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Posted (edited)

Hey there, i have the code from simplespy but have no idea about what to use, got the UIA_V0_64 files.


At least we have an element title: [More apps] class: [TouchHyperLink]

Having the following values for all properties:
Title is: <More apps>    Class   := <TouchHyperLink>    controltype:= <UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId>    ,<50005>    , (0000C355)    1081;673;390;50
*** Parent Information top down ***
6: Title is: <How do you want to open .mp3 files from now on?>    Class   := <Shell_Flyout>    controltype:= <UIA_WindowControlTypeId>    ,<50032>    , (0000C370)    1080;270;392;522
"Title:=How do you want to open .mp3 files from now on?;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;class:=Shell_Flyout""    
5: Title is: <Flyout window>    Class   := <FlyoutElement>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>    ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    1080;270;392;522
"Title:=Flyout window;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=FlyoutElement""    
4: Title is: <>    Class   := <Element>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>    ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    1081;271;390;520
3: Title is: <Immersive Openwith Flyout>    Class   := <Element>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>    ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    1081;271;390;520
"Title:=Immersive Openwith Flyout;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=Element""    
2: Title is: <>    Class   := <TouchScrollViewer>    controltype:= <UIA_PaneControlTypeId>    ,<50033>    , (0000C371)    1081;358;390;365
1: Title is: <>    Class   := <AppItemListContainer>    controltype:= <UIA_ListControlTypeId>    ,<50008>    , (0000C358)    1081;299;390;424
0: Title is: <>    Class   := <AppItemList>    controltype:= <UIA_ListControlTypeId>    ,<50008>    , (0000C358)    1081;423;390;300

;~ *** Standard code maintainable ***
#include "UIAWrappers.au3"
AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1)

_UIA_setVar("oP1","Title:=How do you want to open .mp3 files from now on?;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;class:=Shell_Flyout")    ;How do you want to open .mp3 files from now on?
_UIA_setVar("oP2","Title:=Flyout window;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=FlyoutElement")    ;Flyout window
_UIA_setVar("oP3","Title:=;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=Element")    ;
_UIA_setVar("oP4","Title:=Immersive Openwith Flyout;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=Element")    ;Immersive Openwith Flyout
_UIA_setVar("oP5","Title:=;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=TouchScrollViewer")    ;
_UIA_setVar("oP6","Title:=;controltype:=UIA_ListControlTypeId;class:=AppItemListContainer")    ;
_UIA_setVar("oP7","Title:=;controltype:=UIA_ListControlTypeId;class:=AppItemList")    ;

;~ $oUIElement=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll("Moreapps.mainwindow", "title:=More apps;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId", $treescope_subtree)
_UIA_setVar("oUIElement","Title:=More apps;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=TouchHyperLink") ;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;classname:=TouchHyperLink")

;~ Actions split away from logical/technical definition above can come from configfiles



;~ *** Standard code Flexible***
#include "UIAWrappers.au3"
AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1)

Local $oP6=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($UIA_oDesktop, "Title:=How do you want to open .mp3 files from now on?;controltype:=UIA_WindowControlTypeId;class:=Shell_Flyout", $treescope_children)    
Local $oP5=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP6, "Title:=Flyout window;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=FlyoutElement", $treescope_children)    
Local $oP4=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP5, "Title:=;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=Element", $treescope_children)    
Local $oP3=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP4, "Title:=Immersive Openwith Flyout;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=Element", $treescope_children)    
Local $oP2=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP3, "Title:=;controltype:=UIA_PaneControlTypeId;class:=TouchScrollViewer", $treescope_children)    
Local $oP1=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP2, "Title:=;controltype:=UIA_ListControlTypeId;class:=AppItemListContainer", $treescope_children)    
Local $oP0=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP1, "Title:=;controltype:=UIA_ListControlTypeId;class:=AppItemList", $treescope_children)    
;~ First find the object in the parent before you can do something
;~$oUIElement=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll("Moreapps.mainwindow", "title:=More apps;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId", $treescope_subtree)
Local $oUIElement=_UIA_getObjectByFindAll($oP0, "title:=More apps;ControlType:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId", $treescope_subtree)

