nightowll Posted January 3, 2018 Share Posted January 3, 2018 can you please tell me how to get all ip's from ip-range. ?? ip range is in a text file named ip_range.txt , and the output should be in a result.txt . i have this code that convert cider to ip-range then it convert the ip-range to regex ,, can anyone please change it to convert the ip-range to ip list instead of regex. code : expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=CIDR network to REGEX ban entry for TS.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseUpx=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Au3Stripper=y #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #include <String.au3> #include <Array.au3> #cs First paste CIDR networks in the "CIDRList.txt" text file and process them, then manually combine (if needed/desired) the IP ranges in the "IPRangesList.txt" file Then process the IP ranges. Alternatively you can create just a list of IP ranges in the "IPRangesList.txt" file and process them directly. #ce Global $RangesList = @ScriptDir & '\IPRangesList.txt', $REGEXList = @ScriptDir & '\REGEXList.txt' If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & '\CIDRList.txt') Then FileWrite(@ScriptDir & '\CIDRList.txt', '') If Not FileExists($RangesList) Then FileWrite($RangesList, '') $user = MsgBox(4, 'Morthawt''s IP Block Regexizer', 'Process ranges? (Press no to process raw CIDR)') If $user = 7 Then If FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\CIDRList.txt') = '' Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', 'You need to add some CIDR networks in the file, one per line.') Exit EndIf CIDRListToRanges() MsgBox(0, 'Morthawt''s IP Block Regexizer', 'Operation has bee completed... Please modify the range file (if needed) and process the ranges by running this program again.') Exit EndIf If FileRead($RangesList) = '' Then MsgBox(0, 'Error', 'You need to add some IP ranges eg - in the file, one per line.') Exit EndIf If FileExists($RangesList) Then $RangeArray = FileReadToArray($RangesList) Else MsgBox(0, 'Error', 'Ranges file (IPRangesList.txt) does not exist. Process CIDR rules first or add ranges to the range file.') Exit EndIf If FileExists($REGEXList) Then FileDelete($REGEXList) For $a In $RangeArray $split = StringSplit($a, ' - ', 3) FileWriteLine($REGEXList, CIDRtoRegex($split[0], $split[1])) Next MsgBox(0, 'Morthawt''s IP Block Regexizer', 'Operation has bee completed... Please check the regex file for your completed list of IP block rules.') Func CIDRListToRanges() $CIDRlist = FileReadToArray(@ScriptDir & '\CIDRList.txt') _ArraySort($CIDRlist) Local $bestnetwork, $networkip, $trashlist[0] For $a = 0 To UBound($CIDRlist) - 1 $netip = StringMid($CIDRlist[$a], 1, StringInStr($CIDRlist[$a], '/') - 1) $net = StringMid($CIDRlist[$a], StringInStr($CIDRlist[$a], '/') + 1, StringInStr($CIDRlist[$a], '/')) If $netip = $networkip Then ReDim $trashlist[UBound($trashlist) + 1] $trashlist[UBound($trashlist) - 1] = $a EndIf $networkip = $netip Next If UBound($trashlist) Then Local $trashing For $a = 0 To UBound($trashlist) - 1 $trashing &= $trashlist[$a] & (($a = (UBound($trashlist) - 1)) ? ('') : (';')) Next _ArrayDelete($CIDRlist, $trashing) EndIf Local $ranges[UBound($CIDRlist)] $count = 0 For $a In $CIDRlist $temp = CIDRtoRegex($a, 1) $ranges[$count] = $temp[0] & ' - ' & $temp[1] $count += 1 Next _ArraySort($ranges) Local $allranges Local $FullStartRange[UBound($CIDRlist)][4], $FullEndRange[UBound($CIDRlist)][4] For $a = 0 To UBound($ranges) - 1 ConsoleWrite($ranges[$a] & @CRLF) $allranges &= $ranges[$a] & (($a = UBound($ranges) - 1) ? ('') : (@CRLF)) $currentFull = StringSplit($ranges[$a], ' - ', 3) $currentStart = StringSplit($currentFull[0], '.', 3) $currentEnd = StringSplit($currentFull[1], '.', 3) For $z = 0 To 3 $FullStartRange[$a][$z] = $currentStart[$z] $FullEndRange[$a][$z] = $currentEnd[$z] Next Next Local $FinalList[0] FileDelete($RangesList) FileWrite($RangesList, $allranges) EndFunc ;==>CIDRListToRanges Func CIDRtoRegex($_CIDRNet, $rangeonly = False) $slashPos = StringInStr($_CIDRNet, '/') Local $LastIP[4] $networkNumber = StringMid($_CIDRNet, $slashPos + 1, StringLen($_CIDRNet) - $slashPos) $networkRemainder = 32 - $networkNumber $FirstIP = StringSplit($_CIDRNet, '.', 3) If $slashPos Then $FirstIP[3] = StringReplace($FirstIP[3], '/' & $networkNumber, '') $binpos = 128 $bintotal = 0 $currentOctet = 0 $deductamount = 0 For $a = 1 To 32 If $a > $networkNumber Then $deductamount += $binpos EndIf $binpos /= 2 If IsInt($a / 8) Then $LastIP[$currentOctet] = $FirstIP[$currentOctet] + $deductamount