 15) $GroupRemark = GUICtrlCreateGroup("", 580, 10, 95, 30) $LabelRemark = GUICtrlCreateLabel("REMARKS", 600, 20, 65, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $sPath = @ScriptDir & "\Sample.xlsx" $oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sPath) If @error Then Exit $aResult = _Excel_RangeRead($oWorkbook, Default, $oWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns("C:C"), 2) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $eElement[$i] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $iSpacing + -50 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT,$ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetState($eElement[$i], $GUI_Enable) GUICtrlSetData($eElement[$i], $aResult[$i]) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) Next For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxNA[$i] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 165 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $j = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxNerror[$j] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 260 + (Int($j / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($j, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $x = 0 To $Number - 1 $CboxWerror[$x] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", $iSpacing + 355 + (Int($x / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($x, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 15, 20) Next For $i = 0 To $Number - 1 $Edit[$i] = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", $iSpacing + 440 + (Int($i / $iRows)), ((30.7 * Mod($i, $iRows)) + $iSpacing), 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) ; GUICtrlSetState($Edit[$i], $GUI_Enable) Next _GUIScrollbars_Generate($hTab_Win2, 0, 2000) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Form1) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hTab_Win2) _Excel_Close($oExcel, False, True) EndFunc Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func Submit() MsgBox(16, "Warning!", "This is still on-going") EndFunc Func GetFullName($sUserName) $colItems = "" $strComputer = "localhost" $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '" & $sUserName & "'", "WQL", 0x10 + 0x20) If IsObj($colItems) then For $objItem In $colItems Return $objItem.FullName Next Else Return SetError(1,0,"") Endif EndFunc  Hope someone here can help me with this. Kind of hard thing to do in my status right now.  Thank you in advance Experts! KS15 Sample.xlsx Edited January 4, 2018 by KickStarter15 Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
benners Posted January 4, 2018 Posted January 4, 2018 (edited) If you swap this function with the one in your script it will write the input values to cells D1 to D3 Func Submit() $oExcel = _Excel_Open(False) $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookOpen($oExcel, $sPath) If @error Then return SetError(1) Local $ai_Labels[4] = [3, $EmpNbrInput, $EmpNmeInput, $EmpPrsInput] For $i = 1 to $ai_Labels[0] _Excel_RangeWrite($oWorkbook, Default, GUICtrlRead($ai_Labels[$i]), "D" & $i) Next _Excel_Close($oExcel) MsgBox(16, "Warning!", "This is still on-going") shellexecute($sPath) EndFunc ;==>Submit  Edited January 4, 2018 by benners water's advice below
water Posted January 4, 2018 Posted January 4, 2018 Please replace $oExcel = ObjCreate("Excel.Application") with $oExcel = _Excel_Open() This makes sure that _Excel_Close works properly. My UDFs and Tutorials: Spoiler UDFs: Active Directory (NEW 2024-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki ExcelChart (2017-07-21 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts OutlookEX (2021-11-16 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki OutlookEX_GUI (2021-04-13 - Version - Download Outlook Tools (2019-07-22 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki PowerPoint (2021-08-31 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Example Scripts - Wiki Task Scheduler (2022-07-28 - Version - Download - General Help & Support - Wiki Standard UDFs: Excel - Example Scripts - Wiki Word - Wiki Tutorials: ADO - Wiki WebDriver - Wiki Â
KickStarter15 Posted January 5, 2018 Author Posted January 5, 2018 @benners, Thanks, it's working indeed for the 3 inputs "$EmpNbrInput, $EmpNmeInput, $EmpPrsInput" but please can you guide me on how should I add these items from my GUICtrlCreateTabItem() to an excel cell? It's like my GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() are in Array and no idea how to handle this case so that I can write these items in my Excel. For example TabItem() "Front Matter" there are items that were checked and remarked and I need that input to be extracted to my Excel cell. Â @water, Thanks as well and very noted. Â Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
benners Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 You create the create the checkboxes in an array but the array is overwritten each time you build the tab so there are no IDs for the controls. If there were you could loop through them and get the values as I did in the submit button. There's no need to rebuild the controls when you change tabs, as far as I can see, so you could just have a 2D array with enough rows for the controls and enough columns for the number of tabs. The other thing is if the report is going to be read by humans or is just for saving. If it's going to be read by humans then you will have to change the values you get from reading the checkboxes to values that everyone knows, such as with checkboxes. They return 1, 2 or 4. If you saw that in the report you wouldn't know what it meant Does it need to be recorded as yes/no , for instance with the I agree\accept or reject boxes?. Before going any further I would look at streamlining the code to improve it and increase the speed and make it easier to add your values to the excel sheet. There are a lot of repeated actions that could be made into functions and variables created (when controls are added) that don't need to be. Normally, if I am not going to reference or change the controls value, such as a labels text, I don't assign it a variable. I would also use a variable naming convention, such as the one listed here I'll have a play with the code if you want and give you some examples and people cleverer than I can improve it KickStarter15 1
benners Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Well. been playing all day and have come up with this. It just draws the gui and sets up the control arrays for later. One annoying problem to sort out when drawing the controls,. It will only create the same amount of controls as there are cells with text in the excel file. This way redundant controls aren't added expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIScrollbars_Ex.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) HotKeySet("{ESC}", "CloseProgram") ; create the arrays to hold the controlIDs for the tab guis. These can be referenced ; later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global _ $aid_FrontMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BodyMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BackMatterGUI = '' ; theee are integers that relate to where the controliDs are located in $g_aidControls. ; The control ID can be retrieved like so, $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] Global Enum _ $FRONTMATTERGUI, _ $BODYMATTERGUI, _ $BACKMATTERGUI, _ $EMPNUMBER_INP, _ $EMPNAME_INP, _ $EMPPROCESS_INP, _ $MYSTERY_LBL, _ $AGREE_CHK, _ $ACCEPT_CHK, _ $REJECT_CHK, _ $SUBMIT_BTN, _ $MAIN_TAB, _ $ARRAYMAX ; create the array to hold the remaining controlIDs. These can be referenced ; later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global $g_aidControls[$ARRAYMAX] ; set the path to the file that has the values for the inputs Global $g_sExcelFile = @ScriptDir & "\Sample.xlsx" Draw_GUI() ;~ _ArrayDisplay($g_aidControls) While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch Sleep(50) WEnd Func CloseProgram() Exit EndFunc ;==>CloseProgram Func CreateTabGUIs(ByRef $as_RangeRead, $i_ArrayRow, $h_MainGUI) ; create the gui for the controls and add it to the global controls array $g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow] = GUICreate("", 770, 420, 12, 220, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $h_MainGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_WHITE) Local $i_Columns = 5 ; create the temp array Local $aid_Temp[61][$i_Columns] = [[60]] ; Create the controls GUICtrlCreateLabel("ENTRY(S)", 50, 20, 80, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("N/A", 212, 20, 40, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("NO ERROR", 291, 20, 70, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("WITH ERROR", 383, 20, 85, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel("REMARKS", 570, 20, 90, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) Local $s_Value = '' Local _ $i_ArrayRows = 0, _ $i_Left = 0, _ $i_Rows = 60, _ $i_Spacing = 60, _ $i_Top = 0 For $i = 1 To $aid_Temp[0][0] ; 1 to 60 rows of controls ; get the value to add to the control $s_Value = $as_RangeRead[$i - 1][$i_ArrayRow] ; don't create anymore controls if the value is blanks ; ### comment this line and it will create empty controls on the gui ### ; ### and for some reason a blank one at the top which I can't figure out why ### ; ### if you use $i as the value it is always the last one such as 60 of 60 but it is the first input GRRRRRRR #### If Not $s_Value Then ExitLoop ; calculate additional spacing $i_Left = (Int($i / $i_Rows)) $i_Top = (30.7 * Mod($i, $i_Rows)) ; draw the inputs and add the controlID to the correct gui array $aid_Temp[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateInput("", ($i_Spacing - 50) + $i_Left, $i_Top + $i_Spacing, 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT, $ES_READONLY)) GUICtrlSetData(-1, $s_Value) ; draw the N/A check boces $aid_Temp[$i][1] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", ($i_Spacing + 165) + $i_Left, $i_Top + $i_Spacing, 15, 20) ; draw the no error $aid_Temp[$i][2] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", ($i_Spacing + 260) + $i_Left, $i_Top + $i_Spacing, 15, 20) ; draw the with error check boxes $aid_Temp[$i][3] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("", ($i_Spacing + 355) + $i_Left, $i_Top + $i_Spacing, 15, 20) ; draw the edit boxes $aid_Temp[$i][4] = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", ($i_Spacing + 440) + $i_Left, $i_Top + $i_Spacing, 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) $i_ArrayRows += 1 Next ; add scroll bars to the current gui _GUIScrollbars_Generate($g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow], 0, 2000) $aid_Temp[0][0] = $i_ArrayRows ; update the total number of controls ;~ Redim $aid_Temp[$i_ArrayRows + 1][$i_Columns] ; redim the array. not really needed but nice to do Return $aid_Temp EndFunc ;==>CreateTabGUIs Func Draw_GUI() Local $h_MainGUI = GUICreate("Test Form", 820, 740, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor(0x38A7D2) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CloseProgram") GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "\Image.jpg", 690, 15, 120, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Welcome: " & GetFullName(@UserName), 17, 130, 500, 16) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_BOLD) #Region #### Main Menu ########################### Local $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("File") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Close", $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Export", $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_FileExport') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Edit") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Option") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("View") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("Exit", $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_ViewExit') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Help") GUICtrlCreateMenuItem("About", $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_HelpAbout') #EndRegion #### Main Menu ########################### #Region #### Employee Info ####################### GUICtrlCreateGroup("Employee Information", 16, 8, 281, 121) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Emp#:", 33, 35, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNUMBER_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput("1234567", 72, 32, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Name:", 33, 59, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNAME_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput(GetFullName(@UserName), 72, 56, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Process:", 24, 83, 45, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput("First Process", 72, 80, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) #EndRegion #### Employee Info ####################### #Region #### whatever this is #################### GUICtrlCreateLabel("AID:", 10, 170, 25, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$MYSTERY_LBL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("ABZ123456", 40, 170, 90, 17) ; remove this if you don't alter the text GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### whatever this is #################### #Region #### confirmation checkboxes ############# $g_aidControls[$AGREE_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("I agree that I have checked the entry(s) above.", 16, 659, 265, 17) $g_aidControls[$ACCEPT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Accept", 16, 677, 50, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("*", 72, 680, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Reject", 16, 695, 50, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel("*", 