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Howdy, this is my first post, massive fan of autoit. 
I've searched and tried and I would just like people who are better at this than me to let me know if this is even a thing.

I'd like to perform just a variable. For example, it would be. *see inserted code*
So what i'm wanting is, create the constant $test, and that variable would be what is followed after the = . Then perform the _FileCreate. Then perform the variable.  Logically or in my head rather.. That variable is declared and is equal to what it is set to above, therefore just placing the variable plainly in the script, it should be equal to what it was declared as.  So what am I doing wrong, and or how can I have autoit just perform the variable.  


#include <File.au3>
Const $test = FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\Log.txt", @CRLF )

_FileCreate(@DesktopDir & "\Log.txt")




The variable stores what is assigned to it. If you assign a function to a variable it only stores the return value of that function.

For what you want to do it would be best to make your own function and call it using its name. If you really want to use a variable you could assign the name of the function to the variable and call it using the Call() function.
Here is an example:

#include <File.au3>

_FileCreate(@DesktopDir & "\Log.txt")
$test = "name_of_func"


Func name_of_func()
    FileWriteLine(@DesktopDir & "\Log.txt", @CRLF )

Now you can call the function as often as you want using Call($test).

Hope it helps!


That'll work, appreciate it very much!

Now I'm working on pauses. If you open the tray icon it'll pause the script universally (wherever the script is currently at in its run).  << Which is utterly amazing. Looking for a way to tap into that because it's exactly that, a universal pause/sleep that i'd like to bind to a hotkey.

Again, thank you!

Posted (edited)

Interesting task, maybe something like this would be what you're looking for?

Global $bPause = False
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_toggle_pause")

While 1
    ConsoleWrite("Not paused" & @CRLF)

Func _pause()
    While $bPause = True
        ConsoleWrite("Paused..." & @CRLF)

Func _toggle_pause()
    $bPause = Not $bPause


Edit: I should really learn to read the helpfiles before posting. There is already an example for a pause toggle in the HotKeySet() help:

; Press Esc to terminate script, Pause/Break to "pause"

Global $g_bPaused = False

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

While 1
    ConsoleWrite("Script is running..." & @CRLF)

Func TogglePause()
    $g_bPaused = Not $g_bPaused
    While $g_bPaused
        ConsoleWrite("Script is paused..." & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>TogglePause

Func Terminate()
EndFunc   ;==>Terminate


Edited by Floops

Let's apply it here.
A text file would be open, and the script would start by writing/sending the number 1, and then incrementing up by 1.

while the script is doing this, i'd like to be able to press a hotkey that would work not by sleeping, and then ultimately needing me to restart the function again, resulting in starting back at 1.

I'd like to be able to run the above script, and then pause it in place as if I had clicked on the traymenu pause.
so when i'd unpause it via tray menu, the script would continue right where it had left off as if nothing else had happened.

I have school and work tomorrow starting at 8am my time (currently 2:03AM). But i'll keep trying to come up with something or else i'll just sleep and try to code it in my head lol.

Posted (edited)

Keep In mind what i'm trying to make this for is something more complicated than sending numbers that can be stored as a var.

Ultimately I want to remote into the computer running the script, and be able to press a hotkey that globally pauses the script in its currently running line.   And be able to unpause it. Same as traymenu pause. And the script carries on as if it had never skipped a line.  I can't find a way to access the traymenu pause outside of actually using the menu.

Edited by Atoxis
HotKeySet ("{F1}", "Sleeper")
HotKeySet ("{F2}", "start")

Func start()
WinActivate("New Text Document - Notepad", "")

for $start = 0 to 100 Step +1

Func Sleeper()
While 1

Here I actually test it.
Open up a new note pad, and press F2.  The counter starts.
Pause it by pressing F1.

Test it by either pressing F2, resulting in counting at 0 again; or by pressing F1 to sleep, and pressing F2. The same resulted is achieved for both.

starting over.
Start the counter, then go and pause the script from the tray icon.
Wait 3 seconds for testing purposes.
now on the tray icon, unpause the script and quickly click in the text box field.
The counter resumes it's number as if it hadn't stopped.

This would be helpful to hotkey toggle that pause in the traymenu.

Posted (edited)
  On 10/17/2017 at 7:16 AM, TurionAltec said:

Calling a MsgBox will pause the script until it's closed.


That's neat, i'll play with that some and see if I can make that work.

I tested it, resulted in starting back at 0 in the counter.  This is starting to make my head hurt.
I just want to use something that's already built in lol.

I also know if I store the number 0 , in the line
for $start = 0 to 100 step +1  as a variable above the function, and in within the for/next, write a +1 to that variable, it would continue on.  But this still wouldn't work in my real scenario that I need.

So final thing is, does anyone know a way to access the global pause that is built into the traymenuPause. And write it as a hotkey.

Edited by Atoxis

Ultimately I don't think it can be done using Sleeps in script, because you're calling out of the function to another function. Unless there's a way to call to a sleep func, and then return back to the exact line where you were at in the script before you called to sleep.  I gave up around 3am. Maybe in future releases they'll let you tap into it.


Excuse me if I'm missing something here but isn't the code that I posted exactly doing what you are describing?

Once you press F1 it goes into the function Sleeper and stays there until you press F2, then the function Resume is called which allows Sleeper to return exactly where you were before you initially called Sleeper.

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