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Hello, all..

My AutoIT is pretty terrible - but I get by with trawling here :)

I came across an issue where i had to parse a large key in a large ini file, and found that I was victim of inireadsection's limit of "Only the first 32767 chars are read for legacy reasons."


I've attempted to put together some terrible code that parses an ini section.

It's absolutely nowhere near good, but I figured I'd put it here so that folk who know what they're doing can laugh at improve it.

$Ini = @ScriptDir & "\bigini.ini"
Dim $IniArray[0][2]

$KeyName = "Person"

$R = FileOpen($Ini, 0)
$IniStr = FileRead($R)

$Start = StringInStr($iniStr, "[" & $KeyName & "]")

    If $Start = 0 then
    Msgbox(16, "Error", "String not found")

$Stop = StringInStr($IniStr, @CRLF & "[", 0, 1, ($Start + 1))
    If $Stop = 0 then
    $Stop = StringLen($IniStr)

$String = StringMid($IniStr, $Start, ($Stop - $Start))
$Split = StringSplit($String, @CRLF, 1)
$KeyCount = 0
Dim $IniArray[65535][2]

    For $Loop = 1 to $Split[0]
    $Add = "Y"
    $Str = $Split[$Loop]
    $EQBreak = StringInStr($Str, "=")
        Case StringMid($Str, 1, 1) = ";"
        $Add = "N"
        Case $EQBreak = 0
        $Add = "N"
        Case Else
        $Add = "Y"
        If $Add = "Y" then
        $KeyCount = $KeyCount + 1
        $Key = StringMid($Str, 1, ($EQBreak - 1))
        $Val = StringMid($Str, ($EQBreak + 1))
        $IniArray[$KeyCount][0] = $Key
        $IniArray[$KeyCount][1] = $Val

Redim $IniArray[$KeyCount +1][2]

; Add the number of hits to 00 to match inireadsection
$IniArray[0][0] = $KeyCount


; Do stuff with the Array like you would inireadsection


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