70, 695, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### confirmation checkboxes ############# #Region #### submit button ########################### $g_aidControls[$SUBMIT_BTN] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit Report", 635, 672, 177, 33) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "Submit") #EndRegion #### submit button ########################### #Region #### Create Tabs ######################### Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) #EndRegion #### Create Tabs ######################### GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $h_MainGUI) ; show the main gui Sleep(80) ; add a sleep to try and get them to show at the same time GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) ; show the first tab gui EndFunc ;==>Draw_GUI Func Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) ; create the main tab control $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB] = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 190, 780, 455, $WS_EX_MDICHILD) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "TabChange") ; do summat on tab change ; create the child tab item GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Front Matter") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Body Matter") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("Back Matter") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; get the strings that will populate the gui inputs from the excel sheet ; ### add some error checking for this #### Local $as_RangeRead = Excel_GetValuesFromRange() ; loop though the array of arrays For $i = 1 To 3 ; create the 3 tabs, gui and their controls Switch $i Case 1 $aid_FrontMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i - 1, $h_MainGUI) Case 2 $aid_BodyMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i - 1, $h_MainGUI) Case 3 $aid_BackMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i - 1, $h_MainGUI) EndSwitch Next ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_FrontMatterGUI) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_BodyMatterGUI) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_BackMatterGUI) EndFunc ;==>Draw_Tabs Func Excel_GetValuesFromRange() ; ### add some error checking to this function Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) Local $o_Workbook = _Excel_BookOpen($o_Excel, $g_sExcelFile) Local $as_RangeRead = _Excel_RangeRead($o_Workbook, Default, $o_Workbook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns("A:C"), 2) _Excel_Close($o_Excel) Return $as_RangeRead EndFunc ;==>Excel_GetValuesFromRange Func GetFullName($sUserName) ; I can't test this ;~ $strComputer = "localhost" ; do you need to specify this???? ;~ Local $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Local $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\localhost\root\CIMV2") Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '" & $sUserName & "'", "WQL", 0x10 + 0x20) If Not IsObj($colItems) Then Return SetError(1, 0, "") For $objItem In $colItems Return $objItem.FullName Next EndFunc ;==>GetFullName Func MainMenu_FileExport() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_FileExport Func MainMenu_HelpAbout() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_HelpAbout Func MainMenu_ViewExit() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_ViewExit Func TabChange() Switch GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Case 0 ; Front Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case 1 ; body Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case 2 ; back matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>TabChange Func Submit() ; ##### left this as I don't know whether you right all the 3 guis control values or just the current one #### ;~ Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) ;~ Local $o_Workbook = _Excel_BookOpen($o_Excel, $g_sExcelFile) ;~ If @error Then Return SetError(1) ;~ Local $ai_Labels[4] = [3, $id_EmpNbr_inp, $id_EmpNme_inp, $id_EmpPrs_inp] ;~ For $i = 1 To $ai_Labels[0] ;~ _Excel_RangeWrite($o_Workbook, Default, GUICtrlRead($ai_Labels[$i]), "D" & $i) ;~ Next ;~ _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ;~ ShellExecute($g_sExcelFile) EndFunc ;==>Submit I have attached the sample file as the one in the first post had a blank cell before GTOC. Sample.xlsx KickStarter15 1
KickStarter15 Posted January 6, 2018 Author Posted January 6, 2018 Awsome, Benners. Where were you by the time I need help... Thumbs up men. It's so beautiful compared to what I coded. Now I need to learn and read things in you code, so exciting. However, I still need to learn how to handle these checkboxes input and extract them in Excel cell. Much appreciated benners!!!!! One question: - Is there a chances that I can extract these inputs to an excel file? Â Thank you so much! Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
benners Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 Quote Where were you by the time I need help I was in my own coding nightmare Quote It's so beautiful compared to what I coded In a years time when you know better, you'll look back and laugh at it You can get the values by using guictrlread. The number in the arrays will be the controlID of the control. just uncomment the code below to show the array and the IDs. If you read all these values and make an array. I think RangeWrite can accept an array. ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_FrontMatterGUI) I will do a bit more later as I need to know what layout you want to write in the spreadsheet and it's 03:45 here and i'm up again @ 07:00. With more info I can make it easier for you to add the code that writes the excel sheet. Do you need the values in upper case like CATEGORY? Do the upper case values need the checkboxes? Do you need the check box values like 1 or 4 or the values like checked/ unchecked If you make another sample excel sheet with what you expect to see in the final sheet when you click the submit button, I'll make it easier.
KickStarter15 Posted January 6, 2018 Author Posted January 6, 2018 2 hours ago, benners said: In a years time when you know better, you'll look back and laugh at it Hahaha funny, well good thing we have you in this forum...  2 hours ago, benners said: I was in my own coding nightmare .... your nightmare is an angel falling....  2 hours ago, benners said: Do you need the values in upper case like CATEGORY? Do the upper case values need the checkboxes? Do you need the check box values like 1 or 4 or the values like checked/ unchecked Item 1: Not necessary, it's just a heading for identification. Item 2: Honestly, No , I just don't know how to disable this checkboxes from the heading line... Item 3: I have attached two samples layout that I want it to be. Maybe it's easier if we use checked/unchecked. Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
benners Posted January 6, 2018 Posted January 6, 2018 I have done most of the code. It creates the sheet similar to the one in layout1. I'll let you have a go and sort layout2. Couldn't get the bullet points to show up correctly like they do in the original sheet. Only the values on the tabs are logged in the sheet, the other employee inputs and checkboxes should be easy enough for you to add where you want. There are a couple of niggles with the gui. Would be nice for the scroll bars to stop when the last control is visible, rather than scrolling pages of white. Also, if you minimise the gui, the tab gui's show up before the main gui when you restore the window. Not a job stopper but just aesthetics It uses the sample file in post # 6. Enjoy expandcollapse popup#Region #### Includes ################################ #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIScrollbars_Ex.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #EndRegion #### Includes ################################ Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) HotKeySet('{ESC}', 'CloseProgram') #Region #### Globals ################################# ; these are integers that relate to where the controliDs are located in $g_aidControls. ; The control ID can be retrieved like so, $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] Global Enum _ ; values are 0 to 13 $FRONTMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 1 $BODYMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 2 $BACKMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 3 $TABCOUNT, _ ; #### IMPORTANT #### this must be after the last gui. it signifies how many tabs there will be and is used in other functions $EMPNUMBER_INP, _ ;_ employee number input id $EMPNAME_INP, _ ;_ employee name input id $EMPPROCESS_INP, _ ;_ employee process input id $MYSTERY_LBL, _ ;_ some label I don't know if you use id $AGREE_CHK, _ ;_ I agree checkbox id $ACCEPT_CHK, _ ;_ accept checkbox id $REJECT_CHK, _ ;_ reject checkbox id $SUBMIT_BTN, _ ;_ submit button id $MAIN_TAB, _ ;_ main tab id $ARRAYMAXROWS ;_ number of rows to give the array its 0 based ; create the array to hold the remaining controlIDs. These can be referenced ; later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global $g_aidControls[$ARRAYMAXROWS] ; create the arrays to hold the all controlIDs that will be created on the tab guis. ; These can be referenced later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global _ $aid_FrontMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BodyMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BackMatterGUI = '' ; these are the tab names and will be used as the spreadsheet names when the report is submitted ; these have the same value as the Global Enum $FRONTMATTERGUI to $BACKMATTERGUI and are used in varios functions Global $g_asTabNames[$TABCOUNT] = [ _ ; values are 0 to 2 'Front Matter', _ 'Body Matter', _ 'Back Matter'] ; these are integers that relate to where the rows are for each set of controls in the $aid_FrontMatterGUI array etc ; they are also the same values as their matching strings index in the $g_asTabHeaderText array Global Enum _ ; values are 0 to 6 $ENTRYS_COL, _ $NA_COL, _ $NOERROR_COL, _ $WITHERROR_COL, _ $REMARKS_COL, _ $ARRAYMAX_COLS ; this is the array that holds the tab header text strings. These are written to the first row of the array that matches the tab and gui ; I.E - ; Tab = 'Front Matter' ; Array with the controlIDs = $aid_FrontMatterGUI Global $g_asTabHeaderText[$ARRAYMAX_COLS] = [ _ 'Entry(s)', _ 'N/A', _ 'No Error', _ 'With Error', _ 'Remarks'] #EndRegion #### Globals ################################# Draw_GUI() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch Sleep(50) WEnd Func CloseProgram() Exit EndFunc ;==>CloseProgram Func WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet($o_WorkBook) Local _ ; this is an array of arrays. The arrays have the controlIDs for the relevant tab gui controls $aa_ControlArrays[4] = [3, $aid_FrontMatterGUI, $aid_BodyMatterGUI, $aid_BackMatterGUI], _ $as_Temp = '' ; these determine which cells on the active sheet get fettled later :) Local $s_AutoFitRange = _Excel_ColumnToLetter($ENTRYS_COL + 1) & ':' & _Excel_ColumnToLetter($ARRAYMAX_COLS) Local $s_HeaderCellRange = _Excel_ColumnToLetter($ENTRYS_COL + 1) & '1:' & _Excel_ColumnToLetter($ARRAYMAX_COLS) & '1' Local $s_BoldCellRange = '' ; loop through the arrays For $i = 1 To $aa_ControlArrays[0] $as_Temp = $aa_ControlArrays[$i] ; copy the nested array to a temp one. this will be filled with the values of the controls ; loop through the temp array For $j = 1 To UBound($as_Temp) - 1 $s_BoldCells = CreateArrayOfControlValues($as_Temp, $j) ; update the array row with the control values If $s_BoldCells Then $s_BoldCellRange &= $s_BoldCells & ',' ; if any cells are returned assume they need to be bold in the spreadsheet Next $s_BoldCellRange = StringTrimRight($s_BoldCellRange, 1) ; remove the trailing ',' from the string $o_WorkBook.Sheets($i).Activate ;_ activate the sheet _Excel_RangeWrite($o_WorkBook, $i, $as_Temp) ;_ write the array to an excel spreadsheet If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 'Error Writing ' & $g_asTabNames[$i - 1] & ' to sheet') ; adjust the sheet properties whilst it's active With $o_WorkBook.ActiveSheet .Columns($s_AutoFitRange).AutoFit ;_ resize the columns to fit the text .Name = $g_asTabNames[$i - 1] ;_ set the sheet name .Range($s_HeaderCellRange).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ;_ set the font weight as bold .Range($s_BoldCellRange).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ;_ set the font weight as bold .Range($s_HeaderCellRange).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter ;_ centre align the cells .Range($s_HeaderCellRange).