If $LastIP[$currentOctet] > 255 Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) EndIf $deductamount = 0 $binpos = 128 $currentOctet += 1 EndIf Next Else ; If the first param is not a CIDR network, then the first and second params will be a start and end IP address. $LastIP = StringSplit($rangeonly, '.', 3) EndIf If $rangeonly And $slashPos > 0 Then Local $range[2] For $go = 0 To 3 $range[0] &= $FirstIP[$go] & (($go = 3) ? ('') : ('.')) $range[1] &= $LastIP[$go] & (($go = 3) ? ('') : ('.')) Next Return $range EndIf $finalregex = '^' For $go = 0 To 3 If $FirstIP[$go] <> $LastIP[$go] Then $finalregex &= IPRegex($FirstIP[$go], $LastIP[$go]) Else $finalregex &= $FirstIP[$go] EndIf $finalregex &= (($go = 3) ? ('$') : ('\.')) Next Return $finalregex EndFunc ;==>CIDRtoRegex Func IPRegex($start, $ender) If $start = 0 And $ender = 255 Then Return '[0-9]+' Local $realender = $ender, $realstart = $start Local $regex, $previousprocessing = 0 Local $currentnumreached = 0, $was1digit = 0, $was2digits = 0 If StringLen($start) = 1 Then $regex &= '(' ; Now 1 digit $regex &= '[' & $start & ((StringLen($ender) = 1) ? ('-' & $ender & ']') : ('-9]')) If StringLen($ender) = 1 Then $regex &= ')' Return RegexCleanup($regex) EndIf $previousprocessing = 1 $was1digit = 1 If StringLen($start) = 1 Then $start = 10 EndIf If StringLen($start) = 2 Or $previousprocessing = 1 Then $regex &= (($previousprocessing = 1) ? ('|') : ('(')) ; Now 2 digits If $was1digit Then $previousprocessing = 0 If StringLen($ender) > 2 And $previousprocessing = 1 Or $ender >= 99 And StringMid($start, 2, 1) = 0 Then $regex &= '[' & (($previousprocessing = 1) ? (1) : (StringMid($start, 1, 1))) & '-9][0-9]' Else If StringLen($ender) = 2 And StringMid($ender, 1, 1) > StringMid($start, 1, 1) And $previousprocessing = 0 Then $regex &= StringMid($start, 1, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '-9]|' If StringMid($ender, 1, 1) - StringMid($start, 1, 1) > 1 Then $regex &= '[' & StringMid($start, 1, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 1, 1) - 1 & ']' & '[0-9]|' & StringMid($ender, 1, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & ']' Else $regex &= '[' & StringMid($start, 1, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 1, 1) & ']' & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & ']' EndIf ElseIf StringLen($ender) > 2 Then $regex &= StringMid($start, 1, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '-9]|' If StringMid($start, 1, 1) < 9 Then $regex &= '[' & StringMid($start, 1, 1) + 1 & '-' & 9 & ']' & '[0-9]' ; I had to restrict this to initial digits under 9 to prevent problems EndIf Else $regex &= StringMid($start, 1, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & ']' EndIf EndIf If StringLen($ender) = 2 Then $regex &= ')' Return RegexCleanup($regex) EndIf $previousprocessing = 1 $was2digits = 1 EndIf If StringLen($start) = 3 Or $previousprocessing = 1 Then $regex &= (($previousprocessing = 1) ? ('|') : ('(')) ; Now 3 digits If $previousprocessing Then $start = 100 ; If we are building up from a smaller than 3 digit number but going up to 3 digits, we start at the 1st 3 digit number If StringMid($start, 1, 1) = StringMid($ender, 1, 1) Then ; If the 1st digits are the same $regex &= StringMid($start, 1, 1) & '(' If StringMid($start, 2, 1) = StringMid($ender, 2, 1) Then ; If the second digits are the same $regex &= StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 3, 1) & '-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else ; If the second digits are not the same If StringMid($start, 3, 1) = 0 Then ; If the starter third digit is a 0 $regex &= '[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '-' & (StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - 1) & '][0-9]|' $regex &= '' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else ; The third starter digit is not 0 $regex &= StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 3, 1) & '-9]' If StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - StringMid($start, 2, 1) > 1 Then ; There is a second digit gap of more than 1 digit $regex &= '|[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - 1 & ']' & '[0-9]' $regex &= '|' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else $regex &= '|[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & ']' & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' EndIf EndIf EndIf $regex &= ')' Else ; The first digits are not the same If StringMid($start, 2, 1) = 0 And StringMid($start, 3, 1) = 0 Then ; If 100 start just run