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Hello its me again,

i want to start a Adware-remover (adw-cleaner) and do a scan with the command Command click.

adw ()
Func adw ()
Run("C:\adwcleaner_7.0.5.0.exe","" ,@SW_MAXIMIZE )
;Activate Window
 WinActivate ( "Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7" , "" )

 ; Wait 5 seconds for the  window to appear.
    Local $hWnd = WinWait("CLASS:wxWindowNR", "", 5)
ControlClick("Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7","","CLASS:Button; TEXT:Scan; INSTANCE:4","","","","")


This is my code right now.

ADW-Cleaner is starting, but it is not clicking anywhere, where is my mistake? :) (or mistakes as i believe :D)




16 minutes ago, SlackerAl said:
ControlClick("Malwarebytes AdwCleaner 7","","[CLASS:Button; TEXT:Scan; INSTANCE:4]")

Any better?


no its still the same, startig ADW-Cleaner but no intention to click anywhere :D

Thank u for ur answer!


Sorry, this isn't really something I know much about, but I'll keep stabbing in the dark until someone more knowledgeable turns up...

I see in your inspector window Text: Actions, but you have TEXT: Scan....

Problem solving step 1: Write a simple, self-contained, running, replicator of your problem.


I dunno if this will help but here's an example I used to help someone last year with clicking a btn ^^


Posted December 21, 2016 (edited) · Report post

Here you go buddy. Works on win7

Edit: The ID changes when the application is opened.. does someone know why the ID changes?

#RequireAdmin ; must include when installing


Func Example()

    Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:TWizardForm]", "", 10) ; use AutoIt v3 Window Info tool
    ; located in the AutoIt folder.

    WinActivate($hWnd) ; WinActivate sets Setup - FreeOCR as an active screen

    ;ControlClick("title", "text", controlID[, button = "left"[, clicks = 1[, x[, y]]]])
            ;  title =>> $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:TWizardForm]
            ; "text" =>> "&Next >"
            ; controlID =>> 329210

    ControlClick($hWnd, "&Next >", 329210) ;

EndFunc   ;==>Example



Edited December 21, 2016 by aa2zz6 
One last final thought :|


17 minutes ago, SlackerAl said:

Sorry, this isn't really something I know much about, but I'll keep stabbing in the dark until someone more knowledgeable turns up...

I see in your inspector window Text: Actions, but you have TEXT: Scan....

Sadly changing it into Actions or deleting it did not change anything.. :)

10 minutes ago, aa2zz6 said:

I dunno if this will help but here's an example I used to help someone last year with clicking a btn ^^


Posted December 21, 2016 (edited) · Report post

Here you go buddy. Works on win7

Edit: The ID changes when the application is opened.. does someone know why the ID changes?

#RequireAdmin ; must include when installing


Func Example()

    Local $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:TWizardForm]", "", 10) ; use AutoIt v3 Window Info tool
    ; located in the AutoIt folder.

    WinActivate($hWnd) ; WinActivate sets Setup - FreeOCR as an active screen

    ;ControlClick("title", "text", controlID[, button = "left"[, clicks = 1[, x[, y]]]])
            ;  title =>> $hWnd = WinWait("[CLASS:TWizardForm]
            ; "text" =>> "&Next >"
            ; controlID =>> 329210

    ControlClick($hWnd, "&Next >", 329210) ;

EndFunc   ;==>Example



Edited December 21, 2016 by aa2zz6 
One last final thought :|



thank you for your reply :)

My problem is that i do not have any id to use like in your example :)


I just tried this on the file open dialogue from Notepad++ to cancel the dialogue, and it worked


Func test()
  ControlClick("Open","","[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]")

So it seems if you have the window name correct, you just need the class and instance.

Have you tried swapping your code around to read:

adw ()

Func adw ()
  Run("C:\adwcleaner_7.0.5.0.exe","" ,@SW_MAXIMIZE )

  ; Wait 5 seconds for the  window to appear.
  Local $hWnd = WinWait("CLASS:wxWindowNR", "", 5)

  ;Activate Window
  WinActivate ($hWnd)

  ControlClick($hWnd,"","CLASS:Button; TEXT:Scan; INSTANCE:4","","","","")


Problem solving step 1: Write a simple, self-contained, running, replicator of your problem.

7 minutes ago, SlackerAl said:

I just tried this on the file open dialogue from Notepad++ to cancel the dialogue, and it worked


Func test()
  ControlClick("Open","","[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:2]")

So it seems if you have the window name correct, you just need the class and instance.

Have you tried swapping your code around to read:

adw ()

Func adw ()
  Run("C:\adwcleaner_7.0.5.0.exe","" ,@SW_MAXIMIZE )

  ; Wait 5 seconds for the  window to appear.
  Local $hWnd = WinWait("CLASS:wxWindowNR", "", 5)

  ;Activate Window
  WinActivate ($hWnd)

  ControlClick($hWnd,"","CLASS:Button; TEXT:Scan; INSTANCE:4","","","","")



its a pity its not working either..

thank you four your effort :)


Have you put in some error checking to confirm $hWnd is getting to set and is the window you think it is? e.g. msgbox yourself the title of that window from the handle.

Problem solving step 1: Write a simple, self-contained, running, replicator of your problem.

7 minutes ago, aa2zz6 said:

I'm wondering if the winactivate is activating that application. Can u place a folder on top of the application, run the script and see if it's pushing the folder behind it?

  Local $hWnd = WinWait("CLASS:wxWindowNR", "", 5)

  ;Activate Window
  WinActivate ($hWnd)


its not pushing the folder behind.

Does that mean WinActivate is not working? :)

11 minutes ago, SlackerAl said:

Have you put in some error checking to confirm $hWnd is getting to set and is the window you think it is? e.g. msgbox yourself the title of that window from the handle.

I did not work with msgbox before, how can i link it to the handle? :) 

MsgBox ( 0, "error", "?" , timeout = 0 , CLASS:wxWindowNR )

should it be like that? :)


Bingo! I would possibly look at troubleshooting with the winactivate function and once it works I would imagine the control click should be a walk in the park ;).


1) Winactivate - Set the Application Window above the folder.


Func ActiveWindow()
    $hWnd1 = WinGetHandle("[CLASS: PUT CLASS ID HERE ]")
    If IsHWnd($hWnd1) Then
EndFunc   ;==>ActiveWindow

2) Once the application is activated and it's above every window a controlclick to press the btn should work.


Sends a mouse click command to a given control.

ControlClick ( "title", "text", controlID [, button = "left" [, clicks = 1 [, x [, y]]]] )


title The title/hWnd/class of the window to access. See Title special definition.
text The text of the window to access. See Text special definition.
controlID The control to interact with. See Controls.
button [optional] The button to click, "left", "right", "middle", "main", "menu", "primary", "secondary". Default is the left button.
clicks [optional] The number of times to click the mouse. Default is 1.
x [optional] The x position to click within the control. Default is center.
y [optional] The y position to click within the control. Default is center.

I can only suggest you build that into your script, sending msgbox's to yourself as you go, using the same handle for your control sends, so you know the target is there and correct.... and active. Sorry out of ideas after that.

Problem solving step 1: Write a simple, self-contained, running, replicator of your problem.

  • 2 weeks later...

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