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 ;_ set the header cells back colour EndWith $s_BoldCellRange = '' ; reset the string for next loop Sleep(20) Next $o_WorkBook.Sheets(1).Activate ; activate the first sheet EndFunc ;==>WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet Func CreateTabGUIs(ByRef $as_RangeRead, $i_ArrayRow, $h_MainGUI) ; create the gui for the controls and add it to the global controls array $g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow] = GUICreate('', 770, 370, 12, 270, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $h_MainGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_WHITE) ; create the temp array. This will hold all the controlIDs Local $aid_Temp[71][$ARRAYMAX_COLS] = [[70]] ; add the header text to the first row of the array $aid_Temp[0][$ENTRYS_COL] = 'Entry(s)' $aid_Temp[0][$NA_COL] = 'N/A' $aid_Temp[0][$NOERROR_COL] = 'No Error' $aid_Temp[0][$WITHERROR_COL] = 'With Error' $aid_Temp[0][$REMARKS_COL] = 'Remarks' GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1) Local $s_Value = '' ; value to give the control Local _ $i_ArrayRowCount = 0, _ ;_ keeps track of number of array rows (controls rows added) $i_Left = 0, _ ;_ starting left position $i_Rows = 60, _ ;_ initial number of rows $i_Spacing = 60, _ ;_ control padding $i_Top = 18 ;_ initial top position For $i = 1 To UBound($aid_Temp) - 1 ; 1 to 70 rows of controls ; get the value to add to the control from the array returned by Excel_GetValuesFromRange() $s_Value = $as_RangeRead[$i - 1][$i_ArrayRow] ; don't create anymore controls if the value is blanks If Not $s_Value Then ExitLoop ; calculate additional spacing $i_Left = (Int($i / $i_Rows)) + $i_Spacing $i_Top = (30.7 * Mod($i, $i_Rows)) - 20 ; check if the string is upper case. Strip any none letter characters out for testing ; as digits/punctuation/whitespace will cause StringIsUpper() to return 0. If StringIsUpper(StringRegExpReplace($s_Value, '[^A-Za-z]', '')) Then ; assume its a heading ; draw the input and add the controlID to the correct gui array $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 730, 20, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_SILVER) ; set the other columns to 0 as there are no other controls being added $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = 0 Else ; assume it's a sub ; draw the input $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateInput($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT, $ES_READONLY), $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) ; use an input GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) ;~ $aid_Temp[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 40) ; use a label if you want ; draw the N/A check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 165, $i_Top, 15, 20) ; draw the no error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 260, $i_Top, 15, 20) ; draw the with error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 355, $i_Top, 15, 20) ; draw the edit control $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', $i_Left + 440, $i_Top, 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) EndIf $i_ArrayRowCount += 1 ; increase the number of rows added to the array Next ; add scroll bars to the current gui _GUIScrollbars_Generate($g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow], 0, 2000) ReDim $aid_Temp[$i_ArrayRowCount + 1][$ARRAYMAX_COLS] ; redim the array to remove any blanks ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_Temp) Return $aid_Temp EndFunc ;==>CreateTabGUIs Func Draw_GUI() Local $h_MainGUI = GUICreate('Test Form', 820, 740, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor(0x38A7D2) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & '\Image.jpg', 690, 15, 120, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Welcome: ' & GetFullName(@UserName), 17, 130, 500, 16) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_BOLD) #Region #### Main Menu ########################### Local $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('File') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Close', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Export', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_FileExport') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Edit') GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Option') GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('View') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Exit', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_ViewExit') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Help') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('About', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_HelpAbout') #EndRegion #### Main Menu ########################### #Region #### Employee Info ####################### GUICtrlCreateGroup('Employee Information', 16, 8, 281, 121) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Emp#:', 33, 35, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNUMBER_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput('1234567', 72, 32, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Name:', 33, 59, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNAME_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput(GetFullName(@UserName), 72, 56, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Process:', 24, 83, 45, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput('First Process', 72, 80, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1) #EndRegion #### Employee Info ####################### #Region #### whatever this is #################### GUICtrlCreateLabel('AID:', 10, 170, 25, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$MYSTERY_LBL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel('ABZ123456', 40, 170, 90, 17) ; remove this if you don't alter the text GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### whatever this is #################### #Region #### confirmation checkboxes ############# $g_aidControls[$AGREE_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('I agree that I have checked the entry(s) above.', 16, 659, 265, 17) $g_aidControls[$ACCEPT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Accept', 16, 677, 50, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel('*', 72, 680, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Reject', 16, 695, 50, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel('*', 70, 695, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### confirmation checkboxes ############# #Region #### submit button ####################### $g_aidControls[$SUBMIT_BTN] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Submit Report', 615, 665, 177, 33) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Submit') #EndRegion #### submit button ####################### #Region #### Create Tabs ######################### Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) #EndRegion #### Create Tabs ######################### GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $h_MainGUI) ; show the main gui Sleep(80) ; add a sleep to try and get them to show at the same time GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) ; show the first tab gui EndFunc ;==>Draw_GUI Func Draw_TabHeaders() ; this draws the headers over the columns on the tab gui. The values are pulled from the $g_asTabHeaderText array GUICtrlCreateGroup('', 30, 215, 730, 50) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$ENTRYS_COL], 50, 232, 80, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$NA_COL], 222, 232, 40, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$NOERROR_COL], 301, 232, 70, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$WITHERROR_COL], 393, 232, 85, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$REMARKS_COL], 570, 232, 90, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) EndFunc ;==>Draw_TabHeaders Func Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) ; create the main tab control $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB] = GUICtrlCreateTab(10, 190, 780, 455, $WS_EX_MDICHILD) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'TabChange') ; do summat on tab change ; get the strings that will populate the gui inputs from the excel sheet ; ### add some error checking for _Excel_ColumnToLetter #### Local $as_RangeRead = Excel_GetValuesFromRange(_Excel_ColumnToLetter($FRONTMATTERGUI + 1) & ':' & _Excel_ColumnToLetter($TABCOUNT)) ; loop to create the required number of tabs, guis and their controls For $i = $FRONTMATTERGUI To $TABCOUNT Switch $i Case $FRONTMATTERGUI ; gui 1 GUICtrlCreateTabItem($g_asTabNames[$i]) Draw_TabHeaders() $aid_FrontMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) Case $BODYMATTERGUI ; gui 2 GUICtrlCreateTabItem($g_asTabNames[$i]) Draw_TabHeaders() $aid_BodyMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) Case $BACKMATTERGUI ; gui 3 GUICtrlCreateTabItem($g_asTabNames[$i]) Draw_TabHeaders() $aid_BackMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) EndSwitch ; switch to the main gui and tab after creating the new guis or else the control creation gets bollocksed Up ; and the tabs or controls are not visible GUISwitch($h_MainGUI, $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Next GUICtrlCreateTabItem('') ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_FrontMatterGUI) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_BodyMatterGUI) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_BackMatterGUI) EndFunc ;==>Draw_Tabs Func Excel_GetValuesFromRange($s_Range = 'A') ; set the path to the file that has the values for the inputs Local $s_ExcelFile = @ScriptDir & '\Sample.xlsx' ; #### add some error checking for these excel functions #### Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) Local $o_WorkBook = _Excel_BookOpen($o_Excel, $s_ExcelFile) Local $as_RangeRead = _Excel_RangeRead($o_WorkBook, Default, $o_WorkBook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns($s_Range), 2) _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($as_RangeRead) Return $as_RangeRead EndFunc ;==>Excel_GetValuesFromRange Func CreateArrayOfControlValues(ByRef $aid_ControlID, $i_Row) Local $s_Value = '' Local $s_BoldCells = '' ; loop through the array columns For $i = $ENTRYS_COL To $REMARKS_COL ; get the value from the specified control in the array $s_Value = GUICtrlRead($aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i]) ; if its 0 then set a blank string. this will be if no controlID was added. Assume it's a header If Not $s_Value Then $s_Value = '' ; do different things based on the specified control If $i = $ENTRYS_COL Or $i = $REMARKS_COL Then ; these are input controls ; write the value to the array $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = $s_Value Else ; these are checkbox controls ; get the checked state of the control $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = GetCheckBoxValue($aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i]) ; here we attempt to get the array row that contains a heading for identification. This row will be used ; later to try and set these items in bold in the finished excel sheet. We add plus one because $aid_ControlID is 0 based ; and when we write the spreadsheet we start a cell 1 If $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = '' And $s_BoldCells = '' Then $s_BoldCells = 'A' & $i_Row + 1 EndIf Next Return $s_BoldCells EndFunc ;==>CreateArrayOfControlValues Func GetCheckBoxValue($id_ControlID) If Not $id_ControlID Then Return '' ; no checkbox control If GUICtrlRead($id_ControlID) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Return 'Checked' Return 'Unchecked' EndFunc ;==>GetCheckBoxValue Func GetFullName($sUserName) ; I can't test this ;~ $strComputer = 'localhost' ; do you need to specify this???? ;~ Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\' & $strComputer & '\root\CIMV2') Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\localhost\root\CIMV2') Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '' & $sUserName & ''', 'WQL', 0x10 + 0x20) If Not IsObj($colItems) Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') For $objItem In $colItems Return $objItem.FullName Next EndFunc ;==>GetFullName Func MainMenu_FileExport() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_FileExport Func MainMenu_HelpAbout() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_HelpAbout Func MainMenu_ViewExit() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_ViewExit Func TabChange() Switch GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Case $FRONTMATTERGUI ; Front Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case $BODYMATTERGUI ; body Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case $BACKMATTERGUI ; back matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>TabChange Func Submit() SplashTextOn("submit", "Submitting report...", 300, 50, -1, -1, $DLG_NOTITLE + $DLG_TEXTVCENTER, '', '', $FW_BOLD) ; open an excel instance Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) If @error Then Return SetError(1, _ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ '_Excel_Open', _ 'Error creating the Excel application object' & @CRLF & '@error = ' & @error & ', @extended = ' & @extended), 0) ; open a new excel book Local $o_WorkBook = _Excel_BookNew($o_Excel, $TABCOUNT) ; $TABCOUNT is the number of tabs in your program and so the number of sheets we create for submitting If @error Then Return SetError(2, _ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ '_Excel_BookNew', _ 'Error creating new workbook' & @CRLF & '@error = ' & @error & ', @extended = ' & @extended), _Excel_Close($o_Excel)) ; this will read the control values to an array and write the array to ; an excel file WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet($o_WorkBook) If Not @error Then Local $s_FilePath = @ScriptDir & '\Report_' & @YEAR & '-' & @MON & '-' & @MDAY & '_' & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & '.xlsx' ; save the created report _Excel_BookSaveAs($o_WorkBook, $s_FilePath, $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ "_Excel_BookSaveAs", _ "Error saving workbook to '" & $s_FilePath & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ControlSetText("submit", "", "Static1", 'Opening report...') ShellExecute($s_FilePath) SplashOff() EndFunc ;==>Submit Â
