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Hello there,


When I compile script and use it out of the map where 
the source code is. So just moving main.exe to
other map, then source code is.
It breaks with error:
Error: Subscript used on non-accessible variable

So I wonder what kind of file do I need to 
include with .exe file? Or should I do something else?

Because people that are using needs only .exe file
just start it and use it, with out source code.



O I tested with compile script to exe (x64)
and I unchecked compile to x64

then I compile it

and if it is in that map where the code is 
it works perfect as much as I move it to other map
it breaks.

You ae saying got to source code and see what is going on.
How? It all works fine.

Only thing how to debug it would be to find out what kind of 
linecode at that .exe file is? But how to do that?
How to see exactly what line of code is not working at .exe file?


ok I figure it out it needs the .dll files in my case it was md5_hash.dll and md5_hash.bas file.
If I take these files to new map it works fine :)

  • Developers

What I am trying to tell yyou is to run the script with SciTE interactively as that will give you the exact information on this issue.
Are you using the Full Scite4AutoIt3 installation? 
Have you checked your script with au3check, which is automatically when you have this installed?

Anyway, try replicating the issue when running it from SciTE for better information.


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Ok I was just testing script on windows 10 and it gives me troubles.

Jos you said: "What I am trying to tell you is to run the script with SciTE interactively as that will give you the exact information on this issue."

So my question is:
can you see from .exe script some information, like debugging? can it be done with SciTE interactively?

Other question:
I was debugging with teamviewer with client on his windows 10 with only .exe file.
and it didn't work well!

So only thing I was able to do is to get v3 window info and check why it doesn't work!

So now the problem is, I have no idea, what program is doing!

Here is the solution that maybe could work:
To have another window that will open if I click to see debugging of my code.
then I can say, what exactly code is doing and then that print out in debugging window.

But is there some debugger from autoit like you said "SciTE interactively"
is SciTE what I need here? to can debug on .exe and see what the problem may be?

  • Developers

There is no Debugger as such, but one could always have a debug option by checking for a INI value or exe parameter and then do detailed logging to a LOG file. This is quite common practice for Compiled programs.

When you can replicate the issue locally, you could indeed do some interactive debugging by using the standard available:

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=                 ;(Y/N) Run Script with console debugging. Default=N

This will trigger detailed steps about the program steps taken in the SciTE Outputpane. It could be that this is way too much information. In that case you can add your own ConsoleWrite statements by going into the source and hitting Ctrl+D on the Var or Func you want to have debug information displayed in t he outputpane.

These lines can be easily commented/removed by using the available options under tools. 
This all is only available in the Full version of SciTE4AutoIt3!


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