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Hello all,

I've written the code below which launches chrome in incognito mode and then proceeds to go to the autoit website.

From my understanding, the Run() command is also supposed to output the PID number related to the application that got launched from the Run command.

However when I run the below lines, it outputs a PID number that is different from the newly launched chrome browser's PID number, does anyone know why and possibly explain how I could retrieve the accurate PID number associated with the newly launched browser?

Global $iPid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c start chrome.exe https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/ -incognito' ,"", "")

Thank you,



Thanks for the reply, but if I run chrome.exe directly, how would I be able to add Command Prompt attributes such as -incognito? There are a few other command prompt attributes I want to add besides that as well.

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