benners Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 (edited) Getting quite addictive this. Added the option of choosing from the two layouts you added in post #9. Was a nightmare but interesting learning expandcollapse popup#Region #### Includes ################################ #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIScrollbars_Ex.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #EndRegion #### Includes ################################ Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) HotKeySet('{ESC}', 'CloseProgram') #Region #### Globals ################################# ; these are integers that relate to where the controliDs are located in $g_aidControls. ; The control ID can be retrieved like so, $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] Global Enum _ ; values are 0 to 13 $FRONTMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 1 $BODYMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 2 $BACKMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 3 $TABCOUNT, _ ; #### IMPORTANT #### this must be after the last gui. it signifies how many tabs there will be and is used in other functions $EMPNUMBER_INP, _ ;_ employee number input id $EMPNAME_INP, _ ;_ employee name input id $EMPPROCESS_INP, _ ;_ employee process input id $MYSTERY_LBL, _ ;_ some label I don't know if you use id $AGREE_CHK, _ ;_ I agree checkbox id $ACCEPT_CHK, _ ;_ accept checkbox id $REJECT_CHK, _ ;_ reject checkbox id $LAYOUTONE_RDO, _ ;_ radio button for layout 1 selection $SUBMIT_BTN, _ ;_ submit button id $MAIN_TAB, _ ;_ main tab id $ARRAYMAXROWS ;_ number of rows to give the array its 0 based ; create the array to hold the remaining controlIDs. These can be referenced ; later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global $g_aidControls[$ARRAYMAXROWS] ; create the arrays to hold the all controlIDs that will be created on the tab guis by CreateTabGUIs() called by Draw_Tabs() function ; These can be referenced later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global _ $aid_FrontMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BodyMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BackMatterGUI = '' ; these are the tab names and will be used as the spreadsheet names when the report is submitted ; these have the same value as the Global Enum $FRONTMATTERGUI to $BACKMATTERGUI and are used in varios functions Global $g_asTabNames[$TABCOUNT] = [ _ ; values are 0 to 2 'Front Matter', _ 'Body Matter', _ 'Back Matter'] ; these are integers that relate to where the rows are for each set of controls in the $aid_FrontMatterGUI array etc ; they are also the same values as their matching strings index in the $g_asTabHeaderText array Global Enum _ ; values are 0 to 6 $ENTRYS_COL, _ $NA_COL, _ $NOERROR_COL, _ $WITHERROR_COL, _ $REMARKS_COL, _ $ARRAYMAX_COLS ; this is the array that holds the tab header text strings. These are written to the first row of the array that matches the tab and gui ; I.E - ; Tab = 'Front Matter' ; Array with the controlIDs = $aid_FrontMatterGUI Global $g_asTabHeaderText[$ARRAYMAX_COLS] = [ _ ; 0 based array 'Entry(s)', _ 'N/A', _ 'No Error', _ 'With Error', _ 'Remarks'] Global $g_iMultipleSheets = 1 Global _ $g_sHeaderCells = '', _ $g_sSectionCells = '', _ $g_sTabNameCells = '' #EndRegion #### Globals ################################# Draw_GUI() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch Sleep(50) WEnd ; create an excel range from 2 numbers Func CellRange_CreateFromInteger($i_Start, $i_End) ; convert any numbers to excel column letters Return _Excel_ColumnToLetter($i_Start) & ':' & _Excel_ColumnToLetter($i_End) EndFunc ;==>CellRange_CreateFromInteger Func CellRange_CreateFromString($s_Range, $v_AddRange) ; if $v_AddRange is a number then convert the number to a letter for the range If IsNumber($v_AddRange) Then $v_AddRange = _Excel_ColumnToLetter($v_AddRange) ; trim any leading\trailing comma symbols before splitting $s_Range = StringRegExpReplace($s_Range, "\A[,]+|[,]+\Z", "") ; split the comma delimited range Local $as_Split = StringSplit($s_Range, ',') ; loop through the array For $i = 1 To $as_Split[0] ; update the array element $as_Split[$i] = $as_Split[$i] & ':' & StringRegExpReplace($as_Split[$i], '[[:alpha:]]+', $v_AddRange) Next ; return a string that will be used as a cell range Return _ArrayToString($as_Split, ',', 1) EndFunc ;==>CellRange_CreateFromString Func CellRange_GetValues($s_Range = 'A') ; set the path to the file that has the values for the inputs Local $s_ExcelFile = @ScriptDir & '\Sample.xlsx' ; #### add some error checking for these excel functions #### Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) Local $o_WorkBook = _Excel_BookOpen($o_Excel, $s_ExcelFile) Local $as_RangeRead = _Excel_RangeRead($o_WorkBook, Default, $o_WorkBook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns($s_Range), 2) _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($as_RangeRead, 'CellRange_GetValues') ; for debugging Return $as_RangeRead EndFunc ;==>CellRange_GetValues Func CellRange_ResetGlobalValues() $g_sHeaderCells = '' $g_sSectionCells = '' $g_sTabNameCells = '' EndFunc ;==>CellRange_ResetGlobalValues Func CloseProgram() Exit EndFunc ;==>CloseProgram ; create an array of values that are read from the controls on the tabs GUI Func CreateArrayOfControlValues(ByRef $aid_ControlID, $i_Row) Local $v_Value = '' Local $s_BoldCells = '' ; loop through the array columns For $i = $ENTRYS_COL To $REMARKS_COL ; get the value from the supplied array $v_Value = $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] ; check if the value is a controlID If IsNumber($v_Value) Then If Not $v_Value Then ; it's 0 so no control to read $v_Value = '' ; set a blank string Else $v_Value = GUICtrlRead($aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i]) ; assume it's a header or heading indentifier string If StringIsUpper(StringRegExpReplace($v_Value, '[^A-Za-z]', '')) Then $g_sSectionCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' If StringInStr($v_Value, $g_asTabHeaderText[0]) Then $g_sHeaderCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' EndIf Else ; assume it's a tab name $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = $v_Value If StringInStr($v_Value, $g_asTabHeaderText[0]) Then $g_sHeaderCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' If StringInStr(_ArrayToString($g_asTabNames, '|'), $v_Value) Then $g_sTabNameCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' ExitLoop EndIf ; do different things based on the specified control If $i = $ENTRYS_COL Or $i = $REMARKS_COL Then ; these are input controls ; write the value to the array $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = $v_Value Else ; these are checkbox controls ; get the checked state of the control $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = GetCheckBoxValue($aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i]) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>CreateArrayOfControlValues ; create the scrolling guis and their controls that go on each of the tabs Func CreateTabGUIs(ByRef $as_RangeRead, $i_ArrayRow, $h_MainGUI) ; create the gui for the controls and add it to the global controls array $g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow] = GUICreate('', 770, 370, 23, 270, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $h_MainGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_WHITE) ; create the temp array. This will hold all the controlIDs Local _ $aid_Temp[70][$ARRAYMAX_COLS] = [[0]] ; this is a 0 based array Local _ $s_Value = '' ; value to give the control Local _ $i_ArrayRowCount = 0 ; keeps track of number of array rows (controls rows added) Local _ ; variables for the control spacing $i_Left = 0, _ ;_ starting left position $i_Rows = 60, _ ;_ initial number of rows $i_Spacing = 60, _ ;_ control padding $i_Top = 18 ;_ initial top position For $i = 0 To UBound($aid_Temp) - 1 ; 0 to 70 rows of controls . if you add more this number will need to change ; get the value to add to the control from the array returned by CellRange_GetValues() $s_Value = $as_RangeRead[$i][$i_ArrayRow] ; array is 0 based and has 53 elements filled ; don't create anymore controls if the value is blanks If Not $s_Value Then ExitLoop ; calculate additional spacing $i_Left = (Int($i / $i_Rows)) + $i_Spacing $i_Top = (30.7 * Mod($i, $i_Rows)) ; - 30 ; check if the string is upper case. Strip any none letter characters out for testing ; as digits/punctuation/whitespace will cause StringIsUpper() to return 0. If StringIsUpper(StringRegExpReplace($s_Value, '[^A-Za-z]', '')) Then ; assume its a heading ; draw the input and add the controlID to the correct gui array $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 730, 20, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_SILVER) ; set the other columns to 0 as there are no other controls being added $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = 0 Else ; assume it's a sub ; draw the input $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateInput($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT, $ES_READONLY), $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) ; use an input GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) ;~ $aid_Temp[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 40) ; use a label if you want ; draw the N/A check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 165, $i_Top, 15, 20) ; draw the no error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 260, $i_Top, 15, 20) ; draw the with error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 355, $i_Top, 15, 20) ; draw the edit control $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', $i_Left + 440, $i_Top, 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) EndIf $i_ArrayRowCount += 1 ; increase the number of rows added to the array Next ; add scroll bars to the current gui _GUIScrollbars_Generate($g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow], 0, 2000) ; redim the array to remove any blanks ReDim $aid_Temp[$i_ArrayRowCount][$ARRAYMAX_COLS] ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_Temp, 'CreateTabGUIs ($aid_Temp)') ; for debugging ; returns a 0 based array of controlIDs Return $aid_Temp EndFunc ;==>CreateTabGUIs Func Draw_GUI() Local $h_MainGUI = GUICreate('Test Form', 820, 740, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor(0x38A7D2) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & '\Image.jpg', 690, 15, 120, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Welcome: ' & GetFullName(@UserName), 17, 135, 500, 16) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_BOLD) #Region #### Main Menu ########################### Local $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('File') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Close', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Export', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_FileExport') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Edit') GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Option') GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('View') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Exit', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_ViewExit') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Help') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('About', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_HelpAbout') #EndRegion #### Main Menu ########################### #Region #### Employee Info ####################### GUICtrlCreateGroup('Employee Information', 16, 8, 281, 121) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Emp#:', 33, 35, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNUMBER_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput('1234567', 72, 32, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Name:', 33, 59, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNAME_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput(GetFullName(@UserName), 72, 56, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Process:', 24, 83, 45, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput('First Process', 72, 80, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1) #EndRegion #### Employee Info ####################### #Region #### whatever this is #################### GUICtrlCreateLabel('AID:', 25, 170, 25, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$MYSTERY_LBL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel('ABZ123456', 60, 170, 90, 17) ; remove this if you don't alter the text GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### whatever this is #################### #Region #### Confirmation Checkboxes ############# $g_aidControls[$AGREE_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(' I agree that I have checked the entry(s) above.', 25, 655, 265, 17) $g_aidControls[$ACCEPT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(' Accept', 25, 675, 60, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel('*', 85, 680, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(' Reject', 25, 695, 60, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel('*', 85, 695, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### Confirmation Checkboxes ############# #Region #### Submit Report Group ################# $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Submit Report", 600, 647, 200, 65) $g_aidControls[$LAYOUTONE_RDO] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Layout 1", 615, 665, 70, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Layout1_Selected') GUICtrlCreateRadio("Layout 2", 615, 685, 70, 17) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Layout2_Selected') $g_aidControls[$SUBMIT_BTN] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Submit Report', 690, 667, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Report_Submit') GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) #EndRegion #### Submit Report Group ################# #Region #### Create Tabs ######################### Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) #EndRegion #### Create Tabs ######################### GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $h_MainGUI) ; show the main gui Sleep(80) ; add a sleep to try and get them to show at the same time GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) ; show