through all up to 199 ready for starting at 200 $regex &= StringMid($start, 1, 1) & '[0-9]' & '[0-9]|' Else Local $realender = $ender, $realstart = $start $ender = 199 $regex &= StringMid($start, 1, 1) & '(' If StringMid($start, 2, 1) = StringMid($ender, 2, 1) Then ; If the second digits are the same $regex &= StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 3, 1) & '-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else ; If the second digits are not the same If StringMid($start, 3, 1) = 0 Then ; If the starter third digit is a 0 $regex &= '[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '-' & (StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - 1) & '][0-9]|' $regex &= '' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else ; The third starter digit is not 0 $regex &= StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 3, 1) & '-9]' If StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - StringMid($start, 2, 1) > 1 Then ; There is a second digit gap of more than 1 digit $regex &= '|[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - 1 & ']' & '[0-9]' $regex &= '|' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])|' Else $regex &= '|[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & ']' & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])|' EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf $ender = $realender $start = 200 $regex &= '|' & StringMid($ender, 1, 1) & '(' If StringMid($start, 2, 1) = StringMid($ender, 2, 1) Then ; If the second digits are the same $regex &= StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 3, 1) & '-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else ; If the second digits are not the same If StringMid($start, 3, 1) = 0 Then ; If the starter third digit is a 0 $regex &= '[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '-' & (StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - 1) & '][0-9]|' $regex &= '' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else ; The third starter digit is not 0 $regex &= StringMid($start, 2, 1) & '[' & StringMid($start, 3, 1) & '-9]' If StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - StringMid($start, 2, 1) > 1 Then ; There is a second digit gap of more than 1 digit $regex &= '|[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) - 1 & ']' & '[0-9]' $regex &= '|' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' Else $regex &= '|[' & StringMid($start, 2, 1) + 1 & '-' & StringMid($ender, 2, 1) & ']' & '[0-' & StringMid($ender, 3, 1) & '])' EndIf EndIf EndIf $regex &= ')' EndIf Return RegexCleanup($regex) EndIf EndFunc ;==>IPRegex Func RegexCleanup($_input, $no = 0) If $no Then Return $_input For $a = 0 To 9 $_input = StringReplace($_input, '[' & $a & '-' & $a & ']', $a) If $a < 9 Then $_input = StringReplace($_input, '[' & $a & '-' & $a + 1 & ']', '[' & $a & $a + 1 & ']') EndIf Next For $a = 1 To 10 $_input = StringReplace($_input, '||', '|') Next Local $temp_input = $_input $sections = StringRegExp($temp_input, '\(.*\)', 4) For $a In $sections ConsoleWrite($a & @CRLF) Next $_input = $temp_input Return $_input EndFunc ;==>RegexCleanup thanks alot Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderators JLogan3o13 Posted January 3, 2018 Moderators Share Posted January 3, 2018 @nightowll welcome to the forum. Please pay attention to where you post in the future, each forum clearly states its purpose: Quote Developer General Discussion Follow 0 Do not create AutoIt-related topics here, use AutoIt General Help and Support <====== "Profanity is the last vestige of the feeble mind. For the man who cannot express himself forcibly through intellect must do so through shock and awe" - Spencer W. Kimball How to get your question answered on this forum! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gianni Posted January 4, 2018 Share Posted January 4, 2018 If for range you mean something like those below "" addresses: and "192.168.20.*" range from to "192.168.0-1.1-254" range from to Then you could use my Multiping.udf that, in addition to other functions, contains also _GetIpAddressList($sRange). It returns an 1D array containing all IP of the range: #include ".\MultiPing.au3" ; Get from #include <array.au3> $Range = "192.168.0-1.1-254" $aResult = _GetIpAddressList($Range) ; expand the range _ArrayDisplay($aResult) Earthshine 1 Chimp small minds discuss people average minds discuss events great minds discuss ideas.... and use AutoIt.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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