BatMan22 Posted December 11, 2017 Author Posted December 11, 2017 YYYYAAAAAAAYYYY! Thanks a million dude! I'm going to figure out how to make this into a header and put it into all my programs for when I need to sort files! I already got it working as a function (not that it requires any work to do that) You rock! expandcollapse popup; Start -- Required to use SortWithSQL Function! #include <sqlite.au3> #include <array.au3> ; start sqlite with a temp DB _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open() OnAutoItExitRegister('_fini') Global $Filename = @ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt' $sorted = SortwithSQL($Filename) _ArrayDisplay($sorted) ; End -- of what is Required to use SortWithSQL Function! Func SortwithSQL($Filename) Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE if not exists [t1] (c1, c2);') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Temp Table Failed')) ; load temp table t1 Local $aFile = StringSplit(FileRead($Filename), @CRLF, 3), $sql = 'insert into t1 values ' For $1 = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1 If $aFile[$1] = '' Then ContinueLoop $sql &= '(' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '(.*?) .*', '$1')) & ', ' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '.*? (.*)', '$1')) & '),' & @CRLF Next $sql = StringTrimRight($sql, 3) & ';' _SQLite_Exec(-1, $sql) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, '', _SQLite_ErrMsg()) ; get rid of dup entries...stor result in table t2 Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT distinct * FROM t1; drop table t1') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Final Table Failed')) ; retrieve entries ordered by column 1 desc within column 2 asc Local $ret, $arows, $irows, $icols _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1, 'select * from t2 order by c2, c1 desc;', $arows, $irows, $icols) ; flip LCSD with LCS rows Local $tleft, $tright For $1 = 0 To UBound($arows) - 1 If StringLeft($arows[$1][0], 4) = 'LCSD' Then $tleft = $arows[$1][0] $tright = $arows[$1][1] $arows[$1][0] = $arows[$1 + 1][0] $arows[$1][1] = $arows[$1 + 1][1] $arows[$1 + 1][0] = $tleft $arows[$1 + 1][1] = $tright $1 += 1 EndIf Next Return $arows EndFunc ;==>SortwithSQL Func _fini() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;==>_fini
BatMan22 Posted December 11, 2017 Author Posted December 11, 2017 Ummm, you're going to hate me, but last step I promise. How do I get the sample ID's aka the 17X's to be in numberical order? Like normal Ascending, ie.. MB LCS LCSD 1 2 3 4 I'm sorry dude >.< not trying to be a pain..
Malkey Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 I had trouble trying to sort your unsorted example of post #1 that has seven lines with "218.6". Your sorted example of post #1 has nine lines with "218.6" - an impossible sorting task. So to get even, here is a working example the relies heavily in regular expressions to re-arranges and modify the original data which is put into a new first column that is suitable for sorting the array in the required order. The second column of the array has the original data and simply gets carried along with the sorting being carried out in the first column. When sorted, the first sorting column of the 2D array can be deleted, leaving a 1D array of the sorted data. expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> ; Local $sRESortingOrder = "^MB\-, ^LCS\-, ^LCSD\-, ^([^\-]{7})\-([^\h]{4}), ^(.{7})\-(.{4})MS, ^(.{7})\-(.{4})MSD" ;, and the rest of the xxxxxxx-xxxx's" Local $sString = StringStripWS(FileRead('samplefile.txt'), 3) ; $STR_STRIPLEADING (1) = strip leading white space + $STR_STRIPTRAILING (2) = strip trailing white space Local $sToSort = $sString Local $aString = StringSplit($sString, @CRLF, 3) ; String to 1D array Local $sSortOrder = StringSplit($sRESortingOrder, ", ", 3) ; String to 1D array ; ----- Rearrange string for sorting (to be added to first column of 2D array later) -------- For $i = 0 To UBound($sSortOrder) - 1 If $i <= 2 Then _ $sToSort = StringRegExpReplace($sToSort, "(?im)(" & $sSortOrder[$i] & "\S+\h+)([\.0-9]+)([^0-9\.].