the first tab gui EndFunc ;==>Draw_GUI ; draw the group on controls that sit above the tab guis Func Draw_TabHeaders() ; this draws the headers over the columns on the tab gui. The values are pulled from the $g_asTabHeaderText array GUICtrlCreateGroup('', 30, 215, 755, 50) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$ENTRYS_COL], 50, 232, 80, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$NA_COL], 238, 232, 40, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$NOERROR_COL], 315, 232, 70, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$WITHERROR_COL], 405, 232, 85, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$REMARKS_COL], 590, 232, 90, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) EndFunc ;==>Draw_TabHeaders Func Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) ; create the main tab control and add it's ID to the control array $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB] = GUICtrlCreateTab(20, 190, 780, 455, $WS_EX_MDICHILD) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'TabChange') ; do summat on tab change ; get the strings that will populate the gui controls from the excel sheet. These will be the "Entry{s}" ; set the range as the first column 'A', to the last column that contains the layout for the guis (currently 'C') ; ### add some error checking for CellRange_GetValues #### Local $as_RangeRead = CellRange_GetValues(CellRange_CreateFromInteger($FRONTMATTERGUI + 1, $TABCOUNT)) ; loop to create the required number of tabs, guis and their controls For $i = $FRONTMATTERGUI To $TABCOUNT - 1 ; - 1 because $g_asTabNames is a 0 based array GUICtrlCreateTabItem($g_asTabNames[$i]) ; create the headers for each tab. These are listed in $g_asTabHeaderText Draw_TabHeaders() Switch $i Case $FRONTMATTERGUI ; gui 1 ; create the array containing the controlIDs. returns a 0 based array of controlIDs $aid_FrontMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) Case $BODYMATTERGUI ; gui 2 ; create the array containing the controlIDs $aid_BodyMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) Case $BACKMATTERGUI ; gui 3 ; create the array containing the controlIDs $aid_BackMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) EndSwitch ; switch to the main gui and tab after creating the new guis or else the control creation gets bollocksed Up ; and the tabs or controls are not visible GUISwitch($h_MainGUI, $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Next GUICtrlCreateTabItem('') EndFunc ;==>Draw_Tabs ; get the state of the checkbox Func GetCheckBoxValue($id_ControlID) If GUICtrlRead($id_ControlID) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Return 'Checked' Return '' EndFunc ;==>GetCheckBoxValue Func GetFullName($sUserName) ; I can't test this ;~ $strComputer = 'localhost' ; do you need to specify this???? ;~ Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\' & $strComputer & '\root\CIMV2') Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\localhost\root\CIMV2') Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '' & $sUserName & ''', 'WQL', 0x10 + 0x20) If Not IsObj($colItems) Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') For $objItem In $colItems Return $objItem.FullName Next EndFunc ;==>GetFullName Func Layout1_Selected() $g_iMultipleSheets = 1 EndFunc ;==>Layout1_Selected Func Layout2_Selected() $g_iMultipleSheets = 0 EndFunc ;==>Layout2_Selected Func MainMenu_FileExport() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_FileExport Func MainMenu_HelpAbout() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_HelpAbout Func MainMenu_ViewExit() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_ViewExit Func TabChange() Switch GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Case $FRONTMATTERGUI ; Front Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case $BODYMATTERGUI ; body Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case $BACKMATTERGUI ; back matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>TabChange ; gets the currently selected layout type for the report Func Report_GetLayout() ; return the state of the layout 1 radio button If GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$LAYOUTONE_RDO]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Return 1 Return 2 EndFunc ;==>Report_GetLayout ; submit your report Func Report_Submit() SplashTextOn("submit", "Submitting report...", 300, 50, -1, -1, $DLG_NOTITLE + $DLG_TEXTVCENTER, '', '', $FW_BOLD) ;~ Local $o_WorkBook = '' ; open an excel instance Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) If @error Then Return SetError(1, _ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ '_Excel_Open', _ 'Error creating the Excel application object' & @CRLF & '@error = ' & @error & ', @extended = ' & @extended), 0) ; set the number of sheets to add when opening a new workbook Local $iSheets = $TABCOUNT If Not $g_iMultipleSheets Then $iSheets = 1 ; open a new excel book Local $o_WorkBook = _Excel_BookNew($o_Excel, $iSheets) ; $TABCOUNT is the number of tabs in your program and so the number of sheets we create for submitting If @error Then Return SetError(2, _ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ '_Excel_BookNew', _ 'Error creating new workbook' & @CRLF & '@error = ' & @error & ', @extended = ' & @extended), _Excel_Close($o_Excel)) ;~ ; this will read the control values to an array and write the array to an excel file WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet($o_WorkBook) If Not @error Then ; create a file path based on time. If you want to keep overwriting the files the create a definite file name ; and use the commented line Local $s_FilePath = @ScriptDir & '\Report_' & @YEAR & '-' & @MON & '-' & @MDAY & '_' & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & '.xlsx' ; ; save the created report and overwrite the previous ;~ _Excel_BookSaveAs($o_WorkBook, $s_FilePath, $xlWorkbookDefault, True) ; save the created report to a new file _Excel_BookSaveAs($o_WorkBook, $s_FilePath, $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ "_Excel_BookSaveAs", _ "Error saving workbook to '" & $s_FilePath & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ; update the splash text ControlSetText("submit", "", "Static1", 'Opening report...') ; open the report, remove if you don't need to ShellExecute($s_FilePath) SplashOff() EndFunc ;==>Report_Submit ; go through the tabs and controls and write the values to a spreadsheet Func WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet($o_WorkBook, $i_Layout = Report_GetLayout()) Local _ ; $aa_ControlArrays is an array of arrays. The arrays have the controlIDs for the relevant tab gui controls $aa_ControlArrays[$TABCOUNT + 1] = [$TABCOUNT, $aid_FrontMatterGUI, $aid_BodyMatterGUI, $aid_BackMatterGUI], _ $as_Values = 0, _ ; the array that will hold the values of the gui controls $as_Temp = 0 ;_ a temp array for modding ; set the number of loop to perform when writing. ; If layout 1 is used, there will be a seperate spreadsheet for each tab so 3 loops ; if layout 2 is used all the tabs are written to one spreadsheet so only 1 loop is needed Local _ $i_Total = $aa_ControlArrays[0], _ ;_ set as default layout 1 and loop through the all the arrays $i_Concatenated = 0 ;_ Set the state of the array being processed 0 = multiple 1 = 1 concatenated array ; Change if the layout is 2 and just loop through the concatenated array If $i_Layout > 1 Then $i_Total = 1 ; layout 2 selected #Region #### only needed for cell outside borders if not interested the code can be deleted ### Local _ ; Excel constants not in ExcelConstants.au3 $i_xlAutomatic = -4105, _ $i_xlContinuous = 1, _ $i_xlThin = 2, _ $i_xlEdgeLeft = 7, _ $i_xlEdgeTop = 8, _ $i_xlEdgeBottom = 9, _ $i_xlEdgeRight = 10 #EndRegion #### only needed for cell outside borders if not interested the code can be deleted ### ; loop through the arrays For $i = 1 To $i_Total ; on each loop copy the nested array to a temp one, this will be filled with the values of the controls $as_Values = $aa_ControlArrays[$i] ; set a starting array _ArrayInsert($as_Values, 0, _ArrayToString($g_asTabHeaderText, '|')) ; add the headers to each array #Region #### This determines which array(s) to use for the write #### If $i_Layout = 2 Then _ArrayInsert($as_Values, 0, $g_asTabNames[0]) ; add the first tab name to the array ; loop through the remaining arrays For $j = 2 To $TABCOUNT ; $TABCOUNT = 3 $as_Temp = $aa_ControlArrays[$j] ; copy to a temp array so we can add the tab names and headet text _ArrayInsert($as_Temp, 0, $g_asTabNames[$j - 1]) ; add the next tab name to the array _ArrayInsert($as_Temp, 1, _ArrayToString($g_asTabHeaderText, '|')) ; add the next header text ; joining them $as_Values _ArrayConcatenate($as_Values, $as_Temp) Next EndIf #EndRegion #### This determines which array(s) to use for the write #### ; loop through the temp array For $j = 0 To UBound($as_Values) - 1 ; update the array row with the control values CreateArrayOfControlValues($as_Values, $j) Next ; activate the sheet $o_WorkBook.Sheets($i).Activate ; write the array to an excel spreadsheet _Excel_RangeWrite($o_WorkBook, $i, $as_Values) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 'Error Writing ' & $g_asTabNames[$i - 1] & ' to sheet') ; adjust the sheet properties whilst it's active With $o_WorkBook.ActiveSheet If $g_iMultipleSheets Then ; we are writing multiple sheets ; set the sheet name .Name = $g_asTabNames[$i - 1] EndIf ; set the column letters that will auto size to fit the text .Columns(CellRange_CreateFromInteger($ENTRYS_COL + 1, $ARRAYMAX_COLS)).AutoFit ; this is where the cells that have the tab names in get nodified #Region #### Tab Name Cells #### If $g_sTabNameCells Then $g_sTabNameCells = CellRange_CreateFromString($g_sTabNameCells, $ARRAYMAX_COLS) ; set the font weight as bold .Range($g_sTabNameCells).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ; set the tab name cells back colour .Range($g_sTabNameCells).Interior.Color = 0xBFBFBF ; merge the cells .Range($g_sTabNameCells).Merge ; centre align the cells .Range($g_sTabNameCells).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter EndIf #EndRegion #### Tab Name Cells #### ; this is where the cells that have Entry(s), N/A, No Error etc get modified #Region #### Header Cells #### If $g_sHeaderCells Then $g_sHeaderCells = CellRange_CreateFromString($g_sHeaderCells, $ARRAYMAX_COLS) ; set the font weight as bold .Range($g_sHeaderCells).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ; centre align the cells .Range($g_sHeaderCells).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter ; set the header cells back colour .Range($g_sHeaderCells).Interior.Color = 0xFFE6CC EndIf #EndRegion #### Header Cells #### ; this is where the cells that have the section text like CATEGORY, HISTORY DATES etc get modified #Region #### Section Cells #### If $g_sSectionCells Then $g_sSectionCells = CellRange_CreateFromString($g_sSectionCells, $ARRAYMAX_COLS) ; set the font weight as bold .Range($g_sSectionCells).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ; set the header cells back colour .Range($g_sSectionCells).Interior.Color = 0xDAEFE2 ; add outside borders .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous EndIf #EndRegion #### Section Cells #### EndWith CellRange_ResetGlobalValues() Sleep(20) Next $o_WorkBook.Sheets(1).Activate ; activate the first sheet CellRange_ResetGlobalValues() EndFunc ;==>WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet  Edited January 7, 2018 by benners KickStarter15 1
KickStarter15 Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 @benners, This is a work of genius with 1000% above level of coding.... I never though you could make it more interesting. REALLY , higher with thumbs up is what you are benners. This is the first time I gave 3 likes in one person in one thread. Worth to have it!!!! Thank you very very very much benners, you've made my day complete with a smile. Â 6 hours ago, benners said: Was a nightmare but interesting learning Indeed a nightmare, but an angel. I really need to learn a lot, I mean a lotsssssss!!! hahaha. When can I have this kind of nightmare. Â Func GetFullName($sUserName) ; I can't test this ;~ $strComputer = 'localhost' ; do you need to specify this???? ;~ Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\' & $strComputer & '\root\CIMV2') Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\localhost\root\CIMV2') Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '' & $sUserName & ''', 'WQL', 0x10 + 0x20) If Not IsObj($colItems) Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') For $objItem In $colItems Return $objItem.FullName Next EndFunc ;==>GetFullName Full name is not showing, but I think I can manage this. benners 1 Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
benners Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 I found it interesting doing it and I learned somethings as well so I am sure it can be improved. I'll probably keep looking at it. Just post back if you need me to further explain what stuff does. I tried to make it easy to add tabs and controls by using the arrays but it also makes it look more complicated and didn't alter your GUI design too much. There are still the other inputs and checkboxes to deal with but I don't know what you have planned for those with regards to storing those values. There are other ideas such as disabling the submit button unless the I agree checkbox is checked etc, but without knowing what you have planned it would just be going over the top. As I said, it has been quite addictive doing it and certainly passed the time. If the GetFullName function worked before then I have broke it. Just restore it to how you had it before in your first post. I only changed the one line and commented two others.
