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Organizing array data into files


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Hey Guys.. So I am trying to split up my data that I have loaded into two arrays by my test code (in this case I'm just showing 300.0 and 300.1).. I want it so that if for $ColumnC=300.1 then write to a file called "IC3.txt" the SampleID and 300.1. I will have a lot more functions and test codes eventually but I don't understand why this test case is failing.. Instead of writing "Sample 3 300.1""Sample5 300.1" it just writes "300.1" once.. 

Global $ColumnC[10]
 Global $ColumnB[10]


For $i= 0 to UBound($ColumnC) -1
;~  ConsoleWrite($ColumnC[$i] & @LF)
    If $ColumnC[$i]="300.1" Then
        _FileWriteFromArray(@ScriptDir & "\IC3.txt", $ColumnB, $i, $i)
        _FileWriteFromArray(@ScriptDir & "\IC3.txt", $ColumnC, $i, $i)




Edited by BatMan22
code didn't insert
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For what you are wanting to do _FileWriteFromArray is the wrong function to use. It is designed to write the whole or specified section of the array to a file at once. As such it creates a new file each time overwriting any existing file. 

For your purposes you need to use FileWrite or FileWriteLine as shown in the example below.


#include <FileConstants.au3>

 Global $ColumnC[10]
 Global $ColumnB[10]


Local $hFile = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\IC3.txtm", $FO_OVERWRITE)

For $i= 0 to UBound($ColumnC) -1
;~  ConsoleWrite($ColumnC[$i] & @LF)
    If $ColumnC[$i]="300.1" Then
        FileWriteLine(@ScriptDir & "\IC3.txt", $ColumnB[$i] & " " & $ColumnC[$i])




"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to build bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning."- Rick Cook

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Hello. You could do this:


Global $ColumnC[5]
Global $ColumnB[5]

$ColumnC[0] = "300.0"
$ColumnC[1] = "300.0"
$ColumnC[2] = "300.1"
$ColumnC[3] = "300.0"
$ColumnC[4] = "300.1"
$ColumnB[0] = "Sample1"
$ColumnB[1] = "Sample2"
$ColumnB[2] = "Sample3"
$ColumnB[3] = "Sample4"
$ColumnB[4] = "Sample5"

;make sure $ColumnC and $ColumnB have same bound
For $i = 0 To UBound($ColumnC) - 1
    If $ColumnC[$i] = "300.1" Then
        FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\IC3.txt", $ColumnB[$i] & " " & $ColumnC[$i] & @CRLF)


Edited by Danyfirex
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