+)*$", "${2}" & StringRight("0000000000000" & $i, 13)) ; e.g. "MB-149969 218.6_DW" becomes "218.60000000000000" ; Trailing "00" is from matching first element, or, index "[0]" of $sSortOrder array. If $i > 2 Then _ $sToSort = StringRegExpReplace($sToSort, "(?im)" & $sSortOrder[$i] & "\h(.+?)([^0-9\.].+)*$", "${3}${1}${2}" & StringRight("00" & $i, 2)) ; e.g. "1712330-002A 218.6_W" becomes "218.61712330002A03" Note: Trailing "03" is from matching 4th element (zero-based), or, index "[3]" of $sSortOrder array. Next Local $aSToSort = StringSplit($sToSort, @CRLF, 3) ; String to 1D array ; --- Create 2D array with column 0 as sorting column, and, column 1 (second column) as original data to be sorted. --- Local $aSort2D[UBound($aSToSort)][2] For $i = 0 To UBound($aSToSort) - 1 $aSort2D[$i][1] = $aString[$i] $aSort2D[$i][0] = $aSToSort[$i] Next _ArraySort($aSort2D, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Sort on column 0 _ArrayDisplay($aSort2D, "Sorted") ;--- Delete Column 0 ----- Local $aRes[UBound($aSort2D)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aRes) - 1 $aRes[$i] = $aSort2D[$i][1] Next _ArrayDisplay($aRes, "Sorted Results")
BatMan22 Posted December 11, 2017 Author Posted December 11, 2017 8 hours ago, Malkey said: I had trouble trying to sort your unsorted example of post #1 that has seven lines with "218.6". Your sorted example of post #1 has nine lines with "218.6" - an impossible sorting task. So to get even, here is a working example the relies heavily in regular expressions to re-arranges and modify the original data which is put into a new first column that is suitable for sorting the array in the required order. The second column of the array has the original data and simply gets carried along with the sorting being carried out in the first column. When sorted, the first sorting column of the 2D array can be deleted, leaving a 1D array of the sorted data. expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> ; Local $sRESortingOrder = "^MB\-, ^LCS\-, ^LCSD\-, ^([^\-]{7})\-([^\h]{4}), ^(.{7})\-(.{4})MS, ^(.{7})\-(.{4})MSD" ;, and the rest of the xxxxxxx-xxxx's" Local $sString = StringStripWS(FileRead('samplefile.txt'), 3) ; $STR_STRIPLEADING (1) = strip leading white space + $STR_STRIPTRAILING (2) = strip trailing white space Local $sToSort = $sString Local $aString = StringSplit($sString, @CRLF, 3) ; String to 1D array Local $sSortOrder = StringSplit($sRESortingOrder, ", ", 3) ; String to 1D array ; ----- Rearrange string for sorting (to be added to first column of 2D array later) -------- For $i = 0 To UBound($sSortOrder) - 1 If $i <= 2 Then _ $sToSort = StringRegExpReplace($sToSort, "(?im)(" & $sSortOrder[$i] & "\S+\h+)([\.0-9]+)([^0-9\.].+)*$", "${2}" & StringRight("0000000000000" & $i, 13)) ; e.g. "MB-149969 218.6_DW" becomes "218.60000000000000" ; Trailing "00" is from matching first element, or, index "[0]" of $sSortOrder array. If $i > 2 Then _ $sToSort = StringRegExpReplace($sToSort, "(?im)" & $sSortOrder[$i] & "\h(.+?)([^0-9\.].+)*$", "${3}${1}${2}" & StringRight("00" & $i, 2)) ; e.g. "1712330-002A 218.6_W" becomes "218.61712330002A03" Note: Trailing "03" is from matching 4th element (zero-based), or, index "[3]" of $sSortOrder array. Next Local $aSToSort = StringSplit($sToSort, @CRLF, 3) ; String to 1D array ; --- Create 2D array with column 0 as sorting column, and, column 1 (second column) as original data to be sorted. --- Local $aSort2D[UBound($aSToSort)][2] For $i = 0 To UBound($aSToSort) - 1 $aSort2D[$i][1] = $aString[$i] $aSort2D[$i][0] = $aSToSort[$i] Next _ArraySort($aSort2D, 0, 0, 0, 0) ; Sort on column 0 _ArrayDisplay($aSort2D, "Sorted") ;--- Delete Column 0 ----- Local $aRes[UBound($aSort2D)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aRes) - 1 $aRes[$i] = $aSort2D[$i][1] Next _ArrayDisplay($aRes, "Sorted Results") I really appreciate what you did but.. The final result have a couple of problems I think.. 1) Data seems to be duplicated by the macro, or maybe I had duplicate data in my file? 2) The Test Code Sorting seems flawed slightly in the end.. Assuming nothing shifted.. In the middle of the 218.6_DW test codes.. suddenly the 218.6_W's appear in the middle (see picture). I'm guessing this is because you're sorting for the test code then sorting by ascending or something?