KickStarter15 Posted January 8, 2018 Author Posted January 8, 2018 Yes, Benners. Actually I'm currently wondering how can I disable some checkboxes using my below code (this is my old code before it was greatly modified by you). This is to disable inline checkboxes once one of them was checked already or selected. If GUICtrlRead($Error[$iIndex]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then GUICtrlSetState($nError[$iIndex], $GUI_Disable) GUICtrlSetState($Error[$iIndex], $GUI_Enable) GUICtrlSetState($NA[$iIndex], $GUI_Disable) Else GUICtrlSetState($NA[$iIndex], $GUI_Enable) GUICtrlSetState($nError[$iIndex], $GUI_Enable) EndIf   45 minutes ago, benners said: There are other ideas such as disabling the submit button unless the I agree checkbox is checked etc, but without knowing what you have planned it would just be going over the top.  Yes, please. That would be awesome. I agree that these "I agree" and "I accept/I reject" checkboxes must be checked first before clicking submit button. Honestly, you have more ideas than I am. No wonder I'm stuck in my level and your more than everyone.  50 minutes ago, benners said: If the GetFullName function worked before then I have broke it. Just restore it to how you had it before in your first post. I only changed the one line and commented two others. Can it be possible to add this in first sheet of the excel? Like my attached sample excel output. Report_2018-01-08_135236.xlsx Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
farouk12 Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 (edited) Maybe Func _Switch($Id,$FirstId) ;$FirstId : First checkbox ID $N=int(($Id-$FirstId)/3) ;Get the raw of check boxes for $i = $N*3 to $N*3 + 2 if not (($i + $FirstId) = $Id) then GUICtrlSetState($i+$FirstId,4) else GUICtrlSetState($i+$FirstId,1) endif next endfunc  Edited January 8, 2018 by farouk12
benners Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 3 hours ago, KickStarter15 said: No wonder I'm stuck in my level and your more than everyone. Well I wouldn't go that far . Calm down  I'll have a look at the other stuff but the checkboxes work as discussed. I'm busy for the next few day so won't be around as much. Feel free to have a try with the inputs 3 hours ago, KickStarter15 said: Yes, Benners. Actually I'm currently wondering how can I disable some checkboxes using my below code (this is my old code before it was greatly modified by you). This is to disable inline checkboxes once one of them was checked already or selected. With this you will have to modify the CreateTabGUIs() function where the checkboxes are created and use GUICtrlSetOnEvent to set a function for the click. The function will be the same for all the checkboxes and if you use @GUI_CtrlId to get the control id you can change the state from there
benners Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 Well that was easier than I thought. How's this?. You will still need to go and add error checking though. I'll leave that bit up to you expandcollapse popup#Region #### Includes ################################ #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ColorConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <FontConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GUIScrollbars_Ex.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> #EndRegion #### Includes ################################ Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 1) HotKeySet('{ESC}', 'CloseProgram') #Region #### Globals ################################# ; these are integers that relate to where the controliDs are located in $g_aidControls. ; The control ID can be retrieved like so, $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] Global Enum _ ; values are 0 to 13 $FRONTMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 1 $BODYMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 2 $BACKMATTERGUI, _ ;_ gui 3 $TABCOUNT, _ ; #### IMPORTANT #### this must be after the last gui. it signifies how many tabs there will be and is used in other functions $EMPNUMBER_INP, _ ;_ employee number input id $EMPNAME_INP, _ ;_ employee name input id $EMPPROCESS_INP, _ ;_ employee process input id $AID_LBL, _ ;_ some label I don't know if you use id $AGREE_CHK, _ ;_ I agree checkbox id $ACCEPT_CHK, _ ;_ accept checkbox id $REJECT_CHK, _ ;_ reject checkbox id $LAYOUTONE_RDO, _ ;_ radio button for layout 1 selection $SUBMIT_BTN, _ ;_ submit button id $MAIN_TAB, _ ;_ main tab id $ARRAYMAX_ROWS ;_ number of rows to give the array its 0 based ; create the array to hold the remaining controlIDs. These can be referenced ; later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global $g_aidControls[$ARRAYMAX_ROWS] ; create the arrays to hold the all controlIDs that will be created on the tab guis by CreateTabGUIs() called by Draw_Tabs() function ; These can be referenced later when writing their values to the excel sheet Global _ $aid_FrontMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BodyMatterGUI = '', _ $aid_BackMatterGUI = '' ; these are the tab names and will be used as the spreadsheet names when the report is submitted ; these have the same value as the Global Enum $FRONTMATTERGUI to $BACKMATTERGUI and are used in varios functions Global $g_asTabNames[$TABCOUNT] = [ _ ; values are 0 to 2 'Front Matter', _ 'Body Matter', _ 'Back Matter'] ; these are integers that relate to where the rows are for each set of controls in the $aid_FrontMatterGUI array etc ; they are also the same values as their matching strings index in the $g_asTabHeaderText array Global Enum _ ; values are 0 to 5 $ENTRYS_COL, _ $NA_COL, _ $NOERROR_COL, _ $WITHERROR_COL, _ $REMARKS_COL, _ $ARRAYMAX_COLS ; this is the array that holds the tab header text strings. These are written to the first row of the array that matches the tab and gui ; I.E - ; Tab = 'Front Matter' ; Array with the controlIDs = $aid_FrontMatterGUI Global $g_asTabHeaderText[$ARRAYMAX_COLS] = [ _ ; 0 based array 'Entry(s)', _ 'N/A', _ 'No Error', _ 'With Error', _ 'Remarks'] ; this keeps track of if the report layout is one or two Global $g_iMultipleSheets = 1 ; these keep track of the cells that need tweaking in the report Global _ $g_sHeaderCells = '', _ ;_ These are the strings above the inline controls such as Entry(s) N/A etc $g_sSectionCells = '', _ ;_ Sections, these are upper case strings like CATEGORY, HISTORY DATES $g_sTabNameCells = '' ;_ tab names #EndRegion #### Globals ################################# Draw_GUI() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit EndSwitch Sleep(50) WEnd ; #### you need to fix this #### ; i have guessed the line as you are trying to use $sUserName but in the uncommented line it is used as a string ; still returns blank for me Func GetFullName($sUserName) ; I can't test this Local $strComputer = 'localhost' Local $objWMIService = ObjGet('winmgmts:\\' & $strComputer & '\root\CIMV2') ;~ Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '' & $sUserName & ''', 'WQL', 0x10 + 0x20) Local $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount WHERE Name = '" & $sUserName & "'", "WQL", 0x10 + 0x20) If Not IsObj($colItems) Then Return SetError(1, 0, '') For $objItem In $colItems Return $objItem.FullName Next EndFunc ;==>GetFullName #Region #### CheckBox actions ######################## ; get the state of the checkbox Func CheckBox_ReturnStringState($id_ControlID) If GUICtrlRead($id_ControlID) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Return 'Checked' Return '' ;~ Return 'Unchecked' ; use this if you want it to return unchecked instead of blank EndFunc ;==>CheckBox_ReturnStringState ; inline check boxes Func NaChk_SetState() ; get the controlID of the checkbox that was clicked Local $i_ControlID = @GUI_CtrlId GUICtrlSetState(@GUI_CtrlId + 1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; uncheck the No Error checkbox GUICtrlSetState(@GUI_CtrlId + 2, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; uncheck the With Error checkbox EndFunc ;==>NaChk_SetState Func NoErrorChk_SetState() ; get the controlID of the checkbox that was clicked Local $i_ControlID = @GUI_CtrlId GUICtrlSetState(@GUI_CtrlId - 1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; uncheck the NA checkbox GUICtrlSetState(@GUI_CtrlId + 1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; uncheck the With Error checkbox EndFunc ;==>NoErrorChk_SetState Func WithErrorChk_SetState() ; get the controlID of the checkbox that was clicked Local $i_ControlID = @GUI_CtrlId GUICtrlSetState(@GUI_CtrlId - 1, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; uncheck the No Error checkbox GUICtrlSetState(@GUI_CtrlId - 2, $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; uncheck the NA checkbox EndFunc ;==>WithErrorChk_SetState ; accept, reject Func AcceptChk_Clicked() ; uncheck the reject control GUICtrlSetState($g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK], $GUI_UNCHECKED) ; check if the submit button is to be enabled SubmitBtn_SetState() EndFunc ;==>AcceptChk_Clicked Func RejectChk_Clicked() ; uncheck the accept control GUICtrlSetState($g_aidControls[$ACCEPT_CHK], $GUI_UNCHECKED) SubmitBtn_SetState() EndFunc ;==>RejectChk_Clicked #EndRegion #### CheckBox actions ######################## #Region #### GUI Actions ############################# Func CloseProgram() Exit EndFunc ;==>CloseProgram ; create the scrolling guis and their controls that go on each of the tabs Func CreateTabGUIs(ByRef $as_RangeRead, $i_ArrayRow, $h_MainGUI) ; create the gui for the controls and add it to the global controls array $g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow] = GUICreate('', 770, 370, 23, 270, $WS_POPUP, $WS_EX_MDICHILD, $h_MainGUI) GUISetBkColor($COLOR_WHITE) ; create the temp array. This will hold all the controlIDs Local _ $aid_Temp[70][$ARRAYMAX_COLS] = [[0]] ; this is a 0 based array Local _ $s_Value = '' ; value to give the control Local _ $i_ArrayRowCount = 0 ; keeps track of number of array rows (controls rows added) Local _ ; variables for the control spacing $i_Left = 0, _ ;_ starting left position $i_Rows = 60, _ ;_ initial number of rows $i_Spacing = 60, _ ;_ control padding $i_Top = 18 ;_ initial top position For $i = 0 To UBound($aid_Temp) - 1 ; 0 to 70 rows of controls . if you add more this number will need to change ; get the value to add to the control from the array returned by CellRange_GetValues() $s_Value = $as_RangeRead[$i][$i_ArrayRow] ; array is 0 based and has 53 elements filled ; don't create anymore controls if the value is blanks If Not $s_Value Then ExitLoop ; calculate additional spacing $i_Left = (Int($i / $i_Rows)) + $i_Spacing $i_Top = (30.7 * Mod($i, $i_Rows)) ; - 30 ; check if the string is upper case. Strip any none letter characters out for testing ; as digits/punctuation/whitespace will cause StringIsUpper() to return 0. If StringIsUpper(StringRegExpReplace($s_Value, '[^A-Za-z]', '')) Then ; assume its a section ; draw the input and add the controlID to the correct gui array $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 730, 20, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 800) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_BLACK) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_SILVER) ; set the other columns to 0 as there are no other controls being added $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = 0 $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = 0 Else ; assume it's a sub ; draw the input $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateInput($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT, $ES_READONLY), $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) ; use an input GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) ;~ $aid_Temp[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 40) ; use a label if you want ; draw the N/A check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 165, $i_Top, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'NaChk_SetState') ; draw the no error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 260, $i_Top, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'NoErrorChk_SetState') ; draw the with error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 355, $i_Top, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'WithErrorChk_SetState') ; draw the edit control $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', $i_Left + 440, $i_Top, 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) EndIf $i_ArrayRowCount += 1 ; increase the number of rows added to the array Next ; add scroll bars to the current gui _GUIScrollbars_Generate($g_aidControls[$i_ArrayRow], 0, 2000) ; redim the array to remove any blanks ReDim $aid_Temp[$i_ArrayRowCount][$ARRAYMAX_COLS] ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aid_Temp, 'CreateTabGUIs ($aid_Temp)') ; for debugging ; returns a 0 based array of controlIDs Return $aid_Temp EndFunc ;==>CreateTabGUIs Func Draw_GUI() Local $h_MainGUI = GUICreate('Test Form', 820, 740, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor(0x38A7D2) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & '\Image.jpg', 690, 15, 120, 120) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Welcome: ' & GetFullName(@UserName), 17, 135, 500, 16) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_BOLD) #Region #### Main Menu ########################### Local $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('File') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Close', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'CloseProgram') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Export', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_FileExport') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Edit') GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Option') GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('View') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('Exit', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_ViewExit') $id_Menu = GUICtrlCreateMenu('Help') GUICtrlCreateMenuItem('About', $id_Menu) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'MainMenu_HelpAbout') #EndRegion #### Main Menu ########################### #Region #### Employee Info ####################### GUICtrlCreateGroup('Employee Information', 16, 8, 281, 121) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Emp#:', 33, 35, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNUMBER_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput('1234567', 72, 32, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Name:', 33, 59, 35, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPNAME_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput(GetFullName(@UserName), 72, 56, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Process:', 24, 83, 45, 17) $g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP] = GUICtrlCreateInput('First Process', 72, 80, 217, 21) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlCreateGroup('', -99, -99, 1, 1) #EndRegion #### Employee Info ####################### #Region #### whatever this is #################### GUICtrlCreateLabel('AID:', 25, 170, 25, 17) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$AID_LBL] = GUICtrlCreateLabel('ABZ123456', 60, 170, 90, 17) ; remove this if you don't alter the text GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### whatever this is #################### #Region #### Confirmation Checkboxes ############# $g_aidControls[$AGREE_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(' I agree that I have checked the entry(s) above.', 25, 655, 265, 17) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'SubmitBtn_SetState') $g_aidControls[$ACCEPT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(' Accept', 25, 675, 60, 17) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'AcceptChk_Clicked') GUICtrlCreateLabel('*', 85, 680, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) $g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(' Reject', 25, 695, 60, 17) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'RejectChk_Clicked') GUICtrlCreateLabel('*', 85, 695, 40, 17) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, $COLOR_RED) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, $FW_BOLD) #EndRegion #### Confirmation Checkboxes ############# #Region #### Submit Report Group ################# $Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Submit Report", 600, 647, 200, 65) $g_aidControls[$LAYOUTONE_RDO] = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Layout 1", 615, 665, 70, 17) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Layout1_Selected') GUICtrlCreateRadio("Layout 2", 615, 685, 70, 17) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Layout2_Selected') $g_aidControls[$SUBMIT_BTN] = GUICtrlCreateButton('Submit Report', 690, 667, 100, 33) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'Report_Submit') GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) #EndRegion #### Submit Report Group ################# #Region #### Create Tabs ######################### Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) #EndRegion #### Create Tabs ######################### GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $h_MainGUI) ; show the main gui Sleep(80) ; add a sleep to try and get them to show at the same time GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) ; show the first tab gui EndFunc ;==>Draw_GUI ; draw the group on controls that sit above the tab guis Func Draw_TabHeaders() ; this draws the headers over the columns on the tab gui. The values are pulled from the $g_asTabHeaderText array GUICtrlCreateGroup('', 30, 215, 755, 50) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$ENTRYS_COL], 50, 232, 80, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$NA_COL], 238, 232, 40, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$NOERROR_COL], 315, 232, 70, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$WITHERROR_COL], 405, 232, 85, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) GUICtrlCreateLabel($g_asTabHeaderText[$REMARKS_COL], 590, 232, 90, 20, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE, $WS_BORDER)) EndFunc ;==>Draw_TabHeaders Func Draw_Tabs($h_MainGUI) ; create the main tab control and add it's ID to the control array $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB] = GUICtrlCreateTab(20, 190, 780, 455, $WS_EX_MDICHILD) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'TabChange') ; do summat on tab change ; get the strings that will populate the gui controls from the excel sheet. These will be the "Entry{s}" ; set the range as the first column 'A', to the last column that contains the layout for the guis (currently 'C') ; ### add some error checking for CellRange_GetValues #### Local $as_RangeRead = CellRange_GetValues(CellRange_CreateFromInteger($FRONTMATTERGUI + 1, $TABCOUNT)) ; loop to create the required number of tabs, guis and their controls For $i = $FRONTMATTERGUI To $TABCOUNT - 1 ; - 1 because $g_asTabNames is a 0 based array GUICtrlCreateTabItem($g_asTabNames[$i]) ; create the headers for each tab. These are listed in $g_asTabHeaderText Draw_TabHeaders() Switch $i Case $FRONTMATTERGUI ; gui 1 ; create the array containing the controlIDs. returns a 0 based array of controlIDs $aid_FrontMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) Case $BODYMATTERGUI ; gui 2 ; create the array containing the controlIDs $aid_BodyMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) Case $BACKMATTERGUI ; gui 3 ; create the array containing the controlIDs $aid_BackMatterGUI = CreateTabGUIs($as_RangeRead, $i, $h_MainGUI) EndSwitch ; switch to the main gui and tab after creating the new guis or else the control creation gets bollocksed Up ; and the tabs or controls are not visible GUISwitch($h_MainGUI, $g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Next GUICtrlCreateTabItem('') EndFunc ;==>Draw_Tabs Func TabChange() Switch GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$MAIN_TAB]) Case $FRONTMATTERGUI ; Front Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case $BODYMATTERGUI ; body Matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) Case $BACKMATTERGUI ; back matter tab GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$FRONTMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $g_aidControls[$BODYMATTERGUI]) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $g_aidControls[$BACKMATTERGUI]) EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>TabChange #EndRegion #### GUI Actions ############################# #Region #### Main Menu Action ######################## Func MainMenu_FileExport() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_FileExport Func MainMenu_HelpAbout() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_HelpAbout Func MainMenu_ViewExit() ; add commands later EndFunc ;==>MainMenu_ViewExit #EndRegion #### Main Menu Action ######################## #Region #### Spreadsheet Actions ##################### ; create an array of values that are read from the controls on the tabs GUI ; these will be written to the spreadsheet later Func ArrayRow_SetValues(ByRef $aid_ControlID, $i_Row) Local $v_Value = '' Local $s_BoldCells = '' ; loop through the array columns For $i = $ENTRYS_COL To $REMARKS_COL ; get the value from the supplied array $v_Value = $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] ; check if the value is a controlID If IsNumber($v_Value) Then If Not $v_Value Then ; it's 0 so no control to read $v_Value = '' ; set a blank string Else $v_Value = GUICtrlRead($aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i]) ; assume it's a header or heading indentifier string If StringIsUpper(StringRegExpReplace($v_Value, '[^A-Za-z]', '')) Then $g_sSectionCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' If StringInStr($v_Value, $g_asTabHeaderText[0]) Then $g_sHeaderCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' EndIf Else ; assume it's a tab name $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = $v_Value If StringInStr($v_Value, $g_asTabHeaderText[0]) Then $g_sHeaderCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' If StringInStr(_ArrayToString($g_asTabNames, '|'), $v_Value) Then $g_sTabNameCells &= 'A' & $i_Row + 1 & ',' ExitLoop EndIf ; do different things based on the specified control If $i = $ENTRYS_COL Or $i = $REMARKS_COL Then ; these are input controls ; write the value to the array $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = $v_Value Else ; these are checkbox controls ; get the checked state of the control $aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i] = CheckBox_ReturnStringState($aid_ControlID[$i_Row][$i]) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>ArrayRow_SetValues ; create an excel range from 2 numbers Func CellRange_CreateFromInteger($i_Start, $i_End = 0) ; assumes there is only one number to convert to a range if not $i_End Then Return _Excel_ColumnToLetter($i_Start) ; convert any numbers to excel column letters Return _Excel_ColumnToLetter($i_Start) & ':' & _Excel_ColumnToLetter($i_End) EndFunc ;==>CellRange_CreateFromInteger Func CellRange_CreateFromString($s_Range, $v_AddRange) ; if $v_AddRange is a number then convert the number to a letter for the range If IsNumber($v_AddRange) Then $v_AddRange = _Excel_ColumnToLetter($v_AddRange) ; trim any leading\trailing comma symbols before splitting $s_Range = StringRegExpReplace($s_Range, "\A[,]+|[,]+\Z", "") ; split the comma delimited range Local $as_Split = StringSplit($s_Range, ',') ; loop through the array For $i = 1 To $as_Split[0] ; update the array element $as_Split[$i] = $as_Split[$i] & ':' & StringRegExpReplace($as_Split[$i], '[[:alpha:]]+', $v_AddRange) Next ; return a string that will be used as a cell range Return _ArrayToString($as_Split, ',', 1) EndFunc ;==>CellRange_CreateFromString Func CellRange_GetValues($s_Range = 'A') ; set the path to the file that has the values for the inputs Local $s_ExcelFile = @ScriptDir & '\Sample.xlsx' ; #### add some error checking for these excel functions #### Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) Local $o_WorkBook = _Excel_BookOpen($o_Excel, $s_ExcelFile) Local $as_RangeRead = _Excel_RangeRead($o_WorkBook, Default, $o_WorkBook.ActiveSheet.Usedrange.Columns($s_Range), 2) _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($as_RangeRead, 'CellRange_GetValues') ; for debugging Return $as_RangeRead EndFunc ;==>CellRange_GetValues Func CellRange_ResetGlobalValues() $g_sHeaderCells = '' $g_sSectionCells = '' $g_sTabNameCells = '' EndFunc ;==>CellRange_ResetGlobalValues Func GetEmployeeInfo() Local $as_Employee[6] = [ _ ; 0 based array 