*** Detailed properties of the highlighted element ***
UIA_title:= <More apps>
UIA_text:= <More apps>
UIA_regexptitle:= <More apps>
UIA_class:= <TouchHyperLink>
UIA_regexpclass:= <TouchHyperLink>
UIA_iaccessiblechildId:= <0>
UIA_id:= <OptionsButton>
UIA_handle:= <0>
UIA_RuntimeId:= <7740;955018816;396>
UIA_BoundingRectangle:= <1081;673;390;50>
UIA_ProcessId:= <7740>
UIA_ControlType:= <50005>
UIA_LocalizedControlType:= <link>
UIA_Name:= <More apps>
UIA_HasKeyboardFocus:= <False>
UIA_IsKeyboardFocusable:= <True>
UIA_IsEnabled:= <True>
UIA_AutomationId:= <OptionsButton>
UIA_ClassName:= <TouchHyperLink>
UIA_ClickablePoint:= <1276;698>
UIA_Culture:= <0>
UIA_IsControlElement:= <True>
UIA_IsContentElement:= <True>
UIA_IsPassword:= <False>
UIA_NativeWindowHandle:= <0>
UIA_IsOffscreen:= <False>
UIA_Orientation:= <0>
UIA_FrameworkId:= <DirectUI>
UIA_IsRequiredForForm:= <False>
UIA_IsDockPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsExpandCollapsePatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsGridItemPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsGridPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsInvokePatternAvailable:= <True>
UIA_IsMultipleViewPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsRangeValuePatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsScrollPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsScrollItemPatternAvailable:= <True>
UIA_IsSelectionItemPatternAvailable:= <True>
UIA_IsSelectionPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsTablePatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsTableItemPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsTextPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsTogglePatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsTransformPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsValuePatternAvailable:= <True>
UIA_IsWindowPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_ValueIsReadOnly:= <True>
UIA_RangeValueValue:= <0>
UIA_RangeValueIsReadOnly:= <True>
UIA_RangeValueMinimum:= <0>
UIA_RangeValueMaximum:= <0>
UIA_RangeValueLargeChange:= <0>
UIA_RangeValueSmallChange:= <0>
UIA_ScrollHorizontalScrollPercent:= <0>
UIA_ScrollHorizontalViewSize:= <100>
UIA_ScrollVerticalScrollPercent:= <0>
UIA_ScrollVerticalViewSize:= <100>
UIA_ScrollHorizontallyScrollable:= <False>
UIA_ScrollVerticallyScrollable:= <False>
UIA_SelectionCanSelectMultiple:= <False>
UIA_SelectionIsSelectionRequired:= <False>
UIA_GridRowCount:= <0>
UIA_GridColumnCount:= <0>
UIA_GridItemRow:= <0>
UIA_GridItemColumn:= <0>
UIA_GridItemRowSpan:= <1>
UIA_GridItemColumnSpan:= <1>
UIA_DockDockPosition:= <5>
UIA_ExpandCollapseExpandCollapseState:= <3>
UIA_MultipleViewCurrentView:= <0>
UIA_WindowCanMaximize:= <False>
UIA_WindowCanMinimize:= <False>
UIA_WindowWindowVisualState:= <0>
UIA_WindowWindowInteractionState:= <0>
UIA_WindowIsModal:= <False>
UIA_WindowIsTopmost:= <False>
UIA_SelectionItemIsSelected:= <False>
UIA_TableRowOrColumnMajor:= <2>
UIA_ToggleToggleState:= <2>
UIA_TransformCanMove:= <False>
UIA_TransformCanResize:= <False>
UIA_TransformCanRotate:= <False>
UIA_IsLegacyIAccessiblePatternAvailable:= <True>
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleChildId:= <0>
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleName:= <More apps>
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleRole:= <30>
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleState:= <7340096>
UIA_LegacyIAccessibleDefaultAction:= <Jump>
UIA_IsDataValidForForm:= <False>
UIA_ProviderDescription:= <[pid:7740,providerId:0x0 Main(parent link):Unidentified Provider (unmanaged:DUI70.dll)]>
UIA_IsItemContainerPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsVirtualizedItemPatternAvailable:= <False>
UIA_IsSynchronizedInputPatternAvailable:= <False>


I look at the examples but i get lost, i ask for guideance in this matter.

Best regards.

screenshot - 08122017-1624.jpg


To get to this window simply run:

control.exe /name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page pageFileAssoc

select a filetype and click "change program"

Edited by careca

Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples


Posted (edited)

There is a registry setting you can add to set the default application for an extension type...that would be much easier.



Edited by jdelaney
IEbyXPATH-Grab IE DOM objects by XPATH IEscriptRecord-Makings of an IE script recorder ExcelFromXML-Create Excel docs without excel installed GetAllWindowControls-Output all control data on a given window.

Oh been there, done that, but win 10 is so much trickier.. im done with trying registry.


Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples


Posted (edited)


Figured it out, just dont know why it takes so long, like 10 secs or so per action. Any way to speed up?

#include "UIAWrappers.au3"
AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Local $sText1, $Vis
ShellExecute(@WindowsDir & '\system32\control.exe', '/name Microsoft.DefaultPrograms /page pageFileAssoc')
            WinWaitActive("Set Associations", 'Set Associations', 10)
            Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", "Set Associations")
            If $hWnd <> 0 Or @error <> 0 Then
                    $Vis = ControlCommand($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]", 'IsVisible')
                Until $Vis = 1
                Local $iCount = ControlListView($hWnd, "", "SysListView321", "GetItemCount")
                For $k = 0 To $iCount - 1
                    $sText1 = ControlListView($hWnd, "", "SysListView321", "GetText", $k, 0)
                    If $sText1 = '.mp3' Then
                        ControlListView($hWnd, "", "SysListView321", "Select", $k, $k)
                        ConsoleWrite('=============================================================================' & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite('Line - ' & $k & ' - ' & $sText1 & @CRLF)
                        ConsoleWrite('=============================================================================' & @CRLF)
                        ControlClick($hWnd, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]")
Func Elem()
_UIA_setVar("oUIElement","Title:=Line down;controltype:=UIA_ButtonControlTypeId;class:=TouchRepeatButton")
MouseWheel ( "down", 100)
_UIA_setVar("oUIElement","Title:=More apps;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=TouchHyperLink")
_UIA_setVar("oUIElement","Title:=Line down;controltype:=UIA_ButtonControlTypeId;class:=TouchRepeatButton")
MouseWheel ( "down", 100)
_UIA_setVar("oUIElement","Title:=Look for another app on this PC;controltype:=UIA_HyperlinkControlTypeId;class:=TouchHyperLink")



Edited by careca

Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples


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