jdelaney Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 (edited) Here's my go at it...just adding the data into a string, in the proper order, that you then sort. It works with the given data you provided, but string formatting might be needed on the sub-parts as new number schemes are entered into the mix. Local $a[1] _FileReadToArray(@DesktopDir & "/testdata.txt",$a,0) _ArrayColInsert($a,1) For $i = 0 To UBound($a)-1 Local $atemp = StringRegExp($a[$i][0],"(\D*)(.*)\s([\d|\.]+)",3) If StringLeft($atemp[0],3)="MB-" Then $j = 1 ElseIf StringLeft($atemp[0],4)="LCS-" Then $j = 2 ElseIf StringLeft($atemp[0],5)="LCSD-" Then $j = 3 Else $j = 4 EndIf $a[$i][1] = $atemp[2] & $j & $atemp[1] Next _ArraySort($a,0,0,0,1) _ArrayColDelete($a,1) _ArrayDisplay($a) MB-149969 218.6_DW LCS-149969 218.6_DW LCSD-149969 218.6_DW 1712354-001A 218.6_DW 1712354-001AMS 218.6_DW 1712354-001AMSD 218.6_DW 1712372-001C 218.6_DW MB-145333 218.7 LCS-145333 218.7 LCSD-145333 218.7 1712350-006A 218.7_W 1712350-007A 218.7_W 1712350-008A 218.7_W 1712350-009A 218.7_W 1712370-001A 7199_TTLC_LL_S Edited December 11, 2017 by jdelaney IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
jdelaney Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 (edited) I went ahead and added in the string formatting to try to keep the numbering consistent. #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> Local $a[1] _FileReadToArray(@DesktopDir & "/testdata.txt",$a,0) _ArrayColInsert($a,1) For $i = 0 To UBound($a)-1 Local $atemp = StringRegExp($a[$i][0],"(\D*)(.*)\s([\d|\.]+)",3) If StringLeft($atemp[0],3)="MB-" Then $j = 1 ElseIf StringLeft($atemp[0],4)="LCS-" Then $j = 2 ElseIf StringLeft($atemp[0],5)="LCSD-" Then $j = 3 Else $j = 4 EndIf $atemp[2]=StringFormat("%.2f",$atemp[2]) $atemp[2]=StringFormat("[%010s]",$atemp[2]) $a[$i][1] = $atemp[2] & $j & $atemp[1] Next _ArraySort($a,0,0,0,1) _ArrayColDelete($a,1) _ArrayDisplay($a) Edited December 11, 2017 by jdelaney IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
BatMan22 Posted December 12, 2017 Author Posted December 12, 2017 53 minutes ago, jdelaney said: I went ahead and added in the string formatting to try to keep the numbering consistent. #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> Local $a[1] _FileReadToArray(@DesktopDir & "/testdata.txt",$a,0) _ArrayColInsert($a,1) For $i = 0 To UBound($a)-1 Local $atemp = StringRegExp($a[$i][0],"(\D*)(.*)\s([\d|\.]+)",3) If StringLeft($atemp[0],3)="MB-" Then $j = 1 ElseIf StringLeft($atemp[0],4)="LCS-" Then $j = 2 ElseIf StringLeft($atemp[0],5)="LCSD-" Then $j = 3 Else $j = 4 EndIf $atemp[2]=StringFormat("%.2f",$atemp[2]) $atemp[2]=StringFormat("[%010s]",$atemp[2]) $a[$i][1] = $atemp[2] & $j & $atemp[1] Next _ArraySort($a,0,0,0,1) _ArrayColDelete($a,1) _ArrayDisplay($a) Your code seems to work.. 95% of the way.. but the sample ID's still end up mixed up with the test codes.
