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Posted (edited)

Try to find a solution for help files to my autoit executable.
Its installed from simple XP-POS cash computers to desktop with windows 7, 8, 10.
The compiled AutoIt program itself work everywhere, but the help file??

I need a help file called from from the program and I don't really know what working best in all OS platforms.
1. A wordfile is helpful enough, but word is not installed everywhere.
2. RTF is very big files with pictures.
3. I could save it as pdf, but not all have it either.
4. Tried  .MHT file, but downside is browser could cover hole screen if browser closed this way. I have not found any way to resize it to specific size when open up.
5. Use of IE.au3 lib. Well it could open mht files ,but always got question about use it as default browser or not. Think this also make IE browser lose control so I could not resize.
6. Look at making a  .CHM file, but I don't think its the future do use that format. (.hlp is no no and old)

Any tips of do it in autoit or make a call to open up in some nice format working everywhere.

Edited by DagSa

.chm why not?


Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples



After some more research I found that MHT created from a word file also create a lot of garbage. That is the reason I cant resize. Test code below.

; Open_Helpfile.au3
#include <IE.au3>

;Local $oIE = _IECreate("www.autoitscript.com")
;Local $oIE = _IECreate("file:///c:/projects/etikettmakarn/autoit/install_activate.mht")
;Local $oIE = _IECreate("file:///c:/projects/etikettmakarn/autoit/Home - AutoIt.mht")
Local $oIE = _IECreate("file:///c:/projects/etikettmakarn/autoit/google.mht")
;If Not _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "statusbar") Then _IEPropertySet($oIE, "statusbar", True)
_IEPropertySet($oIE, "title","Etikettmakarn - Hjälp med Registrering")
_IEPropertySet($oIE, "menubar", 1)
_IEPropertySet($oIE, "statusbar", 1)
_IEPropertySet($oIE, "statustext", "Do you see this ????")
_IEPropertySet($oIE, "height", 500)
_IEPropertySet($oIE, "width", 700)

The only working mht file is the google page I created by firefox archive to mht plugin. Autoit homepage does also work as html. All other tested mht are to complicated and _IEPropeetySet don't work. I got this error message:

>Running:(\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\Projects\EtikettMakarn\AutoIT\Open_Helpfile.au3"    
--> Press Ctrl+Alt+Break to Restart or Ctrl+Break to Stop
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IELoadWait, $_IESTATUS_ClientDisconnected (-2147417848, Browser has been deleted prior to operation.)
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEPropertySet, $_IESTATUS_COMError (-2147417848)
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEPropertySet, $_IESTATUS_InvalidObjectType
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEPropertySet, $_IESTATUS_InvalidObjectType
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEPropertySet, $_IESTATUS_InvalidObjectType
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEPropertySet, $_IESTATUS_InvalidObjectType
--> IE.au3 T3.0-2 Error from function _IEPropertySet, $_IESTATUS_InvalidObjectType
+>15:47:39 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:0

So problem is now how to clean the MHT code so it fit.
Question about default browser is coming up, but its a smaller problem.


CHM is the solution.  Note that Windows will only allow you to run CHM local, so you must copy it over the LAN before you can open it locally.



Why is the snake in the sky?


I got win10 and the chm from autoit for example, works.


Renamer - Rename files and folders, remove portions of text from the filename etc.

GPO Tool - Export/Import Group policy settings.

MirrorDir - Synchronize/Backup/Mirror Folders

BeatsPlayer - Music player.

Params Tool - Right click an exe to see it's parameters or execute them.

String Trigger - Triggers pasting text or applications or internet links on specific strings.

Inconspicuous - Hide files in plain sight, not fully encrypted.

Regedit Control - Registry browsing history, quickly jump into any saved key.

Time4Shutdown - Write the time for shutdown in minutes.

Power Profiles Tool - Set a profile as active, delete, duplicate, export and import.

Finished Task Shutdown - Shuts down pc when specified window/Wndl/process closes.

NetworkSpeedShutdown - Shuts down pc if download speed goes under "X" Kb/s.

IUIAutomation - Topic with framework and examples


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