'Emp# : ' & GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$EMPNUMBER_INP]), _ 'Name : ' & GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$EMPNAME_INP]), _ 'Process: ' & GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$EMPPROCESS_INP]), _ 'AID : ' & GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$AID_LBL]), _ 'I agree that I have checked the entry(s) above.', _ 'Accepted'] ; update the last array element if the reject checkbox is checked if GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $as_Employee[5] = 'Rejected' ; return thte array for writing to the spreadsheet Return $as_Employee EndFunc ; go through the tabs and controls and write the values to a spreadsheet Func WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet($o_WorkBook, $i_Layout = Report_GetLayout()) Local _ ; $aa_ControlArrays is an array of arrays. The arrays have the controlIDs for the relevant tab gui controls $aa_ControlArrays[$TABCOUNT + 1] = [$TABCOUNT, $aid_FrontMatterGUI, $aid_BodyMatterGUI, $aid_BackMatterGUI], _ $as_Values = 0, _ ; the array that will hold the values of the gui controls $as_Temp = 0 ;_ a temp array for modding ; set the number of loop to perform when writing. ; If layout 1 is used, there will be a seperate spreadsheet for each tab so 3 loops ; if layout 2 is used all the tabs are written to one spreadsheet so only 1 loop is needed Local _ $i_Total = $aa_ControlArrays[0], _ ;_ set as default layout 1 and loop through the all the arrays $i_Concatenated = 0 ;_ Set the state of the array being processed 0 = multiple 1 = 1 concatenated array ; Change if the layout is 2 and just loop through the concatenated array If $i_Layout > 1 Then $i_Total = 1 ; layout 2 selected #Region #### only needed for cell outside borders if not interested the code can be deleted ### Local _ ; Excel constants not in ExcelConstants.au3 $i_xlAutomatic = -4105, _ $i_xlContinuous = 1, _ $i_xlThin = 2, _ $i_xlEdgeLeft = 7, _ $i_xlEdgeTop = 8, _ $i_xlEdgeBottom = 9, _ $i_xlEdgeRight = 10 #EndRegion #### only needed for cell outside borders if not interested the code can be deleted ### ; loop through the arrays For $i = 1 To $i_Total ; on each loop copy the nested array to a temp one, this will be filled with the values of the controls $as_Values = $aa_ControlArrays[$i] ; set a starting array _ArrayInsert($as_Values, 0, _ArrayToString($g_asTabHeaderText, '|')) ; add the headers to each array #Region #### This determines which array(s) to use for the write #### If $i_Layout = 2 Then _ArrayInsert($as_Values, 0, $g_asTabNames[0]) ; add the first tab name to the array ; loop through the remaining arrays For $j = 2 To $TABCOUNT ; $TABCOUNT = 3 $as_Temp = $aa_ControlArrays[$j] ; copy to a temp array so we can add the tab names and headet text _ArrayInsert($as_Temp, 0, $g_asTabNames[$j - 1]) ; add the next tab name to the array _ArrayInsert($as_Temp, 1, _ArrayToString($g_asTabHeaderText, '|')) ; add the next header text ; joining them $as_Values _ArrayConcatenate($as_Values, $as_Temp) Next EndIf #EndRegion #### This determines which array(s) to use for the write #### ; loop through the temp array For $j = 0 To UBound($as_Values) - 1 ; update the array row with the control values ArrayRow_SetValues($as_Values, $j) Next ; activate the sheet $o_WorkBook.Sheets($i).Activate ; write the array to an excel spreadsheet _Excel_RangeWrite($o_WorkBook, $i, $as_Values) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 'Error Writing ' & $g_asTabNames[$i - 1] & ' to sheet') ; write the employee info If $i = 1 then _Excel_RangeWrite($o_WorkBook, $i, GetEmployeeInfo(), CellRange_CreateFromInteger($ARRAYMAX_COLS + 2) & '1') If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 'Error Writing Employee info to sheet') ; adjust the sheet properties whilst it's active With $o_WorkBook.ActiveSheet If $g_iMultipleSheets Then ; we are writing multiple sheets ; set the sheet name .Name = $g_asTabNames[$i - 1] EndIf ; set the column letters that will auto size to fit the text .Columns(CellRange_CreateFromInteger($ENTRYS_COL + 1, $ARRAYMAX_COLS + 2)).AutoFit ; this is where the cells that have the tab names in get nodified #Region #### Tab Name Cells #### If $g_sTabNameCells Then $g_sTabNameCells = CellRange_CreateFromString($g_sTabNameCells, $ARRAYMAX_COLS) ; set the font weight as bold .Range($g_sTabNameCells).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ; set the tab name cells back colour .Range($g_sTabNameCells).Interior.Color = 0xBFBFBF ; merge the cells .Range($g_sTabNameCells).Merge ; centre align the cells .Range($g_sTabNameCells).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter EndIf #EndRegion #### Tab Name Cells #### ; this is where the cells that have Entry(s), N/A, No Error etc get modified #Region #### Header Cells #### If $g_sHeaderCells Then $g_sHeaderCells = CellRange_CreateFromString($g_sHeaderCells, $ARRAYMAX_COLS) ; set the font weight as bold .Range($g_sHeaderCells).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ; centre align the cells .Range($g_sHeaderCells).HorizontalAlignment = $xlCenter ; set the header cells back colour .Range($g_sHeaderCells).Interior.Color = 0xFFE6CC EndIf #EndRegion #### Header Cells #### ; this is where the cells that have the section text like CATEGORY, HISTORY DATES etc get modified #Region #### Section Cells #### If $g_sSectionCells Then $g_sSectionCells = CellRange_CreateFromString($g_sSectionCells, $ARRAYMAX_COLS) ; set the font weight as bold .Range($g_sSectionCells).Font.FontStyle = 'Bold' ; set the header cells back colour .Range($g_sSectionCells).Interior.Color = 0xDAEFE2 ; add outside borders .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeRight).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous .Range($g_sSectionCells).Borders($i_xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = $i_xlContinuous EndIf #EndRegion #### Section Cells #### EndWith CellRange_ResetGlobalValues() Sleep(20) Next $o_WorkBook.Sheets(1).Activate ; activate the first sheet CellRange_ResetGlobalValues() EndFunc ;==>WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet #EndRegion #### Spreadsheet Actions ##################### #Region #### Submit Report Actions ################### Func Layout1_Selected() $g_iMultipleSheets = 1 EndFunc ;==>Layout1_Selected Func Layout2_Selected() $g_iMultipleSheets = 0 EndFunc ;==>Layout2_Selected ; gets the currently selected layout type for the report Func Report_GetLayout() ; return the state of the layout 1 radio button If GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$LAYOUTONE_RDO]) = $GUI_CHECKED Then Return 1 Return 2 EndFunc ;==>Report_GetLayout ; submit your report Func Report_Submit() SplashTextOn("submit", "Submitting report...", 300, 50, -1, -1, $DLG_NOTITLE + $DLG_TEXTVCENTER, '', '', $FW_BOLD) ;~ Local $o_WorkBook = '' ; open an excel instance Local $o_Excel = _Excel_Open(False) If @error Then Return SetError(1, _ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ '_Excel_Open', _ 'Error creating the Excel application object' & @CRLF & '@error = ' & @error & ', @extended = ' & @extended), 0) ; set the number of sheets to add when opening a new workbook Local $iSheets = $TABCOUNT If Not $g_iMultipleSheets Then $iSheets = 1 ; open a new excel book Local $o_WorkBook = _Excel_BookNew($o_Excel, $iSheets) ; $TABCOUNT is the number of tabs in your program and so the number of sheets we create for submitting If @error Then Return SetError(2, _ MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ '_Excel_BookNew', _ 'Error creating new workbook' & @CRLF & '@error = ' & @error & ', @extended = ' & @extended), _Excel_Close($o_Excel)) ;~ ; this will read the control values to an array and write the array to an excel file WriteArrayValuesToSpreadsheet($o_WorkBook) If Not @error Then ; create a file path based on time. If you want to keep overwriting the files the create a definite file name ; and use the commented line Local $s_FilePath = @ScriptDir & '\Report_' & @YEAR & '-' & @MON & '-' & @MDAY & '_' & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & '.xlsx' ; ; save the created report and overwrite the previous ;~ _Excel_BookSaveAs($o_WorkBook, $s_FilePath, $xlWorkbookDefault, True) ; save the created report to a new file _Excel_BookSaveAs($o_WorkBook, $s_FilePath, $xlWorkbookDefault) If @error Then MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, _ "_Excel_BookSaveAs", _ "Error saving workbook to '" & $s_FilePath & "'." & @CRLF & "@error = " & @error & ", @extended = " & @extended) EndIf _Excel_Close($o_Excel) ; update the splash text ControlSetText("submit", "", "Static1", 'Opening report...') ; open the report, remove if you don't need to ShellExecute($s_FilePath) SplashOff() EndFunc ;==>Report_Submit ; enables or disables the submit report button Func SubmitBtn_SetState() If BitAND( _ ; check if two checkxoes are checked GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$AGREE_CHK]), _ ; if the agree checkbox GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$ACCEPT_CHK]), _ ; and the accept checkbox $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED _ ; are checked Or _ ; they may not both be checked so check the reject checkbox BitAND( _ GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$AGREE_CHK]), _ ; if the agree checkbox GUICtrlRead($g_aidControls[$REJECT_CHK]), _ ; and the reject checkbox $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED _ ; are checked Then ; enable the button GUICtrlSetState($g_aidControls[$SUBMIT_BTN], $GUI_ENABLE) Else ; disable the button GUICtrlSetState($g_aidControls[$SUBMIT_BTN], $GUI_DISABLE) EndIf EndFunc ;==>SubmitBtn_SetState #EndRegion #### Submit Report Actions ################### Â
KickStarter15 Posted January 9, 2018 Author Posted January 9, 2018 15 hours ago, benners said: Well that was easier than I thought. How's this?. Well, How's this? Hahaha, this is amazing, amazing, AMAZING... I need to read you code for me to adopt and learn something in it. WOW!!! That was fast...  15 hours ago, benners said: You will still need to go and add error checking though. I'll leave that bit up to you Okay, I think I can manage this. Thank you so much benners! Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
KickStarter15 Posted January 9, 2018 Author Posted January 9, 2018 @benners, One more thing, sorry... Is this possible to apply GUICtrlSetTip() in every entry of my GUI. See attached sample. I tried having it like below, but all entries has the same GUICtrlSetTip(). If possible, I need to have each entry to have individual instruction when mouse is pointing at the entry. Else ; assume it's a sub ; draw the input $aid_Temp[$i][$ENTRYS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateInput($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 20, BitOR($GUI_SS_DEFAULT_INPUT, $ES_READONLY), $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) ; use an input GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $COLOR_WHITE) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Instruction: Do not change any casing for this entry."); SetTip here but all entries has the same ;~ $aid_Temp[$i][0] = GUICtrlCreateLabel($s_Value, $i_Left - 50, $i_Top, 155, 40) ; use a label if you want ; draw the N/A check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NA_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 165, $i_Top, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'NaChk_SetState') ; draw the no error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$NOERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 260, $i_Top, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'NoErrorChk_SetState') ; draw the with error check box $aid_Temp[$i][$WITHERROR_COL] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('', $i_Left + 355, $i_Top, 15, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, 'WithErrorChk_SetState') ; draw the edit control $aid_Temp[$i][$REMARKS_COL] = GUICtrlCreateEdit('', $i_Left + 440, $i_Top, 240, 24, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL, $ES_WANTRETURN)) EndIf If not, no worries, this is already too much to ask. Hehehe! Programming is "To make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies" or "To make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies" by C.A.R. Hoare.
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