jdelaney Posted December 12, 2017 Posted December 12, 2017 (edited) Oh, I missed that one condition. I'll add that in once I have a few minutes. It would be more 'esleif' statements. Edited December 12, 2017 by jdelaney IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
BatMan22 Posted December 12, 2017 Author Posted December 12, 2017 40 minutes ago, jdelaney said: Oh, I missed that one condition. I'll add that in once I have a few minutes. It would be more 'esleif' statements. I hate not understanding your program.. from what I can tell.. you insert a blank column into the array holding the data. Assigning 1, 2, 3, or 4, based on what kinda sample it is (MB/LCS/LCSD/Other). And I don't know what the code below does. After that code, you sort by the J Value column. Then you delete that column. I assume that the part of the code that I don't understand is what is in charge of sorting by the test code? $atemp[2]=StringFormat("%.2f",$atemp[2]) $atemp[2]=StringFormat("[%010s]",$atemp[2]) $a[$i][1] = $atemp[2] & $j & $atemp[1]
jdelaney Posted December 12, 2017 Posted December 12, 2017 (edited) The 'empty' value is only populated if the first characters are NON the MD-, etc...the else catches all else. This ensures that the numbers are all generic, so a string comparison will do that, they need to be the same length, and same decimal digit: StringFormat("%.2f",$atemp[2]) adds 2 decimals places (and a decimal) if not present $atemp[2]=StringFormat("[%010s]",$atemp[2]) makes the entire string 10 digits in length, and pads the start of the string with 0s until that is present. (after adding the decimal, and 2 decimal digits) Edited December 12, 2017 by jdelaney IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.
BatMan22 Posted December 12, 2017 Author Posted December 12, 2017 3 minutes ago, jdelaney said: The 'empty' value is only populated if the first characters are NON the MD-, etc...the else catches all else. This ensures that the numbers are all generic, so a string comparison will do that, they need to be the same length, and same decimal digit: StringFormat("%.2f",$atemp[2]) adds 2 decimals places (and a decimal) if not present $atemp[2]=StringFormat("[%010s]",$atemp[2]) makes the entire string 10 digits in length, and pads the start of the string with 0s until that is present. (after adding the decimal, and 2 decimal digits) Thanks buddy.. I'm going to try and learn the Exp search formate things. For my uses.. that's very important.
kylomas Posted December 12, 2017 Posted December 12, 2017 (edited) Batman22, Looks like we have some new players...Here's a new version enforcing your sort order for the subordinate search column... expandcollapse popup#include <sqlite.au3> #include <array.au3> ; start sqlite with a temp DB _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open() OnAutoItExitRegister('_fini') Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE if not exists [t1] (c1, c2);') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Temp Table Failed')) ; load temp table t1 Local $aFile = StringSplit(FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt'), @CRLF, 3), $sql = 'insert into t1 values ' For $1 = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1 If $aFile[$1] = '' Then ContinueLoop ; prefix sort order control byte Switch True Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^M.*') $aFile[$1] = '0' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCSD.*') $aFile[$1] = '1' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCS-.*') $aFile[$1] = '2' & $aFile[$1] Case Else $aFile[$1] = '3' & $aFile[$1] EndSwitch $sql &= '(' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '(.*?) .*', '$1')) & ', ' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '.*? (.*)', '$1')) & '),' & @CRLF Next $sql = StringTrimRight($sql, 3) & ';' _SQLite_Exec(-1, $sql) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, '', _SQLite_ErrMsg()) ; get rid of dup entries...stor result in table t2 Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT distinct * FROM t1; drop table t1') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Final Table Failed')) ; retrieve entries ordered by column 1 desc within column 2 asc Local $ret, $arows, $irows, $icols _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1, 'select * from t2 order by c2, c1;', $arows, $irows, $icols) ;strip sort order control byte For $1 = 1 To UBound($arows) - 1 $arows[$1][0] = StringTrimLeft($arows[$1][0], 1) Next _ArrayDisplay($arows, 'Final') Func _fini() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;==>_fini kylomas edit: changed if's to case construct... Edited December 12, 2017 by kylomas programming Forum Rules Procedure for posting code "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Sir Winston Churchill
BatMan22 Posted December 12, 2017 Author Posted December 12, 2017 (edited) 18 hours ago, kylomas said: Batman22, Looks like we have some new players...Here's a new version enforcing your sort order for the subordinate search column... expandcollapse popup#include <sqlite.au3> #include <array.au3> ; start sqlite with a temp DB _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open() OnAutoItExitRegister('_fini') Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE if not exists [t1] (c1, c2);') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Temp Table Failed')) ; load temp table t1 Local $aFile = StringSplit(FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt'), @CRLF, 3), $sql = 'insert into t1 values ' For $1 = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1 If $aFile[$1] = '' Then ContinueLoop ; prefix sort order control byte Switch True Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^M.*') $aFile[$1] = '0' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCSD.*') $aFile[$1] = '1' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCS-.*') $aFile[$1] = '2' & $aFile[$1] Case Else $aFile[$1] = '3' & $aFile[$1] EndSwitch $sql &= '(' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '(.*?) .*', '$1')) & ', ' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '.*? (.*)', '$1')) & '),' & @CRLF Next $sql = StringTrimRight($sql, 3) & ';' _SQLite_Exec(-1, $sql) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, '', _SQLite_ErrMsg()) ; get rid of dup entries...stor result in table t2 Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT distinct * FROM t1; drop table t1') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Final Table Failed')) ; retrieve entries ordered by column 1 desc within column 2 asc Local $ret, $arows, $irows, $icols _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1, 'select * from t2 order by c2, c1;', $arows, $irows, $icols) ;strip sort order control byte For $1 = 1 To UBound($arows) - 1 $arows[$1][0] = StringTrimLeft($arows[$1][0], 1) Next _ArrayDisplay($arows, 'Final') Func _fini() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;==>_fini kylomas edit: changed if's to case construct... Your code works perfectly..! Edited December 12, 2017 by BatMan22
BatMan22 Posted December 12, 2017 Author Posted December 12, 2017 18 hours ago, kylomas said: Batman22, Looks like we have some new players...Here's a new version enforcing your sort order for the subordinate search column... expandcollapse popup#include <sqlite.au3> #include <array.au3> ; start sqlite with a temp DB _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open() OnAutoItExitRegister('_fini') Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE if not exists [t1] (c1, c2);') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Temp Table Failed')) ; load temp table t1 Local $aFile = StringSplit(FileRead(@ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt'), @CRLF, 3), $sql = 'insert into t1 values ' For $1 = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1 If $aFile[$1] = '' Then ContinueLoop ; prefix sort order control byte Switch True Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^M.*') $aFile[$1] = '0' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCSD.*') $aFile[$1] = '1' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCS-.*') $aFile[$1] = '2' & $aFile[$1] Case Else $aFile[$1] = '3' & $aFile[$1] EndSwitch $sql &= '(' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '(.*?) .*', '$1')) & ', ' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '.*? (.*)', '$1')) & '),' & @CRLF Next $sql = StringTrimRight($sql, 3) & ';' _SQLite_Exec(-1, $sql) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, '', _SQLite_ErrMsg()) ; get rid of dup entries...stor result in table t2 Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT distinct * FROM t1; drop table t1') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Final Table Failed')) ; retrieve entries ordered by column 1 desc within column 2 asc Local $ret, $arows, $irows, $icols _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1, 'select * from t2 order by c2, c1;', $arows, $irows, $icols) ;strip sort order control byte For $1 = 1 To UBound($arows) - 1 $arows[$1][0] = StringTrimLeft($arows[$1][0], 1) Next _ArrayDisplay($arows, 'Final') Func _fini() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;==>_fini kylomas edit: changed if's to case construct... Check out what your file has turned into.. Sexiness!
kylomas Posted December 13, 2017 Posted December 13, 2017 Batman22, Glad it's workiing! (...pulling on a cold Miller Lite...) BatMan22 1 Forum Rules Procedure for posting code "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Sir Winston Churchill
BatMan22 Posted December 14, 2017 Author Posted December 14, 2017 (edited) Ignore that. I'm an idiot. Edited December 14, 2017 by BatMan22
kylomas Posted December 14, 2017 Posted December 14, 2017 Huh??, Forum Rules Procedure for posting code "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Sir Winston Churchill
BatMan22 Posted December 14, 2017 Author Posted December 14, 2017 5 hours ago, kylomas said: Huh??, Lol, I made a mistake, thought the program wasn't sorting some things.. but it is. But.. I can ask you a super simple question... (I think). So you saw that I made your program a function that you call, along with a header at the top using: #include "C:\Users\Ash\Documents\SampleDueSheetExports\Sorter.au3" I've included the way I've implimented the function in the attached file.. My question is that when I call your function using the code below, it seems to use | as a delimiter, even when I try and just use a " " as a delimiter, how do I just write the array to a file in the same format as before? Func SortEverything() Local $arrayforic1 = SortMe("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC1.txt") ; This is an example of the Sort function and it will RETURN the sorted file as an array! _ArrayDisplay($arrayforic1) _FileWriteFromArray("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC1.txt", $arrayforic1, Default, Default, " ") Local $arrayforic2 = SortMe("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC2.txt") ; This is an example of the Sort function and it will RETURN the sorted file as an array! _FileWriteFromArray("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC2.txt", $arrayforic2) Local $arrayforic3 = SortMe("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC3.txt") ; This is an example of the Sort function and it will RETURN the sorted file as an array! _FileWriteFromArray("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC3.txt", $arrayforic3) Local $arrayforic5 = SortMe("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC5.txt") ; This is an example of the Sort function and it will RETURN the sorted file as an array! _FileWriteFromArray("\\IC3\Loaderfiles\IC5.txt", $arrayforic5) EndFunc ;==>SortEverything Sorter.au3
kylomas Posted December 14, 2017 Posted December 14, 2017 Batman22, This worked for me...I don't have any idea what is wrong on your end. Also, you should interrogate @error after call _FileWriteFromArray(). expandcollapse popup#include <array.au3> #include <file.au3> #include <sqlite.au3> local $array = sortme(@ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt') _FileWriteFromArray(@ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt', $array, Default, Default, " ") shellexecute(@ScriptDir & '\samplefile.txt') Func SortMe($filename) _SQLite_Startup() _SQLite_Open() OnAutoItExitRegister('_fini') Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE if not exists [t1] (c1, c2);') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Temp Table Failed')) ; load temp table t1 Local $aFile = StringSplit(FileRead($filename), @CRLF, 3), $sql = 'insert into t1 values ' For $1 = 0 To UBound($aFile) - 1 If $aFile[$1] = '' Then ContinueLoop ; prefix sort order control byte Switch True Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^M.*') $aFile[$1] = '0' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCSD.*') $aFile[$1] = '1' & $aFile[$1] Case StringRegExp($aFile[$1], '^LCS-.*') $aFile[$1] = '2' & $aFile[$1] Case Else $aFile[$1] = '3' & $aFile[$1] EndSwitch $sql &= '(' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '(.*?) .*', '$1')) & ', ' & _SQLite_FastEscape(StringRegExpReplace($aFile[$1], '.*? (.*)', '$1')) & '),' & @CRLF Next $sql = StringTrimRight($sql, 3) & ';' _SQLite_Exec(-1, $sql) If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0, '', _SQLite_ErrMsg()) ; get rid of dup entries...stor result in table t2 Local $ret = _SQLite_Exec(-1, 'CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT distinct * FROM t1; drop table t1') If $ret <> $SQLITE_OK Then Exit (MsgBox(0, 'SQLITE ERROR', 'Create Final Table Failed')) ; retrieve entries ordered by column 1 desc within column 2 asc Local $ret, $arows, $irows, $icols _SQLite_GetTable2d(-1, 'select * from t2 order by c2, c1;', $arows, $irows, $icols) ;strip sort order control byte For $1 = 1 To UBound($arows) - 1 $arows[$1][0] = StringTrimLeft($arows[$1][0], 1) Next Return $arows EndFunc ;==>SortMe Func _fini() _SQLite_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;==>_fini kylomas Forum Rules Procedure for posting code "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Sir Winston Churchill
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